<p>Home</p> Terms of Service Prerequisite <p>ThisWebsiteWillSelfDestruct.com is for people over 13 years of age. If you do not meet that criteria, you may not use or submit content.</p> Rights <p>You can choose to remain anonymous. There is no signup, and the site should work fine if you chose to block 3rd party JavasScript, to disable all analytics.</p> <p>You can request to remove personal content through the report feature, or by sending an email to Femme@FemmeAndroid.com with details about the message.</p> <p>Your data will be backed up regularly, and the backups tested.</p> <p>You will be treated with respect and discretion.</p> Responsibilities <p>You may not make automated requests to the site without prior approval.</p> <p>You must not abuse the site by knowingly posting malicious code, or links to malicious sites, that could harm other users. If you find a security or privacy bug in ListenLater, I ask that you please report it to me right away by private email.</p> <p>You may not use the site to harass other users.</p>

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