Rant.li WriteFreely

Privacy Policy

Rant.li About Reader Log in Privacy Policy <p>Last updated December 21, 2022</p> <p>WriteFreely, the software that powers this site, is built to enforce your right to privacy by default.</p> <p>It retains as little data about you as possible, not even requiring an email address to sign up. However, if you <em>do</em> give us your email address, it is stored encrypted in our database. We salt and hash your account's password.</p> <p>We temporarily store log files, or data about what happens on the server. We also use cookies to keep you logged in to your account.</p> <p>Beyond this, it's important that you trust whoever runs <strong>Rant.li</strong>. Software can only do so much to protect you — your level of privacy protections will ultimately fall on whoever runs this particular service.</p> Rant.li about reader privacy <p>powered by writefreely</p>

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