Jackbox join

Terms of service

Jackbox join ToS Privacy policy Streamer dashboard Terms of service <p>Last Update 22 September 2022</p> <br> <p>Please read our terms of service carefully before using our service.</p> Contents <ul> <li>Definitions</li> <li>Scope of our service</li> <li>Privacy policy</li> <li>Changes to Terms of Service</li> <li>Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability</li> <li>Governing law</li> <li>Acceptable use</li> <li>Intellectual property</li> <li>Children under 13</li> <li>Termination</li> <li>Links to external website</li> <li>Contact us</li> </ul> Definitions <ul> <li> "<strong>Jackbox game</strong>": Jackbox game refers to the games made by Jackbox games. </li> <li>"<strong>Twitch streamer</strong>": A someone that uses our service to be able to moderate who is allowed to join their Jackbox games.</li> <li>"<strong>Viewer</strong>": A someone that would like to join a Twitch streamer's Jackbox game.</li> </ul> Scope of our service <p>Our service is to provider a convenient way for Twitch streamers to host jackbox games with the ability to moderate which viewers will be allowed to join and which viewers not.</p> Privacy policy <p>Your privacy is covered by our Privacy policy that you can find here.</p> Changes to Terms of Service <p> When we need to change our Terms of Service or privacy policy because of law reform or new features being added to our service, will we inform you by having a notification when you're on our website. </p> Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability <p>Jackbox join and service provided by us are "<strong>AS IS</strong>", we try to have our service work as best as possible but we do not give a warranty!</p> <p>We're not liable for any image or username shown from viewer and/or Twitch streamers.</p> Governing law <p> The laws of the Country, excluding its conflicts of law rules, shall govern this Terms and Your use of the Service. Your use of the service may also be subject to other local, state, national, or international laws. </p> Acceptable use <p> The use of our service to try attack others, DDOS, use of bots/programs or any other criminal act is forbidden and can cause termination of your access to our service. </p> Intellectual property <p> Our intellectual property include our logo, images and any code used on our service that isn't from an open source project mentioned here.<br> You're allowed to view, livestream on Twitch/Youtube or make videos on Twitch/Youtube while being on our service except for our code!<br> You're also allowed to share links and screenshots of our service (excluding any code!) to friends, family or coworkers without commercial intent.<br> The use of our intellectual property in other ways is strictly forbidden. </p> Children under 13 <p> <strong>CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 13 ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE OUR SERVICE IN A WAY OR FORM.</strong> </p> Termination <p> We may terminate or suspend Your access immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if You breach these Terms and Conditions. </p> <p>Upon termination, Your right to use the Service will cease immediately.</p> Links to external website <p>We do not have any control over external website we link to, we do try to have the linking be as anonymous as possible.</p> Contact us <p>We're only available via email. Below you can find our email addresses and for which purpose</p> <ul> <li>Exercising consumer privacy rights: jackjoin+privacyrights@proton.me</li> <li>Questions about privacy policy or missing things: jackjoin+privacypolicy@proton.me</li> <li>For any other legal basis regarding our service: jackjoin+legal@proton.me</li> <li>Questions that aren't about the privacy policy: jackjoin+question@proton.me</li> <li>For any feedback: jackjoin+feedback@proton.me</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Notice:</strong> Emails not related to our service or is spam will be ignored, deleted and if needed the email address will be blocked!</p>

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