Screenshot Machine

Service Level Agreement

☰ <ul> <li> Home </li> <li> API Website screenshot API Website to PDF API </li> <li> Pricing </li> <li> Free Tools Website screenshot generator Web to PDF converter </li> <li> Contact </li> </ul> Sign in Sign up Service Level Agreement <p>Last update: July 22, 2020</p> 99.99% Availability <br> Definitions <p> “<strong>We</strong>”, “<strong>Us</strong>” or “<strong>Our</strong>” - Devtica s.r.o.<br> "<strong>Website</strong>" or "<strong>API</strong>" - online service available at and maintained by us.<br> "<strong>Customer</strong>", “<strong>You</strong>” or “<strong>Your</strong>” - the company or other legal entity represented by the person registered on our website and using our services.<br> "<strong>Monitoring service</strong>" - 3-rd party, independent, website monitoring service (freshping), which monitors our website and our API and provides website uptime information using publicly available page.<br> "<strong>Downtime</strong>" - the time in which mentioned site or our API is not capable of being accessed or used by customer.<br> "<strong>Monthly Uptime Percentage</strong>", "<strong>MUP</strong>" - the total number of minutes in a calendar month minus the number of minutes of Downtime in a calendar month, divided by the total number of minutes in a calendar month, multiplied by 100.<br> </p> Downtime Compensation <p>We, will do our best to provide you 99.99% availability of our website. If the MUP during one calendar month is less than 99.99% you are allowed to claim a compensation in form of then fresh screenshots based on this definition:<br> </p> <ul> <li>if MUP is less than 99.99% but &gt;= 99.9% you are entitled to claim 10% of fresh screenshots spent in calendar month in which downtime occurred</li> <li>if MUP is less than 99.9% but &gt;= 99% you are entitled to claim 20% of fresh screenshots spent in calendar month in which downtime occurred</li> <li>if MUP is less than 99% you are entitled to claim 50% of fresh screenshots spent in calendar month in which downtime occurred</li> </ul> Claim Procedure <p>You may request the fresh screenshots by contacting us by email at: within 30 days when downtime was detected. The fresh screenshots will be added to your customer account when the claim will be approved. </p> Exclusions <p> Service API unavailability caused by planned maintenance of our website - customer is notified in advance by email.<br> Service API unavailability caused by events outside of our direct control. </p> Status page Sla Privacy policy Terms &amp. conditions <p>Powerful and reliable website screenshot API designed to take screenshots of any online web page in couple of seconds.</p> <small>© 2012 - 2023 Devtica s.r.o. All rights reserved.</small>

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