MSX Resource Center

Terms and conditions

<p> <b>Introduction</b> </p> <p> Welcome to the MSX Resource Center website! The MSX Resource Center website is your one-stop MSX source of MSX news, information and discussions on the web. We hope you will enjoy our services, but do ask you to take the following into account when using our site. Upon using our site, you declare to have read the following carefully, and to agree with its contents. Use of our site is subject to our policies and this agreement between you (the User or Member) and the MSX Resource Center Foundation (MRC).</p> <p> These policies and the present agreement apply to all websites in the domain, such as <b> </b> <b></b>, <b></b>, etcetera. This agreement also covers any future domains and/or services unless stated otherwise.</p> <p> These policies were not made to limit you in any way, nor to detract from the fun and enjoyment we hope you will have when using our site. They are merely made to protect the MRC and its users from people that may have less than honorable intentions.</p> <p> <b>Acceptance</b> </p> <p> Upon using our site, you declare to have read the following carefully and to have agreed with its contents. You also declare to periodically check the policies for changes. Minors, under the age of 18, are not our target group, and our site may therefore contain material that is not adequate for underage viewers. This material may include, but is not limited to, harsh language, sexually explicit terms, graphic material with full or partial nudity, animated violence and other types of potentially objectionable material. We suggest parents use their judgement to supervise the use of this site or disallow it altogether.</p> <p> <b>Services</b> </p> <p> The MRC website is made and maintained by a group of dedicated volunteers as a free service to people of the MSX community. Members of the MRC staff are not professionally trained, and do not receive financial compensation for their efforts. This means that a website such as the MRC website may be more prone to errors and/or incorrect/inappropriate content than websites maintained by professionals. Apart from human error, the MRC website may also suffer from technical difficulties, which may or may not affect the accessibility of the site. While the MRC considers all the content stored on its site as particularly valuable, technical difficulties can corrupt and/or erase this data. While efforts are made to prevent such a loss, MRC cannot, in any event, be held responsible for the loss of content. The services provided by MRC are provided AS IS, and may be temporarily or permanently suspended at any time without prior notice.</p> <p> <b>1 - General Rulings</b> </p> <p> <b>1.1</b> MRC is a free service provided by the MRC Foundation. Anyone may use the services provided by the MRC website, unless access or usage has been denied by the MRC. When using the MRC website and/or downloading files of its server by any means, you are bound to this agreement and these policies and agree to act accordingly.</p> <p> <b>1.2</b> By becoming a member of the MRC, by means of opening a user account, you gain access to members-only facilities such as our forums. Anyone may become a member of the MRC, unless access or usage has been denied by the MRC. Membership is free. It is not required to donate to become a member, nor will donating members enjoy other facilities/treatment than non-donating members.</p> <p> <b>1.3</b> The MRC Foundation preserves the right to deny usage of the MRC and/or restrict access to the MRC website without prior notice and/or justification. Members of the MRC may cancel their membership at any time, by contacting the MRC Foundation using the email address <b></b>. Although an account may be cancelled, no content submitted using that account will be removed from the MRC as stated in 2.1.</p> <p> <b>1.4</b> By disagreeing with this agreement/these policies you agree to cease using the MRC and its services immediately. This policy will stay in effect, even if you disagree with the terms of the agreement. Disagreeing with the agreement/these policies does not grant you any rights to violate the rulings of these policies.</p> <p> <b>2 - Submitted Content</b> </p> <p> <b>2.1</b> Content submitted to the MRC remains copyright of the author/copyright owner. Any user submitting content to the MRC to which they do not have the copyrights must have approval of the copyright owner at the time the content is submitted. Once content has been submitted to the MRC, the author/copyright owner agree to irrevocably allow the MRC to have this content displayed online and/or available for download. This ruling is solely meant to protect the archival value of the MRC, and to prevent disruption of the integrity of the content of the MRC.</p> <p> <b>2.2</b> A User is responsible for any content submitted through his or her account. A User is fully responsible for any damages caused by his or her own actions. In case of fraud by the submitting user, the MRC cannot be held responsible in any event.</p> <p> <b>2.3</b> It is not allowed to submit any content that is of illegal nature, or endorses illegal activity.</p> <p> <b>2.4</b> MRC preserves the right not to publish submitted content or to alter the distribution package of the submitted content, before or after publication, without prior consent.</p> <p> <b>3 - Copyrights</b> </p> <p> <b>3.1</b> All rights reserved. Any Content not covered by 3.2, be it images, news, articles, layout, structure, etcetera, is copyright (c) by the MSX Resource Center Foundation, unless stated otherwise, and meant for exclusive use on the MRC. It is prohibited to re-use, copy, sell, or reproduce in any form whatsoever the content as described. Partial copying of news is allowed only if MRC is mentioned as source, and only when the complete URL, <b> </b> <b></b>, to the MRC is published with it.</p> <p> <b>3.2</b> MRC does not claim any copyrights to user submitted content. In accordance with 2.1 however, MRC may publish submitted content, without limitation, at its own discretion, in any form available.</p> <p> <b>4 - Forum Use</b> </p> <p> <b>4.1</b> When using the forums of the MRC website, the member agrees to abide by the following policies. Failure to do so may result in the removal of posted messages and/or denial of access/use of the MRC services. MRC may moderate their forums at their own discretion, as the staff members of the MRC see fit. MRC cannot be held responsible for the posted content by other members.</p> <p> <b>4.2</b> Members using the forums on the MRC website must agree to abide by the following rules:</p> <ul> <li>The posting of offensive content is not allowed</li> <li>The posting of illegal content is not allowed</li> <li>The posting of copyrighted content is not allowed</li> <li>The posting of links to the above is not allowed</li> <li>The soliciting of the above is not allowed</li> </ul> <p> <b>4.3</b> Submissions to the forums will not be considered by the MRC as copyrighted material. When posting on our forums you declare to agree with this. You may quote from copyrighted material as far as the 'fair use' clause of the copyrighted material allows this, but only when clearly indicating the copyright information of the original author/copyright owner.</p> <p> <b>4.4</b> Although MRC staff have some tolerance for 'heated discussions', you agree to keep 'flaming' to a minimum. Refrain from using strong words, and remember you are dealing with real people with real feelings. Remarks deemed as particularly offensive may be moderated by MRC staff at their discretion.</p> <p> <b>4.5</b> Content submitted to the MRC forums becomes part of the MRC archive of content as described in 2.1 and will form part of the MRC as a whole. Once submitted, you understand that the content you have posted will remain on the MRC website indefinitely. At no time shall MRC be required to remove content from their forums unless the MRC staff feels this is appropriate.</p> <p> <b>4.6</b> Repeated abuse of the forums and/or general disregard of our forum policies may lead to the removal of posted messages and/or denial of access/use of the MRC services.</p> <p> <b>4.7</b> All policies applicable to the MRC forums is also applicable to the 'reactions' section of news articles of the MRC website.</p> <p> <b>5 - Privacy</b> </p> <p> <b>5.1</b> Any provided personal information submitted to the MRC in non-public areas, like membership account information, is kept confidential. Such information will not be shared with any third parties and is only accessible by MRC administrators.</p> <p> <b>5.2</b> MRC administrators will only use the information submitted by you in non-public areas, like membership account information, for administration and/or contact purposes.</p> <p> <b>5.3</b> A current list of MRC administrators can be found by following this link: <b> </b> <b></b>. The members of the MRC administration staff may change at any time without prior notice, and the list of MRC administrators may not be up to date at all times, particularly after changes in the administration staff.</p> <p> <b>5.4</b> While the MRC will attempt to protect your personal information, it is still subject to attack and/or other illegal attempts to gain access to this data. In no event can the MRC be held responsible for the extraction of personal data by third parties that obtain them trough illegal activities.</p> <p> <b>6 - Disclaimer</b> </p> <p> <b>6.1</b> No staff member of the MRC, nor the MRC administrators, nor the MRC Foundation can be held responsible for any damage caused by the use of the MRC and/or by any user of the MRC. This agreement/these policies are subject to change at any time, without prior notification.</p> <p> <b>Definitions</b> </p> <p> MRC: the MSX Resource Center website and its subdomains such as <b> </b> <b></b>, <b></b>, etcetera.</p> <p> MRC Foundation: the MSX Resource Center Foundation, IJdoornlaan 537, 1024 KS Amsterdam, The Netherlands.</p> <p> User: any person viewing or otherwise retrieving data from the MRC website through software such as a browser.</p> <p> Use of Services: viewing the MRC website and/or otherwise retreiving content from its servers and/or using the services and/or facilities provided by the MRC.</p> <p> Content: any textual material such as news, reactions, forum posts, and other data such as images, photographss, files offered in the downloads database and/or any other material offered by MRC, be it submitted by users and/or members or offered by the MRC staff, except for content distributed in the MRC webshop.</p>

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