
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy In a nutshell <p> <b>Olvid does not collect ANY personal data.</b> </p> <p>Olvid’s technology does not require any personal data to operate : no phone number, no email address, no name, no surname, no address, no birth date… Olvid will never request access to your contacts, your files or any other data that belongs to you. (NB: like any application, Olvid simply uses purely technical data, i.e. users' IP addresses, for its operation, without consulting, collecting or storing them).</p> <p> <b>When you launch Olvid for the first time</b>, you are asked to enter a first and last name. All identification elements you enter remain locally on your phone, they are never sent to our servers. These Identification elements will only be shared with Olvid users you decide to invite.</p> <p> <b>When you use Olvid</b>, we have no access to any information. Everything is end-to-end encrypted, data and metadata. In particular, it is impossible for us to see what is being exchanged or to know "who is talking to whom".</p> <p> <b>Location data</b>. When using location sharing in an Olvid discussion, the application asks for permission to access your device's location. If you choose to enable continuous location sharing, the app may ask to access the location of your device "all the time". In either cases, this location will never be shared with us and will only be sent to the contacts you enable sharing with in this discussion.</p> <p> <b>To delete your data</b>, simply uninstall the application. That's all. True freedom is also being able to leave whenever you want.</p> In detail <p>The Olvid company attaches great importance to the protection of privacy and data relating to its customers and prospects, but also to its employees, partners and service providers.</p> <p>Olvid thus ensures that it adopts and complies with the principles applicable to the protection of personal data within the framework of its activity.</p> <p>The purpose of this <strong>Privacy Policy</strong> (the “Policy”) is to clearly, simply and completely inform any user of this website, and in general any customer or prospect (“You”, “Your” and the “Site”) about the manner in which Olvid (“We”, “Our”), in its capacity as <strong>Data controller</strong>, collects and uses data concerning You and the means You have at Your disposal to control this use and exercise Your rights relating to it.</p> <p>In addition, specific mentions appear on each collection form in order to ensure that You are fully informed prior to any processing of Your data.</p> 1. Data controller <p>Olvid, SAS with share capital of 38,994.44 euros, APE code 6201Z, whose registered office is located at 26, rue Vignon, Paris 75009, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number B 850 667 171 and whose VAT number is FR07850667171.</p> 2. Purpose of the processing <p>The confidentiality of its Users’ data is Olvid’s priority. All data and metadata are encrypted. Olvid guarantees absolute confidentiality of exchanges and anonymity of users with respect to third parties.</p> <p> <strong>General mode of operation</strong>. Olvid’s technology does NOT request any personal data in order to operate: no phone number, email, last name, first name, address, date of birth… Olvid does not request access to your contacts, files or any other data that belongs to you.</p> <p>When you install Olvid you are not asked to create an account. The identification information you enter remains locally on your smartphone and is not transferred to the servers. They are transmitted to the users you decide to contact.</p> <p>When you use Olvid, we have access to no information. Absolutely everything is encrypted, data and metadata. In particular, it is impossible for us to know what is being exchanged or “who is talking to whom”.</p> <p>If you uninstall the application, no personal data whatsoever remains. It is as if you had never installed the app.</p> <p> <strong>Additional elements</strong>. Like any other application, Olvid simply uses purely technical data, i.e. users’ IP addresses, for its operation, without consulting, collecting or storing them.</p> <p>In its paid version, Olvid processes the data strictly necessary for the invoicing of batches of licenses.</p> 2.1. How Do We collect Your Data? <p>We collect information about You only:</p> <ul> <li> <p>when You purchase license packages (as a representative of the entity for which You work),</p> </li> <li> <p>when You contact Us or interact with Us by any other means (e-mail, telephone, social networks…),</p> </li> <li> <p>when You respond to one of Our satisfaction surveys,</p> </li> <li> <p>when You subscribe to Our marketing communications.</p> </li> </ul> 2.2. Why Do We Collect Your Data? <p>Olvid only collects data that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.</p> <p>The legal basis on which we collect data is the performance of the contract that binds Us with You when You use Our services or with Your consent.</p> <p>These purposes are specific and legitimate and, under no circumstances will Your data be further processed in a manner incompatible with these purposes, except with Your prior consent.</p> <p>Thus, We are likely to use Your data, as the case may be, for:</p> <ul> <li> <p>invoice the user licenses,</p> </li> <li> <p>respond to Your contact requests,</p> </li> <li> <p>manage possible complaints.</p> </li> </ul> 2.3 What data do we collect? <p>By <strong>Personal Data</strong>, we mean any information allowing us to identify you, directly or indirectly by reference, as the case may be: (i) to an identification number. (ii) to one or more elements specific to you. (iii) or by cross-referencing information. We distinguish between personal data of users and purely technical data on access to the service (IP addresses) and billing.</p> <p> <strong>For the direct sale of license packages:</strong> </p> <p>As part of the sale of license packages, the information that We may collect and process is as follows:</p> <ul> <li> <strong>Your first and last names</strong>*</li> <li> <strong>Your company’s name</strong>*</li> <li> <strong>Your contact information (phone and postal address)</strong>*</li> <li> <strong>Your email</strong>*</li> <li> <strong>Your bank and financial data</strong>* to proceed to the billing</li> <li> <strong>Your contact history</strong> with Us to provide you with assistance</li> <li> <strong>The IP address</strong> for the use of the application. We remind you that, like any application, Olvid uses for its operation the IP addresses of the users, without ever consulting, collecting or keeping them.</li> </ul> <p>The <strong>mandatory fields</strong> are those indicated as such by the <strong>symbol (*)</strong>. If You do not fill in these fields, We will unfortunately not be able to access your request. The other data are optional, i.e. You are free to fill them in, or not, without any particular obligation or inconvenience to You.</p> 3. Sharing Your Data <p>With whom do We share Your data? The only people authorized to access Your data are the Olvid team members.</p> <p>Our service providers may also receive personal data that is strictly necessary for the performance of the services entrusted to them and in particular those We call upon to perform the services. We use AWS servers, specifying again that servers do not play any role in security, only IP addresses can be visible by the provider.</p> <p>We are also likely to communicate Your data in order to respond to legal or regulatory requests, court decisions, subpoenas or legal proceedings, if compliance with the regulations in force requires it, as well as in the event that Olvid transfers all or part of its assets to a third party company.</p> 4. Retention period <p>How long is your data kept? Your billing data will be kept by Olvid for the period of time that you use Our services, and deleted no later than three years from the last contact, unless anonymized or legally required by law to keep certain data for a longer period of time.</p> <p>We would like to remind you that purely technical data, i.e. IP addresses, are not stored.</p> 5. Security conditions <p>The protection of Your privacy and Your data is a priority. Within Olvid, We take adequate security measures, in particular technical and organizational measures, to protect Your data against accidental loss, destruction, misuse, damage and unauthorized or illegal access.</p> <p>All personal data is confidential and access to it is therefore limited to Olvid employees.</p> <p>All persons having access to Your data are bound by a duty of confidentiality and are subject to disciplinary measures and/or other sanctions if they fail to comply with these obligations.</p> <p>Transactions with a third party recipient are subject to a contract in order to assure You of the protection of Your personal data and the respect of Your rights.</p> 6. Exercising Your Rights <p>What are Your rights and how to exercise them? You have, within the limits provided by the regulations in force, several rights regarding the processing of Your data:</p> <ul> <li> <p>The right to be informed about the use of Your personal information.</p> </li> <li> <p>The right to access the personal information that We have about You.</p> </li> <li> <p>The right to request the correction of erroneous personal information that We have about You.</p> </li> <li> <p>The right to request that We delete Your data, or that We stop processing or collecting it, in certain circumstances.</p> </li> <li> <p>The right to withdraw your consent to receive news from Us and to object to the processing of Your data (in particular regarding Us sending You direct marketing messages).</p> </li> <li> <p>The right to request that We provide You with Your data or transfer it to another service provider (“portability” right),</p> </li> <li> <p>The right to set guidelines regarding your Personal Data after your death. and</p> </li> <li> <p>The right to complain to the national authority in charge of the protection of personal data. In France, this is the CNIL, Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, whose site can be accessed here).</p> </li> </ul> <p>For any question and/or to exercise Your rights, You may contact Olvid, by electronic or postal mail, by sending a letter accompanied by a copy of any relevant identity document to the following address:</p> <p>contact@olvid.io, or</p> <p>Olvid - 26, rue Vignon, Paris 75009.</p> <p>To stop receiving marketing messages from Olvid, You can also click on the unsubscribe link in each of Our messages.</p> <p>Olvid will respond to You as soon as possible, and in any event, within one month of receipt of Your request.</p> <p>If necessary, this deadline may be extended by two months, given the complexity and number of requests addressed to Olvid. In such case, You will be informed of this extension and the reasons for the postponement.</p> <p>If Your request is submitted in electronic form, the information will also be provided to You electronically whenever possible, unless You expressly request otherwise.</p> <p>If Olvid does not comply with Your request, it will inform You of the reasons for its inaction and You have the possibility to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and/or to file a judicial appeal.</p> 7. Following on our social networks <p>You can join our Linkedin or Twitter accounts from our Site and, through them, follow Our news. The only data that We may collect is anonymous and processed for purely statistical purposes (for example, to track the number of subscribers to our account).</p> <p>We are, however, not responsible for the processing that may be made of Your data by these social networks. For more information on this subject, as well as to know Your rights in this respect and to set the options to protect Your privacy, We invite You to consult the privacy policy of the concerned social networks.</p> <ul> <li> <p>LinkedIn Privacy Policy: available here</p> </li> <li> <p>Twitter Privacy Policy: accessible here</p> </li> </ul> 8. Applicable law and litigation <p>As Olvid is established on French territory, our company is subject to the <strong>Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended relating to information technology, files and freedoms</strong> and, more broadly, to the <strong>General Regulation 2016/679</strong> of April 27, 2016 relating to data protection (“GDPR”).</p> <p>In the event of a dispute and in the event that a settlement could not be reached, the competent court will be the one determined according to the applicable rules of procedure.</p> 9. Terms and Conditions Updates <p>Please be aware that We may change this Policy from time to time. Whenever these changes seem important to Us, We will keep You informed and ask for Your consent if necessary.</p>

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