
Privacy Policy

☰ HOME APP TRIBES ASTROLOGY MUSIC DOWNLOAD BLOG FAQ CONTACT Privacy Policy <p>Last update: November 14, 2022</p> Privacy Policy <p>This application is maintained and operated by Zillius Solutions.</p> <p>By using our services, you understand that we will collect and use your personal information in the ways described in this Policy, under the rules of the Federal Constitution of 1988 (art. 5, LXXIX. and art. 22, XXX – included by EC 115 /2022), Data Protection rules (GDPR, Federal Law 13.709/2018), consumerist provisions of Federal Law 8078/1990 and other applicable rules of the Brazilian legal system.</p> <p>In this way, Zillius Solutions, hereinafter referred to simply as Zillius, duly registered under CNPJ nº. 10.689.415/0001-78, in the role of Data Controller, is bound by the provisions of this Privacy Policy.</p> <br> Definitions <p>Confidentiality: guarantee that information is accessible only by authorized persons. </p> <p>Integrity: guarantee of the accuracy and completeness of the information and the methods of its processing. </p> <p>Accessibility: Feasibility of access on any device or location. </p> <p>Personal data: information related to an identified or identifiable natural person.</p> <p>Sensitive personal data: Personal data about racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, union affiliation or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data referring to health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person. </p> <p>Third: Person or entity that does not participate directly in a contract, in a legal act or in a business, or that, in addition to the parties involved, may have an interest in a legal process. </p> <p>Holder: natural person to whom the personal data that are subject to processing refer. </p> <p>Processing: any operation carried out with personal data, such as those referring to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, diffusion or extraction. </p> <p>International data transfer: Transfer of personal data to a foreign country or international organization of which the country is a member. </p> <p>Users: all natural persons who use the requested service. </p> <br> General Information <p>We at Zillius have a strong commitment to transparency and respect for you. Our role is to ensure the protection of the data and information we collect, that is, your Personal Data, to be transparent about the use we make of this data and to offer privacy and security in the use of our Sites and/or applications.</p> <p>We are committed to protecting your privacy. The purpose of this document is to clarify what information is collected from users within our application, how this data is handled and used and the actions you can take in relation to the use we make of this data.</p> <p>In this sense, the purpose of this policy is to make you aware of what information is collected from users who use the functionalities available on Astribes, how this data is treated and the actions you can exercise in relation to the use we make of these data.</p> <p>To offer our services through this application and the security system installed in the monitored location, various data and information are collected, aiming, above all, at increasing your security and better experience.</p> <p>Zilius recognizes that your privacy is very important and therefore we take all possible steps to protect it. Therefore, our Privacy Policy aims to make our users aware of how their information and data will be collected, used, shared and stored through our website and respective services.</p> <p>The acceptance of our Privacy Policy will be carried out after registering a user profile, from which you will start to enjoy our services, even if for free. This will indicate that you are aware of and fully agree with how we will use your information and data.</p> <p>We take care of the protection of your personal data and, therefore, we provide this privacy policy, which contains important information about:</p> <ul> <li>Who should use our app</li> <li>Consent</li> <li>What data we collect and what we do with it;</li> <li>Your rights in relation to your personal data;</li> <li>How to contact us.</li> </ul> <p>If you do not agree with the terms of our Privacy Policy, please do not continue browsing and do not use our services. However, please let us know your disagreement so that we can improve it.</p> <br> Who should use our app <p>Our application should only be used by people over 18 (eighteen) years of age. Therefore, children and adolescents should not use it, if there is a suspicion that a user is under 18 (eighteen) years old, contact us immediately through or by reporting the profile directly through the app.</p> <br> Consent <p>It is with your consent that we process your personal data. Consent is the free, informed and unequivocal statement by which you authorize Zillius to process your data.</p> <p>Thus, in line with the General Data Protection Law, your data will only be collected, processed and stored with prior and express consent.</p> <p>Your consent will be obtained specifically for each purpose described above, evidencing Zillius's commitment to transparency and good faith towards its users/customers, following the relevant legislative regulations.</p> <p>By using Zillius services and providing your personal data, you are aware of and consenting to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, in addition to knowing your rights and how to exercise them.</p> <p>At any time and at no cost, you may withdraw your consent.</p> <p>It is important to point out that the revocation of consent for the processing of data may imply the impossibility of the proper performance of some functionality of the site that depends on the operation. Such consequences will be informed in advance.</p> <br> Data we collect and reasons for collecting <p>Our application collects and uses some personal data from our users, in accordance with the provisions of this section.</p> <br> Personal data expressly provided by the user <p>We collect the following personal data that our users expressly provide to us when using our application:</p> <p>Name, e-mail, telephone, documents, photos, messages, birth information, physical, cultural characteristics, location, musical and relationship preferences.</p> <p>The collection of this data occurs at the following times:</p> <p>User registration, profile editing, interactions with other users, account validation, subscription acquisition.</p> <p>The data provided by our users is collected for the following purposes:</p> <p>Our website collects and uses some of your personal data, in order to enable the provision of services and improve the user experience. We also collect information generated by your use of our services, for example, logs of access, as well as information from third parties, such as, for example, when you access our services using a social network account or when you upload your account information from social networks to complete your profile. If you want more information, we'll go into more detail below.</p> <br> Personal data obtained in other ways <p>We collect the following personal data from our users:</p> <p>Civil name, email, musical tastes and photos on other social network profiles</p> <p>The collection of this data occurs at the following times:</p> <p>Registration, profile editing and integration with other social networks.</p> <p>The data provided by our users is collected for the following purposes:</p> <p>Enrichment of user experience and interactions with other users.</p> <br> Sensitive data <p>The application may collect the following sensitive data from users:</p> <ul> <li>data on racial or ethnic origin</li> <li>data on religious beliefs</li> <li>data on political opinions</li> <li>data on union membership</li> <li>data on affiliation to religious organization</li> <li>data on affiliation to the organization of a philosophical nature</li> <li>data on affiliation to political organization</li> <li>genetic data</li> <li>biometric data</li> <li>data relating to the health of the user</li> <li>data relating to the user's affective life or sexual orientation</li> <li>personal document data</li> </ul> <p>The collection of this data occurs at the following times:</p> <p>User registration, profile editing, sending messages or integration with other accounts</p> <p>The data provided by our users is collected for the following purposes:</p> <p>Enhancing the user experience.</p> <p>The collection and use of sensitive personal data will only be done with the specific and outstanding consent of their holders, except, where applicable, in cases where the General Data Protection Law allows the processing of this type of data based on other legal bases other than consent.</p> <p>In any case, the processing of sensitive personal data will only take place to meet specific purposes expressed in this policy or duly informed to the user by other means.</p> <br> Collection of data not expressly provided for <p>Eventually, other types of data not expressly provided for in this Privacy Policy may be collected, provided that they are provided with the user's consent, or that the collection is permitted based on another legal basis provided for by law.</p> <p>In any case, the data collection and the processing activities arising from it will be informed to the users of the application.</p> <br> Information received from third parties <p>We clarify that in addition to the information you provide us directly, we receive information about you from third parties, clarified below:</p> <p>Members: Users may provide information about you when they use our services, when interacting with you or when they send us a report about you;</p> <p>Social Networks: Users who choose to share information with us through a social network account, specifically, when deciding to create an account and log into Astribes through a social network account or another account and, furthermore, when upload information to our services from other social media accounts;</p> <p>Partners: We also clarify that we may receive information about you from our partners when Astribes ads are published on a partner's service (in this situation, information may be shared as a result of the success of a campaign). Furthermore, within the limits permitted by law, we may receive from third parties information from suspicious or ill-natured persons duly proven, in order to guarantee the safety of our users.</p> <br> Sharing personal data with third parties <p>In order to preserve your privacy, Zillius will not share your personal data with any unauthorized third party.</p> <p>Despite this, it is possible that we do so to comply with a legal or regulatory determination, or even to comply with an order issued by a public authority.</p> <br> How user information will be shared <p>Our main objective is to help our users to create interconnections with other users who have the same compatibilities, therefore, their information may be shared with users who have a profile compatible with their information and so on, subsequently. From time to time, we may share some user information for advertising or marketing campaigns.</p> <p>In addition, there are also other hypotheses in which your data may be shared, which are:</p> <ul> <li>Legal determination, request, requisition or court order, with competent judicial, administrative or governmental authorities.</li> <li>Case of corporate movements, such as merger, acquisition and incorporation, automatically</li> <li>Protection of Zillius' rights in any type of conflict, including legal ones.</li> </ul> <p>Below we detail how the information provided by users will be used.</p> <br> How we use user-submitted information <p>The information provided will be used in order to provide our services and be able to improve the user experience. Therefore, we use the information in order to provide more security, as well as to present users with content and/or advertisements that match their interests. We list below in detail how the information provided by users will be used.</p> <br> To provide our services and help manage users' accounts <p>We will help you create and manage your account, providing customer service and responding quickly and effectively to all your requests and questions.</p> <p>Inform all the services available in the application, news and updates that, in the future, may be made available to all users.</p> <p>Register and display the profile of users in new resources and also administer such accounts, presenting and making available the new resources to users.</p> <br> Improve and develop new services and new user experiences <p>Analyze and get to know users and their typical way of using our services in order to improve them by always guaranteeing them new and excellent experiences;</p> <p>Improve and develop new services and features, taking into account the suggestions of our users;</p> <p>Provide and analyze the communication of customer service teams, aiming to improve the quality of services provided by the platform;</p> <p>Conduct market studies and research based on user interactions.</p> <br> To connect you with other users <p>Based on the information provided, we will analyze, recommend and rank members compatible with each user's profile according to Astribes' proposal.</p> <br> To design advertising and marketing campaigns <p>With the creation and development of advertising and marketing campaigns, we will be able to present and make available products and services that may interest users, transforming their experience into something extremely positive.</p> <p>In addition, we can execute and measure the efficiency of our advertising campaigns for our services and the marketing campaigns that promote Astribes</p> <br> To prevent, identify and eliminate fraudulent activities and any unauthorized and unlawful activities <p>Identify and resolve suspected, continuous or presumed transgressions that go against the terms of use, which may occur through evaluations of interactions between users and possible complaints.</p> <p>Thus, by analyzing such suspicions, we will be able to better understand and design combative measures that violate our terms of use.</p> <p>Effectively implement all the rights determined in our Terms of Use</p> <p>To make users who submit complaints aware of the results of our actions regarding their complaints.</p> <br> To meet legal requirements in compliance with the Law <p>Zillius always acts in accordance with the law, of which it implements preventive and resolving actions when it comes to curbing a possible transgression or legal non-compliance, as well as seeking to act effectively, contributing, when necessary, to the authorities police.</p> <br> International data transfer <p>Some of the third parties with whom we share your data may be located or have facilities located in foreign countries. Under these conditions, in any case, your personal data will be subject to the General Data Protection Law and other Brazilian data protection laws.</p> <p>In this sense, Zillius undertakes to always adopt efficient standards of cybersecurity and data protection, in the best efforts to guarantee and comply with legislative requirements.</p> <p>By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you agree to this sharing, which will take place according to the purposes described in this instrument.</p> <br> Third Party Cookies <br> User rights <p>The user of the application has rights, conferred by the General Data Protection Law.</p> <p>It is important to note that, under the terms of the GDPR, there is no right to delete data processed based on legal bases other than consent, unless the data is unnecessary, excessive or treated in breach of the provisions of the law. </p> What are the user rights under the terms of the GDPR? <p>Zillius assures its users/customers of their rights as provided for in article 18 of the General Data Protection Law. This way, you can, free of charge and at any time:</p> <p>Right of confirmation and access (Art. 18, I and II): Confirm the existence of data processing, in a simplified way or in a clear and complete format, that is, it is the right to obtain confirmation from the service that personal data concerning you are or are not subject to treatment and, if that is the case, the right to access your personal data, being able to request them in a readable copy in printed form or electronically, safe and reputable. </p> <p>Right of rectification (Art. 18, III)-Correct your data, when requesting their edition, correction or update.</p> <p>Right to limit data processing (Art. 18, IV): Limit your data when unnecessary, excessive or treated in breach of legislation through anonymization, blocking or deletion.</p> <p>Right of opposition (Art. 18, § 2): is the right, at any time, to oppose the processing of data for reasons related to your particular situation, based on one of the hypotheses of waiver of consent or in case of non-compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Law.</p> <p>Right to data portability (Art. 18, V): Request the portability of your data, through a report of registration data that Astribes treats about you, upon express request, in accordance with the regulations of the national authority , subject to commercial and industrial secrets.</p> <p>Right to Delete Data (Art. 18, VI): Delete your processed data based on your consent, except in cases provided for by law. (See topic 6.4)</p> How the holder can exercise their rights <p>If desired, the holder may contact our Personal Data Protection Officer. The information needed to do so is in the "How to Contact Us" section of this Privacy Policy.</p> <p>The holders of personal data processed by us will be able to exercise their rights by sending a message to our Personal Data Protection Officer, either by email or by correspondence. The information needed to do so is in the "How to Contact Us" section of this Privacy Policy.</p> <p>To ensure that the user who intends to exercise their rights is, in fact, the holder of the personal data object of the request, we may request documents or other information that may help in their correct identification, in order to safeguard our rights and the rights from third parties. </p> <p>Therefore, in order to guarantee your correct identification as the holder of the personal data object of the request, it is possible that we request documents or other evidence that can prove your identity. In this case, you will be informed in advance.</p> How long will your personal data be stored <p>Personal data collected by Astribes will be used and stored for the time necessary to provide the service or to achieve the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy, considering the rights of data subjects and controllers.</p> <p>In general, the data will be kept as long as the contractual relationship between the user and Astribes lasts. At the end of the period of storage of personal data, these will be deleted from our databases or anonymized, except for the hypotheses legally provided for in article 16 of the general data protection law, namely:</p> <ul> <li>compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation by the controller;</li> <li>study by research body, ensuring, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal data;</li> <li>transfer to a third party, provided that the data processing requirements set forth in this Law are respected. or</li> <li>exclusive use of the controller, access by a third party is prohibited, and provided that the data is anonymised.</li> </ul> <p>That is, personal information about users that is essential for compliance with legal, judicial and administrative determinations and/or for the exercise of the right of defense in judicial and administrative proceedings will be maintained, despite the exclusion of other data. </p> <p>The storage of data collected by Astribes reflects our commitment to the security and privacy of your data. We employ technical protection measures and solutions able to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and inviolability of your data. In addition, we also have security measures appropriate to the risks and control access to stored information.</p> <p>In this way, if the user chooses to stop using the services offered by Astribes, he may close his account, so that his profile will be invisible to other users.</p> <p>We emphasize that, if the user's profile remains inactive for a period of 3 years, Astribes will automatically close the user's account, without prior notification. Upon completion of the closure, the information made available by the user will be deleted under the terms of this Privacy Policy. Therefore, personal information will be deleted as per the terms below.</p> <p>The personal data we collect will be stored and used for the following periods of time:</p> <p>In a first moment, in order to protect the security of all users, users who choose to discontinue using our services, we will preserve their personal information for a period of 3 (three) months after the closure of the account, limiting it if there is 01 (one) year after its exclusion. Such information must be kept in case there is a need for investigation in the event of any denouncements relating to illicit conduct. The retention of information aims to guarantee the legitimate interest, as well as to institute defenses with third parties that may become victims.</p> <p>At the end of the period mentioned above, user data will be deleted, however, we will only keep limited information for compliance with legal determinations, specified in the following terms :</p> <ul> <li>We will keep limited information and data, in case of eventual fulfillment of legal obligations under the terms of article 16 of the general data protection law and other legislation in force and, therefore, in compliance with current legislation, we will preserve limited data for the period of 05 (five) years, counted from the termination or definitive deletion of the user account. This information will be kept to enforce our right of defense against any legal actions that may be filed. </li> <li>We will maintain the financial transactions related to the user, only for the relevant period for eventual disputes of transactions requested by the user. </li> </ul> <p>In this way, the periods informed are not longer than strictly necessary, given the purposes and legal justifications for the processing of data.</p> <p>It is worth mentioning that, if there is any legal or regulatory justification, the data may continue to be stored even if the purpose for which they were collected or processed has been exhausted.</p> <p>Once the treatment is finished, observing the provisions of this section, the data will be erased or anonymized.</p> Security measures in the processing of personal data <p>To keep your personal information safe, we use physical, electronic and managerial tools aimed at protecting your privacy.</p> <p>We apply these tools taking into account the nature of the personal data collected, the context and purpose of the treatment and the risks that possible violations would generate for the rights and freedoms of the holder of the data collected and processed.</p> <p>Among the measures we have adopted, we highlight the following:</p> <ul> <li>Only authorized persons have access to your personal data</li> <li>Access to your personal data is only done after the commitment of confidentiality</li> <li>Your personal data is stored in a safe and suitable environment.</li> </ul> <p>In this way, we employ technical and organizational measures capable of protecting personal data from unauthorized access and situations of destruction, loss, misplacement or alteration of such data.</p> <p>The measures we use take into account the nature of the data, the context and purpose of the treatment, the risks that an eventual violation would generate for the rights and freedoms of the user, and the standards currently used in the market by companies similar to ours .</p> <p>And yet, in addition to the security measures listed above, we also adopt other means of security management informed below:</p> <ul> <li>The data of our users is stored in a secure environment;</li> <li>We limit access to our users' data, so that unauthorized third parties cannot access them;</li> <li>We use an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate, so that data transmission between user devices and our servers is encrypted;</li> <li>We keep records of all those who have, in some way, contact with our data.</li> <li>We use several advanced defensive and preventive security techniques in our environments, such as balancing servers, segregation of environments, firewalls, WAF's, among others.</li> </ul> <p>Although we do everything in our power to avoid security incidents, it is possible that a problem occurs exclusively motivated by a third party - as in the case of hacker or cracker attacks or, even, in case of exclusive fault of the user, which occurs, for example, when he himself transfers his data to a third party. Thus, although we are, in general, responsible for the personal data we process, we exempt ourselves from responsibility in the event of an exceptional situation such as these, over which we have no control.</p> <p>In any case, in case of security incidents that could generate risk or relevant damage for you or any of our users/customers, we will inform those affected and the National Data Protection Authority about what happened, in line with the provisions of the General Data Protection Act.</p> Complaint to a control authority <p>Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, holders of personal data who feel, in any way, aggrieved, may submit a complaint to the National Data Protection Authority.</p> Changes to this policy <p>This version of this Privacy Policy was last updated on: November 17, 2022.</p> <p>We reserve the right to modify, at any time, these rules, especially to adapt them to any changes made to our application, either by making new features available, or by deleting or modifying those that already exist.</p> p&gt. <p>Whenever there is a modification, our users will be notified about the changes.</p> <p>By using our services and providing your personal data after such changes, you consent to them.</p> Responsibility <p>Zilius provides for the responsibility of agents who act in data processing processes, in accordance with articles 42 to 45 of the General Data Protection Law.</p> <p>We are committed to keeping this Privacy Policy up to date, observing its provisions and ensuring compliance.</p> <p>In addition, we are also committed to seeking technical and organizational conditions that are safely able to protect the entire data processing process.</p> <p>If the National Data Protection Authority requires the adoption of measures in relation to the processing of data carried out by Astribes, we undertake to follow them.</p> Disclaimer <p>As mentioned in Topic 7, although we adopt high security standards to prevent incidents, no virtual page is entirely risk-free. In this sense, Zillius is not responsible for:</p> <ul> <li>Any consequences arising from the negligence, imprudence or malpractice of users in relation to their individual data. We guarantee and are only responsible for the security of the data processing processes and the fulfillment of the purposes described in this instrument. We emphasize that the user is responsible for the confidentiality of access data.</li> <li>Malicious actions by third parties, such as hacker attacks, unless proven culpable or deliberate conduct by Zillius.</li> <li>We emphasize that in case of security incidents that may generate risk or relevant damage to you or any of our users/customers, we will inform those affected and the National Data Protection Authority about what happened and we will comply with the necessary measures.</li> <li>Invalidity of the information entered by the user/customer in the records necessary for the use of Zillius services. any consequences arising from false information or entered in bad faith are entirely the responsibility of the user/client.</li> </ul> <p>Zilius will not be held responsible for exchanges of messages and their contents. This is the responsibility of the user.</p> How to contact us <p>Zillius provides the following means for you to contact us to clarify any doubts about this Privacy Policy or about the personal data we process, contact our Personal Data Protection Officer by email</p> <p> </p> <p>The first Social Dating Network focused on cultural, astrological and musical compatibility</p> <i> </i> <i> </i> <i> </i> Terms of Use Privacy Policy Contact Us Av Eng Luiz Carlos Berrini, 1681 CJ 111<br> São Paulo, SP, Brazil <small>© 2023 Astribes. All rights reserved. </small>

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