
Privacy Policy

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You can’t have an account on our websites—click here for more info.<br> Are you:</p> <dl> <dd>… in Europe? Check out some info on the EU data protection regulation.</dd> <dd>… in California? Check out some info on your California privacy rights.</dd> <dd>… in Canada? Check out some info on your Canadian privacy rights.</dd> </dl> <p> </p> BoardGameGeek Privacy Policy<p> </p> <p>Effective: May 25, 2018</p> <p> </p>Table of Contents<ul> <li>BoardGameGeek Privacy Policy</li> <ul> <li>1. What is a privacy policy?</li> <ul> <li>A. Our privacy policy helps you understand what we do with your information.</li> <li>B. Our privacy policy is part of an agreement between you and us.</li> <li>C. Our privacy policy can change from time to time.</li> </ul> <li>2. What is personal information?</li> <li>3. What kind of personal information are you collecting on me?</li> <li>4. What about the stuff I post publicly or message to other users?</li> <li>5. I’m a user covered by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).</li> <ul> <li>A. What rights do I have under the GDPR?</li> <li>B. What is your lawful basis for using my personal information?</li> </ul> <li>6. How long do you store my information?</li> <li>7. Will you use my personal information to contact me?</li> <li>8. How are you tracking me? Can I stop it?</li> <ul> <li>A. We can see some of what you do in our websites.</li> <li>B. Other people can also track you as your use our websites.</li> <li>C. You have choices about how you are tracked.</li> <li>D. We are not set up to respond to "Do Not Track" signals.</li> </ul> <li>9. Who else do you share my personal information with?</li> <ul> <li> <em>Other users</em> </li> <li> <em>Our partners</em> </li> <li> <em>Our BoardGameGeek Store platform</em> </li> <li> <em>Our BoardGameGeek Store shippers</em> </li> <li> <em>Our payment processors</em> </li> <li> <em>Our email processor</em> </li> <li> <em>Our analytics</em> </li> <li> <em>Our help desk</em> </li> <li> <em>Our spam filter</em> </li> <li> <em>Our backup provider</em> </li> <li> <em>When we need to for legal or security reasons</em> </li> <li> <em>To a new owner of our company</em> </li> <li> <em>With your permission</em> </li> </ul> <li>10. Does my personal information leave my home country?</li> <li>11. Can I see what information you have on me?</li> <li>12. How do I change or delete my information?</li> <li>14. What about information that I receive from other users for trades, Geek Market purchases, and other transactions on your websites?</li> <li>15. I'm under the age of 16. Can I use your websites?</li> <li>16. I am a California resident. Do I have any special rights?</li> <li>17. I am a Canadian resident. Do I have any special rights?</li> <li>18. Who can I contact with questions?</li> </ul> </ul> <p> </p> <p>Welcome to our privacy policy!<br> </p> 1. What is a privacy policy?<p> </p> <p> </p> A. Our privacy policy helps you understand what we do with your information.<p> </p> <p>We collect personal information from you as you use BoardGameGeek, BoardGameGeek Store, VideoGameGeek, RPGGeek, or any of our other websites (referred to here as our "<strong>websites</strong>"). This privacy policy explains how we—BoardGameGeek, LLC, and our affiliates—use that information and what choices you have about it.</p> <p>Our privacy policy applies to <strong>ALL</strong> of our websites, whether you access them through a web browser, a mobile app, or another way. Our privacy policy does <strong>NOT</strong> apply to information collected on you by someone else. In those cases, you should consult that person’s privacy policy.</p> <p> <em>About mobile apps</em>: We do not provide a mobile app. However, our fans sometimes create unofficial BoardGameGeek mobile apps through which you can access our websites. <strong>We are not affiliated with any mobile apps and do not know how they handle your personal information.</strong> Please read each mobile app’s privacy policies before using it.</p> <p> </p> B. Our privacy policy is part of an agreement between you and us.<p> </p> Our privacy policy and our Terms of Service apply to you, our "<strong>users</strong>", as part of a contract that allows you to browse our website, post on forums, trade games, shop in the BoardGameGeek Store and the Geek Market, and otherwise interact with our websites. <br> Keep in mind that BoardGameGeek is a software provider. We do not represent any BoardGameGeek users. Rather, we develop an online meeting place for those people to share, trade, shop, and learn. <strong>We cannot control how other users handle your information. Please be careful when providing your information to other users.</strong> <br> <br> C. Our privacy policy can change from time to time.<p>When we make big changes to our privacy policy, we’ll update the date at the top of this page. Your use of our services after we post an updated privacy policy means that you accept and agree to the changes, so please check this page occasionally to make sure that you are up to date.</p> <p> </p> 2. What is personal information?<p> </p> In basic terms, "<strong>personal information</strong>" means information that can directly or indirectly identify you, such as your name, contact information, and in some cases, information about your behavior.<br> <p>“Personal information” does <strong>NOT</strong> include information that we have made anonymous so that it can no longer be used to identify you. We collect anonymized data from our users for internal statistical purposes and for providing our services (such as product ratings, top games, and other trends displayed on our websites). We may pass on this anonymous grouped data to third parties, but it will not be associated with your identity.</p> <p> </p> 3. What kind of personal information are you collecting on me?<p> </p> We collect information from you in three ways: <br> <ol> <ol> <li>you give it to us directly. </li> <li>we get it automatically as you use our websites. or </li> <li>you give it to another user through our websites.</li> </ol> </ol> <p>We only collect as much information about you as is reasonably necessary for us to provide you our services. The table below is a basic summary of what happens to your information. For a more complete list of what we collect, see <strong>our USER DATA SUMMARY TABLE</strong>.</p> What information do we collect?<br> When do we collect it?<br> How do we collect it?<br> Why do we collect it?<br> Your email address <br> When you register for an account<br> You give it to us directly<br> To verify that your account is legitimate and to notify you of important announcements.<br> Confirmation that you are 16 or older<br> When you register for an account<br> You give it to us directly<br> To verify that you are old enough to have an account, because your registration will be automatically rejected if you are under 16<br> Your name and contact information, including email address, physical address and phone number<br> When you register for an account or update your account information<p>When you purchase an item in the BoardGameGeek Store or the Geek Market</p> When you participate in a trade with another user<br> You give it to us directlyYou give it to another user through our websites <br> To facilitate purchases, trades, and other marketplace transactions<p>If you entered it into your account, we autofill it into your purchase orders so you don’t have to retype it every time</p> <p>To email you order confirmations and order updates</p> To email you direct marketing messages from BoardGameGeek, if you have opted in to them<br> Your technical data <p>Examples:</p> <p>-IP address and your location, to the extent it can be identified from your IP address</p> <p>-web browser information</p> <p>-make and model of your mobile device</p> -operating system being used<br> When you access our websites<br> We get it automatically as you use this website <br> To secure our websites and its user accounts <p>To tie the technical data to your specific account</p> <p>To remember your user preferences and to evaluate what technical needs we could better meet for our users</p> To show relevant advertisements for your broad geographic region<br> Your behavior on our websites<p>Examples:</p> <p>-login times</p> <p>-activity on our websites</p> <p>-records of any purchases or trades with other users</p> -votes in website polls<br> When you access our websitesSee How are you tracking me? for more information<br> We get it automatically as you use this website<br> To provide you advertising targeted to your interests, if you consent for us to do so<p>To maintain transaction records in the case of a dispute between users</p> <p>To secure your account and our websites</p> Votes are used to calculate categories, awards, and other classification information.<br> Your name, feedback, and/or contact information<br> When you contact anyone at the websites.<br> You give it to us directly<br> To provide and improve our customer service<br> <p> </p> 4. What about the stuff I post publicly or message to other users?<p> </p> <p>If you register for an account, you will create a public profile. You may include more information on your profile as you desire, such as your full name and location, but remember that it may be accessible to anyone viewing our websites, even if they don’t have an account.</p> <p>Any content posted on our websites through your account, such as forum posts, wiki pages, product reviews, marketplace listings, comments, collection listings, recorded plays, images, files, or product descriptions, is referred to as your "<strong>user contributions</strong>". Your user contributions are accessible by anyone who visits our websites. You should not include any sensitive information in your user contributions.</p> <p>When you send a private message to another user through our websites, including for purposes of trades or Geek Market purchases, we will retain the data and content of the message to provide you with a helpful message thread.</p> <p> </p> 5. I’m a user covered by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).<p> </p> <p> </p> A. What rights do I have under the GDPR?<p> </p> You have rights regarding your personal information, including the right to:<br> <ul> <li>access your information</li> <li>change or correct your information</li> <li>erase your information</li> <li>restrict our use of your personal information under certain circumstances</li> <li>obtain your personal information in portable form</li> <li>object to our use of your personal information under certain circumstances</li> <li>not be subject to profiling that has legal effects on you</li> </ul> <p> </p> B. What is your lawful basis for using my personal information?<p> </p> <p>There are a couple of reasons we believe we are allowed to collect, use, and store your personal information under the GDPR.</p> <p> <em>With your consent</em>. When you directly give us personal information for a certain purpose or otherwise express your consent, we can use that personal information for that certain purpose. If you consent for us to do so, we may use your personal information to, for example:</p> <ul> <li>display your public profile;</li> <li>facilitate your trades and purchases;</li> <li>personalize and improve the advertisements displayed to you on our website;</li> <li>send you our marketing emails. or</li> <li>verify that you are over 16 years of age.</li> </ul> <p>You can withdraw your consent at any time. Please contact us if you would like to revoke your prior consent to any of these uses.</p> <p> <em>For our legitimate interests</em>. However, we do not always need your express consent to use your information. We can use your personal information as needed for our legitimate interests, so long as those interests do not conflict with your fundamental privacy rights and freedoms. These legitimate interests include:</p> <ul> <li>improving the presentation, operation, and experience of our services. </li> <li>evaluating and updating our technical infrastructure. and</li> <li>monitoring and improving the information security of our websites.</li> </ul> <p> <em>By contract</em>. A contract also creates a basis for using your information. By accepting our Terms of Service, a contract is formed between us and you so that we may provide you our services. We can use your personal information as needed to provide our services to you under that contract.</p> <p> <em>Law, protection, or the public good</em>. We can also use your personal information to comply with our legal obligations, protect the vital interests of our users, and as needed for the public good. This may include using your personal information to prevent and handle potential fraud, security breaches or other prohibited activities.</p> <p> </p> 6. How long do you store my information?<p> </p> If you do not have an account, we will store your personal information as long as needed in the interest of system security, fraud protection, or other legitimate interests.<br> If you have an account, we will store your personal information and user contributions indefinitely.<br> Generally, if you delete your account, we will continue to store your personal information for a short time in case of any issues, and then we will delete it in accordance with our standard procedures and applicable law. However, for security purposes, we continue to store your technical data for up to eighteen (18) months after your account deletion.<br> <p>Generally, if you delete your account, your user contributions will be removed in the same manner as your personal information. However, you should be careful disclosing information publicly or to other users. Although most types of user contributions will be removed upon your account deletion, any content you contributed to wiki pages, game descriptions, or other editable pages will remain public. Also, other users may still be able to access their copy of any private messages you sent to them while your account was active.</p> <p>Chatroom logs are not stored. That information is deleted shortly after the chatroom closes.</p> <p> </p> 7. Will you use my personal information to contact me?<p> </p> <p>As needed, we will contact you by email about your account or use of our services. As permitted by law, we may email you to advertise other products or services available from us, or to request that you complete a survey about your use of our services. You may opt out of these communications by clicking the "unsubscribe" link within an email or by contacting us at, or just click here.</p> <p>We will not pass on your personal information to others that want to market to you without your consent.</p> <p> </p> 8. How are you tracking me? Can I stop it?<p> </p> <p> </p> A. We can see some of what you do in our websites.<p> </p> <p>We use tracking technology (like "cookies") to track some of what you do while using our websites. Cookies are files sent to your browser from a website or app and stored on your device. We assign a different cookie to each device that accesses our websites. That way, we can provide you with a personalized experience based on your behavior on our websites. A cookie can, among other things, identify you electronically and store your user preferences.</p> <p> </p> B. Other people can also track you as your use our websites.<p> </p> <p>Third parties who are uninvolved with BoardGameGeek may collect information about you while you are visiting our website and other websites. For example, third party marketers may use the information they collect on you to show you targeted ads across the web. BoardGameGeek works with Google’s advertising platforms to serve you advertisements on our websites, however, Google does not give us access to the information it uses to place ads for you. BoardGameGeek also uses Youtube API Services. Google may use the personal information that they have collected about you on our sites pursuant to their own privacy policy.</p> <p>If you have any questions about an ad or other targeted content, you should contact the person who placed the ad.</p> <p> </p> C. You have choices about how you are tracked.<p> </p> You are always free to block, delete, or disable tracking technologies if your browser, application, or device so permits. However, if you do so, you may not be able to take advantage of certain site features. For more information on how you can block, delete, or disable these technologies, please review your browser or device settings.<br> If you do not want us to use your personal information to show you targeted ads for games, accessories, and other products or services we think you’d enjoy, you can opt-out by making the change in your privacy account settings. However, we may still keep and use your personal information as explained in this privacy policy.<br> <p>Opting-out of our targeted ads will not prevent third parties from sending you targeted ads. You can opt out of targeted ads served via specific third party vendors by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Opt-Out page at You can also opt out of targeted ads and other tracking via our cookie manager.</p> <p> </p> D. We are not set up to respond to "Do Not Track" signals.<p> </p> <p>You can also set your browser to refuse cookies by sending out a "Do Not Track" signal when you go to a website. California law requires us to disclose how we handle such a signal. However, since there is no standard for how websites should respond to “Do Not Track” signals, we do not support them and sending one won’t change anything we do.</p> <p> </p> 9. Who else do you share my personal information with?<p> </p> <p> </p> <em>Other users</em> <p> </p> <p>If you do business with another user, such as a trade or Geek Market purchase, we will pass on the personal information you provide to the other user, such as your name, address, and phone number, as necessary for them to complete the transaction. They are not allowed to use your personal information for any other purpose. Please contact us if another user is using your personal information inappropriately.</p> <p> </p> <em>Our partners</em> <p> </p> <p>Our "partners" are the organizations and people that we work with to better provide our services. As needed, we may send your information to our partners to help us communicate with you, provide customer support, or process your payments to us. Your information may be stored on our partners’ servers inside or outside of the U.S.</p> <p> </p> <em>Our BoardGameGeek Store platform</em> <p> </p> <p>One of our partners, Shopify, provides the software platform for the BoardGameGeek Store. Shopify may, for your convenience, collect information about your web session, such as the items in your cart, but Shopify does not provide that information to us. We will, however, be provided your contact and order information once you place an order through the BoardGameGeek Store. You can see how Shopify handles your information by reviewing their privacy policy at</p> <p> </p> <em>Our BoardGameGeek Store shippers</em> <p> </p> <p>If you purchase an item on the BoardGameGeek Store, we also may provide your contact information to our shipping partners, such as ShipStation, so that they may complete the order. You can see how ShipStation handles your information by reviewing their privacy policy at</p> <p> </p> <em>Our payment processors</em> <p> </p> <p>You may provide some financial information as part of the payment process, such as credit card numbers, but we are not able to access more than the last four digits of those numbers. We use Stripe, Inc., or another payment processor, to handle user payment services. If you send us payments with a credit card, we may provide your email address to Stripe to allow you to more easily update your payment information. See Stripe’s privacy policy (available at for how they handle your information. See PayPal’s privacy policy (available at for how they handle your information.</p> <p> </p> <em>Our email processor</em> <p> </p> <p>You must provide us with you email address upon registration. We provide your contact information to MailChimp in order to send you messages in several contexts, including to send important site notices, as well as notification and mailing lists you opt into. See MailChimp's privacy policy (available at for how they handle your personal information.</p> <p> </p> <em>Our analytics</em> <p> </p> <p>We may use third-party web analytics services, including Google Analytics, to collect and analyze the information discussed above, and to engage in auditing, research or reporting. The information (including your IP address) collected by various analytics technologies described above will be disclosed to or collected directly by these service providers, who use the information to evaluate your use of the Services, including by noting the third-party website from which you arrive, analyzing usage trends, assisting with fraud prevention, and providing certain features to you. You can find more about Google's privacy policy here: To opt out of Google Analytics, see</p> <p> </p> <em>Our help desk</em> <p> </p> <p>We use Zendesk as a third party customer support system. When you contact us through the contact or feedback forms, your information may be passed to Zendesk. See Zendesk's privacy policy ( for how they handle your personal information.</p> <p> </p> <em>Our spam filter</em> <p> </p> <p>We use Automattic for spam filtering. We provide contents of public posts along with your IP address to Automattic for automated spam filtering. See Automattic's privacy policy, for how they handle your personal information.</p> <p> </p> <em>Our backup provider</em> <p> </p> <p>Our backups are stored encrypted by Arcserve. Only we can decrypt the data.</p> <p> </p> <em>When we need to for legal or security reasons</em> <p> </p> <p>We may have to share your information with the police, the government, a court, or another person as required by law. Similarly, as allowed by applicable law, we may share your information with third parties as needed to:</p> <ul> <li>prevent or take action if we suspect someone is:<ul> <li>breaking the law, </li> <li>committing fraud, </li> <li>threatening to harm someone, or </li> <li>violating our Terms of Service. </li> </ul> </li> <li>protect the rights, property, or safety of ourselves, our users, or a child. </li> <li>protect the safety and security of our website. or </li> <li>enable us to take reasonable precautions against liability.</li> </ul> <p> </p> <em>To a new owner of our company</em> <p> </p> <p>If our business is sold, whether through merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, dissolution, reorganization, or other transaction or proceeding, your personal information may be shared with the acquiring company and their representatives. If so, we will post a notice on this page and the Terms of Service.</p> <p> </p> <em>With your permission</em> <p> </p> <p>BoardGameGeek will always ask for your permission before sharing your information with third parties for purposes other than those described in our privacy policy.</p> <p> </p> 10. Does my personal information leave my home country?<p> </p> <p>BoardGameGeek is located in the U.S. If you are outside of the U.S., we will transfer your personal information into the U.S. If you do business with another user, your personal information will be sent to the country in which the other user is located.</p> <p> </p> 11. Can I see what information you have on me?<p> </p> <p>Yes. You may review your personal information maintained by us. We can provide you with exported files of your information—just ask us.</p> <p>As required by your applicable state, national, or international law, you may also have the right require us to change or delete your personal information, and/or refuse to permit us from further collecting or using your information.</p> <p> </p> 12. How do I change or delete my information?<p> </p> <p>You can update some types of information directly within your account settings. If you are unable to change your information within your account settings, please contact us and we will attempt to make the required changes. To protect your privacy and security, we may require you to take certain steps or provide additional information to verify your identity before we provide any information or make corrections. It’s important to remember that if you delete or limit the use of your information, our services may not function properly.</p> <p>You may delete your account by clicking Delete your account at the bottom of the Account Manager page.</p> <p>See How long do you store my information? for what happens to your information after your account is deleted.</p> <p> </p> 14. What about information that I receive from other users for trades, Geek Market purchases, and other transactions on your websites?<p> </p> <p>If you do business with another user, such as a trade or Geek Market purchase, we will pass on to you the personal information they provide, such as their name, address, and phone number, as necessary for you to complete the transaction. Since you are the controller of such data, separately from us, you should inform other users about your privacy practices. In any case, you must abide by privacy laws and respect the privacy rights granted to other users.<br> You may only use another user’s personal information for transaction-related purposes and for purposes expressly consented by that user. Using personal information of other users for any other purpose violates our Terms of Service.</p> <p> </p> 15. I'm under the age of 16. Can I use your websites?<p> </p> <p>No. Our website is not intended for anyone younger than 16 years old. You may not create an account or use any of the features of the websites that an account permits.</p> <p>We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16. If we learn we have received personal information from a child under 16, we will remove it (although we may not be able to fully remove the information from our backup system). If you believe we might have a child’s personal information, please contact us.</p> <p> </p> 16. I am a California resident. Do I have any special rights?<p> </p> <p>Yes. California Civil Code Section § 1798.83, as it may from time to time be amended or superseded, permits California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of their information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us.</p> <p> </p> 17. I am a Canadian resident. Do I have any special rights?<p> </p> <p>Yes. Canadian residents have certain rights under Canadian law with respect to their personal data, including the right to request access to, correct, amend, delete, or limit the use of their personal data. Canadian residents also have the right to withdraw their consent to certain of our online tracking programs.</p> <p>In accordance with Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), we are responsible for the information of Canadian residents if we transfer it to a third party. Before we send a Canadian resident's information to a third party, that party must agree to handle the information only as we direct them to and to protect the information as least as well as we do.<br> To exercise any of these rights, please contact us.</p> <p> </p> 18. Who can I contact with questions?<p> </p> <p>If you have any questions about your information or our privacy policy, or if you would like to make a complaint about how BoardGameGeek processes your information, please contact us by using the details below:</p> <p>Data Controller:<br> BoardGameGeek, LLC<br> 6 Bretton Creek Ct.<br> Dallas, TX 75220</p> <p></p> <p>Data Protection Officer:<br> BoardGameGeek DPO<br> 6 Bretton Creek Ct.<br> Dallas, TX 75220</p> <p></p>

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