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You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.</p> NewsletterSearch Search for: Quick Guides <ul> <li>Dividend Stocks</li> <li>Value-Growth Stocks</li> <li>Singapore REITs</li> <li>Singapore Hospitality REITs</li> <li>CPF for Retirement</li> <li>Singapore Savings Bonds</li> <li>Singapore Brokerage Account</li> <li>Malaysia Brokerage Account</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Recent</li> <li>Popular</li> <li>Comments</li> </ul> <ul> <li> Beware the AI stock bubble… and how you can still invest in the AI revolution safely 2 days ago </li> <li> Is It A Good Time To Invest In Singapore Bank Stocks? | CNA Money Mind 1 week ago </li> <li> Do GDP and stock index ETFs actually grow in tandem? 1 week ago </li> <li> Impact of China’s reopening on Singapore REITs 2 weeks ago </li> <li> Top 3 Hong Kong REITs that made you money if you invested from their IPOs (Updated 2023) 2 weeks ago </li> <li> 8 things I learned from the 2023 Frasers Logistics &amp. 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The...</p> </li> <li> Rusmin <p>Spot on, Jones! At the same time, by owning all the REITs, D...</p> </li> <li> Adam Wong <p>Hi CG, If the shares are in your CDP account, then you can s...</p> </li> <li> Mr Jones <p>"David continues to receive regular quarterly dividends from...</p> </li> <li> CG <p>They are in my personal cdp acct....</p> </li> <li> Adam Wong <p>The index is also a selection of the 'best' companies. If th...</p> </li> <li> Adam Wong <p>Hi CG, If you currently own Singapore shares, they are eithe...</p> </li> <li> CG <p>Hi! I am no longer a Singaporean and currently residing in C...</p> </li> <li> Roger D Pack <p>None of these actually make sense for greater than inflation...</p> </li> <li> Adam Wong <p>Hi Kim Meng, Fees are deducted from the net asset value of t...</p> </li> </ul> Advertisement Disclaimer <p>This information should not and cannot be construed as or relied on and (for all intents and purposes) does not constitute financial, investment or any other form of advice. Any investment involves the taking of substantial risks, including (but not limited to) complete loss of capital. Every investor has different strategies, risk tolerances and time frames. You are advised to perform your own independent checks, research or study. and you should contact a licensed professional before making any investment decisions.</p> Copyright © 2023 The Fifth Person. 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