Digital Turbine

Cookie Policy

App Developers Brands &amp. Agencies Telecom <ul> <li>Company <ul> <li>About</li> <li>Careers</li> <li>Investors</li> </ul> </li> <li>Resources <ul> <li>Blog</li> <li>Case Studies</li> <li>Insights</li> <li>Mobile Explorers</li> <li>Developer Portal</li> </ul> </li> <li>Login <ul> <li>Adcolony</li> <li>DT Console</li> <li>ACP Offer Wall</li> </ul> </li> <li>Contact</li> </ul> Login AdColony DT Console ACP Offer Wall Contact Digital Turbine – Cookies and Similar Tracking Technologies Policy <p>This Cookies and Similar Tracking Technologies Policy (this “<strong>Policy</strong>”) provides you with general information about cookies and similar tracking technologies (collectively, “<strong>Tracking Technologies</strong>”) as well as how and for what purposes Digital Turbine, Inc. (“<strong>Digital Turbine</strong>”, “<strong>we</strong>”, “<strong>us</strong>” or “<strong>our</strong>”) use such Tracking Technologies on the Digital Turbine website (“<strong>Website</strong>”).</p> <p>Please take the time to read this Policy. If you have questions or comments, you are welcome to contact us at: <u></u>.</p> <ul> <li>What Are ‘Cookies’?</li> <li>For what purposes are Cookies being Used?</li> <li>What Are ‘Session’ and ‘Persistent’ Cookies?</li> <li>What Are ‘First-party’ and ‘Third-party’ Cookies?</li> <li>What Are ‘Similar Technologies’?</li> <li>What Are ‘First-party’ and ‘Third-party’ Cookies?</li> <li>How Does Digital Turbine Use Tracking Technologies and for What Purposes?</li> <li>Does Digital Turbine Need to Obtain My Consent for Using Tracking Technologies?</li> <li>Can I Manage My Tracking Technologies Preferences at Any Given Time?</li> <li>Will Digital Turbine Change This Policy?</li> <li>Appendix A: Tracking Technologies Table</li> </ul> <p> </p> What Are ‘Cookies’? <p>Cookies are small files with pieces of information, normally consisting of just letters and numbers, which websites use when users visit them.</p> <p>Software on the users’ devices (for example, a web browser) can store cookies and send them back to the website the next time they visit, to make a specific function of the website work and to provide information about the user’s activities on the website.</p> <p> </p> For What Purposes Are Cookies Being Used? <p>Cookies are used in numerous ways. For example, when analyzing traffic to a website or tracking users’ browsing behavior. Cookies are widely used as they allow a website to recognize a user’s device. Cookies and other similar technologies help websites to remember the visitors and their activities, for example, the user’s login details, or the goods users wish to buy when they add goods to their online basket or proceed to the checkout on an internet shopping website.</p> <p> </p> What Are ‘Session’ and ‘Persistent’ Cookies? <p>“Session Cookies” are removed from your device once you close your browser session.</p> <p>“Persistent Cookies” last for longer periods on your device – after you close your browser session.</p> <p>A user can delete previously set persistent cookies manually or configure the browser settings to delete cookies, as further described below.</p> <p> </p> What Are ‘First-party’ and ‘Third-party’ Cookies? <p>First-party cookies are set directly by the website that the user is visiting. For the purpose of this Policy, these are cookies that are set directly by this Website.</p> <p>Third-party cookies are set by a domain other than the one visited by the user. For the purpose of this Policy, these are cookies that are set by service providers of this Website.</p> <p> </p> What Are ‘Similar Technologies’? <p>Functions usually performed by a cookie can be achieved by other means. This could include, for example, using certain characteristics to identify devices so that visits to a website can be analyzed.</p> <p>Any technology that stores or accesses information on the user’s device is relevant for this purpose, and therefore it includes, for example, HTML5 local storage, Local Shared Objects and fingerprinting techniques.</p> <p>Additionally, technologies like scripts, tracking pixels and plugins, wherever these are used – are also considered as similar technologies.</p> <p> </p> Does Digital Turbine Use Tracking Technologies? <p>Yes, we do.</p> <p>We use both Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies as part of your experience on this Website so that we can facilitate the use of the Website’s features and tools, keep track of your preferences, improve your experience with our Website, for web analytics and for marketing purposes.</p> <p>Some cookies are strictly essential for the operation of this Website while other cookies help to improve our services and marketing activities. The same rule goes for all Tracking Technologies that we use.</p> <p>We have created a detailed Tracking Technologies table page, which is attached as an <strong> <u>Appendix A</u> </strong> to this Policy and is available <u>here.</u> The table will provide you with a clear and comprehensive image of the Tracking Technologies that we use.</p> <p>When a Tracking Technology contains personal data, as indicated in <strong> <u>Appendix A</u> </strong>, then the Digital Turbine Privacy Policy applies as well.</p> <p> <strong>By using our website, you expressly consent to the use of cookies and the use of your personal data to use our website for the purpose of improving our internet services. This consent also includes the use of service providers by Digital Turbine, as designated in Appendix A, and the transfer of data to them for this purpose.</strong> </p> <p> </p> Does Digital Turbine Need to Obtain My Consent for Using Tracking Technologies? <p>Yes, however only with respect to the Tracking Technologies that are not strictly essential for the operation of this Website, as further indicated in <strong> <u>Appendix A</u> </strong>. For essential Tracking Technologies Digital Turbine does not need your consent.</p> <p>If you do not agree to accept our cookies or other Tracking Technologies that are not strictly essential for the operation of this Website, we will make commercially reasonable efforts to provide you with as similar level of services as we can.</p> <p> </p> Can I Manage My Tracking Technologies Preferences? <p>Every browser allows you to manage your Tracking Technologies preferences, usually found in the “Help” or “Settings” sections of the web browser.</p> <p>Here are some links to some commonly used web browsers: (a) Google Chrome. (b) Microsoft Edge. (c) Mozilla Firefox. (d) Microsoft Internet Explorer. (e) Opera. (f) Apple Safari.</p> <p>In addition, you can turn off certain third party targeting or advertising cookies by visiting the following link: Network Advertising Initiative.</p> <p>You have the right to object to the processing. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set, you can visit the following websites: and</p> <p>Some web browsers offer a “Do Not Track” (“DNT”) signal. A DNT signal is an HTTP header field indicating your preference for tracking your activities on our services or through cross-site user tracking.</p> <p>This Website does not respond to DNT signals.</p> <p> </p> Will We Change This Policy? <p>We update this Policy, when needed. Every time we will change this Policy, we will post a notice on this Website if our policy update includes substantial changes and obtain your consent once again, where required under applicable laws.</p> <p> <em>This Policy was last updated on May 31, 2022</em> </p> <p> </p> Google Analytics <p>This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called cookies, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.</p> <p>In the event that IP anonymization is activated on this website, however, your IP address will be truncated beforehand by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.</p> <p>On behalf of the website operator, Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other data from Google.</p> <p> </p> Appendix A: Tracking Technologies Table Strictly Essential Cookies <p>These cookies are strictly essential for enabling your movement around the Website and supporting the Website’s security features.</p> <p>This category of cookies cannot be disabled.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <strong>Name</strong> <strong>Provider</strong> <strong>Purpose</strong> <strong>Expiry</strong> visitor_id&lt;accountid&gt. SalesForce Automation visitor ID. no personally identifiable information, used for enabling population of assets for B2B inquiries. ensure that if a B2B inquiry is made, the best geographically located resource assists with the inquiry. Persistent visitor_id&lt;accountid&gt;-hash SalesForce The visitor hash cookie contains the account ID and stores a unique hash. This cookie is a security measure to make sure that a malicious user can’t fake a visitor from Pardot and access corresponding prospect information. Persistent pardot SalesForce A session cookie named pardot is set in your browser while you’re logged in to Pardot as a user or when a visitor accesses a form, landing page, or page with Pardot tracking code. The cookie denotes an active session and isn’t used for tracking. Persistent what-intent ceros Determines the device used to access the website. This allows the website to be formatted accordingly. Persistent _grecaptcha Google This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website. Persistent pa_enabled Pingdom Determines the device used to access the website. This allows the website to be formatted accordingly. Persistent rc::a Google This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. Persistent rc::b Google This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. Persistent rc::c Google This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. Session test_cookie Google Used to check if the user’s browser supports cookies. Persistent cookieSet Digital Turbine Used to keep the user’s cookies preference (displaying the cookie banner and loading other cookies). Persistent t3D, tADe, tADu, tAE, tC, tMQ, tnsApp, tPL, tTDe, tTDu, tTE, tTf Digital Turbine These cookies are part of a bundle of cookies which serve the purpose of content delivery and presentation. The cookies keep the correct state of font, blog/picture sliders, color themes and other website settings. Persistent The legal basis is Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. a GDPR – see above. Marketing Cookies <p>Marketing cookies collect personal information such as your name, which pages you visit on this Website, your history arriving at this Website, your purchases from us, and so on. Collected information is used to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.</p> <p>This category of cookie may be safely disabled.</p> Name Provider Purpose Expiry __Secure-3PAPISID Google Used by for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor’s interests in order to show relevant &amp. personalised Google advertising Persistent __Secure-3PSID Google Used by for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor’s interests in order to show relevant &amp. personalised Google advertising Persistent __Secure-3PSIDCC Google Used by for targeting purposes to build a profile of the website visitor’s interests in order to show relevant &amp. personalised Google advertising Persistent _fbp Facebook Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers Persistent ANID Google Google uses this cookies to make advertising more engaging to users and more valuable to publishers and advertisers Persistent APISID Google Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Persistent HSID Google Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Session NID Google This cookies is used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates and Google ad personalisation Persistent SAPISID Google Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Persistent SID Google Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Persistent SIDCC Google Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Session SSID Google Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search. Persistent __widgetsettings twitter This cookie is set by Twitter – The cookie allows the visitor to share content from the website onto their Twitter profile. Persistent ads_ga-audiences Google Used by Google AdWords to re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to customers based on the visitor’s online behaviour across websites. Persistent bcookie LinkedIn Session bscookie LinkedIn Used by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of embedded services. Persistent fr FaceBook Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. Persistent i/jot twitter Sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers. Persistent lidc LinkedIn Used by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of embedded services. Persistent pagead/1p-user-list/# Google Tracks if the user has shown interest in specific products or events across multiple websites and detects how the user navigates between sites. This is used for measurement of advertisement efforts and facilitates payment of referral-fees between websites. Persistent pagead/landing Google Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement – This also allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement. Persistent RUL Google Used by DoubleClick to determine whether website advertisement has been properly displayed – This is done to make their marketing efforts more efficient. Persistent tr Facebook Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. Persistent UserMatchHistory LinkedIn Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor’s preferences. Persistent vuid Vimeo Collects data on the user’s visits to the website, such as which pages have been read. Persistent YSC Google Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. Session yt.innertube::nextId Google Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. Persistent yt.innertube::requests Google Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. Persistent IDE Google Used by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user’s actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser’s ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user. Persistent __unam ShareThis The __unam cookie is set as part of the ShareThis service and monitors clickstream activity, e.g., Web pages viewed, navigation from page to page, time spent on each page. The ShareThis service personally identifies you only if you have separately signed up with ShareThis for a ShareThis account and given your consent. See more at: Persistent _clck Microsoft Clarity Persists the Clarity User ID and preferences, unique to that site, on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. Persistent _clsk Microsoft Clarity Connects multiple page views by a user into a single Clarity session recording. Persistent CLID Microsoft Clarity Identifies the first-time Clarity saw this user on any site using Clarity. Persistent MUID Microsoft Clarity Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes. Persistent ANONCHK Microsoft Clarity Indicates whether MUID is transferred to ANID, a cookie used for advertising. Clarity doesn’t use ANID and so this is always set to 0. Persistent __qca QuantCast This cookie is used for audience segmentation and targeted advertising. Persistent mc Quantserve This cookie is used to track anonymous information about how website visitors use the site. Persistent lang LinkedIn Used to remember a user’s language setting to ensure displays in the language selected by the user in their settings. Persistent UserMatchHistory LinkedIn LinkedIn Ads ID syncing. This cookie is used by LinkedIn Ads to help measure advertising performance. Persistent li_gc LinkedIn Used to store consent of guests regarding the use of cookies for non-essential purposes. Persistent li_alerts LinkedIn Used to track impressions of LinkedIn alerts, such as the Cookie Banner and to implement cool off periods for display of alerts. Persistent DV Google This cookie is used to collect information about how visitors use the site and use the information to compile reports and to help improve the site. Persistent _gcl_au Google Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services. Persistent CONSENT Google Used to detect if the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie banner. This cookie is necessary for GDPR-compliance of the website. Persistent outbrain_cid_fetch Outbrain Collects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the website owner. Persistent <p>&nbsp;</p> Product/Service Enhancement Cookies <p>Collecting and analyzing data, including personal data, to understand how you use our products and services so we can improve them. we may set cookies or other trackers for this purpose.</p> <p>This category of cookie may be safely disabled.</p> Name Provider Purpose Expiry 1P_JAR Google These cookies are set via embedded youtube-videos. They register anonymous statistical data on for example how many times the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. Persistent yt-remote-cast-installed youtube Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video Session yt-remote-fast-check-period Google Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video Session yt-remote-session-name Youtube Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video Session local_storage_support_test twitter The cookie is used in context with the local-storage function in the browser. This function allows the website to load faster by pre-loading certain procedures. Persistent yt-remote-connected-devices youtube Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video Persistent yt-remote-session-app Youtube Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video Session wglang WordPress Persistent Business Enhancing Research &amp. Analytics Cookies <p>General business-driving analytics, including activities such as lookalike modeling and website analytics. we may set cookies or other trackers for this purpose.</p> <p>This category of cookie may be safely disabled.</p> Name Provider Purpose Expiry _ga Google Analytics ID used to identify users Persistent _gat Google Analytics Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate Persistent BE_CLA3 Brightedge Enables data aggregation, analysis and report creation to assess marketing effectiveness and for website performance Persistent _gid Google Analytics ID used to identify users for 24 hours after last activity Persistent AnalyticsSyncHistory LinkedIn Used in connection with data-synchronization with third-party analysis service. Persistent brightedge3.php brighhtedge Session collect google Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels. Session pa Pingdom Registers the website’s speed and performance. This function can be used in context with statistics and load-balancing. Persistent VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Youtube Tries to estimate the users’ bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos. Persistent <ul> <li>Get Started <ul> <li>Contact us</li> </ul> </li> <li>Main Links <ul> <li>App Developers</li> <li>Brands &amp. Agencies</li> <li>Telecom</li> </ul> </li> <li>Company <ul> <li>About</li> <li>Investors</li> <li>Careers</li> <li>Locations</li> </ul> </li> <li>Resources <ul> <li>Blog</li> <li>Insights</li> <li>Case Studies</li> <li>Developer Portal</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Contact Us</li> <li>Login <ul> <li>Ad Colony</li> <li>Fyber</li> <li>ACP Offer Wall</li> </ul> </li> <li>App Developers</li> <li>Brands &amp. Agencies</li> <li>Telecom</li> <li>Resources <ul> <li>Blog</li> <li>Case Studies</li> <li>Insights</li> <li>Mobile Explorers</li> <li>Developer Portal</li> </ul> </li> <li>Company <ul> <li>About</li> <li>Careers</li> <li>Investors</li> </ul> </li> </ul> Copyright © 2023 Digital Turbine, Inc. All rights Reserved. Terms of Use Privacy Policy Cookie Policy CCPA Legal Brand Safety Policy Ad Content Guidelines We use cookies to operate our site and for marketing purposes. View our Privacy Policy or Do Not Sell My Personal Information Policy for more details. ACCEPT REFUSE

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