

Privacy From Riverside Rocks Wiki Jump to navigation Jump to search <p>When you use our services and our site, we don't want to know a whole lot about you! That is why we collect limited information about you when you use our services. We log the following via Apache HTTP logs: </p> <p>- User agent (your computer OS, browser, and possibly language) <br> - IP address (can be used to locate you within a 20-70 mile radius) <br> - Request time <br> - Referrer (how you found the site) </p> <p>More about this can be found at the logging page. Logs are deleted after 30 days. If you don't want your IP to be collected, consider using our Onion services. </p> <p>This information is collected for debugging, basic metrics (ie. using an automated tool to display stats such as number of unique visitors), and blocking bots. It is never shared or sold to third parties. We do not track you. </p> <p>For analytics, we use the open source program Plausible. If you would like to learn more about their privacy, please visit their website. </p> <p>(as of 1/17/21 we no longer use Simple Analytics) </p> <p>For document updates, please see the "last updated" text in the footer. </p> Retrieved from "https://wiki.riverside.rocks/index.php?title=Privacy&amp;oldid=169"

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