Slipfox Network Suite


<em> | THE NULL POINTER</em> <em>file hosting and URL shortening service.</em> <br> USAGE HTTP POST files here: <code>curl -F'file=@yourfile.png'</code> post your text directly: <code>echo "text here" | curl -F'file=@-;'</code> you can also POST remote URLs: <code>curl -F'url='</code> or you can shorten URLs: <code>curl -F'shorten='</code> file URLs are valid for at least 30 days and up to a year (see below). shortened URLs do not expire. not allowed: application/java-archive, application/java-vm maximum file size: 512.0 MiB <br> ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY All things shared with this site are stored unencrypted and are publically accessible, provided other users can guess your file extension. Because of this, please do not post any informations that may violate law (login/password lists, email lists, personal information). is NOT a platform for: <br> <ul> <li>child pornography</li> <li>malware, including “potentially unwanted applications”</li> <li>botnet command and control schemes involving this service</li> <li>anything even remotely related to crypto currencies</li> <li>hosting your backups</li> <li>spamming the service with CI build artifacts</li> <li>piracy (While i personally support piracy it is illegal and will get this site shut down.)</li> <li>alt-right shitposting</li> </ul> <br> REQUIREMENTS there is only one thing you need to use this service - curl. curl is available on most platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. if you run a server and like this site, clone it! centralization is bad. <br> ALIAS to make your life easier, you can add aliases to your <code>.bash_aliases</code> on Linux and <code>.bash_profile</code> on Mac OS X. just remember to reset your terminal session after that. <code>0file() { curl -F"file=@$1" . } 0pb() { curl -F"file=@-;" . } 0url() { curl -F"url=$1" . } 0short() { curl -F"shorten=$1" . }</code> now you can use: <code>0file "yourfile.png" # or echo "text here" | 0pb</code> FILE RETENTION PERIOD retention = min_age + (-max_age + min_age) * pow((file_size / max_size - 1), 3) <br> ABUSE if you would like to request permanent deletion, please send an email to slips at slipfox dot xyz please allow up to 24 hours for a response.

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