
Privacy Policy

<p>Work</p> <p>Blog</p> <p>Status</p>Privacy Policy<p>Last updated: November 12, 2022</p> <p>This document shows what data we collect and how it’s used.</p> <p>This document shows what data we collect and how it’s used. This document applies to all services hosted on bcow.xyz and their subdomains.</p>Summary<p>Minimal to no information is collected by us during your use of our services. Any information collected is never shared.</p>Data collected<p>Most services do not collect any data. Any services that are not listed do not collect data. Any other information submitted to the service is only used for the purposes of fulfilling your request and is not stored.</p>Logging<p>We do not log unless otherwise stated but still encourage the use of Tor or a VPN if your threat model requires it. We may temporarily enable logging for diagnostics, these logs will only be kept as long as required and then destroyed.</p>This site<p>This site is on Codeberg Pages which keeps logs for 7 days, we do not have access to these. For more info, see Codeberg's privacy policy. To access this site privately, use Tor Browser or through IPFS on a local IPFS gateway by going to ipns://bcow.xyz on Brave or any browser with IPFS Companion.</p>Third-party services<p>While we don't collect any data, the services we use may collect data. You can find their privacy policies below.</p> <ul> <li>Codeberg (this site)</li> <li>Fly.io</li> <li>Instatus (status page)</li> </ul> <p>Terms</p> <p>Privacy</p> <p>Contact</p>

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