Refund Policy

Refund Policy <p>It's very simple...if you are not happy with any of your purchases here at can request a full refund within the following timelines:</p> <ul> <li>VIP memberships: within 30 days of purchase</li> <li>ebook submission: within 5 days of purchase</li> <li>ebook highlighted listing: within 5 days of purchase</li> <li>ebook homepage feature: anytime prior to 48hours of the commencement date of your homepage feature</li> <li>ebook newsletter inclusion: anytime prior to 48hours of the upcoming weekly newsletter (sent each Tuesdays)</li> <p>USB Flash Drives (e-GO! Library):</p> <li>If you cancel your order before it is shipped, which is usually within 2 business days, we should be able to grant you a full refund right then. </li> <li>If your order has already been shipped, you will need to send it back to us at your own expense. When we receive the returned order, we will then issue you a full refund of your original purchase.</li> </ul> <p>To request a refund please contact us as within the timeframes provided above. Please add your Transaction #, found in the email receipt either Google Checkout or PayPal would have provided you in order for us to promptly issue your refund.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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