
Copyright Policy

DMCA Takedown Tool Attention!! <p>In order to receive our confirmation emails, please add <strong></strong> to your whitelist</p> <p>Using latest Google Chrome if you face any issues with this API</p> <p>You may not submit more than 100 infringing URLs at a time</p> <p>You have to use your company's email, we discard request from personal emails like,</p> Your full Legal Name <p> </p> Email <p> </p> Address <p> </p> Zip/Postal Code <p> </p> Country <p> </p> City <p> </p> Rightsholder Full Legal Name <p> </p> Rightsholder Country <p> </p> Your Company/Organisation <p> </p> Phone <p> </p> Your Job Title / Position <p> </p> Your authenticated content url <p> </p> URL(s) of infringing content <p> </p> By checking the following box, I state that: I am the owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. I have good faith belief that the use of the content in the manner complained of, is not authorized by the compyright owner, its agent, or the law. The information in this notification is accurate. This also means that each content type field contains corresponding information related to a single copyright infringement only. Otherwise it is possible that the notification is not going to be processed. I acknowledge that there may be adverse legal consequences for making false or bad faith allegations of copyright infringement by using this process. I understand that each affected user will be informed about this take down action. This also includes contact details you provide, upon the user`s request. <p> </p> I read the paragraphs above and confirm that they are 100% true in this case Submit

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