
Privacy Policy

<ul> <li>2FA Directory</li> </ul>Privacy Policy<p>We believe security and privacy goes hand-in-hand and so to protect our users we don’t keep any records of who visits our website.<br>We do however rely on some third-parties, through EU GDPR Article 28, to host and deliver the website content and these third-parties may keep records they deem necessary for the continuous operation of their services.</p> <p>Below you’ll find a list of the third parties we rely on, along with their privacy policies.</p>CompanyServicesPoliciesCountry of OriginGitHub Inc.Hosting &amp. VCSPrivacyUSCloudflare Inc.CDNPrivacy, GDPRUSReport-URI Ltd.CSP Report CollectorPrivacy, DPAGBGDPR Requests<p>As we collect no Personally Identifiable Information (PII), we are unable to comply with GDPR Article 15-17 requests to obtain, edit or delete PII.<br>Should you wish to exercise any of these rights on the third-party dependencies listed above, we recommend you contact them directly.</p>GDPR Complaints<p>If you wish to make a GDPR complaint you may do so by mail.</p> <code>2factorauth, C/O Postia 1006, 214 13 Malmö, Sweden </code> <p>If the response is not satisfactory, you may choose to contact the governing data protection authority of your country.</p> <i> </i>About Bots Privacy API Legal Contributing<p>The data on this website is crowdsourced and some data may be outdated.</p> <p>2fa.directory is maintained by the non-profit 2factorauth and hosted on GitHub.</p>

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