

NUMBUSTER TERMS OF SERVICE <p>Last updated: May 16, 2022</p> <ul> <li>Terms of Service</li> <li>Privacy Policy</li> </ul> <p>Dear User! The NumBuster (“NumBuster”, “We”, “Us”, “Operator”) offers users (“Users” or “You”) a global system of trust ratings of telephone numbers, which includes a universal caller I.D. mechanism, anonymously filled with Information Elements by all Users, as well as Information Elements for the purpose of blocking undesired contacts in calls and SMS correspondence on the mobile devices of its Users using the NumBuster mobile application. These Terms of Service (the “Terms”) and the NumBuster Privacy Policy will govern Your use of NumBuster’s System, including web-services, mobile applications or other services and features provided by the NumBuster from time to time (collectively “Services”).</p> <p>The NumBuster operates on the basis of the NumBuster Terms of Service (“Terms”) set forth in this document, which you need to read BEFORE you install or use our Mobile Applications or BEFORE you register as a User on the NumBuster web-service.</p> <p>We ask you to read the text of these Terms carefully.</p> <p>If you DO NOT AGREE with the provisions of the Terms, then please do not install or use the NumBuster mobile applications or our web-services.</p> <p>If you DO NOT UNDERSTAND the meaning of the text below, please let us know and contact us by email: for clarification.</p> <p>The NumBuster may update these Terms from time to time and such updated Terms will be effective as of the “Last Updated” date, which will be placed at the top of the text of the NumBuster Terms of Service to let you know about the changes in the text. Your continued use of the Service on or after the “Last Updated” date constitutes your consent to such updated Terms.</p> <p>We are committed to the security and protection of personal information of our Users and the Services. The NumBuster Privacy Policy describes what personal information we collect, how we collect, use, share and process such information and You acknowledge and agree that NumBuster may collect, use, share and process personal information as described therein.</p> 1. Definitions <p>To expressly define the contents and scope of the NumBuster Service, the following specific terms shall have the following specific meaning:</p> <p>"NumBuster web-service” or “Website” or “Site” – an Internet resource based on domain name, operating through the Internet resource and related services.</p> <p>“NumBuster mobile application” or “Mobile application” – a computer software installed or recorded on the User's mobile device or PC.</p> <p>“Administration” or “Licensor” - persons authorized to manage the Site and/or mobile application, acting on behalf of the NumBuster owner - the company GILRAEN LIMITED.</p> <p>“User” or “You” – a natural or legal entity who has gained access to the Site via the Internet or using NumBuster mobile application, who has agreed to accept and be bound without any exception by all the provisions of the Terms.</p> <p>“NumBuster System” or “NumBuster” or “System” – a global system of trust ratings of telephone numbers, which includes a universal caller I.D. mechanism, anonymously filled with Information Elements by all Users, as well as Information Elements for the purpose of blocking undesired contacts in calls and SMS correspondence on the mobile devices of its Users using the NumBuster mobile application.</p> <p>“Information Elements” or “Contents” – ratings, labels, reviews, notes, options for probable names and names of subscribers, other information related to telephone numbers.</p> 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS <p>2.1. The NumBuster Terms of Service is an agreement that regulates all the main contractual relationships between the Administration and the User. By accessing or using the Site and/or Mobile application, the User is considered to have acceded to this agreement and bound without any exception by all the provisions of the Terms, as well as to all changes and additions made to these Terms by the Administration.</p> <p>2.2. The Parties confirm that using our Mobile applications or registering as a User on our Site using with a mark of reading these Terms anywhere in our Mobile application or our Site at - is automatically recognized by the Parties as the legal and unconditional consent of the User with all the provisions, clauses, and sections of these Terms.</p> <p>2.3. The Administration reserves the right at any time to change, add or remove clauses of these Terms. The User will be informed of the changes made by way of placing a mandatory note on the date of making any changes in this document – at the address where this document is located and can be studied by Users. The Administration also informs the Users about the changes of the Terms by notification in the Mobile application.</p> <p>2.4. If the User does not agree with the changes and additions made by the Administration, the User is obliged to immediately (within 1 hour from the date of familiarization) refuse access to the Site and stop using the materials and services of the Site and delete the Mobile application from his mobile device, stopping using the Mobile application and the Site. If, after reading all the changes and additions made to the Agreement, the User continues to use the Site and / or Mobile application, this means the automatic acceptance and approval by the User of all the changes and additions made to the Agreement.</p> <p>2.5. The User is personally responsible for reviewing the Terms for changes in it and bears all the risks associated with untimely familiarization with the changes made to the Terms.</p> <p>2.6. The new version of the Terms comes into force from the moment it is posted (published) on our Site and in the Mobile application, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Terms. The current edition is located on the page at</p> <p>2.7. The Mobile application allows the User to find out the opinion of other Users about the alleged initiator of incoming call and its probable name/title, BEFORE the User answers the call on his mobile device or if the User manually enters a specific phone number known to him in the search bar in the Mobile application or on the Site</p> <p>2.8. The only source of Information Elements in the System are anonymous and non-anonymous actions of the Users, performed by them explicitly, voluntarily, by their initiative and in full compliance with the Terms. Information Elements of the System are governed by the provisions of these Terms.</p> <p>2.9. Information Elements of telephone numbers are visually displayed in the Mobile application, inside the logical partition and/or internal interface of the NumBuster software, which is an integral part of the System software (hereinafter referred to as the Phone Number Profile). All Users, who in advance and from other sources outside the System received information about the sequence of digits that make up the phone number, have access to the Phone Number Profile. A Phone Number Profile is assigned to all active telephone numbers of all national pools of telephone numbers of numbering capacities of all countries of the World. The Phone Number Profile and its Information Elements are the intellectual property of the System owner.</p> <p>2.10. Users can influence the way the Information Elements are displayed in the Phone Number Profiles on the Website and/or in the Mobile application, draw the attention of the Administration to certain Information Elements using the software tools and interfaces built into the Site and Mobile application.</p> <p>2.11. Users do not create, and the System does not provide technological possibilities to create any accounts or personalized “profiles” (“personal accounts”, “accounts”) for Users on the Site or in the Mobile application.</p> 3. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT (THE TERMS) <p>3.1. The subject of this agreement is to provide the User with access to the Information Elements of the System.</p> <p>3.1.1. The System provides the following types of services to the User:</p> <p>– access to search tools for Information Elements and navigation (to interfaces) on the Site and the Mobile application;</p> <p>– access to the Information Elements and Phone Number Profiles on a paid or free basis;</p> <p>– access to the functionality of the Mobile application, specified in the relevant descriptions and promotional materials for such software, located at our Site.</p> <p>3.1.2. This Agreement covers all existing and functioning, at the time of publication of these Terms, Services of the NumBuster System, as well as any of their subsequent modifications and additional services that appear in the future.</p> <p>3.2. The use of materials, Information Elements and Services of the System is governed by the norms of relevant international agreements and current national legislation.</p> <p>3.3. When registering as a User (installing or activating the Mobile application on the User's mobile and (or) stationary device) in the NumBuster System, the User unconditionally agrees with the BASIC CONDITION of the System: all System Users without exception anonymously share with each other and the Information System - options for probable names / names of subscribers of certain phone numbers that are contained in the internal phone books of the User's mobile and (or) stationary device, thereby supplementing the common list of the System Information Elements. Users should not distribute such information, if they are issued with judicial and other legally binding orders not to distribute the information listed above - which means they should refrain from using the Mobile application.</p> <p>3.4. Options of probable names of Subscribers received by the System as a result of the actions specified in paragraphs 3.3 of these Terms, and other Information Elements formed due to the actions or omission of the User when using the Site or the Mobile application are considered free of charge, unconditionally, indefinitely and completely transferred by the User to the ownership of the copyright holder of the NumBuster System, and also become integral part of the NumBuster System. All the mentioned Information Elements are recognized as created during the term of these Terms and they are subject to all the rules and conditions for the functioning of the System described in the Terms.</p> 4. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES <p>4.1. The Administration has the right to:</p> <p>4.1.1. Change the rules for using the System, as well as change the content of the Site and the Mobile application. The changes come into force from the moment the new version of the Terms is published on the Site and in the Mobile application.</p> <p>4.1.2. Delete, edit, hide, modify, merge, split, add, display any Information Elements in Phone Number Profiles at your own discretion.</p> <p>4.1.3. Refuse any person to register as a System User without further explanation.</p> <p>4.1.4. Disclose information about the User in cases provided for by Our Privacy Policy.</p> <p>4.1.5. Without prior notice to the User, terminate and (or) block access to the System if the User has violated the provisions of these Terms or our Privacy Policy, as well as in the event of termination of the System or due to a technical malfunction or problem.</p> <p>4.2. The User has the right to:</p> <p>4.2.1. Use all free services provided by the System on the Site and in the Mobile application, as well as those services that are subject to payment of fees.</p> <p>4.2.2. Contact the System's Help Desk on the Site at in the “Contacts” section, or by email:, or in the built-in text chat / messenger built into the Mobile application.</p> <p>4.2.3. Use the System exclusively for the purposes and in the manner described by the Terms and not prohibited by national legislation of the country of presence.</p> <p>4.2.4. Use the Information Elements for personal purposes, subject to all the provisions of these Terms.</p> <p>4.2.5. Get access to the use of the Site and the Mobile application after complying with the requirements of these Terms on registration as a User.</p> <p>4.2.6. Withdraw the consent and demand immediate removal of personal data relating to the User.</p> <p>4.3. The User is obliged to:</p> <p>4.3.1. Respect the property and non-property rights of authors and other right holders when using the Information Elements, the Site, and the Mobile application.</p> <p>4.3.2. Do not take actions that may be considered as having acted in breach of the normal operation of the System, the Site, and the Mobile application.</p> <p>4.3.3. Do not use the services for the purpose of:</p> <p> violation of the rights of minors and (or) harming them in any form;</p> <p> infringement of the rights of minorities;</p> <p> impersonation of another person or representation of an organization and (or) community without sufficient rights, including the Administration of the System, its Website or Mobile application;</p> <p> intentional dissemination of false information aimed at harm to one’s reputation or dignity, information that unlawfully invades one’s privacy or insults them.</p> <p>4.3.4. Do not use, copy or distribute intellectual property of the System and other companies and their components for commercial and non-commercial purposes, without official authorization of the Copyright Holder on letterhead, addressed directly to the User.</p> <p>4.4. The User is prohibited to:</p> <p>4.4.1. Use any devices, programs, procedures, algorithms and methods, automatic devices or equivalent manual processes for unauthorized access, acquisition, copying or tracking of the Information Elements of the System, the Site and Mobile application.</p> <p>4.4.2. Act in breach of the normal operation of the System, the Site and the Mobile application.</p> <p>4.4.3. Bypass the navigation structure of the System in any way to obtain or attempt to obtain any information, documents or materials or Information Elements by any means that are not specifically provided by the services of the System.</p> <p>4.4.4. Unauthorizedly access any functions of the System or any network related to the System.</p> <p>4.4.5. Break the security or authentication system in the System or in any network associated with the System.</p> <p>4.4.6. Use the System, the Site and Mobile application for any purposes prohibited by the laws of the country of presence, as well as incite any illegal activity or other activity that violates the rights of the System owners or third parties.</p> <p>4.4.7. Spread propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority, degrade honor, human dignity, infringing racial and religious integrity of a person when using the System, the Site or Mobile application.</p> <p>4.5. Administrators, moderators, technical support employees, employees responsible for developing and upgrading the software of the NumBuster System and the right holder of the NumBuster System are not responsible for the content of text comments and reviews, texts of options for probable names of Subscribers in the Phone Number Profiles in System, on the Site or in Mobile application, which can be interpreted as propagandizing or advocating, inciting social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity.</p> 5. USAGE RULES <p>5.1. In order to access the NumBuster System on Your device, You are required to submit Your personal identifiable data. If You submit Your phone number to the NumBuster System, the NumBuster will verify and register it in the order, specified in Section 3 of Our Privacy Policy.</p> <p>5.2. The Phone Number Profiles in the NumBuster System are active until they are not deleted by their connected Users under the right to erase or removed by the national government from the official telephone numbering list. Please view our Privacy Policy to check how do we collect, use and delete Your personal data.</p> <p>5.3. You can acquire content on our services for free or for a charge. You can manage these functions in Your Google Account or Apple ID or in your personal account on our Website, with the help of a trusted official payment agent in your country. The System does not accept any payments from users, all purchases are made on the abovementioned platforms. Claims for successful, safe and correct payment are not accepted.</p> 6. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY <p>6.1. Unless otherwise stated, the NumBuster owns the intellectual property rights for all material on the Website or in the NumBuster Mobile application. The NumBuster and all of the Contents are protected under the EU laws and any other countries’ laws regarding patent right, copyright, trademark right, and other related rights.</p> <p>6.2. You warrant and represent that Your activity on the Website or in the Mobile application does not invade any intellectual property right, including without limitation copyright, patent or trademark of any third party.</p> 7. USE OF YOUR DATA <p>7.1. You shall keep watching and maintaining your personal data on your own and judge the accuracy and reliability of the information about phone numbers fed back by the user group independently.</p> <p>7.2. You acknowledged that the NumBuster will be able to access and adjust Your downloaded application content and Your personal information, and that the NumBuster’s use of such material and information is subject to Your legal agreements with the NumBuster’s Privacy Policy:</p> <p>Please remember that the NumBuster doesn’t present commercial activities both in the Mobile application and on the Website and doesn’t share Your information with any advertisers.</p> 8. LICENSE <p>8.1. You are given a non-transferable, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable license to install and use the Licensed Application on any devices that You own or control and as permitted by the Usage Rules.</p> <p>8.2. This license will also govern any updates of the Licensed Application provided by Licensor that replace, repair, and/or supplement the first Licensed Application, unless a separate license is provided for such update, in which case the terms of that new license will govern.</p> <p>8.3. You may not reverse engineer, translate, disassemble, integrate, decompile, remove, modify, combine, create derivative works or updates of, adapt, or attempt to derive the source code of the Licensed Application, or any part thereof.</p> <p>8.4. You may not copy (excluding when expressly authorized by this license and the Usage Rules) or alter the Licensed Application or portions thereof. You may create and store copies only on devices that You own or control for backup keeping under the terms of this license, the Usage Rules, and any other terms and conditions that apply to the device or software used. You may not remove any intellectual property notices.</p> <p>8.5. Violations of the obligations mentioned above, as well as the attempt of such infringement, may be subject to prosecution and damages.</p> <p>8.6. Licensor reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of licensing.</p> <p>8.7. Nothing in this license should be interpreted to restrict third-party terms. When using the Licensed Application, You must ensure that You comply with applicable third-party terms and conditions.</p> 9. TERMINATION <p>9.1. The license is valid until terminated by the NumBuster or by You. Your rights under this license will terminate automatically and without notice from the NumBuster if You fail to adhere to any term(s) of this license.</p> <p>9.2. You can refuse to use the NumBuster by deleting the Mobile application from the internal or external memory of Your mobile device and (or) Your stationary device or deleting Your Phone Number Profile.</p> <p>9.3. When refusing to use the NumBuster, You acknowledge that all of the Contents produced by You in the NumBuster, such as: rating, tags, text comments and reviews, characteristics, audio, visual, textual, geolocation and other types of information provided by the functionality of the NumBuster is considered free of charge, unconditionally and completely transferred by You to the Administration and the copyright holders of the NumBuster System. Moreover, You comply with the fact that all the mentioned Contents become clear parts of the System.</p> <p>9.4. The Administration is not liable to You or third parties for termination of access to the System, its Website or Mobile application, in case of violation by You of any provision of the Terms or other document containing the terms of use of the System.</p> <p>9.5. If You delete Your phone number from the Mobile application or lose access to Your Phone Number Profile due to violating the Terms of Service – Your access to the NumBuster PRO mode (PRO mode grants You full advantage of the NumBuster functionality during the whole period of the application developer company activity) or available purchases denied. If You request to recover Your access to the NumBuster, some of the in-up purchases will restore automatically. Please remember that there are certain types of in-app purchases that could not be restored (e.g., subscriptions with periodical payments that last whether You use the NumBuster or not).</p> 10. DISCLAIMER <p>10.1. The NumBuster will use the Contents of its services as “it is”, without any express or implicit warranties or conditions. You expressly acknowledge and agree that You shall use the services or user data at Your own risk, including satisfactory quality, performance, accuracy and effort thereof. Without limiting the foregoing, you expressly disclaim any warranties of the NumBuster towards the merchantability, accuracy, non-interruption or non-infringement of the services or user data, and any warranties and conditions of the NumBuster towards the process or purpose of transactions.</p> <p>10.2. The NumBuster will not make any warranties towards non-interruption of its services or the compliance of its services or user data with your requirements, or a non-interrupted, safe, or error-free service environment, and rectification of relevant defects.</p> <p>10.3. The NumBuster also makes no warranties towards the quality of any product, service or data accessed via the Mobile application or the Website, or accuracy, timeliness, authenticity, completeness or reliability of any data accessed via the NumBuster’s services or user data. Unless otherwise expressly provided herein, any suggestions or data, accessed by You from the NumBuster will not constitute any warranties. If the service is proven to be defective, you shall bear all expenses related to the maintenance, repairing or correction as required.</p> 11. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS <p>11.1. Licensor attempts to keep the Licensed Application updated so that it complies with modified / new versions of the firmware and new hardware. You are not granted rights to claim such an update.</p> <p>11.2. You acknowledge that it is Your responsibility to confirm and determine that the device on which You intend to use the NumBuster satisfies the necessary technical specifications and has a stable Internet connection.</p> <p>11.3. The Licensor reserves the right to modify the technical specifications as it sees appropriate at any time.</p> <p>11.4. After every incoming call on Your device the NumBuster mobile app for Android operating system can send to a remote storage statistical information about the caller (namely, but not only: the sum, difference and quantitative changes of statistical information assigned to a particular phone number), as well as Your text feedback and other information from the profile of a particular phone number. These possibilities cannot be guaranteed and be technically capable of working on a specific mobile device.</p> 12. LIABILITY <p>12.1. The Licensor takes no accountability or responsibility for any damages caused due to a breach of duties according to Section 8 of this License Agreement. To avoid data loss, You are required to make use of backup functions of the Licensed Application to the extent allowed by applicable third-party terms and conditions of use. You are aware that in case of alterations or manipulations of the Licensed Application, You will not have access to the Licensed Application.</p> <p>12.2. You acknowledge that the NumBuster shall not be liable for the following damages: (1) another member’s or a third party’s libelous, offensive or illegal activity, and any damages caused therefrom shall be borne by you. (2) any third party’s contents uploaded to or downloaded from the Website or via the Mobile application. (3) any damages caused by the technical failures in the process of using the System, its Website or its Mobile application, arising from force majeure, as well as any case of malfunctions in telecommunications, computer, electrical and other related systems. (4) improper work of the System, its Website or its Mobile application if the user does not have the necessary technical specifications for its use. (5) any dispute or effect arising between you and a third party from your access to the NumBuster System.</p> 13. LITIGATION <p>13.1. In case of any disagreements or disputes between You and the Administration, it is necessary to direct to another party a claim letter in order to enable the possibility to settle a dispute before commencing litigation.</p> <p>13.2. The respondent notifies the claimant of the results of the consideration of the claim in writing within 30 calendar days from the date of its obtainment.</p> <p>13.3. If the parties of a dispute failed to resolve it, they have the right to apply to the court to protect their rights, which are granted to them by the national legislation.</p> 14. MODERATION RULES <p>14.1. Any person or organization, including those who are not a user of the NumBuster, has the right to contact the System technical support service on the System Website at in the "Contacts" section, or via email:, or in the built-in text chat\messenger built into the Mobile application in order to draw attention of the System technical support staff to suspicious or forbidden content in the Phone Number Profiles in the System.</p> <p>14.2. The System technical support staff responds to Your letter within 24 hours and forms an application for checking the indicated Phone Number Profile by the System Moderators.</p> <p>14.3. The System Moderators check the claim and the Phone Number Profile, identify possible violations of the provisions of the Terms and make corrections no later than 24 hours after the technical support staff receives the claim from the applicant.</p> <p>14.4. The NumBuster moderates all the commentaries both in the Mobile application and on the Website and remove any offensive material.</p> <p>Comments that do not adhere to the moderation rules will be removed.</p> <p>Every comment is valued for its content. The NumBuster allows everyone to have a say about the received calls and the unknown phone numbers.</p> <p>So, We encourage you to follow the etiquette guide below.</p> Etiquette <p> It’s a good idea to read through the information on the Website or in the Mobile application and clarify the opinion of the authors of the comments before making a report to the moderator. We are glad to make it possible for You to respond to the comments of other Users. Always make sure You investigate the point of view of the author of the comment.</p> <p> Be constructive. It’s okay to pay attention to the annoying spam calls or suspicious phone numbers, in fact we encourage You to be alert and attentive, just keep the content of Your comments non-offensive and focused on the issues rather than letting it deteriorate into personal insults.</p> <p> If You feel that someone has insulted You, report their comment to the moderator. The moderator will take a look at the offending comment and decide whether it should be removed.</p> Moderation Rules <p>The NumBuster is subject to the following moderation rules:</p> <p> Never post personal information about anyone. This includes identifying any individual by their real name if they have not already done so or providing personal information about the contacts, ownership, relatives, diseases, etc.</p> <p> Don’t defame anyone or any organisation. Information You post should be truthful, factful and reliable.</p> <p> Don’t post anything that could be considered intolerant of a person’s race, culture, appearance, gender, sexual preference, religion or age.</p> Sanctions <p>Breaches of the moderation rules will be dealt with as follows:</p> <p> Removal of comment – any comment that, in the view of the moderator, breaches the rules will be removed.</p> <p> Temporary Suspension – a User who repeatedly and flagrantly flouts the moderation rules may be suspended from access to the Website or the Mobile application for period of up to one week determined by the moderators. The period will reflect both the severity and consistency of the breach.</p> <p> Permanent Blocking – a User who continues to violate the moderation rules following reinstatement after a period of suspension may have their access to the Website or the Mobile application permanently blocked.</p> NumBuster’s Privacy Policy 1. Who are We? <p>The NumBuster is an international global rating system of phone numbers (“NumBuster” “We” “Us”). NumBuster’s Privacy Policy applies to Our mobile applications and web-services (“NumBuster Services” “Our Services) unless specified otherwise.</p> <p>This Privacy Policy explains how We use personal data collected from You (“User”) when You use NumBuster Services. By using Our Services You consent to the collection, use, sharing and processing of personal information as described herein.</p> 2. How do We collect Your personal data? <p>We collect and process personal data from You when You register, download, install and access NumBuster Services.</p> 3. What types of data do We collect? <p>• Personal identification information.</p> <p>While using Our Service, We may ask You to provide Us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify You. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to:</p> <p>Phone number: Your phone number is needed for Your registration. We verify Your phone number by sending a message, making a telephone call, or activating Your account through previously installed messengers to ensure that it is Your phone number, and nobody is trying to gain access to Your phone number’s profile.</p> <p>Your nickname: You may provide Us with Your nickname which is not to be checked or edited by Us.</p> <p>Email address: We collect information about Your email address only when You contact Us via the feedback tools on the website or complain about the content via Our email address.</p> <p>• Other information that You agree to provide voluntarily. For example, information about contacts from Your phone books that can help to activate the caller identity finder function and optimize Our antifraud services. We do not disclose contacts from Your phone books or any other personal data without Your consent to do so, if We are legally required to ask Your consent. Please, remember that We do not import the phone numbers from Your contact list. We only collect the nicknames of Your contacts.</p> <p>You will be informed about the reasons why You are asked to provide personal data at the time We request Your personal data.</p> <p>• Information collected automatically. In the process of using Our Services We may collect Data and analytics about Your use of Our Services, if you give Us consent to do so.</p> <p>Usage Data is collected automatically when using the Services for the purposes of optimizing the Services and other purposes, specifically described in Section 4.</p> <p>Usage Data may include information such as Your Device’s Internet Protocol address (e.g., IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of Our Services that You visit, the time and date of Your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data. This type of data is collected in anonymized form in accordance with the license and the Google Analytics privacy standards.</p> <p>When You access the Service by or through a mobile device, We may collect certain information automatically, such as the type of mobile device You use, Your mobile device unique ID, the IP address of Your mobile device, Your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browser You use, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.</p> <p>We may also collect information that Your browser sends whenever You visit Our Service or when You access the Service by or through a mobile device (cookies).</p> <p>Third-party information. Other users can share information related to Your phone number. For example, when they give Your name, nickname, or their comments on the phone number from their phone books. We require all Our Users to have lawful rights before giving it to Us. We are not responsible for the disclosure of personal data as a result of the User’s actions during the use of the NumBuster.</p> 4. How do We use Your personal information? <p>The NumBuster collects Your data so that We can:</p> <p>Provide and maintain Our Services, including monitoring the usage of Our Service, identifying spam or fraudsters or call-spoofing services. We help You to use the NumBuster Services, for example, by responding to Your questions, sending You service-related messages and notifications, remembering You next time You visit one of Our Services;</p> <p>Manage Your Account: to manage Your registration as a User of the Service. The Personal Data You provide can give You access to different functionalities of the Service that are available to You as a registered User;</p> <p>Perform a contract: the development, compliance and undertaking of the purchase contract for the products, items or services You have purchased or of any other contract with Us through the Service;</p> <p>Contact You: To contact You by email, telephone calls, SMS, or other equivalent forms of electronic communication, such as a mobile application’s push notifications regarding updates or informative communications related to the functionalities, products or contracted services, including the security updates, when necessary or reasonable for their implementation;</p> <p>Provide You with news, special offers, newsletters and general information about other goods, services and events which We offer that are similar to those that You have already purchased or enquired about unless You have opted not to receive such information;</p> <p>Manage Your requests: To attend and manage Your requests to Us;</p> <p>Use it for business transfers: We may use Your information to evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of Our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which personal data held by Us about Our Service Users is among the assets transferred;</p> <p>Comply with legal obligations;</p> <p>For other purposes: We may use Your information for other purposes, such as data analysis, identifying usage trends, determining the effectiveness of Our promotional campaigns and to evaluate and improve Our Service, products, services, marketing and Your experience. We use aggregated personal information for statistical and analytical purposes that helps Us to optimize and improve the quality of Our Services.</p> 5. On what legal grounds do We process Your personal data? <p>We collect and process Your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws, based on the following principles:</p> <p>• We collect and process Your personal data (as to the personal data We collect, see Section 3), if You have given Your consent for that;</p> <p>• We collect and process Your personal data only when We have legitimate interests to pursuit;</p> <p>• We may collect and process Your personal data to comply with applicable laws and to enforce Our agreements and protect the rights or safety of the NumBuster and its Users.</p> 6. Who do We share Your data with? <p>Your personal data collected by Us may be disclosed to the competent law enforcement body or other non-user third party when it is necessary to satisfy applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request or with Your explicit consent.</p> <p>Your personal identification information and the information that You agree to provide voluntarily (See Section 3) may be disclosed to other NumBuster Users, if You have given Your consent during registration as a User of the Services.</p> <p>We may share Your personal information in the following situations:</p> <p>With service providers: We may share Your personal information with service providers to monitor and analyze the use of Our Service, to contact You;</p> <p>For business transfers: We may share or transfer Your personal information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of NumBuster assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of Our business to another company. We will provide notice before Your personal data is transferred and becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy;</p> <p>With affiliates: We may share Your information with Our affiliates, in which case We will require those affiliates to honor this Privacy Policy. Affiliates include Our parent company and any other subsidiaries, joint venture partners or other companies that We control or that are under common control with Us;</p> <p>With other Users: when You share personal information or otherwise interact in the public areas with other Users, such information may be viewed by all Users and may be publicly distributed outside. If You interact with other Users or register through a Third-Party Social Media Service, Your contacts on the Third-Party Social Media Service may see Your name, profile, pictures and description of Your activity. Similarly, other Users will be able to view descriptions of Your activity, communicate with You and view Your profile;</p> <p>To comply with a legal obligation: thus, under certain circumstances, the NumBuster may be required to disclose Your Personal Data to law enforcement agencies if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g., a court order or a government agency).</p> <p>Other legal requirements</p> <p>The NumBuster may disclose Your Personal Data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:</p> <p>• Protect and defend the rights or property of the NumBuster;</p> <p>• Prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Service;</p> <p>• Protect the personal safety of Users of the Service or the public;</p> <p>• Protect against legal liability.</p> <p>With Your consent: We may disclose Your personal information for any other purpose with Your consent.</p> 7. Retention of Your personal data <p>The NumBuster will retain Your personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use Your personal data to the extent necessary to comply with Our legal obligations (for example, if We are required to retain Your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce Our legal agreements and policies.</p> <p>The NumBuster will also retain usage data for internal analysis purposes. Usage data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of Our Service, or We are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods.</p> 8. Transfer of Your personal data <p>Your information, including personal data, is processed at the NumBuster’s operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved in the processing are located. It means that this information may be maintained on Our computers located outside of Your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction. Please remember that We do not transfer Your personal data to any third party or international organization.</p> <p>Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by Your submission of such information represents Your agreement to that transfer.</p> <p>The NumBuster will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of Your personal data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of Your data and other personal information.</p> 9. Security of Your Personal Data <p>The security of Your Personal Data is important to Us but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect Your personal data, We cannot guarantee its absolute security.</p> 10. Children’s Privacy <p>Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13. If You are a parent or guardian and You are aware that Your child has provided Us with Personal Data, please contact Us. If We become aware that We have collected Personal Data from anyone under the age of 13 without verification of parental consent, We take steps to remove that information from Our servers.</p> <p>If We need to rely on consent as a legal basis for processing Your information and Your country requires consent from a parent, We may require Your parent’s consent before We collect and use that information.</p> 11. Your Rights and Options <p>According to applicable laws and regulations in Your jurisdiction, You may have some or all of the following rights:</p> <p>• Right to access: the right to access to Your personal data retained on Our system.</p> <p>• Right to correct: the right to rectify Your personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete.</p> <p>• Right to erase: the right to request that We delete or remove Your personal data from Our systems.</p> <p>• Right to data portability: the right to request a copy of Your information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and transmit it to another party.</p> <p>• Right to object: the right to object to Our use of Your personal data including where We use it for Our legitimate interests.</p> <p>• Withdraw any of Your consent already given to Us for processing Your data.</p> <p>Please remember that under the ‘right to erase’ You can ask the NumBuster to delete the personal data belonging to You (e.g., Your phone number). You can delete Your phone number in the NumBuster app on Your device in the section “Privacy Settings” or send Your request via email address or via the feedback tools on the Website See the paragraph «Managing Your Privacy Policy preferences» for more information about the main ways to manage Your privacy policy preferences.</p> 12. Links to Other Websites <p>Our Service may contain links to other Websites that are not operated by Us. If You click on a third-party link, You will be directed to that third party’s site. We strongly advise You to review the Privacy Policy of every site You visit.</p> <p>We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third-party sites or services.</p> 13. Managing Your Privacy Policy preferences <p>We want You to be in control of Your privacy preferences, so We have developed several features in app and a dedicated Privacy Management Centre to make this as easy as possible.</p> <p>You can access and edit Your basic profile information and preferences from within the NumBuster app. You can also obtain a copy of information that is not available in Our app in a portable format, so You can move it or store it wherever You want.</p> <p>We will require You to verify Your identity or provide additional information related to Your account before We let You access or update Your personal information. We may also reject Your request to access or update Your personal information for several reasons, including, for example, if the request is unlawful or whether to do so would impact the protection of other Users in the NumBuster community.</p> 14. Changes to this Privacy Policy <p>We may update Our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify You of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.</p> <p>We will let You know via email and/or a prominent notice on Our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the "Last updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy.</p> <p>You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.</p> <p>Contact Us</p> <p>If You have any questions or suggestions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact Us:</p> <p>Via email:</p> <p>By visiting this page on Our Website:</p> Previous version: <ul> <li>Terms of Serivce April 25, 2022</li> <li>Terms of Service April 5, 2022</li> <li>Terms of Serivce April 3, 2022</li> </ul>

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