
Privacy Policy

Clyp Privacy Policy Information we collect and what we do with it <p> Clyp automatically collects some information associated with the page requests sent to our site: time of request, IP address, operating system, browser type, and incoming and outgoing links. We also log some of the metadata associated with the audio files you upload. When this automatically collected data is saved to our system, it is not immediately associated with any identifiable person. However, there are a few situations where this data could be associated with you: (1) In the event that you choose to give us personal information about yourself by using Facebook Connect, the automatically collected data could be associated with you. (2) In the event that we are required to disclose our server logs due to a legal process, it is possible that a third party could match our automatically collected information with you by using information other than what is located on our servers. </p> <p> We use cookies and other anonymous tracking information to improve our server’s interaction with your computer. We do not associate any personally identifiable information with these cookies. </p> <p> We collect the personal data about you that you voluntarily give us via Facebook Connect, such as name, email address, and profile information. We consider all such personal data to be subject to the “Protection of your personal data” paragraph below, with the following exception: Any audio you post to a public forum, linked from our site, linked to our site, or share via any social network, will not be considered “personal data” and will not be subject to the “Protection of your personal data” paragraph below. </p> Protection of your personal data <p> Clyp does not share the private data you give us. The exception to this is if we are forced to disclose the information as a result of a legal process. We understand that your private data is important, and we do the best we can to protect this data from abuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. You are responsible for taking all necessary precautions to protect any unauthorized person from accessing your Clyp account. We may occasionally revise our privacy policy without explicit notice. </p> <p> If you have any questions, please contact support. </p>

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