Privacy Notice

June 2022,POLICIES &amp. PROCEDURES ,Privacy Notice,Search is a recruitment business which provides work-finding services to its Clients and Candidates. ,Search must process personal data (including sensitive personal data) so that it can provide these ,services –in doing so, Search is responsible for your personal data. Which Search company is ,responsible for your personal data will be dependent on which of the below companies you have ,engaged with and on what basis.,Search company that is responsible for processing the personal data of Website Users, ,Candidates, Clients, and Suppliers,Search Consultancy Limited, ICO Registration no. Z7108441,Search Master Vendor Solutions Limited, ICO Registrationno. ZA828864, Limited, ICO Registration no. Z1450780,Search Consultancy Group Limited, ICO Registration no. Z530375X,Hereinafter “theCompany”.,You may give your personal details to the Company directly, such as on an application or ,registration form or via our website, or we may collect them from another source such as a jobs ,board. The Company must have a legal basis for processing your personal data. For the purposes of ,providing you with work-finding services and/or information relatingto roles relevant to you. We will ,only use your personal data in accordance with the terms of the following Notice.,Please note that this Notice will be subject to amendment as required.,1.DEFINITIONS,2.COLLECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL DATA,2.1.Categories of personal data that may be collected,2.1.1.Candidates,2.1.2.Clients,2.1.3.Suppliers,2.2.How we use your personal data,2.2.1.All website users,2.2.2.Candidates,2.2.3.Clients ,2.2.4.Suppliers,2.2.5.Consent,2.2.6.Special category data,2.3.Third parties we may share your personal data with,3.OVERSEAS TRANSFERS,4.DATA RETENTION,5.YOUR RIGHTS,5.1.Right to be informed,5.2.Right of access,5.3.Right of rectification,5.4.Right of erasure,5.5.Right to restrict data processing,5.6.Right to data portability,June 2022,5.7.Right to object,5.8.Right to not be subjected to automated decision making and profiling,5.9.Right to withdraw consent,6.USE OF THE COMPANY WEBSITE,6.1.Cookies,6.2.Categories of personal data that may be collected,6.3.How do we use the personal data collected,6.4.Remarketing,7.SECURITY,8.COMPLAINTS OR QUERIES,1.DEFINITION,“Candidate(s)” means any individual who registers with theCompany for the purposes of obtaining ,permanent/fixed term employment or temporary work.,“Client(s)” means any organisation and individual/employee of that organisation that the Company ,provides recruitment services to.,“Data Protection Legislation” meansall applicable data protection laws including the Data ,Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU/2016/679) (GDPR).,“personal data” *means any information relating to an individual who can be identified, such as by a ,name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors ,specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that ,natural person.,“process/processing” means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data, such as ,collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage (including archiving), adaptation or ,alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making ,available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.,“special category data”, previously known as “sensitive personal data”, means personal data ,revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union,membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health and ,information about an individual’s sex life or sexual orientation.,* For the purposes of this policy we use the term “personal data” to include “sensitive personal data” ,except where we specifically need to refer to sensitive personal data.,“Supervisory authority” means an independent public authority which is responsible for monitoring ,the application of data protection. In the UK the supervisory authority is the Information ,Commissioner’s Office (ICO).,“Supplier(s)” means any organisation and individual/employee of that organisation that provides ,services to the Company. ,June 2022,2.COLLECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL DATA,2.1Categories of personal data that may be collected,The categories of personal data the Company may collect will depend on the type of contact ,you have with us.,If you use the Company website then we may collect other data from you such as the dates ,and times that you used it. For more information, please see Section 6 -Use of the Company ,Website.,It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please inform,us if your personal data changes. ,For the avoidance of doubt, the below categories of personal data are not exhaustive.,2.1.1Candidates,If you are a Candidate, the Company may collect the following personal data:,-Name,-Date of Birth,-Marital Status,-Emergency Contact/Next of Kin,-Home Address,-Email address,-Telephone number,-CV/Work history,-Education or Training,-Employment History,-Referee details,-Photographic ID,-Nationality,-Immigration/right to work status,-Record of criminal convictions,-Sensitive personal data such as sex/gender, ethnicity, physical or mental disabilities, religious ,beliefs and sexual orientation,-Details regarding your current salary and bank account,-Any additional information that you, your referees or our Clients may provide about you.,2.1.2Clients,If you are a Client, the Company may collect the following personal data:,-Contact details for you and individuals/employees of your organisation such as name, ,work address, email address and telephone number,-Details about previous and current job requirements,2.1.3Suppliers,If you are a Supplier to the Company, the Company may collect the following personal data:,-Contact details for you and individuals/employees of your organisation such as name, work ,address, email address and telephone number,June 2022,-Bank account details,2.2How we use your personal data,The Company may use your personal data for different reasons. If you are a client seeking ,workers, an individual seeking work or a supplier to our business, we need to use personal data in ,order to perform our contract with you and to enable us to comply with related legal ,obligations. We may use your personal data on the basis of legitimate interests, provided your ,interests and rights do not override those interests. We will only use your personal data for the ,purposes for which we collected it, unless we consider that we need to use it for another reason ,and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. We will notify you if we want to use the ,data for any different purposes and will explain the legal basis that allows us to do so. Below is a ,non-exhaustive list of the uses the Company may have for your personal data.,Please note that we may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent where ,this is required or permitted by law. Please also note that we may not be able to provide certain ,services to you if you do not make relevant information available.,2.2.1All website users ,In order to provide information about our services, reply to enquiries and enter into new ,relationships, we will use personal data in various ways, usually on the basis of our legitimate ,interests of in negotiating acontract we need to perform:,Purpose/ActivityType of dataLawful basis for processing ,including basis of ,legitimate interest,Creation and management Name, email addressNecessary to provide our ,of online user accountsservices ,Contacting you with service Name, email Legitimate interest in ,messages or to respond to address. information bringing key service ,any enquiries or complaints you may share in messages to your attention ,you may haveconnection with an and also in ensuringgood ,enquiry or complaintcustomer service,Contacting to you to Name, email address(a)Legitimate interest ,promote opportunities, for client contacts,services or events you may (b)Consent, where ,find useful,individuals have signed up ,for such mailing list options,To ensure network and IP addresses, device Legitimate interest in ,information security, information and providing secure online ,including preventing other online systems and protection of ,unauthorised access to our identifiersdata,computer and electronic ,communications systems ,and preventing malicious ,software distribution.,To collect and analyse Data collected by (a)Legitimate interest ,information about your use cookies in use on our for essential cookies ,of our services and ensure website (see section needed for our website to ,June 2022,2.2.2Candidates,If you are a Candidate, in addition to the general website use processing above, the ,Company will process your personal data for the purposes of providing you with work-finding ,services and managing our relationship. This service will include providing you with job ,recommendations and submitting your application to potential employers. The Company may ,also use your personal data for marketing purposes. The Company may also use your personal ,data for Equality and Diversity Monitoring or as required by law, regulatory bodies or for tax or ,audit purposes,you are easily able to 6 below for more function,navigate our website.information)(b)Consent, if cookies ,are non-essential,Purpose/ActivityType of dataLawful basis for,processing including ,basis of legitimate ,interest,To put you forward for Name, contact details, date Performance of a ,relevant assignments in of birth. work and education contract,which you express an history. any information you ,interest have made available that is ,relevant to client ,requirements for the ,assignment,To undertake any Name, address, date of birth. (a)Legal obligation ,necessary work history. identification to confirm identification ,identification and documents. publicly-and eligibility,eligibility to work available information. any (b)Legitimate ,checks, including personal data referees may ,contacting any provide with such checks in ,referees you have ,notified to uspotential assignment ,interest in assisting clients ,connection with a ,Paying you (and Name, addresses. bank (a)Legal obligation ,deducting tax and details. any health to deduct at source and ,National Insurance information relevant to report on tax matters,contributions (NICs)) benefit provision. contact (b)Legitimate ,and providing other details and health information ,contractual benefits, relating to other beneficiaries withsuch obligations,or assisting clients in of benefits, if applicable,undertaking these ,obligations,interest in assisting clients ,To generate internal Name. details of assignment Legitimate interest in ,reports to analyse history via the Company. any developing and ,efficiency of feedback provided by you or improving services for ,procedures and by clientsboth clients and ,improve service candidates,provision,June 2022,2.2.2Clients,If you are a Client, in addition to the general website use processing above, the Company will ,process your personal data for the purposes of providing you with recruitment services as per ,our agreed terms of contract and for the purpose of managing our relationship. The Company ,may also use your personal data for marketing purposes or as required by law, regulatory ,bodies or for tax or audit purposes.,Purpose/ActivityType of dataLawful basis for ,processing including ,basis of legitimate ,interest,To take and keep a record Name, email address, (a)Necessary to ,of opportunities weare telephone number, postal perform our contract ,assisting (or have assisted) address. any information you with you,you with and to provide may share about your personal (b)Legitimate ,suitable candidatesrequirements for the role or your interest in providing a ,ways of operating. any good service to ,information thatmay be clients,publicly available about your ,organisation.,To liaise with you regarding Name, email address, Necessary to perform ,contract management telephone number,postal our contract with ,and payment address. bank account,Confirm identity and Passport, driving licence or (a)Legal ,complete new client due other identification documents. obligation,diligence and anti-money Companies House or other (b)Legitimate ,laundering checks, along publicly-available information interest in ensuring ,with credit checks where about key individuals,appropriategood credit standing,new clients are of ,2.2.3Suppliers,If you are a Supplier to the Company, in addition to the general website use processing above, ,the Company will process your personal data to ensure that our agreed terms of contract may ,be carried out efficiently and effectively and to manage our relationship. The Company may ,also use your personal data as required by law, regulatory bodies or for tax or audit purposes. ,In monitoring premises Images/video footageLegitimate interest in ,security by the use of ensuring secure ,CCTV environments for working ,and training,Purpose/ActivityType of dataLawful basis for ,processing including ,basis of legitimate ,interest,To liaise with you regarding Name, email address, Necessary to perform ,contract management telephone number, postal our contract with you,and payment address. bank account details.,Confirm identity and Passport, driving licence or ,(a)Legal obligation,June 2022,2.2.4Consent,The Company may request your consent to certain processing activities. In such circumstances, ,consent must be freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous and you will be provided ,with a consent form with a specific opt-in option. You may withdraw your consent at anytime. ,For further information about your rights please see Section 5 –Your Rights.,2.2.5Special category data,Special category data requires additional protections. Please see above for the definition of,sensitive personal data and what type of data the Company may collect. Additional ,protections also apply to the processing of information about an individual’s criminal convictions ,or involvement in any allegations or crimes.,We may process candidates’ special category data: (i) where we need to carry out legal ,obligations or exercise rights in connection with recruitment for assignments, for example in ,verifying identity. (ii) where it is needed in the public interest, such as monitoring covid-19 ,infection rates (including vaccination status) or managing safeguarding concerns if client work ,relates to vulnerable persons. (iii) in limited circumstances, with your explicit written consent. (iv) ,where it is needed in relation to legal claims or where you have already made the information ,public.,We may use also use information about candidates’ race or national or ethnic origin, religious, ,philosophical or moral beliefs, or your sexual life or sexual orientation, for the purposes of equality ,and diversity monitoring.,We will only use information relating to criminal convictions or allegations where the law allows us ,to do so for reasons of substantial public interest. We have in place an appropriate policy and ,safeguards which we are required by law to maintain when processing such data.,2.3Third parties we may share your personal data with,The Company may share your personal data with our third party service providers where required, ,such as professional and business advisors like IT consultants, lawyers, auditors and accountants. ,Any such providers will use your personal data only as required in order to provide agreed services ,to you. We have a contract in place with such providers to ensure your data is protected and we ,do not authorise such third parties to use your data for any other purpose (although they may ,legally be permitted to do so in certain circumstances).,The Company may share your personal data as required by law, regulatory bodies or for tax or ,audit purposes. Depending on the type of contact you have with the Company, there are ,additional categories of third parties whom data may be shared with as detailed below.,complete new client due other identification Legitimate interest in ,diligence and anti-money documents. Companies House ,laundering checks, along or other publicly-available suppliers are of good ,with credit checks where information about key ,appropriateindividuals,ensuring new ,credit standing,June 2022,If you are a Candidate, the Company may also share your personal data with potential ,employers or with third party recruitment services to assist your search for employment. We may ,share your personal data with reference agencies where a specific form of reference is required.,If you are a Client, the Company may also share your personal data for the purposes of providing ,you with recruitment services which may include, with our Candidates or intermediary ,organisations (such as MSP or RPO), where appropriate.,Please note that the above lists of third parties are not exhaustive and may be updated as ,required.,Except where we share personal data with service providers on the basis of a contract restricting ,its use, third parties will be data controllers in their own right and you should refer to their own ,privacy policies as to how they use your personal data. The Company is not responsible for the ,actions of such third parties.,3OVERSEAS TRANSFERS,The Company may transfer your personal data to countries outside the United Kingdom, for ,example if our servers are hosted overseas. We will take steps to ensure adequate protections are ,in place to ensure the security of your information. Details of those protections are available on ,request.,4DATA RETENTION,The Company will retain your personal data only for as long as is necessary. Different laws require ,us to keep different data for different periods of time. If there is no specific legal requirement, to ,determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, ,and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure ,of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we ,can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. ,The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003, require us to ,keep work-seeker records for at least one year from (a) the date of their creation or (b) after the ,date on which we last provide you with work-finding services.,We must also keep your payroll records, holiday pay, sick pay and pensions auto-enrolment ,records for as long as is legally required by HMRC and associated national minimum wage, social ,security and tax legislation.,If you are a Candidate or Client, where the Company has had no meaningful contact with you ,for a period of 3 years, your personal data will be deleted unless we are required to keep it by law, ,for a regulatory body or for tax or audit purposes.,Please see the Company’s Retention Schedule for further information.,5YOUR RIGHTS,In terms of the Data Protection Legislation, you have the following rights in certain situations –we ,would be happy to explain whether these rights are available when you have a query:,June 2022,5.2Right to be informed,The Company has an obligation to provide you with information on the way your personal data ,will be stored and used, as detailed in this Notice.,5.3Right of access,You have a right to access the personal data stored about you. On request, we will provide you ,with copies of all the information we hold which is relevant to you. This will allow you to assess the ,accuracy of the information we hold and verify that the information is being used as originally ,intended and in compliance with the law.,5.4Right of rectification,Should you discover that some of the personal data we hold is inaccurate, you have a right to ,have that rectified and any inaccuracies will be amended accordingly. We may also contact ,any relevant third parties and make them aware of any changes and request that they update ,their records.,5.5Right of erasure,If you feel that there is no longer a need for the Company to retain your personal data, you can ,request that the information be permanently erased from our records.,5.6Right to restrict processing,There are some instances where erasing personal data will not be desirable or even possible. In ,this event you may request that we no longer process the information and simply retain for ,reference purposes only.,5.7Right to data portability,Should you exercise your right of access, the Company will endeavour to provide any information ,in a format which is easy to move, copy or format from one IT environment to another. This is to ,make it easier for you to re-use the information should you wish to do so. Please note that this ,provision only applies to personal data that is processed via automated systems.,5.8Right to object,If your personal data is being processed for legitimate interests, direct marketing or for research ,purposes, you have the right to object.,You must have a reason for objecting to the processing if it is carried out for legitimate interests or ,for research purposes. In the case of direct marketing, we will promptly stop all direct marketing ,communications if you inform us that you no longer wish to receive this information.,5.9Right to not be subjected to automated decision making and profiling,You have the right not to be subjected to decisions based solely on automated processing that ,have a legal or similarly significant effect upon you, except where the automated decision:,June 2022, necessary for the entering into or performance of a contact between the Company &you,, authorised by law, or, have given your explicit consent.,The Company does not currently rely on any automated decisions or undertake any profiling ,activity. We will tell you if this changes.,5.10Right to withdraw consent,You have the right to withdraw consent to processing of your personal data at any time. ,If you wish to enforceany of the above rights please contact the Company at , There will not usually be a fee, unless the query is unusually complex or ,unfounded. We may first need to undertake an identity check inorder to ensure we only share ,personal data with you or your authorised representative. ,6USE OF THE COMPANY WEBSITE,6.1Cookies,We use "cookies" -small amounts of information stored on your computer -to allow us to manage ,and monitor your use of our websites and to identify you when you return to our site. No personal ,data is stored in our cookies but they provide data to personal data held securely on our ,Company servers. Most browsers allow you to set them to refuse cookies although by doing so you ,will not be able to receive a personal service from us.,6.2Categories of personal data that may be collected,Cookies may obtain information regarding your IP address, the dates and times that you access ,the website and the search criteria you use to search for roles.,6.3How do we use the personal data collected,Information that you provide or that is obtained by us through your dealings with the Company ,website will be held on our servers. The Company may use this information for statistical analysis for ,the purposes of reviewing, developing and improving the use of the website experience.,The Company will take all reasonable steps to keep information we hold about you secure, ,however, we cannot guarantee security online.,6.4Remarketing,We also use remarketing services to advertise on third party websites to all visitors to the Company ,website. This could be in the form of an advertisement on the Google search results page, or a site ,in the Google Display Network. Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads ,based on individual's past visits.,You can set preferences for how Google advertises to you using the Google Ad Preferences ,page. If you wish to opt out of interest-based advertising, this can be achieved by amending your ,cookie settings onyour browser.,June 2022,7SECURITY,We have in place appropriate technical and security measures to protect your personal data. We ,only share your personal data with those employees, contractors and other third parties who have ,a business need to know and are subject to confidentiality obligations. Given the nature of the ,Internet, we cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted online.,Please note that we are not responsible for third parties who use your personal data for their own ,purposes. You should refer tothe privacy policy of any relevant third party for more information.,8 COMPLAINTS OR QUERIES ,If you wish to complain about this Notice or any of the procedures set out in it please contact ,our Data Protection Officer Mandy Bell at You also have the right to raise ,concerns with Information Commissioner’s Office on 0303 123 1113 or at , any other relevant supervisory authority should your personal ,databe processed outside of the UK orif you believe that your data protection rights have not ,been adhered to.

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