Norton Safe Web


TERMS OF SALE ,For Europe, Middle East and Africa(“EMEA”) only ,Thank you for choosing us! ,We providesubscription-based services, as well as products and one-time service offerings,to help keep you ,Cyber Safe (“Service(s)”).,The Terms of Saleapply to all online or by phone transactions between you and us for purchaseand use of our,Services, whethersuch transactions require your payment informationor not(“Transaction(s)”). ,The Terms of Sale is a contract between you as an individual consumer that will be placing a Transaction (“you” ,or “your”) and NortonLifeLock Ireland Limited, maintaining its principal place of business at Ballycoolin ,Business Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland, with company registration number 159355 and VAT number ,IE6557355A (“NortonLifeLock”, “us”, “we” or “or”).,Please carefully read all theterms. They contain important information about your rights and obligations. ,By clicking “I agree” or otherwise electronically indicating assent, you acknowledge you have read, understood ,and agreedto the Termsof Sale.,If you do not agree to the Termsof Sale, then you may not transact with us,noraccess or use our Services.,The Terms of Sale cover:,1.Your Information11.Unauthorised Services and Brand Protection,2.Your Order 12.Privacy,3.Our Services13.Warranty,4.Services Duration14.Our Liability,5.Subscription Billing Cycle15.Proprietary Rights,6.Trials16.Export Restrictions,7.Price, Payment Terms and Payment Methods17.Governing Law and Competent Jurisdiction,8.Delivery18.Disputes,9.Automatic Renewal Withdrawal Rights, Cancellation and Refund19.Notice of Changes,10.Licence &amp. Services Agreement or Other20.Contact,1.Your Information,a.You must be at least eighteen (18) years old and have legal capacity to enter into a contract.,b.If you are a new customer, you will create an account and provide certain information, including a valid ,email address. Your email address is our preferred method of contact. ,c.The information you provide us must be accurate, complete and kept up to date. Failure to do so may ,mean that we cannot fulfill your Transaction(s)or reach you for important notifications. ,d.In accordance with our Global Privacy Statement, we retain your payment information that is entered,and stored in your account. This information isused to:1) automatically renew all automatically ,renewing subscriptionsthat are in your account. and2) suggest its use for any subsequent Transaction ,to help facilitate your Transaction without prompting you to re-enter your payment information each ,time.,e.Your account is personal and exclusively for you to access and manage your information,Transactions ,and Services. You can review, edit, or delete your information in your account anytime. ,2.Your Order ,a.Through the entire order process, you canreview your order prior to finally submitting it to us.,b.When transacting with us, your order is accepted and your Transaction is completed only when: 1) your ,payment is accepted, or your payment information is verified if the Transaction required your payment ,information without immediate payment. and2) we send you a confirmation email of your order. ,c.If the payment information you provide cannot be verified, is invalid or is otherwise not acceptable, ,your order may be suspended or cancelled. If we reject your order, we will refund any payments made ,for that order, and we may also cancel or restrict use and accessto the applicable Services.,d.Occasionally an error or inaccuracy in the price or Service description may occur. In the rare case that ,happens, we will contact you for instructions where you will have the option toeither:(1) cancel your ,order at no cost, and obtain a refund of any prior payment that you have made for the Service;or (ii) ,proceed with your order based on the corrected price or description of the Service.,e.While we maintain records of orders and retain them for a reasonable period, we also recommend that ,you retain a printed or electronically saved copy of the Termsof Sale with a copy of your order in your ,own files. ,3.Our Services,Certain Services do not require payment and are provided to you free-of-charge.Other Services require ,payment or payment information without immediate payment, before you can access and use them and ,may be offered through subscription plans. In any case, to access and useour Servicesyou must have ,Internet access and a compatible device. ,4.Services Duration,a.You will have access to theService for the duration of yourcontract. ,b.If you have a fixed-term subscription, then your Service will terminate automatically at the expiration ,of your subscription term. ,c.If you have an automatically renewing subscription, your Service will renew on an annual or monthly ,basis, unless you cancel the subscription renewal beforethe day you are due to be charged.,Note. You have an automatically renewing subscription if you have:,i)subscribed to it directly with us,,ii)pre-paid it through a retailer in-store or online,or,iii)activated the subscription renewalin your account or by contacting us. ,d.If you have a one-time service or product, itwill last as specified in theconfirmation email. ,5.Subscription Billing Cycle ,a.The initial subscription term ischarged whenyour Transaction is complete. ,b.Unless you cancel the subscription renewal before the dayyou are due to be charged, the renewal is,charged to yourpayment method as detailedin thepre-billing notification email that we send to you ,priortoeachrenewal. ,c.To ensure you have continuous Services, we charge your payment methodup tothirty-five (35)days ,before the subscription is due to renew.As such,the date youare charged will likely occur prior to the ,datethat your subscriptionrenews.The actual date that we charge your payment method depends on ,severalfactors (e.g. if it’s a public holiday, if your payment method has not successfully settled due to ,expiration, insufficient funds, or otherwise). ,d.The length of your billing cycle (annual or monthly) dependson the type of subscription that you choose ,when you sign-up for the Service. ,6.Trials,a.Our Services may be offered as atrial for a specified period without payment or at a reduced rate ,(“Trial(s)”). The duration of your Trial will be specified during sign-up and/or in the promotional ,materials.,b.Our Trials areintended for new customers and certain former customers to try ourServices. Eligibility ,is determined by us and we may limit accessor duration to prevent abuse. We can revoke aTrial if we ,determine that you are not eligible.,c.Many Trials require payment information before it will begin. Unless you cancel before the end of the ,Trial,we will automatically chargethepayment method providedtous atthe end of the Trial,on a ,recurring monthly or annual basis,depending on theterm youhaveselected.,d.If your Trial (of 30 daysor more) automatically renews as a paid subscription, we will send you a ,notification email before we charge the payment method on file.,7.Price, Payment Terms and Payment Methods,a.Our advertised prices and the final price displayed prior to your confirmation of your order areinclusive ,of VAT and/or any other applicable taxes. ,b.We reserve the right to discontinue adiscount and/or to change price(s) or offers at any time. Aprice ,change will not affect an order that we have already accepted, except if you expressly agree otherwise. ,If the price for your subscription changes at renewal, we will send you a notification email in advance ,and you can cancel your subscription renewal or terminateyour contract if you do not accept the price ,change. ,c.Our Services are delivered electronically and there are no shipping or handling costs. Any cost ,associated with accessing our website and/or Services is your responsibility and is dependent on your ,Internet service provider.,d.Payments may only be made using the payment options listedon our website. Dependingon your ,location, we currently accept American Express, Mastercard, Visaand PayPal. We may also allow ,customers to make payment by a bank transfer or direct debit.,e.We use third parties to assist with processing your payment, this may include the use andsecured ,transfer of your information. There are also times we obtain and use updated credit card account ,information from credit card providersto retry failed paymentsin order to complete transactions, ,including but not limited to, retrying failed billings with extended expiration dates. Please contact your ,credit card provider for more information about this service and what it may mean for you and your ,card. ,f.Payment is charged when your purchase is complete, or in the case of a subscription renewal, up to ,thirty-five (35) days before the subscription is due to renew. For offline payments, you must provide ,the confirmation email to your payment institution to complete the order. Your order may be revoked ,within a certain number of days if you do not fulfill your payment or transfer successfully.,g.If you fail to pay for a Service by the due date, we may:1) suspend your access or stop Services ,deliveriesuntil we have successfully charged a valid payment method. and/or 2) terminate your order,or contractwithwritten notice.,8.Delivery,a.All Services are delivered electronically. Delivery takes place immediately of our acceptance of your ,order.,b.Some Services require download and/or installation of software on your device(s). Please ,download/install and activate immediately after purchase. Please read the documentation and terms and ,conditions that govern your use of the Services (see section 10 below).,9.Automatic Renewal, Withdrawal Rights, Cancellation and Refund,a.Automatic Renewal: You can cancel, or stop, the subscription renewal at any time and no later than the ,day before you are due to be charged, by contacting us, or by signing in to your account and then visiting ,the Renewal Settingstab, clicking Cancel Subscription Renewal next to the subscription you want to ,cancel the renewal for and confirming your cancellation. If you stop your subscription from ,automatically renewing, itwillnot renew and you will not be charged for the nextrenewal term, but ,your Service will continue through to the end of your already paid subscription term. For further details, ,see our Cancellation and Refund Policy.,b.Withdrawal Rights applicable to European Economic Area countries (“EEA”), Switzerland and the UK ,only: ,i)You have a statutory right to withdraw from the contract (wholly or partially) for any or no ,reason at any time within fourteen (14) calendar days of the day you receive the confirmation ,email (“Withdrawal Period”).,ii)To exercise this right, you must inform us, prior to expiration of the Withdrawal Period, of your ,decision to withdraw from the contract by an unequivocal statement (or by completing the ,withdrawal form found here), using our contact details as set out in section 20.,iii)If you withdraw from the contract in accordance with the present section, we will refund you ,all payments made as part of your order within fourteen (14) calendar days from the day on ,which you informed us about your decision to cancel the contract. Refundswill be made using ,the same payment method that you used for placing the order, unless we both have expressly ,agreed otherwise.,iv)You will not be able to exercise your withdrawal rightwhere: ,1)in the case of electronic software download, you have downloaded your software, after,you have expressly consented to immediate performanceof the contract and ,acknowledged that you will lose your right of withdrawalfrom the contract once the ,download of your softwarehas begun. ,2)in the case of services, after the services have been fully performedif performance has ,begun with your express request for immediate performanceof the services and your ,acknowledgement that you will lose your rights of withdrawalfrom the contract once ,the services have been fully performed. If the services have not been fully performed, and ,you have requested the performance within fourteen (14)days from the date of the order ,confirmation email, you will be charged an amount proportional to the services provided ,until the time you have informed us of your decision to withdraw from the contract.,v)If you are not eligible to withdraw from the contract and receive a refund under your withdrawal ,rights, youmay still beentitled to terminate your contractandbe eligible to claim a refund ,under our Cancellation and Refund Policy.,a.Our Cancellation and Refund Policy: Please review our Cancellation and Refund Policyfor information,on how to cancel your contract and to obtain a refund, if applicable. Independently of any statutory ,rights like withdrawal rights, most of ourServices include a money-back guarantee if you are not ,satisfied for any reason. Eligibility will vary (e.g. the type of the Services, the subscription length, ,duration since the purchase/renewal, where it was purchased, etc.). ,10.Licence and Services Agreement or Other,Our Services and your use of our Services are governed and subject to the applicable set of terms and ,conditions (e.g. Licence and Services Agreement, etc.), as well as other third-party software licence,terms that you must agree to before accessing or using our Services. Please visit , more information.,11.Unauthorised Services and Brand Protection,a.You may not alter, unbundle or break any Services down to components for distribution, transfer, resale ,or any other purposes. You are strictly prohibited from separating a licence key from any associated ,software service and transferring it to a third party. ,b.Our Services are available for personal, non-commercial use by you and by members of your household ,during the applicable term. Any purchase for commercial use or for resale is unauthorized. We reserve ,the right to reject orders, purchases and Transactions, and /or deactivate Services that may have been ,obtained through or for unauthorized means and/or violate the relevant set of applicable terms and ,conditions. The Services are valid for use in the location where you purchased, subscribed and/or signed ,upand your ability to use, install and/or activate may be limited by your location. ,c.All Services must be obtained in the first instance from us (or via our authorisedpartners). If the original ,acquisition of Services occurred using a fraudulently obtained payment method or any other ,unauthorized means, we have no obligations to provide support services and/or to allow continued use ,of the Services in question. ,12.Privacy,Your privacy is important to us.OurGlobal Privacy Statementdescribes how we collect, use and ,process the data from you and your devices when you are using and accessing our Services. ,13.Warranty,As a consumer you may have certain statutory rights under yournational laws, including legal ,guarantees relating to faulty or non-conforming productsand servicesthatbecome apparent within a ,minimum of two (2) years,or as provided by your national laws,from delivery of the products and/or ,services. Nothing in the Terms of Sale will affect these legal rights.,14.Our Liability,a.If we fail to provide the Services (or perform any other obligation) as set out in the Terms of Saleor as ,required by the law, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our ,failure or negligence. Loss or damage is foreseeable if were both aware at the time we entered into the ,Terms of Sale that the losses or damages would be a likely result of usfailing to perform our obligations.,b.We are not responsible for:,i)losses or damages that are not foreseeable, beyond our control and which we cannot avoid ,through appropriate actions;,ii)losses or damages that are not caused bybreach of our obligations set out in the Terms of Sale,or at law;,iii)losses or damages that are caused by your breach of the Terms of Sale. or,iv)economic or intangible losses resulting from the performance of the Terms of Sale.,c.Nothing in the Terms of Salelimits or excludesour liability for: (a)death or personal injury caused by ,our negligence. (b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. (c) willful misconduct or gross negligence. ,or (d)anymatter in respect of which it would be unlawful for us to limit or exclude our liability. ,15.Proprietary Rights,We retain ownership of all proprietary rights in our Services and/oron the website,and in all trade ,names, trademarks, service marks associated or displayed. You may not remove, deface or obscure any ,of our copyright or trademark notices and/or legends or other proprietary notices on, incorporated ,therein, or associated with the Services. ,16.Export Restriction,You acknowledge theServicesand related technical data (collectively “Controlled Technology”) may ,be subject to the import and export laws of the United States, specifically the U.S. Export Administration ,Regulations (EAR), and the laws of any country where Controlled Technology is imported or re-,exported. You agree to comply with all relevant export control laws, including U.S. trade embargoes ,and sanctions and security requirements, and applicable country or local laws to the extent compatible ,with U.S. lawsand will not export, re-export, import or otherwise make availableany Controlled ,Technology in contravention to U.S. law nor to any prohibited country, entity, or person for which an ,export licence or other governmental approval is required, directly or indirectly. Use or facilitation of ,our software in connection with any activity including, but not limited to, the design, development, ,fabrication, training, or testing of chemical, biological, or nuclear materials, or missiles, drones,or space ,launch vehicles capable of delivering of massivedestruction is prohibited, in accordance with U.S. law.,17.Governing Law and Competent Jurisdiction,TheTerms of Sale aregoverned by the laws of the country you live in, and you can file legal disputes ,in the courts of that country.,18.Disputes,Most disagreements can be resolved informally and efficiently by contacting NortonLifeLock Member ,Services and Support. If you live in the European Union (which excludes the United Kingdom), Iceland, ,Liechtenstein or Norway, and would like an independent body to resolve our dispute without you having ,to go to court or to consumer arbitration board, you can lodge the dispute with the European Commission ,Online Dispute Resolution website Please note that if you do lodge ,a dispute with the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution website (or any other consumer ,arbitration service), we may decline to participate in the arbitration as we are not required by law, the ,rules of any trade association or by these terms to participate in a consumer arbitration. ,19.Notice of Changes ,We may update or modifythe Terms of Sale, or any term of your contract with us(including the price,and terms of referenced policies), for one or more of the following reasons:i) to comply with the law ,and reflect changes in the law;ii) to comply with requirements imposed by a regulatory body;iii) to ,correct any error;iv) to harmonize the services or terms across multiple jurisdictions;v) to make the ,terms clearer. vi) to ensure better functionality of the services. and vii) for any other valid reason.,If we make material changes to the Terms of Salewhich may be significantly detrimental to you, we ,will give you fourteen (14) days notice and provide you with the right to terminate your contract and ,receive a pro-ratedrefund for the remainder of your Service term. To exercise this right,you must ,informus of your wish to terminate the contract within fourteen (14) days of us notifying you of the ,change and your right to terminate. If you exercise this right, the Terms of Salewill terminate.,We may make changes which are immaterial or to your advantage immediately and without notice.,20.Contact,a.For any question regarding the Termsof Sale, Services, Transactions or if you experience any problem ,with your order, need help or simply want to contact us for any reason, visit Member Services &amp. Support ,contact pageor write to: NortonLifeLock Member Services &amp. Support, PO Box 5698, Dublin 15, ,Ireland. While a call with NortonLifeLock Member Service &amp. Support agents will not be charged by ,us, any rate associated with calling us is your responsibility and is dependent on the telecom provider ,you use.,b.For our corporate details, pleaseclick here.

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