
Privacy policy

ProductsShowcasesContent CommerceSocial CommerceSmart AdvertisingFAQContactSign upENDESign upPrivacy policyWe, advanced store GmbH (“advanced store”), know that the careful handling of your personal information is important to you. Therefore, the protection of any data for advanced store GmbH and the advertising services operated under the ad4mat brand is of the highest and most important priority. One of our principles is full respect for the right to informational self-determination. advanced store feels bound by the German and European law on data protection without any limitation. In addition, advanced store adheres strictly to the principles of the EDAA. Thus, we herewith inform you about the handling of data at advanced store.The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, e-mail address or telephone number of a data subject, is always conducted in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and in accordance with the country-specific data protection regulations applicable to advanced store GmbH. in particular in accordance with the legal permissions according to Art. 6 (1) lit. a (consent), b (contract performance) and f (legitimate interest) GDPR. By means of this Privacy Policy we would like to inform you about the nature, extent and purpose of the personal data collected, used and processed by us. Furthermore, data subjects are informed of their rights under this Privacy Policy.advanced store GmbH, as Controller, has implemented numerous technical and organizational measures to ensure the most complete protection possible for personal data processed via this website. Nevertheless, internet-based data transmissions in principle can have security gaps so that absolute protection cannot be guaranteed. For this reason, every data subject is free to submit personal data to us in alternative ways, for example by telephone.1. DefinitionsThe Privacy Policy of the advanced store GmbH is based on the terms used by the European legislator for the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our Privacy Policy should be legible and understandable for the general public, as well as our customers and business partners. To ensure this, we would like to first explain the terminology used. Further information on the terminology can be found in our glossary.2. Name and address of the Controller<br>Controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), other data protection laws applicable in member states of the European Union and other provisions related to data protection is (herein referred to as “Controller”):advanced store GmbH<br>Stefan-Heym-Platz 1<br>10367 BerlinGermany<br>Tel.: +49 (0)30 530 49 669<br>E-Mail:<br>Website: www.advanced-store.com3. Name and address of the Data Protection Officer<br>The data protection officer of the Controller can be reached directly as follows:advanced store GmbH<br>Stefan-Heym-Platz 1<br>10367 BerlinGermany<br>E-mail: privacy@advanced-store.comAny data subject may, at any time, contact our Data Protection Officer directly with all questions and suggestions concerning data protection.4. Cookies &amp. pixel<br>We store so-called “cookies” in order to offer you a comprehensive range of functions and to make the use of our website more comfortable. “Cookies” are small files that are stored on your computer using your Internet browser. If you do not wish to use “cookies”, you may opt for changing appropriate settings of your Internet browser in regard to the saving of “cookies”. Please note that the functionality and scope of functions of our offer may be limited.In addition, we separate and if necessary use from third party, so-called tracking pixels. Tracking pixels are small graphics on web pages that enable log file recording and log file analysis, and that are often used for statistical analysis. The so-called tracking pixels can be integrated on our pages. When you visit our pages, a direct connection between your browser and a server of ours or the third party can be established via the tracking pixel. We or the third party receive thereby e.g. information from your browser that our website was called from your device. If you are a registered user of the third party, this can thereby assign the visit of our pages to your user account. We point out that as the provider of the website we are not aware of the content of the transmitted data and their use by the third party. We can only choose which segments (such as age, interests) our ad should display. By the call of the pixel from your browser, we or the third party can tell if an ad was successful. This allows us to record the effectiveness of the advertisements for statistical and market research purposes.5. Logfiles / Collection of general data and information<br>The website of advanced store GmbH captures a series of general data and information each time the website is accessed by a data subject or an automated system. This general data and information is stored in the log files of the server. The following information can be recorded:<br>(1) used browser types and versions,<br>(2) the operating system used by the accessing system,<br>(3) the website, from which an accessing system comes to our website (so-called referrer),<br>(4) the sub-web pages, which are accessed via an accessing system on our website,<br>(5) the date and time of access to the website,<br>(6) an internet protocol address (IP address),<br>(7) the internet service provider of the accessing system,<br>(8) other similar data and information used in the event of attacks on our information technology systems.<br> <br>When using this general data and information, advanced store GmbH does not draw conclusions about the data subject. Rather, this information is required to (1) correctly deliver the contents of our website, (2) to optimize the content of our website and to advertise it, (3) to ensure the continued functioning of our information technology systems and the technology of our website, and (4) to provide law enforcement authorities with the information necessary for law enforcement in the event of a cyberattack. This anonymously collected data and information is evaluated by the advanced store GmbH on the one hand statistically and further with the aim to increase the data protection and data security in our company to ultimately ensure an optimal level of protection for the personal data processed by us. The legal basis for the temporary storage of data is Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. For these purposes, our legitimate interest in the processing of data according to Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The data contained in logfiles will be deleted at the latest after seven days. The anonymous data of the server log files are stored separately from all personal data provided by a data subject.<br>6. Contact possibility via the website<br>The website of advanced store GmbH contains information that enables a quick electronic contact to our company, as well as direct communication with us, which also includes a general address of the so-called electronic mail (e-mail address). If a data subject contacts the Controller by e-mail or via a contact form, the personal data transmitted by the data subject are automatically stored. Such personal data transmitted on a voluntary basis by a data subject to the data Controller are stored for the purpose of processing or contacting the data subject. There is no transfer of this personal data to third parties.<br>7. Routine erasure and blocking of personal data<br>We, as the data Controller, process and store the personal data of the data subject only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of storage, or as far as this is granted by the European legislator or other legislators in laws or regulations to which the Controller is subject to.<br>If the purpose for the storage is not applicable or valid anymore, or if a storage period prescribed by the European legislator or another competent legislator expires, the personal data are routinely blocked or erased in accordance with legal requirements.<br>8. Data protection provisions about the application and use of Google Analytics (with anonymization function)<br>On this website, the Controller has integrated the component of Google Analytics (incl. the anonymization function). Google Analytics is a web analytics service. Web analytics is the collection, gathering, and analysis of data about the behaviour of visitors to websites. A web analysis service collects, inter alia, data about the website from which a person has come (the so-called referrer), which sub-pages were visited, or how often and for what duration a sub-page was viewed. Web analytics are mainly used for the optimization of a website and in order to carry out a cost-benefit analysis of Internet advertising.<br>The operator of the Google Analytics component is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, United States.<br>For the web analytics through Google Analytics, the Controller uses the application “_gat. _anonymizeIp”. By means of this application the IP address of the Internet connection of the data subject is shortened and anonymised by Google when accessing our websites from a Member State of the European Union or another Contracting State to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.<br>The purpose of the Google Analytics component is to analyse the traffic on our website. Google uses the collected data and information, inter alia, to evaluate the use of our website and to provide online reports, which show the activities on our websites, and to provide other services concerning the use of our Internet site for us.<br>Google Analytics places a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. The definition of cookies is explained above. With the setting of the cookie, Google is enabled to analyse the use of our website. With each call to one of the individual pages of this Internet site, which is operated by the Controller and into which a Google Analytics component was integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject will automatically submit data through the Google Analytics component for online advertising and the settlement of commissions to Google. During the course of this technical procedure, the enterprise Google gains knowledge of personal information, such as the IP address of the data subject, which serves Google, inter alia, to understand the origin of visitors and clicks, and subsequently create commission settlements.<br>The cookie is used to store personal information, such as the access time, the location from which the access was made, and the frequency of visits of our website by the data subject. With each visit to our Internet site, such personal data, including the IP address of the Internet access used by the data subject, will be transmitted to Google in the United States of America. These personal data are stored by Google in the United States of America. Google may pass these personal data collected through the technical procedure to third parties.<br>The data subject may, as stated above, prevent the setting of cookies through our website at any time by means of a corresponding adjustment of the web browser used and thus permanently deny the setting of cookies. Such an adjustment to the Internet browser used would also prevent Google Analytics from setting a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already in use by Google Analytics may be deleted at any time via a web browser or other software programs.<br>Furthermore, the data subject has the option of objecting to and preventing the collection of the data generated by Google Analytics for the use of this website and the processing of this data by Google. To do this, the data subject must download and install a browser add-on at the link below. This browser add-on informs Google Analytics via JavaScript that no data and information about website visits may be transmitted to Google Analytics. The installation of the browser add-on is considered by Google as a formal contradiction. If the data subject’s information technology system is later deleted, formatted or reinstalled, the data subject must re-install the browser add-on to disable Google Analytics. If the browser add-on is uninstalled or disabled by the data subject or any other person within their control, you may reinstall or re-enable the browser add-on. You can download this browser add-on here.<br>Opt-out cookies prevent the future collection of your data when you visit this website. To prevent Universal Analytics tracking across devices, you must opt-out on all systems you use. You activate the opt out cookie here: Opt Out Google Analytics.<br>The use of Google Analytics is based on our legitimate interest in an appropriate design, the statistical evaluation and the efficient application of our website and the fact that your legitimate interests do not predominate, Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.<br>Further information and the applicable data protection provisions of Google may be retrieved under and under Google Analytics is further explained under the following link:<br>9. Data protection provisions about the application and use of Google-AdWords<br>advanced store GmbH may from time to time integrate Google AdWords on this website. Google AdWords is an Internet advertising service that allows advertisers to run both Google and Google Network search engine results. Google AdWords allows an advertiser to pre-set keywords that will display an ad on Google’s search engine results only when the search engine retrieves a keyword-related search result. In the Google Network, ads are distributed on topical web pages using an automated algorithm and according to predefined keywords.<br>The operating company of Google AdWords is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, UNITED STATES.<br>The purpose of Google AdWords is the promotion of our website by the inclusion of relevant advertising on the websites of third parties and in the search engine results of the search engine Google and an insertion of third-party advertising on our website.<br>If a data subject reaches our website via a Google ad, a conversion cookie is filed on the information technology system of the data subject through Google. The definition of cookies is explained above. A conversion cookie loses its validity after 30 days and is not used to identify the data subject. If the cookie has not expired, the conversion cookie is used to check whether certain sub-pages, e.g., the shopping cart from an online shop system, were called on our website. Through the conversion cookie, both Google and the Controller, can understand whether a person who reached an AdWords ad on our website generated sales, i.e. whether the person executed or cancelled a sale of goods.<br>The data and information collected through the use of the conversion cookie is used by Google to create visit statistics for our website. These visit statistics are used in order to determine the total number of users who have been served through AdWords ads to ascertain the success or failure of each AdWords ad and to optimize our AdWords ads in the future. Neither our company nor other Google AdWords advertisers receive information from Google that could identify the data subject.<br>The conversion cookie stores personal information, e.g. the Internet pages visited by the data subject. Each time visiting our Internet pages, personal data, including the IP address of the Internet access used by the data subject, is transmitted to Google in the United States of America. These personal data are stored by Google in the United States of America. Google may pass these personal data collected through the technical procedure to third parties.<br>The data subject may, at any time, prevent the setting of cookies by our website, as stated above, by means of a corresponding setting of the Internet browser used and thus permanently deny the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent Google from placing a conversion cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, a cookie set by Google AdWords may be deleted at any time via the Internet browser or other software programs.<br>The data subject has a possibility of objecting to the interest-based advertisement of Google. Therefore, the data subject must access from each of the browsers in use the link and set the personally desired settings.<br>The use of Google AdWords is based on our legitimate interest in an appropriate design, the statistical evaluation and the efficient application of our website and the fact that your legitimate interests do not predominate, Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.<br>Further information and the applicable data protection provisions of Google may be retrieved under<br>10. Google Hosted Libraries<br>We include the Hosted Libraries of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.<br>Hosted Libraries is a service provided by Google Inc. (USA). The application of the hosted libraries is made by a server call to Google in the US, assuming that requests are stored by Google. If your browser does not support this feature, the hosted libraries will not be retrieved, which can have a significant impact on the functionality of the web page.<br><br>‍Privacy policy:<br>11. Period for which the personal data will be stored<br>The criteria used to determine the period of storage of personal data is the respective statutory retention period. After expiration of that period, the corresponding data is routinely deleted, as long as it is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the contract or the initiation of a contract.<br>12. Provision of personal data as statutory or contractual requirement. Requirement necessary to enter into a contract. Obligation of the data subject to provide the personal data. possible consequences of failure to provide such data<br>We clarify that the provision of personal data is partly required by law (e.g. tax regulations) or can also result from contractual provisions (e.g. information on the contractual partner). Sometimes it may be necessary to conclude a contract that the data subject provides us with personal data, which must subsequently be processed by us. The data subject is, for example, obliged to provide us with personal data when our company signs a contract with him or her. The non-provision of the personal data would have the consequence that the contract with the data subject could not be concluded. Before personal data is provided by the data subject, the data subject must contact any employee. The employee clarifies to the data subject whether the provision of the personal data is required by law or contract or is necessary for the conclusion of the contract, whether there is an obligation to provide the personal data and the consequences of non-provision of the personal data.<br>13. Rights of the data subject<br>A. Right of confirmation<br>Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the Controller the confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed. If a data subject wishes to avail himself of this right of confirmation, he/she may, at any time, contact any employee of the Controller.<br>B. Right of information<br>Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the Controller free information about his or her personal data stored at any time and a copy of this information. Furthermore, the European directives and regulations grant the data subject access to the following information:<br> <ul> <li>the purposes of the processing;</li> <li>the categories of personal data concerned;</li> <li>the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, in particular recipients in third countries or international organisations;</li> <li>where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;</li> <li>the existence of the right to request from the Controller rectification or erasure of personal data, or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject, or to object to such processing;</li> <li>the existence of the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;</li> <li>where the personal data are not collected from the data subject, any available information as to their source;</li> <li>the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Art. 22 (1) and (4) GDPR and, at least in those cases, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.</li> </ul>Furthermore, the data subject shall have a right to obtain information as to whether personal data are transferred to a third country or to an international organisation. Where this is the case, the data subject shall have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards relating to the transfer.<br>If a data subject wishes to avail himself of this right of access, he/she may, at any time, contact any employee of the Controller.<br>C. Right to rectification<br>Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the Controller without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, the data subject shall have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.<br>If a data subject wishes to exercise this right to rectification, he/she may, at any time, contact any employee of the Controller.<br>D. Right to erasure (right to be forgotten)<br>Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the Controller the erasure of personal data concerning him or her without undue delay, and the Controller shall have the obligation to erase personal data without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies, as long as the processing is not necessary:<br> <ul> <li>The personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed.</li> <li>The data subject withdraws consent to which the processing is based according to Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR, or Art. 9 (2) lit. a GDPR, and where there is no other legal ground for the processing.</li> <li>The data subject objects to the processing pursuant to Art. 21 (1) GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, or the data subject objects to the processing pursuant to Art. 21 (2) GDPR.</li> <li>The personal data have been unlawfully processed.</li> <li>The personal data must be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law to which the Controller is subject.</li> <li>The personal data have been collected in relation to the offer of information society services referred to in Art. 8 (1) GDPR.</li> </ul>If one of the aforementioned reasons applies, and a data subject wishes to request the erasure of personal data stored by the advanced store GmbH, he/she may, at any time, contact any employee of the Controller. An employee of advanced store GmbH shall promptly ensure that the erasure request is complied with immediately.<br>Where the Controller has made personal data public and is obliged pursuant to Art. 17 (1) GDPR to erase the personal data, the Controller, taking account of available technology and the cost of implementation, shall take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform other Controllers processing the personal data that the data subject has requested erasure by such Controllers of any links to, or copy or replication of, those personal data, as far as processing is not required. An employee of the advanced store GmbH will arrange the necessary measures in individual cases.<br>E. Right of restriction of processing<br>Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the Controller restriction of processing where one of the following applies:<br> <ul> <li>The accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject, for a period enabling the Controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data.</li> <li>The processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests instead the restriction of their use instead.</li> <li>The Controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.</li> <li>The data subject has objected to processing pursuant to Art. 21 (1) of the GDPR pending the verification whether the legitimate grounds of the Controller override those of the data subject.</li> </ul>If one of the aforementioned conditions is met, and a data subject wishes to request the restriction of the processing of personal data stored by the advanced store GmbH, he/she may at any time contact any employee of the Controller. The employee of the advanced store GmbH will arrange the restriction of the processing.<br>F. Right of data portability<br>Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator, to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which was provided to a Controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. He/she shall have the right to transmit those data to another Controller without hindrance from the Controller to which the personal data have been provided, as long as the processing is based on consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR or of Art. 9 (2) lit. a GDPR, or on a contract pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR, and the processing is carried out by automated means, as long as the processing is not necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Controller.<br>Furthermore, in exercising his or her right to data portability pursuant to Art. 20 (1) GDPR, the data subject shall have the right to have personal data transmitted directly from one Controller to another, where technically feasible and when doing so does not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.<br>In order to assert the right to data portability, the data subject may at any time contact any employee of the advanced store GmbH.<br>G. Right to object<br>Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to object, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, at any time, to processing of personal data concerning him or her, which is based of Art. 6 (1) lit. e, or f GDPR. This also applies to profiling based on these provisions.<br>The advanced store GmbH shall no longer process the personal data in the event of the objection, unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.<br>If the advanced store GmbH processes personal data for direct marketing purposes, the data subject shall have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her for such marketing. This applies to profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. If the data subject objects to the advanced store GmbH to the processing for direct marketing purposes, the advanced store GmbH will no longer process the personal data for these purposes.<br>In addition, the data subject has the right, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to object to processing of personal data concerning him or her by the advanced store GmbH for scientific or historical research purposes, or for statistical purposes pursuant to Art. 89 (1) GDPR, unless the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for reasons of public interest.<br>In order to exercise the right to object, the data subject may contact any employee of the advanced store GmbH. In addition, the data subject is free in the context of the use of information society services, and notwithstanding Directive 2002/58/EC, to use his or her right to object by automated means using technical specifications.<br>H. Automated individual decision-making, including profiling<br>Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or her, or similarly significantly affects him or her, as long as the decision (1) is not is necessary for entering into, or the performance of, a contract between the data subject and a data Controller, or (2) is not authorised by Union or Member State law to which the Controller is subject and which also lays down suitable measures to safeguard the data subject’s rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, or (3) is not based on the data subject’s explicit consent.<br>If the decision (1) is necessary for entering into, or the performance of, a contract between the data subject and a data Controller, or (2) it is based on the data subject’s explicit consent, the advanced store GmbH shall implement suitable measures to safeguard the data subject’s rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, at least the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the Controller, to express his or her point of view and contest the decision.<br>If the data subject wishes to exercise the rights concerning automated individual decision-making, he/she may, at any time, contact any employee of the advanced store GmbH.<br>I. Right to withdraw data protection consent<br>Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to withdraw his or her consent to processing of his or her personal data at any time.<br>If the data subject wishes to exercise the right to withdraw the consent, he/she may, at any time, contact any employee of the advanced store GmbH.<br>14. Changes to the privacy policy<br>Please note that we may change or update this privacy policy from time to time. We will publish the corresponding changes here.<br>*Please note that this is the convenience translation of the German version. The German version can be found here. In case of inconsistencies between the English and the German version, the German version shall always prevail.<br>NavigationHomeContent CommerceSocial CommerceSmart AdvertisingAdvertiserFAQProductsadvanced adadvanced linkselect adcompare adaffilitizerContactStefan-Heym-Platz 1, 10367 Berlin, (0) 30 5770 6602 – 0Sign upContactSocials 2022 advanced store GmbHImprintPrivacy PolicyTerms × This website uses cookies This website uses cookies to improve user experience. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Read more Save &amp. Close Accept all Decline all Show details Hide details

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