<strong>SPICEWORKS COOKIE POLICY</strong> <p> <em>Last Updated: Jan 18, 2019</em> <br> Like many websites, we use cookies, alphanumeric identifiers in the form of text files that are stored on your computer, to understand how you use our products, to make Spiceworks easier to use, to optimize your user experience, to improve the quality of our advertising, and to protect you and Spiceworks. Some cookies while useful, are not essential, and by using Spiceworks you agree to the use of all cookies unless you specifically set your browser to reject them, but in some cases that may impact your ability to use Spiceworks.</p> <p>This Spiceworks Cookie Policy describes the types of cookies we use, how we use these to improve your Spiceworks product and advertising experience, and your choices related to the use of these cookies. Please take a moment to read the following to learn more about our cookie practices, including what type of information is gathered, how the information is used and for what purposes, and to whom we share the information.</p> Types of Cookies We Use <p>We use session and persistence cookies to optimize Spiceworks during your visit to our site and to recognize you when you return to our site. For example, we use them to store your login ID (but never your password) to make it easier for you to login whenever you come back to Spiceworks. We also use them to remember the last application page you visited and advertisements you have already seen. These cookies help us optimize your experience to your usage, tune the experience to your preferences, and, customize your Spiceworks experience by providing the most relevant content possible.</p> Site Operations Cookies <p>We use these cookies to understand and improve your user experience. For example, we may use these cookies and the information we receive to understand how you are using various parts of Spiceworks, improve our site, and to understand how you use other websites, products, services and advertisements. We may also share information about this analysis with our partners with the goal of improving the combined experience and for our users and tailoring your experience to what might be of interest to you.</p> Advertising Cookies <p>Our goal is to always provide the most relevant, educational and personalized advertising possible. To do that, cookies are used by us and our partners to optimize your advertising experience. In particular, these cookies provide you with advertising based on content that you have previously viewed on our website as well as other third-party websites. Like many other websites, we may work with partners to optimize your advertising experience within Spiceworks and other websites outside of Spiceworks. This could mean that when you are on other websites you are served advertising based on your behavior in Spiceworks and we may serve you advertising based on your behavior on other sites.</p> <p>Opting out of behavioral advertising does not mean that you will no longer see advertisements when you are using Spiceworks, it simply means that the advertising you see will not be customized to you.</p> Third-Party Cookies <p>Many of the advertisements you see when using Spiceworks have been placed by third parties. These third parties may choose to use their own cookies for the purposes of collecting information relating to the viewing of their advertising. This Cookie Policy is intended to cover the use of cookies implemented by Spiceworks and does not describe third-party cookies in detail.</p> Web Beacons <p>Small pieces of code called web beacons are used in conjunction with cookies to help us manage and monitor our online advertising and wider business arrangements with third parties. These files will allow us to aggregate anonymous information relating to advertising and website usage. The type of information collected includes information relating to page views. These web beacons may be used to recognize third- party cookies and inform us and/or third parties of which advertisement or link brought you to our website, allowing us to monitor the efficacy of our business relationships with third parties.</p> Your Choices <p>You may manage how your browser handles cookies and related technologies by adjusting its privacy and security settings. Different browsers handle these settings differently, so please refer to your browser’s specific instructions to learn more about how to change cookie-related privacy and security settings. You should be aware that by disabling cookies in your browser you may impact some of the functionality available in Spiceworks. If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact us at feedback@spiceworks.com.</p>

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