Double Counter

Data & Privacy Policy

Double Counter DocsSearch…⌃KDouble Counter DocsSearch…⌃KConfiguring Double CounterSettingsPro versionData &amp. privacy policyCommon troubleshootingPowered By GitBookData &amp. privacy policyDouble Counter legal terms and commitment to keep your data safeIn short: Double Counter only collects and stores the IP of joining members, and browser information (not private data, unlike IP). No other data is collected. No human can see that data, it is processed automatically by the bot. We can edit or delete user data on request. Please keep in mind we will never, ever, share or sell your data to anybody.IntroductionWe are committed to protecting the privacy of your data. This Privacy Policy explains more specifically what information Double Counter (together, “Double Counter,” “we” or “us”) collect, use, and disclose about you when you access or use our websites and applications, which we refer to collectively as “the Service,” contact our customer service team, engage with us on social media, or otherwise interact with us. The Service includes the Double Counter Discord bot and the Double Counter web portal.Although significant changes are rare, this policy may be amended as new features, technology, or legal requirements arise, so please check back from time to time. We’ll notify you if we make a significant change and, where required, seek your consent.Identity and contactDouble Counter is a subsidiary of Tellter SAS. Tellter SAS is a company registered with the Paris company registry (SIREN Identification Number 899 727 606, Paris RCS), with a capital of 5,000 euros, located at 9 rue des Colonnes, 75002 Paris, France. The President, CEO and Publication Director is Nathan Lourenço, he can be contacted at this e-mail address: <em></em>.What information does Double Counter collect?When you click a verification link, Double Counter collects the following information: your IP address and your user-agents (the browser versions running on your device). It is then associated with your Discord ID (and username) in our database. No other type of information is asked, collected or recorded. IP address is the only private data stored, that allows for personal identification. User-agents are collected only for manual inspection in case of alt-flagging dispute, to differentiate two devices anonymously.Collecting the IP address enables our system to automatically compare it to other accounts' to serve the bot purpose: detecting alternate accounts. No human will ever see this data, it is encrypted and automatically processed by our software.Additionnally, the Double Counter web portal adds a cookie to your web browser to associate your web browser with your Discord account.EncryptionAll data that passes through our servers is encrypted using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) 128 bits, CBC symmetric encryption.Right to access your data, edit it and delete itAccess your dataYou can contact us on our Discord support server at anytime to request your data, request an edit or request deletion.In case you need it, you can also contact support at <em></em>.Under a few days, we will get back to you with a report of all data we have on you (actually, your IP address). We are committed to deliver this data within 7 (seven) days following your request.Delete your dataYou can also request data deletion. We will automatically (and without looking at that data) erase it permanently from all our databases. This action cannot be undone. Additionally, we will have to ban you from all servers that use our bot, as the Service will no longer be able to compare data with other accounts and thus guarantee your identity.​PreviousPro versionNextCommon troubleshootingLast modified 7mo agoWas this page helpful?Copy linkOn this pageIntroductionIdentity and contactWhat information does Double Counter collect?EncryptionRight to access your data, edit it and delete itAccess your dataDelete your data Double Counter DocsSearch…⌃KConfiguring Double CounterSettingsPro versionData &amp. privacy policyCommon troubleshootingPowered By GitBook

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