W. W. Norton

Privacy Policy

HomeBack to Home Page<ul> <li>READER</li> <li>STUDENT</li> <li>EDUCATOR</li> </ul> <ul> </ul>LOG IN0 ITEMS<p>Privacy Policy</p> <p>Effective Date: January 1, 2020</p> <p>W. W. Norton &amp. Company, Inc., including its subsidiaries and certain affiliates (collectively “Norton,” “we,” or “us”), values your trust in us and cares about your privacy and security online. This privacy policy (the “Policy”) describes our privacy and data collection practices (the “Practices”) and contains important information about the choices available to you when you interact with us through our websites, social media pages, online newsletters, and other online interfaces owned and operated by us (each a “Site” and collectively the “Sites”) that link to this Policy. This Policy also applies to information that we may receive outside of the Sites, including for example, from publicly available databases, social media platforms, and authors and other third parties who may share such information in connection with joint marketing campaigns. &nbsp;</p> <p>If you are a student, this Policy also applies to information (“Student Data”) we collect from you or from your school and maintain on your school’s behalf in connection with assigned coursework that utilizes any of our online platforms, tools or systems. Examples of Student Data include campus email addresses, class lists, platform usage, and learning outcomes such as test results. We use Student Data in compliance with all applicable privacy and data protection laws, including the Family and Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA), and the requirements of each of our institutional partners. We do not use personally identifying information in School Data for targeted advertising. Please review the School Data Privacy section of this Policy for more information about our treatment of Student Data and contact your school for details about its use of your personal information.</p> <p>By using our Sites, you are accepting the Practices described in the Policy. We may supplement the Practices from time to time by posting additional or superseding terms on specific Sites in connection with particular features of those Sites or in connection with particular online services or applications. If you continue to use the Sites after we post changes, you will be deemed to have accepted the changes. Please do not use our Sites if you do not agree to be bound by all of the terms of this Policy, or if you do not understand any aspect of the Policy, the Practices, or any other terms you find posted on any of the Sites. This Policy does not apply to information that we may collect offline, for example over the phone, by mail, or in person.&nbsp;</p> <p>IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 AND NOT ENROLLED IN ANY ACADEMIC COURSE THAT REQUIRES SUBMISSION OF CLASS WORK OR HOMEWORK VIA A SITE, YOU MUST HAVE THE PERMISSION OF A PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN BEFORE YOU MAY ACCESS OR INTERACT WITH ANY OF THE SITES. REGARDLESS OF AGE, PLEASE READ THIS POLICY CAREFULLY TO FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH THE PRACTICES.</p> <p>The Sites are not intended for the use of individuals under the age of 13, and Norton does not knowingly collect personally identifying information from such individuals. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW ANY CHILD UNDER 13 FOR WHOM YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO SEND US PERSONALLY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION.</p> <p> <strong>Please click on one of the links below to jump to the listed section:</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Personally Identifying and Non-Personally Identifying Information Distinguished</li> <li>Our Collection of Personally Identifying Information</li> <li>Our Collection of Non-Personally Identifying Information</li> <li>More Information About Cookies and Other Data Collection Technologies</li> <li>How We Use the Information We Collect</li> <li>How We Use the Information We Collect When You Make Purchases Through Our Sites</li> <li>Information We Share With Others</li> <li>Where This Policy Does Not Apply</li> <li>Opting Out and Other Choices</li> <li>Targeted Advertising</li> <li>Social Media</li> <li>Children’s Privacy</li> <li>Security</li> <li>Jurisdiction and International Data Transfers</li> <li>California Users</li> <li>School Data Privacy</li> <li>Updates in This Policy</li> <li>How to Contact Us</li> </ul> <p> <strong> <u>Personally Identifying and Non-Personally Identifying Information Distinguished</u> </strong> </p> <p>Personally identifying information is information that individually identifies you (for example, your name, address, email address, or telephone number), as well as other information that is associated with you and may be used to locate, identify or contact you. Non-personally identifying information (for example, your age, gender, or 5-digit zip code, unless applicable law provides otherwise) is information that does not personally identify you but may contain demographics such as your area of residence or your interests (as suggested by your uses of the Sites).</p> <p> <strong> <u>Our Collection of Personally Identifying Information</u> </strong> </p> <p>We collect personally identifying information in the following ways:</p> <ul> <li>Directly from you, when you elect to participate in activities within the Sites. For example, we may ask you to provide your personally identifying information when you register for an account on the Sites, participate in social media events involving our books or authors, sign up to receive email newsletters from us, make a purchase on the Sites, enter a contest or sweepstakes, participate in surveys or special promotions, submit content on any part of the Sites where user-generated submissions are permitted, or knowingly identify yourself to us in order to request a specific interaction with us (for example, by submitting a job application or a help desk request or similar request for customer service).<br> <br> </li> <li>From your school, if you are a student or instructor. For example, your name and/or school email address may appear on a class list we receive from an educational institution at which you have registered to take a course that uses one or more of our platforms. If you are a student, we may collect such information as your roster of courses. &nbsp;if you are an instructor, we may collect information about what subjects and classes you teach. &nbsp;<br> <br> </li> <li>From our Sites or from third parties who provide data and/or help us analyze transactions on our Sites in order to assess how customers are engaging with our products and services. For example, we may use automatic forms of data collection such as cookies to determine your browsing preferences, purchase history, the length of time you spend on the Sites, and similar information. We treat information collected in this manner as Personally Identifying Information when we are able to use it, alone or in association with other data, to determine or infer your identity. &nbsp;</li> </ul> <p> <br> <strong> <u>Our Collection of Non-Personally Identifying Information</u> </strong> </p> <p>Non-Personally Identifying Information may be automatically collected by us (and our third-party providers) when you interact with the Sites or with emails you receive from us. For example, both we and our third-party providers may use technologies that automatically collect information about your computer or another device you use to access the Sites. Examples of this kind of information are IP addresses, geolocation information, unique device identifiers, browser types, browser languages, and other transactional information. We may also collect information about how you use the Sites via log files, clickstream data, reading history based on the pages you view, search terms and results, and other “traffic data” such as times and dates of access, software crash reports, session identification numbers and referring website addresses. If you choose to enable the location feature, some of our applications may deliver content based on your location, and the location information will be stored on your device and used by the app. If you choose to save a location-based search in your history, we will also store that information on our servers. We will not collect or store location information if you don’t enable the location-based service, or if an app does not include the location-based feature. Subject to applicable law, by using our Sites, you consent to the use of tracking technologies as described in this section.</p> <p> <strong> <u>More Information About Cookies and Other Data Collection Technologies</u> </strong> </p> <ul> <li>Cookies: The term “cookie” refers to a small text file that may be stored on your computer, phone, or other device when you visit certain web pages. Web browser settings can usually be changed to decline cookies, although this option may result in limitations on your ability to access or use the Sites. Most web browsers’ default settings accept cookies automatically, and if you do not change that setting we and our third-party service providers may place, view and/or use cookies, web beacons, local storage objects or similar technologies to learn about your use of the Sites and other websites, including information about web pages you view, links you click, and other actions you take on our Sites. You should also be aware that cookies may be used to track responses to online advertising. We do not currently respond to “do not track” signals from browsers that offer this feature.<br> <br> </li> <li>Other technologies that may be employed by us or by our third-party service providers include web beacons, flash cookies, and local storage objects.<br> <br> <ul> <li>A web beacon is a single pixel GIF that collects information such as the number of visitors to a Site, how users navigate a Site, and how users respond to emails (i.e., how many emails are opened, how many links are clicked).<br> <br> </li> <li>A flash cookie is a data file that the Adobe Flash plug-in (which may be built into your device or downloaded by you) places on your device. Flash cookies remember your preferences, among other functions. Flash privacy settings can be modified by adjusting the settings on your computer or device, but modifying these settings may limit the functionality of certain functions of the Sites.<br> <br> </li> <li>A local storage object stores information on your computer or device about how you use our Sites, products and services. We use local storage objects and web beacons to analyze how our customers and other visitors to our Sites engage with us and how we can improve, including by customizing our products, services and offerings. &nbsp;</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>Additional information about managing cookies is available at www.allaboutcookies.org. You may also choose to opt out of Google Analytics by clicking here.</p> <p> <br> <strong> <u>How We Use the Information We Collect</u> </strong> </p> <p>The information we learn from users, including both Personally Identifying and Non-Personally Identifying Information, helps us to improve our users’ experience of the Sites, improve our products and services, and address a variety of other business needs. For example, we may use the information we collect to:</p> <ul> <li>Provide you with the products and services that you request or, if you are a student, that are selected for you by your school<br> <br> </li> <li>Communicate with you about your account or transactions, including by managing your privacy choices and communications preferences<br> <br> </li> <li>Make you aware of new products and services that we believe may be of interest to you, or provide you with additional information about products and services you already use<br> <br> </li> <li>Tell you about special events and promotions<br> <br> </li> <li>Tell you about changes in our policies or these Practices<br> <br> </li> <li>Post content that you ask us to post to Sites that permit such submissions<br> <br> </li> <li>Fulfill newsletter subscriptions<br> <br> </li> <li>Alert you to third-party products and services that may interest you, and/or provide you with personalized recommendations based on your preferences<br> <br> </li> <li>Serve you targeted advertising on our Sites and elsewhere online<br> <br> </li> <li>Administer contests, sweepstakes, and surveys<br> <br> </li> <li>Optimize our products, services and business operations<br> <br> </li> <li>Perform statistical, demographic and marketing analyses of users on the Sites and recipients of our emails<br> <br> </li> <li>Detect and investigate activities that may be unlawful or in violation of our policies.</li> </ul> <p> <br>When you use more than one of our Sites, we may match information we collect from you through each of those Sites and combine that information into a single user record. We may also use and/or combine information we collect off-line or from third party sources to enhance and check the accuracy of your user records.</p> <p>By using the Sites, you are consenting to these uses and others as specified in this Policy, on the Sites, and in our Terms of Use.</p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong> <u>How We Use the Information We Collect When You Make Purchases on or Through Our Sites</u> </strong> </p> <p>When you make purchases on or through the Sites, you provide certain transactional information to us and to third parties such as transaction processors and financial institutions. We use the information you provide in this connection primarily for the purpose of processing the transaction, but we may also use it for other lawful purposes including creating and managing your account, evaluating and improving our services, determining the effectiveness of our marketing, and performing certain forms of market and consumer research. Where other third parties, such as vendors who supply our software or perform web hosting and other services for the Sites, have access to your personally identifying information, they may not use such information for any purpose other than to provide services in connection with the Sites, unless they receive express permission from you.</p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong> <u>Information We Share With Others</u> </strong> </p> <p>We may share your Personally Identifying Information as follows:</p> <p>With your school, if you are a student, an instructor, or an individual otherwise affiliated with an educational institution. For example, we may provide your school with information about the ways in which its students and instructors interact with our educational products and platforms, including information that compares instructors and students within the school.</p> <p>With instructors and school administrators, if you are a student.</p> <p>With the service providers we use to perform functions (such as hosting, billing, marketing, analytics, customer service and fraud protection on our behalf), subject to such providers’ obligation to maintain the confidentiality and security of the information and to use it for no purpose other than in accordance with our instructions to provide the requested services.</p> <p>With third-party partners who provide services to you through the Sites, to the extent that you have authorized such sharing or have formed a relationship with the such partner, to permit your use of certain products or services and/or to validate the referrals and operate the platforms. For example, we may share your information, including certain personally identifying information, with the third-party provider of an application that enables certain functionalities on the Sites, depending on your preferences as expressed in the privacy settings you choose. Such third parties’ own privacy policies, and not this Policy, will govern their use of information we share with them.</p> <p>As necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations, which may include laws and regulations outside of your country of residence, and as required or appropriate to cooperate with law enforcement and government or other public authorities.</p> <p>For other legitimate purposes, such as enforcement of this Policy or the Terms of Use that govern our Sites, to protect our other rights or property, or for the safety of our users, authors, employees, customers, affiliates or others.</p> <p>We may share your Non-Personally Identifying Information in any way that we deem necessary or appropriate. For example, information that we have aggregated and/or anonymized in such a way that it can no longer be used to identify you or anyone else may be used by us for our own or others’ research purposes, or to generate further data for our own use or that of third parties.<br> <br> </p> <p> <strong> <u>Where This Policy Does Not Apply</u> </strong> </p> <p>The Policy does not apply to resources and sites that are not wholly operated or owned by Norton (“Third-Party Sites”), even in the case of Third-Party Sites that may be accessible via links on our Sites. Norton is not responsible for the privacy practices of any Third-Party Site, and our hosting of third-party content or linking to Third-Party Sites is not an endorsement by us of any such content or of any Third-Party Site’s business practices or privacy policy. Please exercise reasonable caution in interacting with Third-Party Sites and be sure to review all applicable terms of use and privacy policies before deciding whether or not to proceed.</p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong> <u>Opting Out and Other Choices</u> </strong> </p> <ul> <li>Commercial Messages—Unsubscribing and Withdrawing Consent: There are certain choices you can make at any time, on a going-forward basis, by alerting us to a change in your preferences. For example, if you no longer want to receive commercial messages such as emails or newsletters from us, you may opt out by clicking the “unsubscribe” button in any such communication or by emailing us at unsubscribe@wwnorton.com. To withdraw consent for us to share your Personally Identifying Information with business partners such as promotional co-sponsors and authors, you may email us at any time at <strong>privacy@wwnorton.com</strong>.<br> <br> </li> <li>Administrative Messages: You cannot opt out of receiving administrative messages from us such as important notices about our policies or practices relating to the Sites, so please be aware that you may continue to receive such communications from us even after you have opted out of receiving commercial messages.<br> <br> </li> <li>Accessing, Correcting or Deleting Information: Depending on where you live, you may have the right to request a copy of your Personally Identifying Information, and/or to access, correct, update, suppress, restrict, object to or opt out of the processing of your Personally Identifying Information. Please see the How To Contact Us section of this Policy below. We will respond consistent with the law that applies to your request. If you are a California resident, please also see the California Users section. Students please see the School Data Privacy section. Non-U.S. residents please see Jurisdiction and International Data Transfers.</li> </ul> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong> <u>Targeted Advertising</u> </strong> </p> <p>In certain instances, and where permitted by applicable law, we may allow third parties such as service providers with whom we partner to use cookies and other forms of technology that helps them better understand our users’ behavior and browsing activities. This information may be used by us and by our partners to provide you with advertising and other content that is targeted to the interests and preferences inferable from the data collected. The technologies used for these purposes are not under our control and are not subject to this Policy. Although we do not share your Personally Identifying Information with these third parties, it is possible that, by analyzing the data they collect on our Sites and comparing it with data from other sources, they may be able to personally identify you. Additional information about targeting advertising and your choices is available is available online in several locations, including here at<strong>&nbsp;</strong>https://optout.aboutads.info/ and here. If you do opt out of having your information made available to our third-party network advertisers, you may still see offerings on our Sites that are based on your browsing history on our Sites.</p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong> <u>Social Media</u> </strong> </p> <p>If you choose to interact with us via social media platforms, for example by following us on Instagram, sharing your experience with us via a plug-in on Facebook or Twitter, or logging into our Sites using your credentials from a social media service, we may have access to information about you that is associated with your social media account, depending on the privacy policy of the platform you are using. By taking such actions, you acknowledge that you are authorizing us to collect, store and use the information we receive in accordance with applicable law and this Policy.</p> <p>By the same token, you may be able, via our Sites, to log into or otherwise interact with social media platforms (such as Facebook, Twitter, and others) over which we have no control. You understand that even if you access such platforms via our Sites, your interactions with the platforms will be subject to the terms and conditions (including the privacy policies) under which they operate, and will not be governed by this Policy. Although we do not share your Personally Identifying Information with social media platforms, a platform to which you have previously provided Personally Identifying Information (e.g., by setting up an account) may be able to identify you, and collect additional information about your activities online, when you interact with them through links on our Sites. We have no control over the way in which your information may be used by any third-party site with which you choose to interact, and we are not responsible for any act or failure to act of any social media service provider, platform or service with which you may choose to interact, including through links available on our Sites.</p> <p> <strong> <br> </strong> </p> <p> <strong> <u>Children’s Privacy</u> </strong> </p> <p>Aside from use by students enrolled in academic course that require the submission of classwork or homework via a Site, the Sites are not intended for use by minors between ages thirteen and eighteen, except with the permission of a parent or legal guardian. The Sites are not intended for use of any kind by children under the age of thirteen, and Norton does not knowingly collect Personally Identifying Information or any other kind of information from children, regardless of student status, country or state of residence, or parental consent.</p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong> <u>Security</u> </strong> </p> <p>Norton takes reasonable steps, and has reasonable organizational, physical, technical and administrative measures in place, to secure your Personally Identifying Information, but no data storage or transmission system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Please contact us immediately, as set forth in the How to Contact Us section below, if you have reason to believe or suspect that your interaction with any of the Sites is no longer secure.</p> <p> <strong> <u>Jurisdiction and International Data Transfers</u> </strong> </p> <p>Norton is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York in the United States of America, and the Sites are operated in, and targeted primarily to users located in, the United States. If you are interacting with the Sites from a location outside the United States, it is important to be aware that your Personally Identifying Information will be transferred to and processed in the United States and may be subject to a different level of privacy protection than would be applicable in another jurisdiction. Please do not submit personally identifying information to us if you are uncertain whether this Policy conflicts with applicable privacy law in the location from which you access the Sites.<br> <br>BY CONTINUING TO USE THE SITES, YOU CONSENT TO THE TRANSFER OF YOUR INFORMATION TO THE UNITED STATES, THE PROCESSING AND STORAGE OF YOUR INFORMATION (INCLUDING PERSONALLY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION) IN THE UNITED STATES, AND THE GENERAL USE OF YOUR INFORMATION AS SET FORTH IN THIS POLICY, WHETHER OR NOT THESE POLICIES, UNITED STATES LAW, AND APPLICABLE PRIVACY AND DATA SECURITY STATE LAWS ARE EQUIVALENT TO THE LAWS IN THE COUNTRY IN WHICH YOU ARE LOCATED.<strong>&nbsp;</strong> </p> <p> <br> </p> <p> <strong> <u>California Users</u> </strong> </p> <p>The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (the “CCPA”) entitles California residents to certain additional information about the categories of information we have collected or disclosed in the twelve months preceding the effective date of this Policy.<br> <br>The categories of information we have <u>COLLECTED</u> are as follows: <strong> <br> <br> </strong> </p> <ul> <li>Identifying information such as names, email addresses, and other contact information;</li> <li>Personal information, such as names, contact information, and financial information, as defined in the California customer records law;<em> <strong> <br> </strong> </em> </li> <li>Commercial information, such as transaction information, purchase history, financial details and payment information;Internet or network activity information, such as browsing history, online behavior, interest data and interactions with our Sites;</li> <li>Geolocation data, such as device and IP location;</li> <li>Audio, electronic, visual or similar information, such as images and audio, video or call recordings created in connection with our business activities;</li> <li>Inferences drawn from any of the information listed above to create a profile or summary, for example, a profile of an individual’s preferences and characteristics<strong> <br> <br> </strong> </li> </ul> <p>We collected these categories of information, as described in the Policy, both from you and from other sources that may make such information available to us or share it with us, including publicly available databases and similar sources, joint marketing partners, social media platforms and third-party services platforms, our business customers, clients, authors and partners. Consistent with the Policy and as described therein, we may use this information to operate and maintain our business, provide products and services, and accomplish other legitimate business purposes, including developing, improving, personalizing, advertising and marketing our products and services. conducting market research and data analytics. maintaining our facilities and infrastructure. undertaking quality and safety assurance measures. conducting risk and security control and monitoring. detecting and preventing fraud. performing identity verification. performing accounting, audit and other internal functions. complying with law, legal process and internal policies. maintaining records. &nbsp;and exercising and defending legal claims. &nbsp;<strong> <br> <br> </strong>The categories of information we have <u>DISCLOSED</u> to third parties for our operational and business parties are as follows:<br> <br> </p> <ul> <li>Identifying information such as names, email addresses, and other contact information;</li> <li>Personal information, such as names, contact information, and financial information, as defined in the California customer records law;</li> <li>Commercial information, such as transaction information, purchase history, financial details and payment information;</li> <li>Internet or network activity information, such as browsing history, online behavior, interest data and interactions with our Sites;</li> <li>Geolocation data, such as device and IP location;</li> <li>Audio, electronic, visual or similar information, such as images and audio, video or call recordings created in connection with our business activities;</li> <li>Inferences drawn from any of the information listed above to create a profile or summary, for example, a profile of an individual’s preferences and characteristics<br> <strong> <br> </strong> </li> </ul> <p>We share information, as described in the Policy, with our service providers for purposes such as website design and hosting, data analysis, payment processing, order fulfillment, information technology and related infrastructure provision, customer service, email delivery, ad serving, research management and analysis, marketing, and auditing.<br> <br>The terms “sold” or “sale,” for purposes of this Policy, refer to the disclosure of personal information for monetary or other valuable consideration. These terms do not refer to the transfer of personal information as an asset that is part of a merger, bankruptcy, or other disposition of all or any portion of our business. Norton does not exchange Personally Identifying Information for money. We may, however, “sell” Personally Identifying Information in the sense that we may provide email addresses for purposes of correcting or enhancing our contact lists or for other limited purposes in connection with the support of our business operations.<strong> <br> <br> </strong>If you are a California resident, you have the right to make the following requests:<br> <br> </p> <ul> <li>You may request that we DISCLOSE the following information covering the 12 months immediately preceding your request:&nbsp;<ul> <li>The categories of Personally Identifying Information we collected about you and the categories of sources from which we collected that such information</li> <li>The specific pieces of Personally Identifying Information we collected about you</li> <li>The business or commercial purpose for which we collected or (if applicable) sold Personal Information about you</li> <li>The categories of Personally Identifying Information about you, if any, that we sold, and the categories of third parties to whom we sold it. and&nbsp;</li> <li>The categories of Personally Identifying Information about you, if any, that we otherwise shared or disclosed, and the categories of third parties with whom we shared or to whom we disclosed it.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>&nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp;To Make A Request For These Disclosures, please email us at <strong>privacy@wwnorton.com</strong> <br> <br> </p> <ul> <li>You may request that we DELETE Personally Identifying Information we collected from you. Note that we will honor your deletion request with respect to Personally Identifying Information <em>except to the extent that such information falls within one of the permitted exemptions under the CCPA.</em> For example, we will not delete Personally Identifying Information that we need to retain for our business records or for fraud prevention or legal compliance.<br> <br>To Make A Request For Deletion, please email us at <strong>privacy@wwnorton.com</strong> </li> </ul> <p> <br> </p> <ul> <li>You may request that we opt you out of any future “sale” of Personally Identifying Information about you.<br> <br>To Make a “Do Not Sell My Information” request, please email us at <strong>privacy@wwnorton.com</strong> <br> <strong> <br> </strong> </li> </ul> <p>You may also make any of the requests described above by contacting us in accordance with the “How to Contact Us” section below. You have the right to be free from unlawful discrimination for exercising your rights under the CCA. We will respond to your request in accordance with applicable law.<strong> <br> </strong> </p> <p> <strong> <br> </strong> </p> <p> <strong> <u>School Data Privacy</u> </strong> </p> <p>We take seriously the privacy of enrolled students (each a “Student” and collectively “Students”) who interact with our Sites in connection with the services we provide to universities, colleges and schools (each a “School” and collectively “Schools”) including Students who use our products or services as part of a School course adoption. Notwithstanding any otherwise applicable Practice described in this Policy, we do not use Students’ Personally Identifying Information for our own marketing or advertising purposes, except to the extent that we may notify Students of products or services we offer that are related, or may be relevant, to their coursework or to products or services they are already using. We do not rent or sell customer lists that include Students’ Personally Identifying Information. &nbsp;Except as otherwise required, in our good faith opinion, to comply with applicable law, respond to requests from government authorities, or protect our rights, safety, or property and/or that of our affiliates, customers or others, we strictly limit our disclosure of Students’ Personally Identifying Information to third parties who provide services (for example, website hosting and customer service) to us, solely for the purposes of enabling them to provide those services. &nbsp;We may also share Students’ information, including Personally Identifying Information, to Schools and their third-party service providers such as those who provide learning management system (“LMS”) integration for purposes of supporting Students’ use of the products and services we offer. &nbsp;Student information received by us from third parties will be held by us in accordance with this Policy, but the actions of Schools and third parties with respect to Student information are governed by such parties’ own privacy policies, for which we are not responsible. &nbsp;Where we provide services to a School, including by making our publications and other products available for course adoption, we may share Student data (including class work, homework responses, test scores, and the like) and information with authorized faculty, administrators and other School officials in connection with our provision of services to the School and to permit instructors and other authorized School personnel to review Student work, monitor progress and otherwise support instruction. &nbsp;We may also use Non-Personally Identifying Information we collect from and about Students for our own analytic purposes, to better understand how our products and services are accessed and used and to improve them, and we may develop and share with third parties analyses containing aggregated (Non-Personally Identifying) information for purposes of describing, marketing and selling our educational products and services. &nbsp;In instances where collaborative work is required or permitted by instructors, Students may be able to share notes, activities, game play, and assignments with each other and may be able view and respond to the work of others. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Please contact your School directly if you have any questions about the School’s LMS or its policies in connection with the restrictions on disclosure of Student information pursuant to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”). &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> <strong> <u>Updates in this Policy</u> </strong> </p> <p>Updates and new developments in our Sites may result in changes in our Practices and this Policy, as may changes in applicable law. We will update this Policy as necessary to reflect changes in our Practices and will provide you with prominent notice on the Sites of any change that materially affects our use of personally identifying information. We will not, however, materially change our Practices in any way that would make them less protective of personally identifying information we have previously collected from you unless we obtain your express consent to do so. Please check the “effective date” above to see when this Policy was last revised. Any changes will become effective when we post the revised Privacy Policy on the Sites. Your use of the Sites following any update in the Policy means that you have accepted the revised Policy, including any changes made in that update.<br> <br> </p> <p> <strong> <u>How to Contact Us</u> </strong> </p> <p>W. W. Norton &amp. Company, Inc., located at 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, is responsible for the collection, use and disclosure of your Personally Identifying Information under this Policy. Please direct any questions about this Policy to us by phone, email, or mail as follows:</p> <p> <strong> <u> <em>Phone</em> </u> <em>:&nbsp;</em> </strong>1(800) 233-4830&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong> <br> <u>Email</u>: privacy@wwnorton.com</strong>;<strong>&nbsp;unsubscribe@wwnorton.com&nbsp;</strong>(for newsletter unsubscribe requests)<strong> <br>&nbsp;</strong> </p> <p> <strong> <u>Mail</u>:<br> </strong>Online Privacy<br>Attention: Customer Service<br>National Book Company<br>800 Keystone Industrial Park<br>Dunmore, PA 18512</p> <p> <br>Because email communications are not always secure, we ask that you kindly refrain from including credit card or other sensitive information in your emails to us.</p>We use cookies to deliver the best experience. 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