Child Research Net

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Privacy Policy Child Research Net (CRN) is operated with the support of BERD (Benesse Educational Research and Development Institute). CRN observes Benesse's Privacy Policy regarding all personal information provided or made available by visitors to this website. <i> </i> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Latest Posts</p> <ul> <li>Resilience Study Session Report: How to enhance children's resilience, essential for their well-being</li> <li>[Snuggling Up to Our Differences] Episode3: Making Use of Technology Rather than Relying on Teacher's Strength and Stamina</li> <li>[Japan] <em>Uketomeru</em> (all-embracing) approach beyond the <em>mimamoru</em> (watch and wait) approach: ECEC practices at the Akita University-affiliated kindergarten - Part 3</li> <li>[Japan] <em>Uketomeru</em> (all-embracing) approach beyond the <em>mimamoru</em> (watch and wait) approach: ECEC practices at the Akita University-affiliated kindergarten - Part 2</li> <li>[Japan] <em>Uketomeru</em> (all-embracing) approach beyond the <em>mimamoru</em> (watch and wait) approach: ECEC practices at the Akita University-affiliated kindergarten - Part 1</li> <li>[Japan] The Activity of Reading Picture Books Together in ECEC Settings That Creates Interpersonal Interactions</li> <li>Something's (Very) Strange! Inclusive Education in Japan (12) What was the True Intention behind Schools Requiring Parental Consent Only for Parents of Special Needs Children?</li> <li>[Snuggling Up to Our Differences] Episode2: Redefining Learning Based on the Premise "People are Born to Be Happy"</li> <li>Something's (Very) Strange! Inclusive Education in Japan (11) A Groan for MEXT Minister's Response </li> <li>Director's Blog for the New Year</li> </ul>

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