<br> <br>Home<br> <br>Audio Apps <br>Audio Pro <br>Support <br>Licensing <br>WebShop <br> <br> PRIVACY POLICY<br> <br> This section below is part of our general VB-AUDIO TERMS OF USE provided on our webshop:<br> https://shop.vb-audio.com/en/content/3-Terms-of-use<br> <br> <br> <b>ARTICLE 4 - COMPUTING AND FREEDOM:</b> <br> <br> <b>4.1 - Data controller for personal data:</b> <br> <br> MONSIEUR <b>VINCENT BUREL</b>- BP5, 24240, Sigoules (France)<br> <br> <br> <b>4.2 - Basis and purpose of processing of personal data:</b> <br> <br> The purpose of the processing of personal data undertaken by the SITE is:<br> <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;- Account management (for the webshop site only),<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;- Billing and management of licences (for the webshop site only),<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;- Satisfactory operation and security of the SITE,<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;- production of SITE viewing statistics.<br> <br> The legal basis of the processing of personal data which we undertake is contractual and is therefore dependent on your consent.<br> <br> <br> <b>4.3 - The collected data:</b> <br> <br> The data which we collect and process is that data which you provide by completing the fields of the site's forms, together with data which you provide when an order is passed.<br> We also collect the following login data automatically when you browse the site: (IP addresses, dates and times of queries made on our server, types and versions of browsers used, types and versions of plug-ins and operating systems).<br> <br> Finally, we use cookies to improve your experience on our website, and for statistical purposes. The Google Analytics cookie automatically collects your IP address in order to identify your city/country, and the pages viewed on this site. Your IP address is anonymised by Google when the location has been identified, and it is sent to us by Google. Data relating to the cookie is kept for 14 months by the company Google Inc. For more information on the Google Analytics service's compliance with the GDPR you can view the dedicated page. You can refuse or delete cookies by configuring your Internet browser accordingly. We invite you to refer to the help section of your browser.<br> <br> <br> <b>4.4 - Recipient of the personal data:</b> <br> <br> The collected data is accessible to our sales department, our accounts department and our IT department. Some of this data is also accessible to our subcontractors i.e.: Paypal or Payzen in its capacity of OPERATORS for payment of the orders and OVH which is responsible for hosting our VB-AUDIO web site.<br> <br> <br> <b>4.5 - Period for which the personal data is kept:</b> <br> <br> The personal data is kept for 5 years from the last login to an account, or 5 years after expiry of a licence.<br> <br> <br> <b>4.6 - Transfer outside the European Union</b> <br> <br> Personal data is not transmitted outside the European Union.<br> <br> <br> <b>4.7 - Your rights:</b> <br> <br> Pursuant to article 77 of the regulation known as the "GDPR" (Regulation no. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016), it should be noted that without prejudice for all other administrative or judicial action, you have the right to lodge a complaint with of CNIL (www.cnil.fr), if you consider that the above-mentioned processing of the personal data constitutes a breach of the applicable legislation in respect of personal data.<br> <br> It should also be noted that you also have the right, under certain conditions, to a ask to view your personal data, to rectify or delete it (or limit processing of it), to object to processing, or to withdraw your consent. You also have a right, under certain conditions, to data portability, and to define how your data is to be used after your death.<br> <br> For all requests relating to processing of personal data undertaken you can send a request by letter to the contact e-mail of this website (on bottom of this page). A proof of identity which has been certified as accurate may be requested.<br> <br> <br> <b>4.8 - Data security:</b> <br> <br> The data controller has established technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the processed personal data. If a breach of security of the personal data is identified it shall notify the persons concerned thereof by email.<br> <br> <br> <br> <b>ARTICLE 5 - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ON THE SITE. MISCELLANEOUS:</b> <br> <br> All content accessible through the SITE is protected by the provisions of the intellectual property code, and international treaties relating to copyright. All rights are reserved by VB AUDIO.<br> <br> VB AUDIO is a trademark registered with INPI (no. 4330362). All rights are also reserved by VB AUDIO.<br> <br> Photographs and images on the SITE are non-contractual.<br> <br> <br> <br> <b>ARTICLE 6 - LEGAL NOTICE:</b> <br> <br> VINCENT BUREL - BP5, 24240, Sigoules (France)<br> trading under the commercial name "VB AUDIO"<br> <br> SIRET : 423 734 177 00045<br> VAT: FR83423734177<br> <br> Director of publication: Vincent BUREL<br> <br> Hosting : OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France<br> <br> <br> <br> <b>ARTICLE 7 - ATTRIBUTION OF JURISDICTION - APPLICABLE LAW - MEDIATION</b> <br> <br> The present general terms are subject to French law (FR).<br> The Courts with jurisdiction are those of the city of Paris (FR-75), notwithstanding multiple defendants or impleader.<br> Pursuant to article L. 152-1 of the Consumer Code, you can use, free of charge, the MEDICYS mediation service, by which we are covered, by electronic means: Medicys<br> <br> or by postal means: MEDICYS, 73 Boulevard de Clichy, 75009 PARIS.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <b>Contact Us!</b> <br> <br> <b>Social Network:</b> <br> VB-Audio On Facebook<br> VB-Audio On Instagram<br> VB-Audio On Twitter<br> VB-Audio On Youtube<br> <br> <br> <br> <b>Audio Apps:</b> <br> VB-Cable<br> Hi-Fi Cable &amp. ASIO Bridge<br> Voicemeeter<br> Voicemeeter Banana<br> Voicemeeter Potato<br> VBAN Protocol &amp. Tools<br> <br> About Donationware model...<br> About Licensing / Distribution...<br> <br> <br> <br> <b>Community:</b> <br> General Support<br> Discussion Forum<br> <br> <br> <b>Freeware:</b> <br> LF-Generator<br> TimeCalc<br> FFX-4<br> <br> <br> <br> <b>Audio Pro:</b> <br> MT32-Splite<br> MT64-Standard<br> MT128-Pro<br> MT128-Integration<br> WWW.MT128.COM<br> <br> <br> VB-Audio WebShop<br> <br> <br> <br> <i>Copyright V.Burel ©1998-2022. All rights reserved. All technical specifications and any informations of the products specified on this web site may be subject to change without notice.</i> <br> <br> <br> By continuing browsing, you accept cookies we use to enhance your site experience and for analytics purposes.OKMore information

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