
Terms of use

☰ HOME APP TRIBES ASTROLOGY MUSIC DOWNLOAD BLOG FAQ CONTACT Terms of use <p>Last update: November 14, 2022</p> Terms and General Conditions of Use <p>These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") apply to the use of our application, "Astribes", by you.</p> <p>Our application is maintained by the legal entity Zillius Solutions, duly registered under CNPJ nº. 10.689.415/0001-78, email:, headquartered at: Av Eng Luiz Carlos Berrini, 1681 CJ 111, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.</p> <p>In this Term of Use, you will find information about the operation of the services offered, provided through applications on the website and application for mobile devices and the rules applicable to it. the legal basis related to the provision of services. your responsibilities when using the service. Zillius Solutions' responsibilities in providing the service. contact information if you have any questions or need to update information. the forum responsible for any complaints. if issues of this Term of Use have been violated.</p> <p>In addition, in our Privacy Policy you will find information about which processing of personal data is carried out, whether automated or not, and its purpose. what personal data is necessary for the provision of the service. the way they are collected. if your data is shared with third parties. and what security measures are in place to protect your data.</p> <p>These Terms apply to all those who register in Our Application, so whoever wishes to complete their registration must read carefully and agree with the rules set forth in this document.</p> <p>Those who do not understand or who do not accept the rules set forth in these Terms will not be able to register in Our Application and, consequently, will not be able to access or use the resources restricted to registered users. </p> <br> Definitions <p>"We", "Our" or "Our" refers to Zillius Solutions, the legal entity that maintains and is responsible for the Application.</p> <p>"Application" is the "Astribes" application, including all its pages and resources.</p> <p>"Consumer Defense Code" or "CDC" is Federal Law n. 8,078, of September 11, 1990.</p> <p>"Parties" means both You and Us alike.</p> <p>"Services" means the services provided directly by Us through Our Application.</p> <p>"Our Content" refers to any and all information or data published or made available directly by Us on the Application, including, without limitation, texts, images, videos and audios.</p> <p>"Third Party Content" refers to any and all information or data published or made available on the Application by third parties, Users or not, including, among others possible, texts, images, videos, audios and links.</p> <p>"User" is the person browsing or otherwise using Our Application.</p> <br> Age Restrictions for Use <p>We will not accept the registration of minors under 18 years old and those who do not have full civil capacity, therefore, only people over 18 (eighteen) years old can register in Our Application.</p> <p>By registering, the user expressly declares and guarantees to be fully capable, being able to freely exercise and enjoy the services and products.</p> <p>You warrant that you have the right, authority and capacity to enter, accept the Terms and that by using the app, you will not violate any laws or regulations of the country in which you reside. You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations in the country in which you reside.</p> <p>If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your minor child has provided us with personal data, please contact us</p> <p>Legal entities may also register, through their legal representatives.</p> Maintenance, Amendment and Deletion of Registration <p>Each User may maintain only one account with the Application. Duplicate accounts, when identified, will be automatically deactivated by Us, without prejudice to other applicable penalties.</p> <p>For the registration to be completed, the User must fully provide the required data. All information provided by the User must be accurate, true and up to date. </p> <p>The user is responsible for the accuracy and veracity of the data provided and recognizes that the inconsistency of these may imply the impossibility of using the requested service.</p> <p>While using the service, in order to safeguard and protect the rights of third parties, you undertake to provide only your personal data, and not those of third parties.</p> <p>In any case, the User may respond, in civil and criminal terms, for the veracity, accuracy and authenticity of the data provided.</p> <p>The User must provide a valid email address, through which all contacts will be made. All communications sent to the aforementioned address will be considered read by the user, who undertakes to regularly consult the messages received and to respond to them, if necessary, within a reasonable period.</p> <p>After confirming your registration, the user will have a personal login and password, which must be used by him to access his account in the Application. This data should not be informed by the User to third parties, so that the User undertakes to maintain the secrecy of the password, which is personal and non-transferable, and it is not possible, under any circumstances, to claim misuse after sharing it. , being your full responsibility for the use made of them.</p> <p>You must notify us immediately if you suspect any suspicious or unexpected activity has occurred on your account.</p> <p>It will not be allowed to assign, sell, rent or transfer, in any way, a User account, which is for personal use and non-transferable.</p> <p>The user is responsible for updating his personal information and for the consequences of omission or errors in the personal information registered, therefore, whenever his registration data are out of date, the User must correct them through the tools that we make available for this to be done.</p> <p>You are responsible for repairing any and all damages, direct or indirect (including those arising from the violation of any rights of other users, third parties, intellectual property rights, secrecy and personality), that are caused to Zillius by any other User, or even any third party, as well as due to non-compliance with the provisions of this Term of Use and Privacy Policy or any act performed after accessing the service.</p> <p>Zilius cannot be held responsible for the following facts:</p> <ul> <li>Equipment infected or hacked by attackers;</li> <li>Defective equipment when using services;</li> <li>Device access protection;</li> <li>Protection of information based on users' access devices;</li> <li>Abuse of use of user access devices;</li> <li>Clandestine monitoring of users' access device;</li> <li>Vulnerabilities or instabilities existing in user systems;</li> <li>Insecure perimeter</li> </ul> <p>Under no circumstances will Zillius be responsible for the installation on its equipment or that of third parties, of malicious code (viruses, trojans, malware, worm, bot, backdoor, spyware, rootkit, or any others that may be created) , as a result of browsing the Internet by the User.</p> <p>Under no circumstances will the service and its collaborators be liable for any direct, indirect, emergent, special, unforeseen damages or fines caused, in any matter of liability, whether contractual, objective or civil (including negligence or others), arising from any form of use of the service, even if the possibility of such damages has been warned.</p> <p>Since the service deals with personal information, you agree that you will not use robots, scanning systems, data interception and storage, hidden links or any other shady resource, tool, program, algorithm or collector/extractor method/ automatic data interceptor to access, acquire, copy or monitor the service, without express written permission from the agency.</p> <p>When it comes to applications on mobile devices, their commercialization is expressly prohibited. By agreeing to this Terms of Use and using the mobile application, you will receive permission from Zillius for non-commercial use of the services offered by the application, which, under no circumstances, will make you the owner of the mobile application.</p> <p>The User who fails to comply with any of the rules contained in this instrument will have his account suspended and will be notified to justify himself. If no justification is presented within the specified period or if the justification is not accepted, your registration will be deleted, and you will be prohibited from registering again in the Application.</p> <p>If the User fails to comply with the Terms of Use, or the Privacy Policy, due to misconduct, we may cancel their access. In that case, you will also be legally liable for that conduct.</p> <p>The user may, at any time and without the need for justification, request the cancellation of his registration with the Application. Your unsubscription will be carried out as quickly as possible, provided that no outstanding debts are verified.</p> <p>Whether in the event of a request for cancellation of registration, or in the event of deletion due to non-compliance with the rules set forth herein, the User's personal data will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy (Link), and it is possible that all or some of the data are kept even after deleting the account, regardless of the consent of the holder of the personal data.</p> <br> From Navigation <p>We undertake to use all the technical solutions at our disposal so that the Application can be accessed 24 (twenty-four) hours a day, every day. However, We may, at any time, interrupt, limit or suspend access to the Application or some of its pages or resources, in order to carry out updates, modifications, corrections or any other action that we deem necessary to ensure its proper functioning.</p> <br> Application Management <p>For good management, We may, at any time:</p> <ul> <li>suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the Application to a specific category or to all Users;</li> <li>remove any information that may disturb the functioning of the Application or that is in conflict with norms of Brazilian law or international law;</li> <li>suspend the Application in order to carry out updates and/or modifications;</li> </ul> <br> Our Responsibilities <p>Although we do everything within Our reach to keep Our Application in full and in correct working order, We will be responsible for any defects or vices that may be found in the computer program that makes up Our Application and which have been caused by Us, provided that damage is proven.</p> <p>Defects or problems arising within or as a result of the internet connection, systems or equipment used by the User to access and use Our Application will not be our responsibility.</p> <p>We are also responsible, within the limits and under the terms of the law, for Our Content. We do not, however, assume any responsibility for Third Party Content.</p> <p>We are not responsible for the use that Users make of Our Application, and it is up to them to respond personally and exclusively for their own actions.</p> <p>We will not be responsible for any damages resulting from acts of God, force majeure or those resulting from the actions of third parties.</p> <p>We are responsible for Our Services marketed within the scope of the Application and we undertake to provide them in accordance with the conditions established during contracting. We are not responsible, however, in situations beyond our control, such as situations in which the contracting User forwards false or incorrect information to us or in which there is an act of God or force majeure that impairs or prevents us from fulfilling our commitments in a timely manner. .</p> <br> Use of the Application <p>The User must use the functionalities of the Application for purposes that do not contravene the law, morals or good customs. Specifically, you must limit yourself to using them in accordance with the purposes for which they were created.</p> <p>In this way, the User will be able to use the application respecting the rules contained in this Term of Use. Therefore, when using Astribes, the User must NOT ADD, PUBLISH OR SEND any content that:</p> <ul> <li>Mencione palavrões ou linguagem considerada ofensiva ou que seja inconveniente, resulte em danos, embaraços ou que cause desconforto em outras pessoas;</li> <li>Que tenha conteúdo obscenos, difamatórios, pornográficos ou que possa de qualquer forma viole ou ofenda a dignidade humana;</li> <li>Que seja considerado abusivo, que insulte, promova, ofenda ou ameace e, ainda, que retrate ou estimulem a violência, induza ao suicídio, automutilaçao, fanatismo;</li> <li>Que estimulem ou promovam atividades ilícitas, (incluindo, mas não apenas: terrorismo, crimes de ódio, como o racismo, sexismo, xenofobia, etnocentrismo, intolerância religiosa e preconceito com deficientes ou cuja publicação possa constituir em si mesma uma infração penal);</li> <li>Que envolvam a exploração de atividades comerciais (como publicidades, vendas, competições, linhas telefônicas comerciais ou links externos para outros websites)</li> <li>Que envolva a transmissão ou divulgação de spam, envio de mensagens nao solicitadas ou "junk mail" e ainda, o Usuário não poderá utilizar crawlers, robôs ou quaisquer programas de computador, algoritmos, equipamentos ou metodologias automatizadas para acessar, copiar, ler, monitorar, navegar, preencher formulários ou publicar conteúdo no Aplicativo.</li> <li>Que utilize qualquer "spyware", adware", vírus, arquivos corrompidos, programas maliciosos, códigos que possam interromper, danificar ou destruir ou limitar as funcionalidades de qualquer software, hardware, telecomunicações, redes, servidores ou outros equipamentos, "Trojan horses" ou qualquer outro material que possa interferir, interceptar, danificar ou expropriar quaisquer dados ou dados pessoais, seja da empresa Zillius ou dos Usuários do Astribes;</li> <li>Que utilize quaisquer meios ou ferramentas automatizados ou manuais para acessar qualquer conteúdo ou informação que não lhe tenha sido intencionalmente disponibilizada por Nós, incluindo as informações constantes de seções de Nosso Aplicativo e as que estejam armazenadas ou que trafeguem no âmbito da infraestrutura de Tecnologia da Informação utilizada por Nós;</li> <li>Que faça publicação que infrinja direitos de terceiros (abrangendo, mas sem se limitar a: propriedade intelectual, outros direitos de propriedade e de privacidade);</li> <li>Que exponha conteúdo que determinada pessoa tenha criado ou distribuído sem o conhecimento desta e sem que a pessoa tenha consentido ou tenha tido a oportunidade de recusar a criação e distribuição de tais conteúdos;</li> <li>Que contenha imagens de crianças mesmo se estiver presente nas fotos, e que tais situações possa colocar os menores em risco;</li> <li>O Usuário não poderá violar nem testar as vulnerabilidades dos mecanismos de segurança do Aplicativo ou da infraestrutura de Tecnologia da Informação utilizada por Nós;</li> <li>O Usuário não poderá utilizar quaisquer dos conteúdos ou das informações disponibilizadas em Nosso Aplicativo para fins de identificar outros Usuários ou outras pessoas, a menos que o conteúdo ou informação seja licitamente divulgado com este objetivo.</li> <li>O Usuário não poderá sobrecarregar a infraestrutura de Tecnologia da Informação que mantém o Aplicativo com um número excessivo ou desarrazoado de requisições.</li> <li>O Usuário não poderá esconder sua identidade nem a origem de sua conexão, nem poderá se passar por outra pessoa. Neste sentido, além de outras condutas possíveis, o Usuário não poderá utilizar quaisquer ferramentas ou mecanismos para manipular ou para mascarar a origem de qualquer mensagem enviada a Nós ou à Nossa infraestrutura de Tecnologia da Informação por meio de Nosso Aplicativo ou de qualquer de suas funcionalidades.</li> <li>O Usuário cadastrado será responsável pelo uso que for feito de suas contas de usuário, devendo zelar para que suas credenciais de acesso (login e senha) não sejam compartilhados com terceiros.</li> <li>O Usuário tem a responsabilidade de garantir a segurança dos equipamentos eletrônicos e sistemas que utilizar para acessar o Aplicativo.</li> <li>O Usuário será responsável por qualquer conteúdo ou informação que eventualmente publicar em Nosso Aplicativo.</li> </ul> <p>We ask Users to carefully read the content of this term, using Astribes with common sense, being aware that all information and publications are the User's responsibility.</p> <p>We also inform you that we use automated monitoring systems in search of contents that indicate violations of the rules contained in this Term. In this way, the User who violates these rules may be prevented from using the application, that is, we can restrict the User's access, as well as deactivate his account or block it. In addition, we may remove any added content that violates the policy of this term of use or to comply with applicable laws and regulations.</p> <br> External Links <p>Our Application may contain external links that redirect the User to other internet pages over which We have no control.</p> <p>Despite the prior and regular checks that we carry out, we are exempt from any responsibility for the content found on the pages and applications that can be accessed from these links. Therefore, if you choose to interact with third parties made available through our services, the terms of this third party will control their relationship with the User.</p> <p>Accordingly, Astribes is not and cannot be held responsible for the terms or actions of third parties.</p> <br> Intellectual Property Rights Over Computer Programs And Our Content <p>The computer programs that make up the Application and Our Content available on the Application are Our property, unless we expressly mention otherwise.</p> <p>Our computer programs and Our Content that are protected by copyright may not be, in whole or in part, copied, reproduced, represented, adapted or in any way altered, by any means and for any purpose, without Our prior authorization , expressed and in writing. In case of violations of Our intellectual property rights, We reserve the right to adopt all applicable judicial and extrajudicial measures.</p> <p>Access to the Application does not generate for the User any intellectual property rights relating to elements of the Application.</p> <br> Services <p>Through the Application, We provide the customer with all information relating to the functionality of the Application.</p> <p>We also offer the opportunity to acquire a subscription for Premium features, for those Users who choose to acquire all the benefits available in the application, presenting and specifying exactly all the services acquired. The Services are described and presented with the highest degree of precision possible, accompanied by correct, clear, precise, ostensible information in Portuguese about their characteristics.</p> <p>All Premium services can be acquired instantly or after registering in the Astribes application, so that the User can subscribe to Premium services for different periods of time.</p> <p>In the case of a Service acquired within the scope of offers, the User must observe their application conditions. Offers will be made available on the Application at Our convenience.</p> <br> Prices of Services <p>Zilius reserves the right to modify the prices of the services at any time by publishing them on the Application.</p> <p>Prices will be indicated in the international reserve currency (US$ = Dollars) and the values ​​in force at the time of the order will be applied within the period available.</p> <p>The costs of the services may vary depending on several factors, such as (but not exclusively) promotions, loyalty bonuses and other discounts.</p> <p>The total amount of the contract, including any fees charged by the payment platforms, will be indicated before the final validation of the order.</p> <br> Provision of Services <p>The Services will be provided by Us in accordance with the specifications, conditions and other information available in Our Application.</p> <br> Payment Methods <p>Payments for orders placed by Users must be made in cash or in installments, through the following means:</p> <ul> <li>All means of payment offered to the user by Google Pay and Apple Pay.</li> </ul> <br> The Right of Repentance <p>Within a period of 7 (seven) days, counted from the date of contracting the service, the customer may withdraw from the purchase and request the return of the amounts paid, without the need to present any justifications, in accordance with the Code of Defense of the Consumer (Law no. 8.078/90).</p> <br> Purchase and Cancellation <p>Astribes, in addition to the Premium version, may in the future offer products and services for purchases (“acquisition of new products and/or services”) through the App Store, Google Play Store platforms, from which the charges will be made by the platforms payment methods authorized by Astribes. </p> <p>If the User makes a purchase of a product and/or service in the application, he must confirm his purchase with the applicable payment provider and will receive a charge according to the chosen payment method (which will be carried out through the payment platforms such as the Google Play Store or the App Store under “Payment Method”) the amounts assigned to the selected service(s), as well as any sales or similar taxes that may eventually apply to your payments. </p> <p>Therefore, the User authorizes Astribes, as well as the payment platforms (Google Pay or Apple Pay) to charge for purchases made by Users. </p> <br> Automatic Payment And Auto-Renewal <p>If the User purchases a periodic subscription whose renewal will be carried out automatically through an in-app purchase, the amounts will be charged continuously for the subscription until the User requests cancellation.</p> <p>In this way, after the period of the initial and recurring subscription commitment, your subscription will automatically continue for an additional equivalent period, for the amount that the User agreed to subscribe. Your card payment information will be stored on the payment platforms used by the User and later used for automatic card payments, in accordance with the terms of use of each payment platform, and the User must pay attention to the information provided by them. .</p> <p>Eventual objections regarding one or more payments made, these must be directed to the Customer Support of the payment platform chosen by the User, as well as, the User can make an objection directly with their Bank or payment provider, which may provide detailed information on procedures and rights, as well as applicable deadlines.</p> <p>In addition, the User may, at any time and without restrictions, withdraw their consent in relation to automatic card payments, simply by accessing the settings of the chosen payment platform, remembering that the User will still be obliged to pay any amounts that are outstanding in the system. </p> <br> Cancellation Request and Termination of the Contracted Subscription <p>Initially, it is important to clarify that the subscription cancellation policy carried out in the Application will be governed by the Consumer Protection Code (Federal Law n. 8078, of September 11, 1990).</p> <p>Thus, in the event of the client's repentance, he may exercise his right of repentance within the period informed in item 14, that is, within a period of 7 (seven) days from his subscription to the service, in this way, the amounts eventually paid, in any capacity, during the reflection period, will be returned within the established deadlines and in accordance with the payment platforms Google Pay and Apple Pay.</p> <p>After the repentance period, if the User wishes to change or terminate his subscription, he must log in to his third-party account and follow the instructions to cancel his subscription, even if he has deleted his account with us or the Astribes app from your device.</p> <p>Remembering that deleting your account or the Astribes application from your device does not cause your subscription to be terminated or cancelled. Astribes will retain all funds debited from the selected Payment Method until the User terminates or cancels their subscription carried out by the payment platforms, as applicable. If the User terminates or cancels his subscription, he may use it until the end of its current term, and it will not be renewed after that period. </p> <br> Refunds <p>Charges for purchases are non-refundable, and there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods. The only plausible exception to the refund of a subscription offer if the request for cancellation of the order is made within the period of regret informed in item 14 of this term, from the date of the transaction.</p> <p>So, to request a refund:</p> <p>If the User made a purchase using the Apple Pay payment platform, he must contact the payment platform, so that the refund will be made by Apple and not by Astribes. To request a refund, go to the App Store, click on your Apple ID, select "Purchase History", find the transaction and click "Report a Problem". You can also submit a request to (check if the link is correct)</p> <p>If the User made a purchase using the Google Pay payment platform, contact customer service and have the Google Play Store order number ready (you can find this number in the order confirmation email or by connecting to Google Wallet), so the refund will be handled by the Google Play Store and not Astribes.</p> <p>Therefore, for all purchases made through the payment platforms listed above, Users must request a refund directly from the third-party seller with whom they made the purchase.</p> <br> Personal Data Protection <p>We treat Users' personal data in accordance with Federal Law n. 13.709/2018 (General Personal Data Protection Law) and other related rules that apply to us. More information on this subject can be consulted in our Privacy Policy, which can be accessed through the link:</p> <p>In the aforementioned Policy, we identify the personal data that we process and provide information on how, for what reason and on what legal basis we do so, as well as on the way in which Users can exercise their rights related to the protection of their personal data and how to contact our Personal Data Protection Officer.</p> <p>Requests for alteration, rectification or deletion of personal data must be directed to us in accordance with the provisions of that Policy.</p> <br> Notice and Procedure for Claiming Copyright Infringement <p>If the User identifies and believes that their work has been copied and published on the Service in a way that proves possible violation of copyright, we request that a communication be sent with a request for removal through support email.</p> <p>In this way, the User who communicates any copyright infringement to us must, in an essential way, include the following information:</p> <ul> <li>Power of attorney containing the electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner;</li> <li>document containing a detailed description of the work protected by copyright, of which they allege such violations;</li> <li>A description of where the alleged infringing material is located on the service (the description must be detailed so that we can locate the alleged infringing material);</li> <li>Contact information, including address, telephone number and email address and the full name of the copyright holder;</li> <li>Written statement by User that User has a good faith belief that such use is not and is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;</li> <li>Finally, a statement must be made by the User, under penalty of perjury, that the information provided in the notification on this topic is accurate and that the User is the copyright owner or duly authorized to act in name of copyright owner.</li> </ul> <p>Zilius is committed to terminating the accounts of repeat offenders.</p> <br> From Customer Service <p>In case of doubts, suggestions or problems with the use of the Application, the User may contact Our customer service directly, through the e-mail address: </p> <br> On Sanctions <p>Without prejudice to other applicable legal measures, We may, at any time, warn, suspend or permanently cancel the User's account: </p> <ul> <li>who fails to comply with any of the provisions contained in this instrument;</li> <li>who fails to comply with their duties as a User;</li> <li>who perform fraudulent, illegal or immoral acts;</li> <li>you provide any incorrect information;</li> <li>whose behavior constitutes or may cause offense or damage to a third party or to the Application itself.</li> </ul> <br> Changes <p>This version of the general terms and conditions of use was last updated on: 11/17/2022.</p> <p>We reserve the right to modify, at any time, the application and services, as well as the present regulations, especially to adapt them to the evolution of the Application, either by making new functionalities available, or by suppressing or modifying those existing ones.</p> <p>The User will be explicitly notified in case of alteration of this term.</p> <br> Applicable Law and Venue <p>For the solution of disputes arising from this instrument, Brazilian law will be fully applied.</p> <p>Any disputes must be submitted to the jurisdiction of the district in which the application editor's headquarters are located.</p> <br> Complete Agreement - Final Information <p>This contract, which includes the Privacy Policy , the Cookie Policy (check the creation of cookies policy), the Security Tips (check the creation of safety tips), the Community Guidelines (check the creation of community guidelines) and all terms posted and agreed by you User, when purchasing additional features, products or services that we offer on the Service, constitutes the entire agreement between you (User ) and Astribes on the use of the products and services offered here. </p> <p>If eventually, any clause of this Agreement is considered invalid, the other clauses and obligations of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. The Company's inability to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of that right or provision.</p> <p>In this way, the User agrees that his Astribes account is non-transferable and all his rights over his account and its content expire upon his death.</p> <p>In addition, Astribes informs that no partnership, agency, fiduciary, joint venture or any other relationship or special contract is created as a result of this Agreement, and the User, under no circumstances, may make any statements or be bound by Astribes .</p> <p> </p> <p>The first Social Dating Network focused on cultural, astrological and musical compatibility</p> <i> </i> <i> </i> <i> </i> Terms of Use Privacy Policy Contact Us Av Eng Luiz Carlos Berrini, 1681 CJ 111<br> São Paulo, SP, Brazil <small>© 2023 Astribes. All rights reserved. </small>

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