MSX Resource Center

Privacy policy

General <p>Microcomputer &amp. Related Culture Foundation (“<strong>MRC Foundation</strong>”) is responsible for and controls the personal data collected and processed through this website (“<strong>Website</strong>”). Personal data is any information that directly or indirectly identifies you as an individual.</p> <p> MRC Foundation respects your privacy and complies to the applicable data protection legislation. This privacy policy informs you of how we at MRC Foundation deal with your personal data. Please note that we may unilaterally change this privacy policy at any time for whatever reason. We therefore advise you to check this privacy policy for changes on a regular basis. </p> Categories of personal data <p>MRC Foundation only collects personal data that visitors actively provide us with. Personal data will only be actively provided to us when you create and/or use a user account at the Website or when you send us a message, either by e-mail or by using the contact form on the Website. We may collect and process the following categories of personal data:</p> <ul> <li> Your username, your e-mail address and the password for your account;</li> <li> Profile information you may actively provide, such as your real name, your (MSX related) skills, personal avatar, country, public e-mail address, ICQ number, MSN address and date of birth;</li> <li> If you send us a message, any personal data you include in it;</li> <li> Any personal data you include in the content you post at the Website, such as forum messages, comments, news submits or articles;</li> <li> When applicable, personal data that is related to your behaviour at the Website, such as warnings or measures taken against you.</li> </ul> Purposes of data processing <p>MRC Foundation will process your personal data for the following purposes:</p> <ul> <li> Delivery of our services, such as using our forums or posting reactions to content;</li> <li> Posting of content to the Website;</li> <li> Referring to content related to you on the Website;</li> <li> User relationship management;</li> <li> Website administration and optimalization;</li> <li> Keeping you informed about the Website and our services;</li> <li> Preventing fraud and abuse.</li> </ul> Use of cookies <p>On this Website we use cookies. Cookies are small text files that we send to your internet browser, which stores the cookie on your computer's harddrive so that we are able to recognise you when you return. Such cookies can contain certain types of information, such as a unique identifier of your computer and your login information. Cookies are used to determine the number of visits to the Website, the time spent on the Website, the visited pages and to detect whether or not JavaScript is enabled. MRC Foundation collects such information to monitor and improve the Website and its services. You may set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie or to refuse receiving it. Please note that in such case, you may no longer be able to make full use of our Website.</p> <br> Google Analytics <p>MRC Foundation uses Google Analytics, a website analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics makes use of cookies in order to help MRC Foundation with analysing how the Website is being used by its visitors. Information generated by these cookies (including your IP address) will be transferred to servers maintained by Google located in the United States of America.</p> <p> Google uses this data to keep track of how the Website is being used, to produce reports on activity on the Website to MRC Foundation and for other services concerning website activity and internet use. Google discloses this information to third parties when required to do so for meeting statutory requirements and when such third parties process personal data for Google. Google will not link your IP address to other data Google possesses.</p> <p> As stated before, you may set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie or to refuse receiving it. Please note that in such case, you may no longer be able to make full use of our Website.</p> Other third party cookies used on the Website <p>Our affiliates (eBay Inc., Google Inc. and Inc.) may also use cookies in order to monitor, administer and optimize advertisements placed on our Website. Please refer to the privacy and cookie policies of these affiliates to learn more about their use of cookies and data processing principles.</p> <br> Disclosure of personal data <p>MRC Foundation publishes certain personal data you provide us with on the Website. Every visitor to the Website has access to this data. By editing your profile, you can decide which data you wish to provide (and thus make accessible to other visitors of the Website) and which you don’t. The only required data fields are your username, your password and your e-mail address. Your e-mail address will not be made public unless you indicate otherwise. Personal data contained in content you submit to the Website for publication is also disclosed to every visitor of the Website.</p> <p> Content you submit to the Website, such as news submits, forum posts or comments, will be indexed and thus be made available by search engines.</p> <p> Your personal data will not be disclosed or made available to (or used on behalf of) group companies and business partners of MRC Foundation or other third parties.</p> <br> Third party websites <p>This Website may contain links to websites of third parties. MRC Foundation is not responsible for personal data processing or the privacy policy of these third parties.</p> <p> MRC Foundation is also not responsible for the possible processing of your personal data by other visitors of this Website.</p> <br> Data protection <p>The personal data that is collected through this Website is protected making use of contemporary data protection technology. Only the administrators of the Website have access to data which is not made public on the Website. This access is used for administration purposes only.</p> <br> Data retention period <p>We keep the personal data you provide to us as long as you have a user account on the Website.</p> <br> More information <p>For more information, you can contact MRC Foundation at You can also contact to request access to and/or rectification and/or deletion of your personal data.</p>

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