

Accept<p>By continuing to use this website, you agree to the use of cookies.&nbsp. More information</p> <ul> <li>Login&nbsp. &nbsp;</li> <li>Sign Up&nbsp. &nbsp;</li> <li>Forgot your password?</li> <li> <ul> <li>English</li> <li>German</li> <li>Thai</li> <li>Spanish</li> <li>English</li> <li>Polish</li> <li>Hebrew</li> <li>French</li> <li>Arabic</li> <li>Turkish</li> <li>Dutch</li> <li>Japan</li> <li>Russian</li> <li>Indonesia</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <br> <p> <b>PRIVACY POLICY</b> </p> <p>Last Updated: &nbsp;February 25, 2014</p> <p>Bayside Ltd (“Company”) respect your Privacy and are committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of personal data we collect. The purpose of our Privacy Policy is to demonstrate our commitment to the privacy and protection of all persons who provide personal data to Company and its affiliates. This Privacy Policy describes the ways we collect information from and about you, and what we do with the information, so that you may decide whether or not to provide information to us.</p> <p>This Privacy Policy provides our policies and procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing your information.&nbsp. Users can access the Service (the “Service”) through (“Website”), applications on Devices through Application Programming Interfaces (“APIs”), and through third-parties.&nbsp. A “Device” is any computer used to access the Service, including without limitation a desktop, laptop, mobile telephone, tablet or other consumer electronic device.&nbsp. This Privacy Policy governs your access of the Service, regardless of how you access it, and by using our Services you consent to the collection, transfer, processing, storage, disclosure and other uses described in this Privacy Policy.&nbsp. All of the different forms of data, content, and information described below are collectively referred to as “information.”</p> <p>As you also agreed and acknowledge via our Terms of Service, by visiting Company Websites or are otherwise providing your personal information to Company via any other means, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If You later decide to opt out of this Privacy Policy, you must opt out complete of the Terms of Service.</p> <p>For purposes of this Privacy Policy, the term “visitor” includes users of our Website who are not yet customers, those who become customers, as well as those who do not become customers. whether or not the user uploads information to our Website, downloads it, or is merely visiting our Website. Visitors can choose not to provide certain information when using our Website, however they might not be able to take advantage of many of the Website’s features.</p> <p> <b>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;THE INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND STORE</b> </p> <p>The information we collect may include your personal information, such as your name, contact information, financial account numbers, IP addresses, Live Chat Messages, Telephone conversations, product and service selections and orders or other things that identify you individually. </p> <p>Generally, we may collect information about you in the following manners: </p> <p>·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp. You may provide your personal information to us via chat, email or other written correspondence, telephone calls, web based forms, or other means. </p> <p>·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp. We use automated technical means to collect information about all Website visitors for example by use of cookies. </p> <p>·&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp. Via third party providers. </p> <p> <b> <u>Information You Provide</u> </b> </p> <p>When you register an account, we collect some personal information, such as your name, phone number, credit card or other billing information, email address and home and business postal addresses. You may also ask us to import your contacts by giving us access to your third party services (for example, your email account) or to use your social networking information if you give us access to your account on social network connection services. When you invite others to join our Service by using our referral page, we may send them an email for that referral. You may also provide us with your contacts’ email addresses when sharing folders or files with them. We may also receive Personal Information (for example, your email address) through other users, for example if they have tried to share something with you or tried to refer our Service to you. </p> <p> <b> <u>Files</u> </b> </p> <p>We collect and store the files you upload, download, or access with our Service (“Files”). If you add a file to your account that has been previously uploaded by you or another user, we may associate all or a portion of the previous file with your account rather than storing a duplicate.</p> <p> <b> <u>Log Data </u> </b> </p> <p>When you use the Service, we automatically record information from your Device, its software, and your activity using the Service. This may include the Device’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type, the web page visited before you came to our Website, information you search for on our Website, locale preferences, identification numbers associated with your Devices, your mobile carrier, date and time stamps associated with transactions, system configuration information, metadata concerning your Files, and other interactions with the Service.</p> <p> <b> <u>Cookies </u> </b> </p> <p>We also use “cookies” to collect information and improve our Services. A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your Device. We may use “persistent cookies” to save your registration ID and login password for future logins to the Service. We may use “session ID cookies” to enable certain features of the Service, to better understand how you interact with the Service and to monitor aggregate usage and web traffic routing on the Service. You can instruct your browser, by changing its options, to stop accepting cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit. If you do not accept cookies, however, you may not be able to use all aspects of the Service. &nbsp;</p> <p> <b> <u>Links to non-Company Websites </u> </b> </p> <p>We may provide links to third-party websites for your convenience and information. The privacy practices of those sites may differ from Company practices and are not controlled by Company and covered by this Privacy Policy. We do not make any representations about third-party websites. We encourage you to review their privacy policies before submitting your personal data. </p> <p> <b> <u>Sensitive Information</u> </b> </p> <p>We will not intentionally collect or maintain, and do not want you to provide, any information regarding your medical or health condition, race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or other personal sensitive information. </p> <p> <b> <u>Children’s Online Privacy Protection</u> </b> </p> <p>Our services are not designed for or directed to minors or children under the age of 13, and we will not intentionally collect or maintain information about anyone under the age of 13.&nbsp. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13.&nbsp. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child as provided us with Personal Information without their consent, he or she should contact us at,&nbsp. If we become aware that a child under 13 has provided us with Personal Information, we will take such steps to delete such information from our files.</p> <p> <b>Changes/Access/Disputes/CancellationShould</b> You request changes to Your information, send written notice to: Bayside Ltd, 112 Bonadie Street, Kingstown, St. Vincent &amp. the Grenadines&nbsp. </p> <p>Should You request access to Your information, send written notice to: Bayside Ltd, 112 Bonadie Street, Kingstown, St. Vincent &amp. the Grenadines&nbsp. </p> <p>Should you have disputes concerning Our Privacy Policy, send written notice to: Bayside Ltd,112 Bonadie Street, Kingstown, St. Vincent &amp. the Grenadines<b>.</b>We always reserve the right to cancel any remaining term of Your agreement with us.</p> <p> <b>2. &nbsp;&nbsp;WHAT DO WE USE THIS INFORMATION FOR?</b> </p> <p> <b> <u>Personal Information</u> </b> </p> <p>In the course of using the Service, we may collect personal information that can be used to contact or identify you (“Personal Information”).&nbsp. Personal Information is or may be used: (i) to provide and improve our Service, (ii) to administer your use of the Service, (iii) to better understand your needs and interests, (iv) to improve your experience, and (v) to provide or offer software updates and product announcements.&nbsp. We may also use your information to process any service requests, process payments, provide advertising, communicate with you about files, provide access to secure areas of the Website, recommend merchandise and services that might be of interest to you, to personalize your visit to our Website, and to enable us to review develop and continually improve the products services and offers we provide online.&nbsp;&nbsp. We also use this information to prevent or detect fraud or abuses of our Website and to enable third parties to carry out technical, logistical or other functions on our behalf. &nbsp;</p> <p> <b> <u>Geo-Location Information</u> </b> </p> <p>Some Devices allow applications to access real-time location-based information (for example, GPS). Our mobile apps do not collect such information from your mobile device at any time while you download or use our mobile apps as of the date this policy went into effect, but may do so in the future with your consent to improve our Services. Some photos and videos you place in our Storage may contain recorded location information. We may use this information to optimize your experience. If you do not wish to share files embedded with your geo-location information with us, please do not upload them. If you don’t want to store location data in your photos or videos, please consult the documentation for your camera to turn off that feature. Also, some of the information we collect from a Device, for example IP address, can sometimes be used to approximate a Device’s location. </p> <p> <b> <u>Analytics</u> </b> </p> <p>We also collect some information (ourselves or using third party services) using logging and cookies, such as IP address, which can sometimes be correlated with Personal Information. We use this information for the above purposes and to monitor and analyze use of the Service, for the Service’s technical administration, to increase our Service’s functionality and user-friendliness, and to verify users have the authorization needed for the Service to process their requests. </p> <p> <b> <u>Other Information You Provide To Us </u> </b> </p> <p>Other Information you provide to us to correspond with you about services you may be interested in may be provided to third parties. If you elect to purchase a service online using a web form, we will use the information to establish your account. Information you submit in writing, such as chat, email, and web form information is archived and may be tied to information that we collect about your web visits. &nbsp;Your telephone call may be recorded for training purposes and we may enter information you provide via telephone into our systems to use for the purposes described in this paragraph.</p> <p> <b>3. INFORMATION SHARING AND DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION </b> </p> <p> <b> <u>Your Use.</u> </b> <b> <u> </u> </b> </p> <p>We will display your Personal Information in your profile page and elsewhere on the Service according to the preferences you set in your account. Any information you choose to provide should reflect how much you want others to know about you. Please consider carefully what information you disclose in your profile page and your desired level of anonymity. You can review and revise your profile information at any time.</p> <p>We do not sell your personal information to third parties. We may share or disclose your information with your consent, for example if you use a third party application to access your account (see below). Through certain features of the Service, you may also have the ability to make some of your information public. Public information may be broadly and quickly disseminated.</p> <p> <b> <u>Service Providers, Business Partners and Others.</u> </b> <b> <u> </u> </b> </p> <p>We may use certain trusted third party companies and individuals to help us provide, analyze, and improve the Service (including but not limited to data storage, maintenance services, database management, web analytics, payment processing, and improvement of the Service’s features). These third parties may have access to your information only for purposes of performing these tasks on our behalf and under obligations similar to those in this Privacy Policy. </p> <p> <b> <u>Third-Party Applications. </u> </b> </p> <p>We may share your information with a third party application with your consent, for example when you choose to access our Services through such an application. We are not responsible for what those parties do with your information, so you should make sure you trust the application and that it has a privacy policy acceptable to you. </p> <p> <b> <u>Compliance with Laws and Law Enforcement Requests. Protection of Company's Rights.</u> </b> <b> <u> </u> </b> </p> <p>We may disclose to parties outside files stored in your account and information about you that we collect when we have a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) comply with a law, regulation or compulsory legal request. (b) protect the safety of any person from death or serious bodily injury. (c) prevent fraud or abuse of our Service or its users. or (d) to protect our property rights. If we provide your files to a law enforcement agency as set forth above, we will remove our encryption from the files before providing them to law enforcement. However, we will not be able to decrypt any files that you encrypted prior to storing them with our Service. </p> <p> <b> <u>Business Transfers. </u> </b> </p> <p>If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your information may be transferred as part of that transaction, but we will notify you (for example, via email and/or a prominent notice on our website) of any change in control or use of your Personal Information or Files, or if either become subject to a different Privacy Policy. We will also notify you of choices you may have regarding the information. </p> <p> <b> <u>Non-private or Non-Personal Information.</u> </b> <b> <u> </u> </b> </p> <p>We may disclose your non-private, aggregated, or otherwise non-personal information, such as usage statistics of our Service. </p> <p> <b>4. &nbsp;SECURITY OF YOUR INFORMATION</b> </p> <p>Company is committed to industry best practices approaches concerning security measures to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of the information in our possession. We use various security measures to protect the information we collect, as appropriate to the type of information, including encryption, firewalls, and access controls. We store information you provide to us on a computer system located in a controlled facility with a limited access. Visitor textual information is encrypted during transmission, our Company databases are accessible only by Company employees, contractors and agents on a need to know basis and who have entered into and are bound by a confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement with Company. &nbsp;</p> <p> <b>5.&nbsp. DATA INTEGRITY </b> </p> <p>Personal data we collect is relevant for the purposes for which it is to be used. Company takes reasonable steps to ensure that data is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete, and current. &nbsp;</p> <p> <b>6. VERIFICATION </b> </p> <p>Company utilizes the self-assessment approach to assure its compliance with its Privacy Policy.&nbsp. Company regularly verifies that the Privacy Policy is accurate, comprehensive, prominently displayed, completely implemented and in conformity with the Safe Harbor Principles and conducts its self-assessment on an annual basis to ensure that all relevant privacy practices are being followed. &nbsp;</p> <p> <b>7.&nbsp;&nbsp. CHANGES </b> </p> <p>Our business changes constantly and our Privacy Policy may also change from time to time. You should check our website frequently to see recent changes. however, we will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of personal information collected in the past without your prior consent.&nbsp. By continuing to use the Service after changes have become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.&nbsp. This Privacy Policy was last updated on July 1, 2015.</p> iness Transfers. <p> </p> <p>If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your information may be transferred as part of that transaction, but we will notify you (for example, via email and/or a prominent notice on our website) of any change in control or use of your Personal Information or Files, or if either become subject to a different Privacy Policy. We will also notify you of choices you may have regarding the information.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <b> <u>Non-private or Non-Personal Information. </u> </b> </p> <p>We may disclose your non-private, aggregated, or otherwise non-personal information, such as usage statistics of our Service. </p> <p> <b>4.&nbsp. SECURITY OF YOUR INFORMATION</b> </p> Company is committed to industry best practices approaches concerning security measures to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of the information in our possession. We use various security measures to protect the information we collect, as appropriate to the type of information, including encryption, firewalls, and access controls. We store information you provide to us on a computer system located in a controlled facility with a limited access. Visitor textual information is encrypted during transmission, our Company databases are accessible only by Company employees, contractors and agents on a need to know basis and who have entered into and are bound by a confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement with Company. <p> </p> <p> <b>5.&nbsp. DATA INTEGRITY</b> </p> <p>Personal data we collect is relevant for the purposes for which it is to be used. Company takes reasonable steps to ensure that data is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete, and current. </p> <p> <b>6.&nbsp;VERIFICATION</b> </p> <p>Company utilizes the self-assessment approach to assure its compliance with its Privacy Policy. &nbsp;Company regularly verifies that the Privacy Policy is accurate, comprehensive, prominently displayed, completely implemented and in conformity with the Safe Harbor Principles and conducts its self-assessment on an annual basis to ensure that all relevant privacy practices are being followed. </p> <p> <b>7.&nbsp. &nbsp;CHANGES</b> </p> <p>Our business changes constantly and our Privacy Policy may also change from time to time. You should check our website frequently to see recent changes. however, we will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of personal information collected in the past without your prior consent.&nbsp. By continuing to use the Service after changes have become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.&nbsp. This Privacy Policy was last updated on July 23, 2013.<br> &nbsp. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> FAQ &nbsp. Premium features &nbsp. Affiliate program &nbsp. Terms of service &nbsp. Privacy &nbsp. DMCA Policy &nbsp. Report abuse &nbsp. Link Checker &nbsp. Contact Us &nbsp. Refund and Return Policy © 2015 FileSpace, All Rights Reserved <br>

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