
Converse Privacy policy and GDPR compliance

XMPP Account Hosting <p> We provide free XMPP accounts under the domain <strong>vern.cc</strong>. You can create an account directly via our registration form. </p> Privacy policy and GDPR compliance <p> This service is provided on a pro bono basis. An email address is not needed to sign up and we don't sell or monetize any of your data. </p> Sharing of data with 3rd parties <p> We don't share any of your data with 3rd parties, except when necessary to run the service. For example, when you send a message to a user on a differerent XMPP server. Your presence information (whether you're online or not) is shared with contacts that you've added from other servers. </p> <p> Users on other XMPP servers can request access to your (optionally filled-in) VCard data. You can remove your VCard data through an XMPP client. The latest version of Converse supports this, and you can use it here. </p> Data storage <p> Our XMPP server runs in a Hetzner data centre in Strasbourg, France. </p> <p> Your chat messages are archived for a period of 1 month, after which they are deleted. </p> <p> Currently the <strong>conversejs.org</strong> XMPP server does not support HTTP-file upload (although Converse the client does), which means that we don't host any uploaded files of users. </p> <p> During normal operations we don't log or process IP addresses, although it might be necessary in certain cases where a problem needs to be debugged (hasn't happened yet). Logs older than 6 months are deleted. </p> Data portability <p> Currently there is no standardized way to move a user account from one XMPP server to another. </p> <p> If you'd like to have a copy of your data for transferal to another account, please contact us. </p> Account deletion <p> Currently it's not possible to automatically delete your account via Converse, although you might be able to do so via other XMPP clients that support account deletion via XEP-0077. </p> <p> You can always contact us and we'll delete your account manually. </p>

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