Project Segfault

Terms of Service

Terms of Service We're not anarchists, so we have some rules. <ol> <li> <strong>Do not use</strong> our Services to <strong>(D)DOS</strong> or <strong>attempt to disrupt</strong> someone else’s online stability.</li> <li> <strong>Do not use</strong> our Services to <strong>Dox</strong> someone.</li> <li> <strong>Do not do</strong> anything on our Services that would be <strong>illegal</strong> in France.</li> <li> <strong>Refrain</strong> from using our services to <strong>harass</strong> people.</li> <li>While we do try to keep your data safe, you have to acknowledge that <strong>we are not responsible</strong> if anything <strong>unintentional</strong> happens (such as <strong>data loss</strong>, <strong>inability to extract your data</strong> due to the server being down.). It is also <strong>your responsibility</strong> to <strong>keep a backup of your data</strong> if it matters to you.</li> <li>The services provided by ProjectSegfault are <strong>provided as is</strong>. We do <strong>not warrant the reliability, accessibility or quality of our services</strong> and we are <strong>not responsible for ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER by using our services.</strong> </li> </ol> Failure to comply will either end up <strong>disabling</strong> your account, and/or if it is illegal, <strong>reporting</strong> to the police. <ul> <li>Be aware that ”<strong>reporting</strong> to the police” only happens if the individual is using our services to <strong>post, promote, or encourage</strong> actions that are <strong>morally unnacceptable</strong>. (Such as: pedophilia, murder, or CSAM.)</li> <li> <strong>No warnings will be issued if we find this out.</strong> </li> </ul>

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