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Privacy policy

CloudTubeSubscriptions Settings Privacy policy<p>This document contains details about the data this website collects, what it is used for, how it is stored, how it is shared, and how it can be removed.</p>Data collectedData provided by you<p>CloudTube will store this information when you personally enter it into the site:</p> <ul> <li>personal settings</li> <li>list of channels you have subscribed to</li> <li>list of videos you have watched (only if enabled in settings)</li> </ul>Data collected passively<p>When your device requests any resource from CloudTube, this information about the request may be stored for up to 14 days:</p> <ul> <li>the time the request was made</li> <li>the IP address</li> <li>the requested URL</li> <li>the response status code</li> </ul>Accounts and cookies<p>CloudTube does not allow users to create accounts.</p> <p>The first time a user personally provides data to the site, such as changing settings or subscribing to a channel, an ephemeral session is created and linked to a cookie.</p> <p>On future visits, this cookie will be used to look up the session, and provide a response based on that stored information.</p> <p>As described above, no personally identifiable information is linked to sessions.</p> <p>If the user never personally provides data to the site, no cookie will be stored.</p>What the data is used for<ul> <li>providing the core service</li> <li>providing information for debugging</li> </ul>How the data is sharedWith YouTube<p>YouTube is a company owned by Google, Inc. CloudTube displays information from YouTube.</p> <p>When you perform a query on CloudTube that requires data from YouTube, such as making a search or loading a video, your query is forwarded to YouTube.</p> <p>For example, when searching, YouTube receives a query for those search terms, and when watching a video, YouTube receives a page load for that video.</p> <p>When watching a video, your browser connects to directly to request the video stream. This connection, and any data stored by YouTube as a result, is subject to Google's privacy policy.</p> <p>All other queries are forwarded to your selected Invidious instance, which forwards them to YouTube. YouTube does not receive any metadata about you for these queries, only the query itself.</p>With other organisations<p>CloudTube does not share any data with other people or organisations.</p>How to delete your data<p>Visit the settings page and find the "delete data" section. Read the text.</p> <p>To delete your data, check "I understand the consequences", then click "permanently erase my data".</p> <p>This will erase all of your data from the server, and delete the unique cookie from your web browser.</p> <p>Released as AGPL free software.</p>Source code<ul> <li>Project hub</li> <li>Announcements</li> <li>Report a problem</li> </ul>About<ul> <li>Privacy policy</li> <li>Licenses</li> <li>DMCA</li> </ul>

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