Oku Club

Privacy Policy

<p> </p>Privacy Policy / Oku<p> </p>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.<li>Join</li> <li>Sign in</li> <li>Explore</li> <li>Blog</li> <li>Pricing</li> <li>Twitter</li> <li>Contact</li>Sign inJoinLast updated Feb 2021, effective Feb 2021Privacy Policy<p>The long and short of it is this: <strong>We collect only what we need to</strong>, and <strong>share as little as we can</strong>, for reasons like error tracking and consensual email marketing. <strong>We don't sell your data</strong> and we <strong>avoid services that track you</strong> to sell ads. That's the core of our philosophy, but read on for details.</p>Data we collect<p>When using the service we may log your <strong>IP address</strong> to help us prevent abuse. When registering for an account we collect two further pieces of personal information: <strong>email address</strong> and <strong>username</strong>.</p>Your rights &amp. Contact us<p>We'll delete any data we have on you at your request. You can also ask for a copy of your personal data, or request that we update it. Please email us at data@oku.club.</p>Third parties &amp. data sharing<p>We avoid it where we can, but sometimes we have to share data when we make use of third party services. Here's the list of third parties that we share information with.</p> <ul> <li>Plausible Analytics: A website analytics tool that makes their money directly from us, not from tracking people to sell them ads. When using our website Plausible will receive your <strong>IP address</strong>.</li> <li>Sentry: An error tracking service that we use to track bugs and other issues as they arise within the service. Sentry may receive your <strong>IP address</strong> and an identifier unique to your account.</li> <li>Substack: We share your <strong>email address</strong> with substack in order to send out regular product update emails. You can unsubscribe from these.</li> <li>Amazon Web Services (SES): Amazon Web Services is our email service provider for transactional emails. These are things like password reset emails and notifications. They will receive your <strong>email address</strong>.</li> <li>Mailchimp: If you registered for our waiting list before we allowed open signups, your <strong>email address</strong> was collected with mailchimp.</li> </ul>Policy Updates<p>We'll need to update this policy from time to time. Our philosophy won't change, but we'll let you know if there are major changes to the policy &amp. and give you a chance to agree to them.</p>Ready to join us?<p>Oku is the companion app for every book. <br>Become a member for free to track, rate &amp. review your favorite books with a community of others.</p>Create a free account<ul>ExploreBlogPricingPrivacyTermsContactTwitterFacebook</ul> <p>Copyright © 2022 Readng BV.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>

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