

Typical Guru Wirecutter Reviews &gt. PrivacyPrivacy<p>Typical Guru, Inc., (“Typical Guru”) has created this Privacy Notice to demonstrate our commitment to your privacy and to advise you of our standard policies regarding company data and business. ALL CURRENT CUSTOMERS, POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS, BUSINESS PARTNERS, AND OTHER WEBSITE VISITORS (COLLECTIVELY, “USERS”) AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS AND POLICIES STATED HEREIN. ALSO, ALL USERS ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY UNDERSTAND THE POLICIES STATED HEREIN AND CONSENT TO SUCH POLICIES. FURTHER, ALL VISITORS, USERS AND CUSTOMERS WARRANT THAT ANY DATA RETRIEVED BY THE USERS THROUGH USE OF THIS WEBSITE WILL NOT BE USED FOR MARKETING PURPOSES WITHOUT THE EXPRESS CONSENT OF Typical Guru.</p> <p>We gather some information from our Users, and we want to explain our use and dissemination practices. We further intend to explain the responsibilities of all Users of this Website. The privacy of our Users is very important to us. The terms of this Privacy Notice apply to the information collected through your use of the Website and to Typical Guru’s collection of information through offline contacts you may have with Typical Guru.</p> <p>Although, we reserve the right to change this Privacy Notice at any time, we will always provide notification of any change to this Privacy Notice by posting the notification at this web page. If changes are significant, we will also notify you of such changes via the personal information you have provided. Changes to this notice will apply to the information collected after the date on which the changes are posted at this web page. Each version of this notice will be identified at the top of this web page by its effective date, and we will keep prior versions of this notice in an archive for your review upon request.</p> <p>Please be advised that we post this Privacy Notice to aid in your understanding of our business. By interacting with our Website, and/or by providing us information either electronically, in print, over the telephone, or in person, all Users consent to the terms of this Privacy Notice.</p> <p>Personal Information</p> <p>In general, Website visitors may browse through our Website without providing us any Personal Information (defined below) about them (though they will provide non-identifying information, as discussed below). However, we may request Personal Information on occasion in order to provide Users with specific products, services, or information that the Users have requested. “Personal Information” is information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person that identifies that person, and it may include information such as your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, fax number, credit card or other financial information, and other identifying information.</p> <p>We collect and store Personal Information you enter on this Website or otherwise provide to us in offline contacts that we have with you. You are never under any obligation to provide Personal Information. If you choose not to provide Personal Information, however, you may not be able to enjoy certain aspects of the Website or our services and products. When you do provide us Personal Information, you are authorizing us to use that information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Notice.</p> <p>Typical Guru will use Personal Information you supply for the express purpose stated when it is requested (e.g., to send you account information or information you request or to sign in to a certain aspect of the Website). Typical Guru may use the collected information to contact customers to discuss a customer’s potential additional interest in Typical Guru, its products and services, and its promotions and events. We may also use information we collect about you to provide you with a personalized experience on our Websites, such as providing you with content in which you may be interested and making navigation on our Website easier.</p> <p>Typical Guru occasionally may share collected Personal Information with our business partners. Viewpoint’s business partners may include (i) companies that sell products or services that complement or integrate with Typical Guru’s products and services, and (ii) credit card companies and other types of lenders or financial institutions. Typical Guru’s business partners may use your Personal Information to contact you to market Viewpoint products and services and/or the business partners’ products and services. At any time, you can contact Viewpoint or the business partner and ask that you no longer be contacted for such marketing purposes. To opt-out of receiving any communication from Viewpoint, see the “Opt-out Procedure” below. If you would like opt-out of receiving communications from our business partners, the quickest way to discontinue receipt of such communications is to contact the business partners directly.</p> <p>Anonymous Information and Cookies</p> <p>With the intent of benefiting all Users that enter our Website, we may also track and analyze nonidentifying and aggregate usage and volume statistical information from our Website Users. For example, our web servers may automatically collect and store the name of the domain and host from you which you access the Internet and the Internet protocol address of your computer. Additionally, we may collect information about the browser software you use. the type of operating system your computer uses. the date and time you access the Website. the website you visited just prior to visiting our Website. and a list of which Website pages you visit, the amount of time you spend on each page, and the order in which you view the pages. We use this information to improve the performance of the Website and make it more compatible with the technology used by our Website Users.</p> <p>Another way that we help to make your experience using our Website constructive and easy is through the use of various technologies, including one called “cookies”. A cookie is a piece of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your computer as a tag that identifies your computer to give it a sort of anonymous user ID that resides in your computer. Cookies do not identify you personally. While cookies are often only used to measure Website usage and effectiveness and to allow for ease of navigation or use and as such, are not associated with any Personal Information, they are also used at times to personalize a User’s experience at our Website by being associated with profile information or user preferences. The cookie may store Website statistics, user preferences, information about your browser, and other identifying information. You can set your browser in most instances to notify you before you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it or not. You can also generally set your browser preferences so that your computer cannot accept cookies. Certain Website pages and features (including any feature that requires you to sign in before using it) will not function properly if you choose to disable the acceptance of cookies.</p> <p>Use and Disclosure of both Personal Information and Anonymous Information</p> <p>We may use information you provide, including Personal Information and anonymous information we collect through your use of the Website, to help diagnose problems with the Website. We may also use the information to analyze statistical use patterns and demographic data, including where our Website visitors come from and what demographic characteristics they have, and to improve the Website to better serve our Users.</p> <p>At times, we may retain third parties to analyze the information to help us improve our services and the Website by, for example, learning details regarding the number of Users of our Website and what pages of the Website Users frequent most. These third parties are not authorized to use your information any other way and are required to keep the information confidential.</p> <p>Viewpoint reserves the right to and will release your Personal Information or anonymous information, without your consent and without notice to you, if required to do so by law, or by search warrant, subpoena, or court order. when Viewpoint believes disclosure is necessary to protect, establish, or exercise Viewpoint’s legal rights or defend against legal claims. when Viewpoint believes disclosure is necessary to protect our other Users or our employees, property, or business. to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving threats or potential threats to the safety of any person, or violations of the Viewpoint Terms of Use, including this Privacy Notice. or to otherwise comply with the law, a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on Viewpoint.</p> <p>We may transfer your Personal Information and anonymous information if Viewpoint is acquired by or merged with another company. Viewpoint will notify you before your Personal Information and anonymous information is transferred as a result of such an acquisition or merger and becomes subject to a different privacy notice by posting such notice on the Website.</p> <p>Opt-out Procedure</p> <p>You may, at any time, choose not to receive marketing materials or other communications from us by following the unsubscribe instructions included in each e-mail you may receive, by indicating so when we call you, or by calling or e-mailing us at the contact information below. At any time, you can also review or change your Personal Information or have Viewpoint remove your account from our database by calling or e-mailing us at the contact information below. Please note that if you request that you no longer receive communications from Viewpoint, you may receive an automatic e-mail from Viewpoint resulting from your request. If you request that your account be deleted from our database or if you request that your Personal Information be changed, we may maintain your existing Personal Information and information about your activities and transactions on and through the Website for the purpose of recordkeeping and servicing, and to comply with our retention policy described below.</p> <p>You may at any time choose not to receive marketing materials, phone calls, e-mails, or other contact from a business partner by contacting the business partner directly.</p> <p>Information Security and Accuracy</p> <p>We intend to protect your Personal Information and to maintain its accuracy. Viewpoint implements commercially-reasonable physical, administrative and technical safeguards to help us protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure.</p> <p>Retention and Storage</p> <p>We may retain your Personal Information in our databases in accordance with any existing document retention policies and applicable laws. This period may extend beyond the end of your relationship with us, but it will be only as long as it is necessary for us to have sufficient information to prevent fraudulent activity, protect ourselves against liability, permit us to pursue available remedies, or limit any damages that we may sustain. Also, we may retain your Personal Information beyond the end of your relationship with us if we believe in good faith that a law, regulation, rule, or guideline requires it.</p> <p>Third-Party Sites</p> <p>This Privacy Notice applies only to information collected by Viewpoint through the Website or otherwise. The Website may contain links to other websites for which Viewpoint is not responsible and has no control. Users are advised to read the privacy policies of all websites they visit, including websites you visit by clicking on a link in this Website.</p> <p>Use of Information in the Social Computing Environment</p> <p>Viewpoint provides social computing tools on some areas of its Website to enable online sharing and collaboration among members who have registered to use them. These may include forums, wikis, blogs and other social media platforms.</p> <p>When registering to use these tools, you will be asked to provide certain Personal Information. Registration information that is not automatically made available to other participants as part of your profile will be subject to and protected in accordance with this Privacy Notice.</p> <p>Any other content you post, such as pictures, information, opinions, or any other type of information that you make available to other participants on these social platforms, is not subject to this Privacy Notice. Rather, such content is subject to the provisions of our Website Terms of Use, and any additional guidelines provided in relation to the use of the social media platforms. Please refer to them to better understand your, Viewpoint’s and other parties’ rights and obligations with regard to such content. You should be aware that the content you post on any such social computing platforms may be made broadly available to others inside and outside Viewpoint.</p> <p>Legal Disclaimer</p> <p>We cannot guarantee that your Personal Information will never be compromised. No transmission of data over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Further, while we employ reasonable measures to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee or warrant that unauthorized third parties will not defeat those measures or use non-public Personal Information for improper purposes. Nevertheless, we value your business and have adopted this Privacy Notice and undertaken commercially-reasonable security measures as an endeavor to respect your privacy and to keep your Personal Information confidential.</p> <p>Severability</p> <p>The provisions of this Privacy Notice are independent of each other, and the invalidity or unenforceability of any term, clause, or provision of this Privacy Notice shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other term, clause, or provision, and such invalid or unenforceable term, clause, or provision shall be deemed to be removed from this Privacy Notice.</p> <p>Contact Us</p> <p>Contact Viewpoint through any of the means listed below if you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Notice or the use of your information, or to report any violations of this Privacy Notice.</p> <p>Address:<br> 1515 SE Water Avenue, Suite 300<br> Portland, Oregon 97214, U.S.A.</p>

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