

Privacy What we do <p>The Webiste itself only sets the <i>CookieMsgRead</i> cookie wich disables the cookie message.</p> <p>We don't track you or process any personal data, but the services we use may.</p> <p>Images you upload will be processed and viewed by us. The whole file including all metadata may be served to other end users if the file is approved.</p> <p>This service is provided as is. While we try to stay as safe and secure as possible, we do not take any responsability for any damages or issues that may occur from using this service.</p> <br> Services Used Cloudflare <p>Cloudflare sets multiple cookies wich we can't disable. To get rid of them disable cookies for this website.</p> <ul> <li>Understanding the Cloudflare Cookies</li> <li>Cloudflare Privacy Policy (The "End Users" part is most important.)</li> <li>Cloudflare's commitment to GDPR compliance</li> </ul> bplaced <ul> <li>Privacy Statement</li> </ul>

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