life stance health

Terms & Conditions

<p>Terms &amp. Conditions</p> Terms &amp. Conditions <p>Welcome to Lifestanceshealth Media Inc., its owned and managed businesses Lifestanceshealth Media UK Ltd., and HL Greatist (collectively referred to as “Lifestanceshealth,” “We,” or “Us”). You may access and use Lifestanceshealth’s network of websites and mobile apps under the following terms and conditions, together with any other documents they include by reference, including without limitation the Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Terms of Use”).</p> <p> are two of Lifestanceshealth’s websites (collectively, the “Websites”). MS Lifestanceshealth (formerly known as MS Buddy), Breast Cancer Lifestanceshealth, IBD Lifestanceshealth, Migraine Lifestanceshealth, T2D Lifestanceshealth, RA Lifestanceshealth, and PsA Lifestanceshealth are only a few of the mobile apps made by Lifestanceshealth (collectively referred to as the “Apps”). The Website and Apps are referred to as the “Services” as a whole. You can be given additional Terms of Use while using the Apps that are exclusive to that App. These Terms of Use and any applicable supplemental terms (if any) constitute the entire agreement governing your use of the applicable App.</p> <p> are two of Lifestanceshealth’s websites (collectively, the “Websites”). MS Lifestanceshealth (formerly known as MS Buddy), Breast Cancer Lifestanceshealth, IBD Lifestanceshealth, Migraine Lifestanceshealth, T2D Lifestanceshealth, RA Lifestanceshealth, and PsA Lifestanceshealth are only a few of the mobile apps made by Lifestanceshealth (collectively referred to as the “Apps”). The Website and Apps are referred to as the “Services” as a whole. You can be given additional Terms of Use while using the Apps that are exclusive to that App. These Terms of Use and any applicable supplemental terms (if any) constitute the entire agreement governing your use of the applicable App.</p> <p>Before you begin using the Services, please take the time to thoroughly read these Terms of Use. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS OF USE, INCLUDING THE PRIVACY POLICY (WHICH IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE), AND TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BY ACCESSING, BROWSING, OR USING THE SERVICES (INCLUDING YOUR SUBMISSION OF INFORMATION TO THE WEBSITE You acknowledge that the Terms of Use, along with your use of the Services, fulfil any legal requirements for a written or signed agreement and have the same legal effect as a written contract with your written signature. You further acknowledge that the fact that the Terms of Use were approved or delivered electronically does not give you the right to contest their legality, enforceability, or admissibility.</p> <p>Users who are at least 18 years old are eligible for and given the Services. You affirm and declare that you fulfil the aforementioned eligibility condition by using the Services. You must not access or use the Services if you do not comply with this condition.</p> <p>LIFESTANCESHEALTH’S LIABILITY IS LIMITED BY THESE TERMS, AS ARE OUR OBLIGATIONS RELATING TO THE SERVICES, CERTAIN JURISDICTIONAL CONDITIONS, AND CERTAIN EXCLUSIONS OF LIFESTANCESHEALTH’S LIABILITY.</p> <p>MEDICAL ADVICE IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE SERVICES.</p> <p>Table of Contents</p> <ul> <li>CONTENTS</li> <li>PERMITTED USE</li> <li>GATHERING RULES</li> <li>APP COMMUNITY RECOMMENDATIONS</li> <li>THE RULES</li> <li>REPORTING</li> <li>OR CONTENT, TO REPORT ANOTHER MEMBER</li> <li>COPYING CONTENT FROM OTHER WEBSITES</li> <li>SEARCHES, ADVERTISEMENTS, AND LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES</li> <li>Third-Party Materials</li> </ul> <strong>CONTENTS</strong> <p>The information provided by Lifestanceshealth’s licensors and other materials included on the website, applications, newsletter, and other products (collectively, “Content”) are used only for informative reasons. The Services and Content are not meant to replace expert medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always ask your doctor or another knowledgeable health practitioner for guidance if you have any concerns about a medical issue.</p> <p>Call your doctor or 911 right away if you believe you may be experiencing a medical emergency. No particular tests, doctors, products, methods, views, or other information that may be discussed on the Content or Services are recommended or endorsed by Lifestanceshealth. Reliance on any information given by Lifestanceshealth, employees of Lifestanceshealth, third parties invited by Lifestanceshealth to appear in the Content or on the Services, or other users of the Services is totally at your own risk. Sexually explicit content connected to health or medicine may be found in the Content and Services. You may not want to utilise our Content or Services if you find these things to be objectionable.</p> <p>Unless otherwise stated, Lifestanceshealth and/or its parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates, or other parties that have granted permission for their content to be used by Lifestanceshealth, own, control, licence, or otherwise use all Content and Services, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, as well as all derivative works. Copyright, trademark, trade dress, and other laws are used to protect both the Services as a whole and the Contents. Lifestanceshealth owns all worldwide rights, titles, and interests in and to the Services and Contents, unless otherwise stated. The Website, the Website’s logos, the Apps, the Apps’ logos, and any other trademarks on the Content and Services are either registered trademarks or service marks of Lifestanceshealth, or they are used by Lifestanceshealth under licence or with the owner’s consent. You agree to not using or displaying such trademarks without first obtaining Lifestanceshealth’s written consent. Any ownership interest in trademarks, service marks, logos, catchphrases, domain names, and trade names other than its own is expressly disclaimed by Lifestanceshealth.</p> <p>Users of the Services are only entitled to use the Contents and Services for personal, non-commercial purposes, and any other use is expressly prohibited by these Terms of Use. Utilizing the social media sharing buttons (such as “Share,” “Pin It,” and “Tweet”) offered on our Services, you may distribute the Content. Using our “Share” option, you can easily send the Content via email. For your own personal use only, you are allowed to download or copy the Content and other downloadable items published on the Services. Any such downloading, sharing, or copying shall not grant you any right, title, or interest in or to any such contents or software. Without the prior written consent of Lifestanceshealth or the relevant content owner, you are not permitted to copy, republish, publish, upload, post, transmit, distribute (including by email or other electronic means), publicly display, modify, create derivative works from, sell or take part in any sale of, or otherwise use, in whole or in part, any of the Content, the Services, or any associated software. Without the prior written consent of Lifestanceshealth or the owner of the relevant materials, nothing on the Content or Services grants or should be understood as granting any licence or right to use any trademarks, trade names, service marks, trade dress, or other proprietary material displayed on these Content or Services, whether registered or unregistered. Lifestanceshealth and/or its licensors retain all rights not explicitly granted herein by Lifestanceshealth to you. These websites may include third-party trade names, product names, and logos that are registered or unregistered trademarks of the respective owners.</p> <p>Only broad informational objectives are served by the information provided on or via the Content and Services. The Content may sometimes be updated by us, but it is not always accurate or current. We are not obligated to update any of the content on the Services, which may at any moment be out-of-date.</p> <strong>PERMITTED USE</strong> <p>It is against the law to breach or try to breach the security safeguards on the Services, including but not limited to:</p> <p>logging on to a server or account that the user is not permitted to access, using a fake password or one belonging to another user, or accessing data not intended for the user;</p> <p>revealing passwords, allowing others to use them, or neglecting to alert us when a password is hacked;</p> <p>attempting, without necessary authority, to scan, probe, or test the network or system for vulnerabilities or to circumvent security or authentication procedures;</p> <p>attempting to obstruct any user, host, or network’s ability to receive service, including but not limited to by overloading, “flooding,” “mail bombing,” or “crashing”;</p> <p>sending commercial electronic communications or unsolicited emails that promote or advertise goods or services;</p> <p>Forging any TCP/IP packet header or any information contained in any email or newsgroup posting. hijacking all or any portion of the services or content. deploying pop-up advertisements. running or displaying the services or content in frames or through similar means on another website. or linking to the services or content without our express written consent.</p> <strong>GATHERING RULES</strong> <p>You consent to using the Content and Services only for your own private, non-commercial use and for legal reasons. You are prohibited from using the Services to transmit, post, download, distribute, copy, publicly display, store, or otherwise make use of any content that: (a) violates any applicable law or regulation. (b) willfully violates the privacy rights, publicity rights, or other personal rights of others. or (c) is libellous, offensive, threatening, defamatory, abusive, or hateful.</p> <p>In the case that any usage is found to be in violation of these guidelines, We reserve the right to take whatever action We see fit. System or network security violations might lead to legal or criminal responsibility. We will look into incidents that could include such violations, and we might work with law enforcement officials to find and bring users who are responsible for such offences to justice while also cooperating with them.</p> <strong>APP COMMUNITY RECOMMENDATIONS</strong> <p>Please be respectful to one another.</p> <p>The goal of Lifestanceshealth is to provide individuals strength, hope, and information. We work hard to make sure that each member feels appreciated, protected, and at home. The community will remain safe for everyone if the rules listed below are followed.</p> <strong>THE RULES</strong> <p>Bullying, intimidation, and harassment of any kind are not permitted.</p> <p>This is not a dating app, and using it that way will get you kicked off of the group.</p> <p>You are not permitted to publish pornographic or violent material on your profile, in group conversations, or in communications. This includes contributing images, sketches, or remarks—even joking ones. It’s OK to depict nudity in non-sexual circumstances, such as pictures showing your operation scars.</p> <p>Asking other participants to move the chat to an other messaging app, such as WhatsApp, Google Hangouts, Gmail, etc., is not appropriate.</p> <p>It is forbidden to sell, advertise, or promote any products or services. Content that is not approved will be deleted from the App.</p> <p>Do not try to convert other members to your religion or in any other way create a hostile environment for them.</p> <p>All unlawful action is forbidden and may be reported to the proper authorities, as should be obvious.</p> <p>Finally, avoid spamming people.</p> <strong>REPORTING</strong> <p>We depend on you, the users of our apps, to let us know about other users or material that doesn’t follow our rules. Consequences for breaking these Community Guidelines include the removal of material, the suspension of posting rights, or even ejection from the Apps community. Please remember that even if something offends you, it may not necessarily be against our Community Guidelines.</p> <strong>OR CONTENT, TO REPORT ANOTHER MEMBER</strong> <p>If you want to report another member, you have two choices:</p> <p>By selecting this option, neither party will appear in the other’s Member list, Home activity feed, or Group discussions. 1:1 conversation is also not feasible.</p> <p>Report and Block Member: This not only blocks the member but also generates a report designating the member as having violated the community rules.</p> <p>From the following locations, you can report and/or block a member:</p> <p>1:1 chats</p> <p>You have three options when another member sends you a match request: accept, refuse, or report and block.</p> <p>You may choose “Report” or “Block” from the menu choices after connecting with another user by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of your private message screen.</p> <p> <strong>group conversations</strong> </p> <p>Tap “Block Member” or “Report and Block Member” by clicking on the member’s profile image.</p> <p>Select “Block Member” or “Report and Block Member” by long-pressing the abusive message.</p> <p> <strong>Home</strong> </p> <p>Tap “Block Member” or “Report and Block Member” by clicking on the member’s profile image.</p> <p>Select “Block Member” or “Report and Block Member” from the three dots in the top right corner of the objectionable message.</p> <strong>COPYING CONTENT FROM OTHER WEBSITES</strong> <p>A link to the original article on the relevant Website must be included with any Content that is posted on your website. You are allowed to use the following on your website as long as you do not harm our reputation or use it for your own gain and provide full credit to us as the original publisher:</p> <p>a live, clickable link that takes you to the relevant website’s original, complete content.</p> <p>Your header code contains a canonical. has instructions on how to establish a canonical.</p> <p> <strong>However:</strong> </p> <p>These complete terms of use will apply if you attempt to post any complete articles from the relevant Website on your website or use any software to do so without first getting in touch with us and receiving our prior consent to do so.</p> <p>You are not permitted to create a link from a website that is not your own.</p> <p>All Lifestanceshealth logos may not be used in any way.</p> <p>You may not create a connection in such a manner as to imply an affiliation, approval, or endorsement by us when there is none.</p> <p>You are not permitted to imply in any way—directly or indirectly—that your website, its contents, goods, or any opinions stated within are endorsed or approved by the websites that apply.</p> <p> <strong>Websites may only use Our Content if they:</strong> </p> <p>Never encourage, enable, or support illegal activity (and do not display actionable Content under U.K. or U.S. law).</p> <p>Never support, enable, or incite any type of hate (including, but not limited to, racism, terrorism, violence, and discrimination of any kind).</p> <p>Do not include false, offensive, or pornographic information.</p> <p>Displaying any content that violates a third party’s intellectual property rights is prohibited.</p> <p>You must use a server-side scripting language rather than JavaScript if you employ a script to collect data from our RSS feeds. At regular intervals of an hour or more, you must collect the data from the feeds and utilise a database to store it. It is not allowed to use a script that collects information from our website every time a page loads.</p> <p>You may not try to sell our Content in any form or charge users particularly to access Lifestanceshealth Content. Lifestanceshealth offers the Content free of charge.</p> <p>Lifestanceshealth maintains the right at any time and without notice to modify, stop, or discontinue any Content, your use of any Content, its availability, or these Terms of Use. Upon receiving a notice of termination from Lifestanceshealth, you agree to delete all of the Content from your website. By deleting all of our Content from your website and any copies of it that you have, you may end our Terms of Use at any time.</p> <p>THE FOLLOWING LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, OR THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES.</p> <p>Your use of the Services and the Content is at your own risk since they are provided on a “as is” basis. When utilising the Services, data may be sent across a means that is not within Lifestanceshealth’s control or legal authority. As a result, Lifestanceshealth disclaims all responsibility and liability for any data loss, failure, interruption, or corruption that may occur while using the Services.</p> <p>TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, LIFESTANCESHEALTH, ITS AFFILIATES, LICENSORS, AND CONTRACTORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PART Without limiting the aforementioned, Lifestanceshealth, its affiliates, and its licensors disclaim any guarantees or claims regarding:</p> <p>the information, software, text, graphics, links, or communications contained on or obtained through the use of the Services in terms of accuracy, reliability, completeness, currentness, or timeliness.</p> <p>the fulfilment of any laws mandating the publication of details about prescription medicine goods, as well as the approval or conformity of any software tools with respect to the Content on the Services.</p> <p>Your use of the Services and its contents may result in service interruptions, computer or telecommunications device damage, and virus infections.</p> <p>Lifestanceshealth, its affiliates, licensors, contractors, or any of their officers, directors, employees, or agents, or any third parties mentioned on the Services, shall not be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, personal injury/wrongful death, lost profits, or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption), even if Lifestanceshealth has been previously informed of the possibility of such damages. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Lifestanceshealth, its affiliates These restrictions shall be in effect notwithstanding any limited remedy or failure of the fundamental goal. If you use or abuse the Services, Content, or Comments, Lifestanceshealth is not responsible for any physical harm, including death, or infringement that results from your actions (defined below). You have one (1) year from the date of the incident giving rise to the claim to file any claims relating to your use of the Services, any Content, or Comments. The only remedies available to you under these Terms of Use are those that are specifically mentioned in them.</p> <p>Please see our HEALTH INFORMATION DISCLAIMERS, which are incorporated herein by reference, for further disclaimers and information on the health material.</p> <strong>SEARCHES, ADVERTISEMENTS, AND LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES</strong> <p>Your search keywords may be prioritised by Lifestanceshealth for particular websites, and Lifestanceshealth may also agree to enable advertisers to sponsor content or serve ads in response to certain search terms. The information on any external websites is not advised or endorsed by Lifestanceshealth. Lifestanceshealth disclaims all liability and responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of any third-party websites that are linked to, framed within the Services, shown as search results, or that are the subject of third-party ads. You use third-party websites at your own risk and are bound by their own terms of service. Any product promoted on the Content or Services is not endorsed by Lifestanceshealth.</p> <p> <strong>INDEMNITY</strong> </p> <p>You consent to defending, holding harmless, and indemnifying Lifestanceshealth, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers from and against any claims, actions, demands, liabilities, and settlements, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, resulting from or alleged to result from I your use of and access to the Services, (ii) your violation of any term of these Terms of Use, (iii) your violation of any third-party right, including privacy rights, (</p> <p> <strong>GEOGRAPHY AND SURVIVAL</strong> </p> <p>The headquarters of Lifestanceshealth are in San Francisco, California, USA. Lifestanceshealth makes no representations about the suitability of the Content or its accessibility outside of the United States. It may not be legal for certain people or in some countries to access the Content. You use the Services at your own risk and are in charge of adhering to local laws if you access them from a country other than the United States.</p> <p>Location and Survival, Liability of Lifestanceshealth and its Licensors, Comments, Indemnity, Jurisdiction, No Waiver, and Complete Agreement and Amendment survive the expiry or termination of these Terms of Use for any reason.</p> <p> <strong>JURISDICTION</strong> </p> <p>In addition, you agree and expressly consent to the exercise of personal jurisdiction in the courts of the State of California in connection with any such dispute, including any claim involving Lifestanceshealth or its affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, contractors, officers, or directors. You further agree and expressly consent to the exercise of personal jurisdiction in the courts of the State of California in connection with any such dispute.</p> <p>Without regard to its rules on conflict of laws, the internal substantive laws of the State of California govern these Terms of Use. The legality of the other terms of these Terms of Use, which shall continue in full force and effect, shall not be affected if any provision of these Terms of Use is determined by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful. No waiver of any provision of these Terms of Use will constitute a subsequent or continuing waiver of that provision or of any other provision.</p> <p>COMMENTS All feedback, ideas, suggestions, and other contributions made to Lifestanceshealth by or through the use of the Content and/or Services or in any other way related to your use of the Content and/or Services (collectively, “Comments”) will belong to Lifestanceshealth and will not be returned. The rights, titles, and interests in all copyrights and other intellectual properties in the Comments are thus assigned to Lifestanceshealth as a result of such disclosure, submission, or offer of any Comments. Lifestanceshealth is not and will not be required to (1) keep any user comments in secret. (2) compensate users for any comments. or (3) reply to any user comments.</p> <p>You agree to not submit or upload any Comments or other content over the Services that:</p> <p>promotes the use of alcohol, tobacco, or any illegal substance. is unlawful, libellous, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, profane, hateful, or otherwise objectionable in any way. is an advertisement or promotion for any good or service that has not been approved in writing by Lifestanceshealth. is false, misleading, or constitutes an unfair or deceptive trade practise;</p> <p>Furthermore, you acknowledge that Lifestanceshealth will not regard any Comments you submit as private or confidential since they do not include any proprietary or trade secret information belonging to a third party. Lifestanceshealth is not obligated to retain any Comments on file, make copies of them, or give them back. Furthermore, Lifestanceshealth maintains the right (but not the duty), at its sole discretion, to alter, delete, or remove any Comments from the Services that it considers to be in breach of the aforementioned guidelines.</p> <p>Lifestanceshealth will have the authority to, without limiting the scope of the aforementioned,</p> <p>In our sole discretion, we may decide to delete or not publish any Comments.</p> <p>if We believe that a Comment violates the Terms of Use, violates the intellectual property rights or other rights of any person or entity, endangers the personal safety of users of the Services or the general public, or may expose Lifestanceshealth to liability, take any action with respect to that Comment that We deem necessary or appropriate in our sole discretion.</p> <p>Any third party who complains that anything you uploaded infringes on their rights, including their privacy or intellectual property rights, should be given your identify or other personal information.</p> <p>Take the required legal action, including without restriction reporting any unauthorised or unlawful use of the Services to police authorities.</p> <p>any reason, including without limitation any violation of these Terms of Use, may terminate or suspend your access to all or a portion of the Services.</p> <p>Without limiting the aforementioned, We reserve the right to abide by any court order or request from law enforcement asking or directing Us to reveal the name of or other information about anyone posting any content on or via the Services. You RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS THE COMPANY AND ITS AFFILIATES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, LICENSORS, AND SERVICE PROVIDERS FROM ANY CLAIMS RELATED TO ANY ACTION TAKEN BY ANY OF THE FOREGOING PARTIES DURING OR AS A RESULT OF ITS INVESTIGATIONS AND FROM ANY ACTIONS TAKEN AS A RESULT</p> <p>However, We are unable to evaluate every content prior to it being posted on the Services and cannot guarantee the quick removal of anything that is objectionable after it has been uploaded. We thus disclaim all responsibility for any action or inaction with respect to transmissions, communications, or anything posted by any user or third party to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law. If the actions outlined in this part are performed or not, we are not liable or responsible to anybody.</p> <strong>Third-Party Materials</strong> <p>On occasion, Lifestanceshealth may publish content that users and other parties have provided (referred to as “Third-Party Content”). Additionally, you could get newsletters with sponsored third-party advertising or Third-Party Content if you sign up to receive our free newsletters and emails that advertise the Services (collectively, “Newsletters”).</p> <p>In the Third-Party Material, any views, advice, comments, offers, or other information or content expressed or made available by third parties are the exclusive responsibility of the individual authors or distributors, and not Lifestanceshealth. The usefulness, accuracy, and merchantability of any Third-Party Content, as well as its suitability for a specific purpose, are not guaranteed by Lifestanceshealth. Below are some more disclaimers and limitations of responsibility.</p>

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