
Privacy Policy

Effective Date: August 31, 2021 Docker, Inc. (“Docker” or the “Company”) is committed to protecting the privacy of your information. We provide this Privacy Policy to inform users of our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information received from users of our websites, services, applications, software or other means. This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason, at our sole discretion. We will notify you of any material changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy on our Website. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes. By using or accessing the Docker products or services, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy, and you are consenting to our processing of your information as set forth in this Privacy Policy now and as amended by us. If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or our use of your personally identifiable information, please contact us using this form&nbsp; <ol> <li>Covered Properties and Information Collected</li> </ol> <p>This Privacy Policy applies to Docker websites, products and services offered by Docker (the “Services”).</p> <p>Docker collects information from individuals who visit the Company’s Website (“Visitors”) and individuals who register to use the Services (“Customers”) either individually or on behalf of an entity. Docker may also collect information about how you use the Services, such as activity data, feature usage and product version data. This information may be aggregated or identifiable. Docker may collect data to improve our operations and to understand how to provide you with the best experience.</p> <p>When expressing an interest in obtaining additional information about the Services or registering to use the Services, Docker may require you to provide the Company with personal contact information, such as name, company name, address, phone number, and email address (“Required Contact Information”). When purchasing the Services, Docker may require you to provide the Company with financial qualification and billing information, such as billing name and address, credit card number, and the number of employees within the organization that will be using the Services (“Billing Information”). Docker may also ask you to provide additional information, such as company annual revenues, number of employees, or industry (“Optional Information”). Required Contact Information, Billing Information, and Optional Information are referred to collectively as “Data About Docker Customers.” As you navigate the Company’s Website, Docker may also collect information through the use of commonly-used information-gathering tools, such as cookies and Web beacons (“Website Navigational Information”). Website Navigational Information includes standard information from your Web browser (such as browser type and browser language), your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, and the actions you take on the Company’s Website (such as the Web pages viewed and the links clicked). By choosing to provide any information to Docker, you are giving the Company permission to use and store such information consistent with this privacy policy. The Company also collects and uses personal data regarding its employees (“Employee Data”), which may include: name, address, job title and other job information, location, compensation information, identification number, employment history, and copy of employment agreement.</p> <ol> <li>Use of Information Collected</li> </ol> <p>The Company uses Data About Docker Customers to perform the services requested. The Company may also use Data About Docker Customers for marketing purposes. For example, the Company may use information you provide to contact you to further discuss your interest in the Services and to send you information regarding the Company and its partners, such as information about promotions or events. Docker uses credit card information solely to check the financial qualifications of prospective Customers and to collect payment for the Services. Docker uses Website Navigational Information to operate and improve the Company’s Website. The Company may also use Website Navigational Information alone or in combination with Data About Docker Customers to provide personalized information about the Company. Employee Data is only used for the for the purposes of facilitating the performance of certain administrative tasks and functions relating to general employment and for processing and investigating reports under the Company’s codes and policies (“Employee Data Purposes”).</p> <ol> <li>Products and Services</li> </ol> <p>3.1 Docker Websites and Navigation Information</p> <p>Docker may use commonly used information gathering tools, such as cookies and Web beacons, to collect information as you navigate the Company’s Website (“Website Navigational Information”). This section describes the types of Website Navigational Information that may be collected on the Company’s Website and how this information may be used.</p> <p>3.1(a) Cookies – Docker may use cookies to make interactions with the Company’s Website easy and meaningful. When you visit the Company’s Website, Docker’s servers send a cookie to your computer. Standing alone, cookies do not personally identify you. They merely recognize your Web browser. Unless you choose to identify yourself to Docker, either by responding to a promotional offer, opening an account, or filling out a Web form, you remain anonymous to the Company. Docker uses cookies that are session-based and persistent-based. Session cookies exist only during one session. They disappear from your computer when you close your browser software or turn off your computer. Persistent cookies remain on your computer after you close your browser or turn off your computer. If you have chosen to identify yourself to Docker, the Company uses session cookies containing encrypted information to allow the Company to uniquely identify you. Each time you log into the Services, a session cookie containing an encrypted, unique identifier that is tied to your account is placed on your browser. These session cookies allow the Company to uniquely identify you when you are logged into the Services and to process your online transactions and requests. Session cookies are required to use the Services. Docker may use persistent cookies that only the Company can read and use to identify browsers that have previously visited the Company’s Website. When you purchase the Services or provide the Company with personal information, a unique identifier is assigned to you. This unique identifier is associated with a persistent cookie that the Company places on your Web browser. The Company is especially careful about the security and confidentiality of the information stored in persistent cookies. For example, the Company does not store account numbers or passwords in persistent cookies. You may refuse to accept cookies by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse the setting of cookies. If you disable your Web browser’s ability to accept cookies, you will be able to navigate the Company’s Website, but you will not be able to successfully use the Services. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you log on to our site. Docker may use information from session and persistent cookies in combination with Data About Docker Customers to provide you with information about the Company and the Services.</p> <p>3.1(b) Web Beacons – Docker may use Web beacons alone or in conjunction with cookies to compile information about Customers and Visitors’ usage of the Company’s Website and interaction with emails from the Company. Web beacons are clear electronic images that can recognize certain types of information on your computer, such as cookies, when you viewed a particular Website tied to the Web beacon, and a description of a Website tied to the Web beacon. For example, Docker may place Web beacons in marketing emails that notify the Company when you click on a link in the email that directs you to one of the Company’s Website. Docker uses Web beacons to operate and improve the Company’s Website and email communications. Docker may use information from Web beacons in combination with Data About Docker Customers to provide you with information about the Company and the Services.</p> <p>3.1(c) Flash Cookies – Docker may use local shared objects, also known as Flash cookies, to store your preferences or display content based upon what you view on our site to personalize your visit. Third parties, with whom the Company partners to provide certain features on our site or to display advertising based upon your Web browsing activity, use Flash cookies to collect and store information. Flash cookies are different from browser cookies because of the amount of, type of, and how data is stored. Cookie management tools provided by your browser will not remove Flash cookies.</p> <p>3.1(d) IP Addresses – When you visit Docker’s Website, the Company may collect your Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses to track and aggregate non-personal information. For example, Docker may use IP addresses to monitor the regions from which Customers and Visitors navigate the Company’s Website.</p> <p>3.1(e) Third Party Cookies – From time to time, Docker may engage third parties to track and analyze usage and volume statistical information from individuals who visit the Company’s Website. Docker may also use other third-party cookies to track the performance of Company advertisements. The information provided to third parties does not include personal information, but this information may be re-associated with personal information after the Company receives it. Docker may also contract with third-party advertising networks that collect IP addresses and other Website Navigational Information on the Company’s Website and emails and on third-party Websites. Ad networks follow your online activities over time by collecting Website Navigational Information through automated means, including through the use of cookies. They use this information to provide advertisements about products and services tailored to your interests. You may see these advertisements on other Websites. This process also helps us manage and track the effectiveness of our marketing efforts.</p> <ol> <li>Public Forums, Refer a Friend, and Customer Testimonials</li> </ol> <p>Docker may provide bulletin boards, blogs, or chat rooms on the Company’s Website. Any personal information you choose to submit in such a forum may be read, collected, or used by others who visit these forums, and may be used to send you unsolicited messages. Docker is not responsible for the personal information you choose to submit in these forums. Customers and Visitors may elect to use the Company’s referral program to inform friends about the Company’s Website. When using the referral program, the Company requests the friend’s name and email address. Docker will automatically send the friend a one-time email inviting him or her to visit the Company’s Website. Docker does not store this information. Docker may post a list of Customers and testimonials on the Company’s Website that contain information such as Customer names and titles. Docker obtains the consent of each Customer prior to posting any information on such a list or posting testimonials.</p> <ol> <li>Third party providers</li> </ol> <p>We use third party providers such as Google Analytics and others to help us provide the Services. In order to gain useful insights these analytics providers may set tracking technologies (like cookies) to collect information about your use of the Services and across other websites and online services.</p> <ol> <li>Sharing of Information Collected</li> </ol> <p>Docker may share Data About Docker Customers with the Company’s service providers so that these service providers can contact Customers and Visitors who have provided contact information on our behalf. Docker may also share Data About Docker Customers with the Company’s service providers to ensure the quality of information provided. Unless described in this Privacy Policy, Docker does not share, sell, rent, or trade any information provided with third parties for their promotional purposes. From time to time, Docker may partner with other companies to jointly offer products or services. If you purchase or specifically express interest in a jointly-offered product or service from Docker, the Company may share Data About Docker Customers collected in connection with your purchase or expression of interest with our joint promotion partner(s), once Docker has notified you of the information to be shared and obtained your consent to the sharing of the information. Docker does not control our business partners’ use of the Data About Docker Customers we collect, and their use of the information will be in accordance with their own privacy policies. Docker may use third-party service providers to manage credit card processing. Such service providers will not be permitted to store, retain, or use Billing Information except for the sole purpose of credit card processing on the Company’s behalf. Docker reserves the right to use or disclose information provided if required by law or if the Company reasonably believes that use or disclosure is necessary to protect the Company’s rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process. Employee Data is only disclosed to third parties for the Employee Data Purposes. In no case does the Company disclose to third parties Employee Data for any incompatible purpose without first notifying the data subject and providing the data subject with an opportunity to affirmatively opt-out or object to such use or disclosure.</p> <ol> <li>Users from outside the United States</li> </ol> <p>Docker and its Services are based in the U.S., and the Company’s offices are headquartered in the U.S. Please be aware that information you provide to Docker that it obtains as a result of your use of the Services may be processed and transferred to the U.S. and be subject to U.S. law. This information may also be processed by staff working for the Company or for one of its suppliers in the U.S. By using the Website, participating in any of the Services, or by providing Docker with your information, you consent to this collection, transfer, storage, and processing of information to and in the U.S. Docker will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely in accordance with this privacy policy.</p> <ol> <li>California Privacy Rights</li> </ol> <p>Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) you are entitled to certain rights such as access to your specific personal information, details about our processing of your personal information and the right to delete your information. You may exercise all of these rights as described herein. Docker does not sell your personal information as defined under the CCPA.</p> <p>You may designate, in writing or through a power of attorney, an authorized agent to make requests on your behalf to exercise your rights under the CCPA. Before accepting such a request from an agent, we will require you to provide proof you have authorized it to act on your behalf, and we may need you to verify your identity directly with us. To provide or delete specific pieces of personal information we will need to verify your identity to the degree of certainty required by law.</p> <ol> <li>Communications Preferences. Opt In Policy</li> </ol> <p>Docker offers Customers and Visitors who provide contact information a means to choose how the Company uses the information provided. You may manage your receipt of marketing and non-transactional communications by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link located on the bottom of the Company’s marketing emails. Additionally, you may send a request specifying your communications preferences to please contact us using this form&nbsp; If, at any time after registering, you change your mind about receiving information from us or about the use of information volunteered by you, please send us a request specifying your new choice. Please contact us as specified herein.</p> <ol> <li>Correcting and Updating Your Information</li> </ol> <p>Customers may view, update or change their registration information by logging in to their accounts at&nbsp; Requests to access, change, or delete your information will be handled within 30 days.</p> <ol> <li>Security</li> </ol> <p>Docker uses appropriate administrative, technical, and physical security measures to protect Data About Docker Customers. However, we cannot guarantee that hackers or unauthorized personnel will not gain access to your personal information despite our efforts. You should note that in using the Website and our related services, your information will travel through third party infrastructures which are not under our control. We cannot protect, nor does this Privacy Policy apply to, any information that you transmit to other users of the Website. You should never transmit personal or identifying information to other users.</p> <ol> <li>Change of Control</li> </ol> <p>As Docker develops its business, it may buy or sell assets or business offerings. Data About Docker Customers is generally one of the transferred business assets in these types of transactions. Docker may also transfer such information in the course of corporate divestitures, mergers, or dissolution.</p> <ol> <li>Contacting Us</li> </ol> <p>Questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the information practices of the Website should be directed to this form&nbsp; or by mailing Docker Privacy, 3790 El Camino Real, #1052, Palo Alto, CA 94306 USA.</p> <ol> <li>Events</li> </ol> <p>As part of the registration process for events hosted by Docker which you register to attend, we may request personal data such as: your name, address, email address and country, and details relevant to your occupation or employer and familiarity with Docker products. This information is required to process your registration for the event and to provide you with relevant event materials. This data may be shared with event sponsors contracted with Docker under the terms of the event and our Privacy Policy. If you show an interest in a sponsor at an event hosted by Docker, Inc., such as attending their virtual or physical, event speaking session or booth, we will provide your data to such sponsors who may contact you for their own direct advertising and marketing purposes. In that case, the exhibitors’ use of your information would be subject the exhibitors’ privacy policies. For events sponsored by Docker, the event host may provide your personal data to Docker, subject to your consent. Docker will use the data as set forth in the Use of Information section of this Privacy Policy.</p>

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