
Privacy Policy

Skip to content <ul> <li>Products <ul> <li>IB PYP<p>Loved by 30,000+ PYP educators </p> </li> <li>IB MYP<p>The next generation MYP platform </p> </li> <li>IB DP<p>The DP platform that students love</p> </li> <li>Cambridge curriculum (CAIE)<p>All things Cambridge on a single platform</p> </li> <li>British curriculum<p>Your partner through all the key stages</p> </li> <li>Independent schools<p>Integrated teaching platform for K-12</p> </li> <li>UbD® schools<p>Make backward design come alive </p> </li> <li>Bespoke solution<p>Highly customisable end-to-end<br> teaching-learning solution </p> </li> <li>FAQs</li> </ul> </li> <li>Why Toddle</li> <li>Learn</li> <li>Leaders Bootcamp</li> <li>Careers</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Sign In</li> <li>Book a Free Demo</li> </ul> Book a Free Demo <ul> <li>Products <ul> <li>IB PYP<p>Loved by 30,000+ PYP educators </p> </li> <li>IB MYP<p>The next generation MYP platform </p> </li> <li>IB DP<p>The DP platform that students love</p> </li> <li>Cambridge curriculum (CAIE)<p>All things Cambridge on a single platform</p> </li> <li>British curriculum<p>Your partner through all the key stages</p> </li> <li>Independent schools<p>Integrated teaching platform for K-12</p> </li> <li>UbD® schools<p>Make backward design come alive </p> </li> <li>Bespoke solution<p>Highly customisable end-to-end<br> teaching-learning solution </p> </li> <li>FAQs</li> </ul> </li> <li>Why Toddle</li> <li>Learn</li> <li>Leaders Bootcamp</li> <li>Careers</li> </ul> Request a demo <p> Our Privacy Policy</p> <p> Last Updated: December 21, 2022</p> <p> It is our mission to help teachers deliver meaningful learning experiences. To achieve this, we build easy to use tools that help make things simple for teachers and empower them to focus on the important things. It is hence critical that we create a safe and secure environment where teachers, children, and parents freely share content and ideas. Creating such a safe and secure environment is central to the success of our endeavours. </p> Introduction <p>This Privacy Policy governs the use of data collected by our websites&nbsp;,&nbsp;, and our apps – Toddle Family, Toddle Educator and Toddle Student (hereafter, collectively referred to as “the Service”, “Toddle”, or, “the Toddle Service”).</p> <p>By using Toddle, you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree, please refrain from using Toddle. You can contact us anytime with queries about this Privacy Policy at&nbsp;</p> Definitions <p> <strong>“Profile”</strong> <br>This includes personally identifiable information that we collect when you create an account. This may include First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone Number of the user.</p> <p> <strong>“Class Journal”</strong> <br>This includes all the content added to the class journal.</p> <p> <strong>“Academic Plans”</strong> <br>This includes the Programme of Inquiry, Unit Plans, Learning Experiences, Assessments, Schedule, Reflections created by the teachers using the planning elements on Toddle. The external resources added by the teacher are not included in this.</p> <p> <strong>“Messages”</strong> <br>This includes the messages sent via Toddle – both from parents to teachers and vice- versa.</p> <p> <strong>“Student Portfolio”</strong> <br>This includes all the content added to a specific student’s portfolio.</p> <p> <strong>“Student Data”</strong> <br>Any data collected by Toddle that can be linked back to an individual student. This contains name, age, Email ID, name of parents, school name, and the assessment data.</p> <p> <strong>“Toddle Resource Bank”</strong> <br>A collection of all the Academic Plans created by teachers. By default, the Academic Plans are private to the school.</p> <p> <strong>“Insights”</strong> <br>Toddle analyses the data collected from the teachers and students and converts them into actionable points to support teachers in teaching and learning. This set of actionable data-points is collectively referred to as Insights.</p> What is Toddle? <p>Toddle is one stop solution for educators that seamlessly integrates curriculum planning, portfolios, evidence collection, progress reports and communication. Toddle has a web end as well as a mobile end. The Toddle platform has 4 different types of users – Teachers, Students, Parents, and School Administrators. Below is a brief summary of what each type of user can use the platform for:</p> <p> <strong>Teachers:</strong>&nbsp;Teachers use Toddle for planning (Unit Plans, Lesson Plans etc), for collecting evidence of learning, for continuous reflection, for assessment evaluation and for contributing to student portfolios.</p> <p> <strong>Students:</strong>&nbsp;Students use Toddle to document their learning journeys, set their personalised goals, receive and self-evaluate assessments, and add work to their portfolios.</p> <p> <strong>Parents:</strong>&nbsp;Parents are linked to individual students and can see their portfolios. Parents also get access to school calendar, school news, and school policies through the Toddle Family app. The app can also be used for communicating with teachers.</p> <p> <strong>Administrators:</strong>&nbsp;Administrators can edit and approve all the academic plans, add, delete and edit the rights of other users from their organisation. They can also see insights for better program implementation.</p> Toddle and Privacy Certifications <p>Toddle is a signatory to the Student Privacy Pledge, agreeing to a set of principles intended to safeguard student privacy, including responsible stewardship, protection, and transparent handling of student personal information. Read more about the&nbsp;Student Privacy Pledge&nbsp;.</p> <p>Toddle participates in the iKeepSafe Safe Harbor program. If you have any questions or need to file a complaint related to our privacy policy and practices, please do not hesitate to contact the iKeepSafe Safe Harbor program at&nbsp;</p> Parental Consent <p>Schools must get verifiable parental consent for using Toddle for children below legal age (as specified by the local laws). The legal age of children in the USA is 13 years. In case you come across an instance where Toddle is collecting information from a student without parental consent, please contact us immediately at&nbsp;</p> <p>Schools can download a sample of the Parental Consent form from&nbsp;here</p> Compliance with FERPA <p>Toddle partners with and is certified by iKeepSafe for compliance with FERPA.</p> <p>FERPA is the “Family Education Rights and Privacy Act”. It governs the terms to protect personally identifiable information (PII) of students. Data collected by Toddle may include personally identifiable information from “education records” (Education Records in FERPA refers to documents, digital or otherwise, that may contain information related to a student and maintained by an educational agency).</p> <p>Under this Privacy Policy, you designate Toddle as a “School Official” (School Official in FERPA refers to an agency that provides a service to schools for use and maintenance of FERPA records, is under the direct control of the school and uses PII only for authorised purposes). Toddle agrees to comply with FERPA. You can find more details on Toddle and FERPA&nbsp;here.</p> Compliance with COPPA <p>Toddle partners with and is certified by iKeepSafe for compliance with COPPA.</p> <p>As a third party operator Toddle relies on School Consent for all underage children under COPPA.&nbsp. Toddle operates as a School Official under the FERPA regulations and complies with these regulations as it relates to children under the age of 13.&nbsp. If you are a school or teacher and you would like to obtain direct parental consent from the parent, Toddle has provided a consent form which can be downloaded&nbsp;here. We do not encourage children to share their work publicly. We continuously review and update our practices to ensure compliance with COPPA requirements. You can find more details on Toddle and COPPA&nbsp;here.</p> Compliance with GDPR <p>Toddle collects minimal information from you and only uses it for the purposes explicitly called out in the Privacy Policy. The data collected is stored securely using industry standards. All the details with regards to the nature of the data collected and the reason for collecting it can be found in the Privacy Policy. Toddle executes a Data Processing Agreement with all the schools in the EU/ EEA and Switzerland Regions. You can find more details on Toddle and GDPR&nbsp;here.</p> Data collected by Toddle <p>We only collect the data that we need for providing Toddle services. It is our honest endeavour to minimise the data that we collect about our users.</p> <p>We collect information from all individuals creating an account on Toddle. This includes teachers, students, parents, other family members of students, and schools.</p> <p>We also collect log data from all the visitors to our website and teachers and school administrators willingly leaving data for our marketing campaigns.</p> <p>Below is a list of data that we collect from our different users and and how we refer to it:</p> <p> <strong>“Profile”</strong>: This includes personally identifiable information that we collect when you create an account. This may include First Name, Last Name, EMail and Phone Number of the user.</p> <p> <strong>“Class Journal”</strong>: This includes all the content added to the class journal.</p> <p> <strong>“Academic Plans”</strong>: This includes the Programme of Inquiry, Unit Plans, Learning Experiences, Schedule, Reflections created by the teachers using all the planning elements as specified in the customisable templates. The external resources added by the teacher are not included in this.</p> <p> <strong>“Messages”</strong>: This includes the messages sent via Toddle – both from parents to teachers and vice- versa.</p> <p> <strong>“Student Portfolio”</strong>: This includes all the content added to a specific student’s portfolio – photos, videos, notes, comments etc.</p> <p> <strong>“Student Data”</strong>: Any data collected by us that can be linked back to an individual student. This contains name, age, Email ID, name of parents and the school name.</p> <p> <strong>“Log Data”</strong>: We collect log data such as your IP address, browser type, device type, operating system, and your mobile carrier. Additionally we also use cookies to keep you logged into your system to improve your user experience.</p> Why do we collect this data? <p>We use the collected data only to provide services to you as laid out in the Privacy Policy and as authorised by your school. Below are a few use cases that we have for the collected data:</p> <ul> <li>Allow users to retrieve, view and edit Academic Plans</li> <li>Allow users to access and use our various features such as Journal Content, Activities, Messages etc.</li> <li>Send notifications about activities and updates on your account</li> <li>Analyse usage information to investigate, prevent, and detect activities on our service that we believe may violate the law or applicable regulations</li> <li>Provide customer support to users</li> <li>Derive insights from usage trends to develop new features or to improve the existing ones</li> </ul> What is the data NOT collected for? <ul> <li>We do not allow advertising or sharing data for advertising for any data collected through Toddle</li> <li>We never display ads, share data for the purpose of displaying ads, or allow data collection by advertisers or data brokers</li> <li>We never sell data to anyone for any purposes</li> <li>We never allow profiling of our users for targeted online ads</li> </ul> Data Retention <p>Toddle will keep your data for only as long as it is required or as mandated by law or as requested by the 3rd party. Before deleting your data, Toddle will send out 3 reminders to you.</p> When does Toddle share data with third parties? <p>We use a few third-party services in order to operate and improve Toddle. All these services are contractually prohibited from using that information for any other purpose other than to provide the Toddle service. You can find a list of our third party service providers here.</p> <p>In case of the sale, merger, bankruptcy, sale of assets or reorganisation of our company, we may disclose or transfer your data. We will notify you of the same and the terms of this Privacy Policy will apply to your data when transferred to the new entity.</p> Third Party Analytics <ul> <li>In order to improve your experience with Toddle, we collect and use aggregate data about usage patterns of how you use Toddle – for example, how you interact with various features on a page, the buttons that you click, the time that you spend on a page, etc. This is done to streamline existing user experience and to provide you a better experience of using Toddle.</li> <li>We use a small number of third-party services to collect and analyse this data (such as Google Analytics, Sentry). These services are contractually obligated only to use data about your usage of Toddle to provide analytics services to us and are prohibited from sharing it or using it for other purposes. You can find details of all the third party analytics services that we use&nbsp;here.</li> </ul> Cookie Policy <p>We use Cookies and other similar services (such as Local Storage) to keep you logged in to Toddle, customize your Toddle experience, understand how you use Toddle, and promote Toddle to relevant teachers and schools. You can remove or disable cookies via your browser settings, in which case your experience with Toddle will not be optimal.</p> Abandoned accounts <p>We consider an account to be abandoned if it has not been accessed for over a year. We will delete an account and all content associated with such accounts. However, to prevent accidental deletion, we will notify the teacher, the school and any other email IDs associated with the account and provide an opportunity to download the data of the abandoned account.</p> Viewing, editing or Porting your information <p>Parents are encouraged to work directly with teachers and school to make any changes in your data. If however, you need to get in touch with us, you can write to&nbsp;;and we will work with the school and do our best to make the required changes.</p> <p>Teachers, administrators and parents can directly edit their information in their Toddle profiles. Schools also have a right to use any other similar service and can place a request to get all of their data. We will do our best to comply to such requests.</p> Deleting Toddle Account <p>You have the right to “forget ability”, i.e., we will remove all your information from our systems if you so wish. If you would like to delete your Toddle account or any content submitted to Toddle, please send an email to&nbsp; We will notify you with email before deleting your account from our database. After receiving your request, we may still retain information for up to 365 days to provide customer support and prevent accidental deletion.</p> <p>For users in the USA, please note that to comply with FERPA, we may need to retain certain student education records once a valid request to inspect those records has been made and we may retain your data to comply to the FERPA requirements.</p> Data Protection Practices <p>We follow the latest, industry standards to protect your data. Some measures that are in place include use of highly secure, access-controlled data centres, data encryption in transit, and encryption data at rest etc.</p> <p>Despite these measures, in the event of a security breach, we will notify affected account holders within the amount of time required by the local law or by Toddle’s internal data breach policy, whichever is more stringent, so that you can take steps to keep your data safe.</p> Changes to the Privacy Policy <p>We may from time to time make changes to this Privacy Policy to account for changes to our practices or applicable law. If we make changes to this Privacy Policy that we believe will materially affect your rights, we will notify you by email about these changes. If you continue to use our service after you receive notice of changes to this Privacy Policy, we will assume that you have accepted these changes.</p> <p>For previous versions of the Privacy Policy, please reach out to us at&nbsp;</p> Contact Information <p>Our Data Protection Officer is Misbah Jafary. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to write to us at:;and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.</p> <p> We value and protect your privacy </p> Visit Privacy Center <p> Want to know more? </p> <p> Book time with us. We would love to learn more about your school’s needs and discuss how best we can partner with you. </p> Book a Free Demo <p> © Teacher Tools Pvt. Ltd. </p> Toddle Platform <ul> <li>IB PYP</li> <li>IB MYP</li> <li>IB DP</li> <li>Cambridge curriculum</li> <li>British curriculum</li> <li>Independent schools</li> <li>UbD®</li> <li>Other curriculum frameworks</li> </ul> <br> Toddle Events <ul> <li>Play Summit</li> <li>Leaders Bootcamp</li> <li>Toddle TIES 2022</li> <li>IB DP Thinkathon</li> <li>Toddle TIES 2021</li> <li> MYP Planning Symposium</li> <li> PYPx Pop-Up</li> <li> Toddle Learning Jam</li> <li>Toddle TIES 2020</li> </ul> Community <ul> <li> Sign In</li> <li> Join for Free</li> </ul> <br> Learn <ul> <li>PYP</li> <li>MYP</li> <li>DP</li> <li>UbD®</li> <li>Events</li> </ul> Connect with us <ul> <li> Facebook</li> <li> Twitter</li> <li> LinkedIn</li> <li> Youtube</li> <li> Instagram</li> <li> AngelList</li> </ul> More <ul> <li>Pricing</li> <li>Toddle Referral Program</li> <li>Contact Us</li> <li>FAQ</li> <li>Privacy Center</li> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>Terms of Service</li> <li>Terms of Use</li> </ul> Connect with us <ul> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> </ul>

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