
Privacy Policy

<ul> <li> Skip to content </li> <li> Select language </li> <li> Skip to search </li> </ul> Training programs For Business <i> </i> <p> The web browser you are using is out of date, please upgrade. </p> <i> </i> <p> Please use a modern web browser with JavaScript enabled to visit </p> OpenClassrooms.comTraining programsOur training programsOnline and at your own pace.<ul>Diploma training programs<p>Acquire in-demand skills with real-world projects and one-to-one mentoring.</p>Free-access courses<p>Broaden your knowledge with 500+ regularly updated courses.</p> </ul>For BusinessSign inTerms of UsePrivacy PolicyStudent PolicyTerms of ServiceLegal Information<ul> <li>What personal data are collected and for what purposes?</li> <li>What are the purposes and legal bases of the processing?</li> <li>Why do we use cookies?</li> <li>Are your data shared with third parties?</li> <li>How are your personal data protected?</li> <li>What is the retention period of your personal data?</li> <li>Are you a minor?</li> <li>What happens in the event of the use of the OpenClassrooms services in relation to the social networks?</li> <li>What are your rights?</li> <li>How to contact us - Contact details of the data protection officer</li> </ul>Last update on Monday, August 30, 2021Privacy Policy<p>OpenClassrooms is involved in ongoing compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016. With this regulation, OpenClassrooms has strengthened its privacy policy so that the data of our users is collected and used transparently, confidentially and securely.</p> <p>Our Privacy policy describes the way in which OpenClassrooms processes the personal data of visitors and users (hereinafter referred to as “the Users”) when navigating our site (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”). The privacy policy is an integral part of the Terms of Use of the Site. </p> <p>OpenClassrooms pays continuous attention to the data of our Users. We may amend, add to or update the Privacy Policy periodically. We may also modify this policy in order to comply with changes of applicable laws and regulations. To the greatest extent possible we will notify you of any major changes to this policy. We encourage you, however, to regularly consult the most recent version accessible on our Site.</p>What personal data are collected and for what purposes?<p>We collect personal data that you send and the data that we receive.</p> <p>In the context of the processing personal data, we may collect and process the following data:</p> <ul> <li>your family name and first names;</li> <li>your contact details (postal address, email address, phone number);</li> <li>your motivation for joining the program, your career plans, your current resume, your Pôle emploi certificate (if you are a job seeker), and your highest degree or diploma. This information will be collected via an online form;</li> <li>your recognition as a disabled worker and your social security number. In the context of certain training courses or funding applications, this personal data may be collected once OpenClassrooms has obtained your consent;</li> <li>your pseudonym, avatar, postal address, gender, Internet Protocol (IP) address;</li> <li>a short biography or biography (optionally);</li> <li>a photo is also requested in order to identify you during your project's presentation;</li> <li>the following supporting documents for our mentors in order to satisfy our legal obligations: their official identification document (ID card, passport, driver's license etc.), criminal record, biography or LinkedIn page, and latest diploma;</li> <li>datas relating to the courses followed, the exercises, the chapters completed, your progress, and user experience and projects thanks to Learning Analytics methods;</li> <li>information on your professional project, your preferred path, qualification votes, your financing preferences, your desire for long-term training, the obstacles to the solution proposed, the estimated start date, as well as about your situation and any reason for rejection during the exchange by telephone with you. These data are used for registration, consultation, use, completion, extraction and transmission to promote the progress of our students;</li> <li>your public Facebook profile, date of birth and email address only if you register on the Site through Facebook or your Google account in accordance with the terms of use of the social network concerned. We will also collect certain personal data where you interact with the functions of those social networks, such as the “Like” functions;</li> <li>your recent Curriculum Vitae (CV), your postal address, a paragraph describing your motivations, your current situation in the form of a video, a work permit in French territory, the training you wish to receive. This includes your level of studies at the start of the training, the title of the last diploma obtained, your status at the start of the training as well as your objectives in carrying out the training, the name of the company found for in-work training, the training desired as well as any comments you may have when you apply for an in-work course on our Site. We use this information to collect, register, consult, use and add to our courses and to send you your "Carte étudiant des métiers" card;</li> <li>the documents needed to complete your application to the jury via an online form (Google Forms) and to organize a jury defense at the end of your training: certificates, diplomas, CV, and a copy of a valid ID. These documents justify the mandatory pre-requisites for your defense;</li> <li>the validation sessions of your projects with your mentor as well as your defense before the jury in order to validate your training. We keep these data in your student file;</li> <li>your mentoring sessions may be recorded for quality purposes exclusively internal and specific to OpenClassrooms;</li> <li>your answers to a questionnaire at the end of your diploma course, for statistical purposes, in particular your job title, the name of your employer and your salary.</li> <li>your opinion on the training followed with OpenClassrooms in the context of satisfaction surveys thanks to a customer satisfaction measuring tool (Net Promoter Score).</li> </ul> <p>We collect the information that you give us when:</p> <ul> <li>you navigate on our Site and use the applications</li> <li>you create, modify and gain access to your personal account</li> <li>you fill in a contact form</li> <li>you fill in an application form for our training courses</li> <li>you contact our Customer Service Department</li> </ul>What are the purposes and legal bases of the processing?<p>Some processing carried out by OpenClassrooms is necessary for the execution of a contract to which the User is a party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the User's request, notably for the processing for the following purposes:</p> <ul> <li>management of applications for training requests;</li> <li>management of invoicing and analysis of sessions attended by students in the context of invoicing;</li> <li>management of student administration and schooling (student file, jury registration file, project validation file);</li> <li>management of relations between OpenClassrooms and Users with a personal account, including: <ul> <li>The creation of a personal account;</li> <li>The use of the Site and the services it offers;</li> <li>Management of communications and follow-up of exchanges with Users.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>Some processing implemented by OpenClassrooms is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which OpenClassrooms is subject:</p> <ul> <li>management of project validations, certificates and diplomas;</li> <li>management of requests to exercise rights.</li> </ul> <p>Some processing carried out by OpenClassrooms once the Users concerned have consented to the processing of personal data:</p> <ul> <li>commercial marketing (promotion of training and courses, personalized messages) and carrying out surveys (in particular motivation and satisfaction surveys);</li> <li>management of Users' consent to the deposit of cookies subject to consent;</li> <li>collection of the recognition of disabled workers and the social security number in the context of applications for training and funding.</li> </ul> <p>With regard to promotional emails, you may at any time withdraw your consent by (i) ticking the box relating to your account, (ii) clicking the deregistration link given in each of our communications, or (iii) contacting us.</p> <p>Some of the processing carried out by OpenClassrooms is necessary for the purposes of OpenClassrooms' legitimate interests:</p> <ul> <li>management of cookies not subject to consent;</li> <li>management of requests for information and complaints;</li> <li>realization of statistics and surveys of Users (progress, follow-up, promotion, statistics, motivation and satisfaction surveys);</li> <li>logging of connections.</li> </ul>Why do we use cookies?<p>We use cookies on our Site for the requirements of your navigation, and for optimising and personalising our services on our Site by memorising your preferences</p> <p>You can deactivate the cookies at any time.</p> <p> <em> <strong>Definition of cookies and their uses</strong> </em>. A cookie is a text file deposited on your computer at the time you visit our Site. The cookies are managed on your computer by your Internet navigator.</p> <p>We use cookies on our Site for the requirements of your navigation, optimising and personalising our services on our Site by memorising your preferences. The cookies also allow us to see how our Site is used. We automatically collect your IP address and information relating to the use of our Site. Our Site remembers your identity when a connection is established between the server and the web navigator. The information supplied previously in a web form may be kept.</p>Cookies used on our Site<p>Different types of cookies are used on our Site, as follows:</p> <ul> <li>Some cookies that are strictly necessary for the operation of our Site (mandatory cookies). They allow you to use the main functions of our Site (for example, access to your account). Without these cookies, you would not be able to use our Site normally.</li> <li> <p>Functional cookies, among which are analytical cookies: In order to improve our services, we use audience-measurement cookies such as the number of pages viewed, the number of visits, the activity of Users and their return frequency, in particular by using the services of Google Analytics. These cookies only allow the establishment of statistical studies on the User traffic on our Site, which results are completely anonymous to allow us to obtain knowledge about the use and performance of our Site and to improve its functions. Acceptance of these cookies allows you to have an optimal user experience on our Site. If you refuse them, we cannot guarantee you normal use on our Site.</p> <p>It also includes cookies that allow us to personalise your experience on our Site by memorising your preferences (such as social media site sharing cookies). These cookies may be placed by a third party on our behalf, but it is not authorised to use them for purposes other than those described.</p> </li> <li>Target cookies (advertisement cookies): These cookies relate to services provided by third parties, such as the "Like" or "Share" buttons. These cookies are placed by third parties. </li> </ul> <p> <em> <strong>Types of cookies used</strong> </em>. The following types of cookies are used on this Site:</p> <ul> <li>Temporary cookies: This type of cookie is active on your navigator until you leave our Site and expires if you do not access the Site for a given period.</li> <li>Permanent or Tracer cookies: This type of cookie stays in your navigator’s cookie file for a longer period, which depends upon the parameters of your web navigator. Permanent cookies are also called Tracer cookies.</li> </ul> <p> <em> <strong>Use of third-party cookies</strong> </em>. We may use third party partners such as Google Analytics,to track the progress of visitors to our Site or to identify your centres of interest on our Site and personalise the offer sent to you on our Site or outside our Site. The information collected by third-party advertisers may include geo-location data or contact information, such as email addresses. The confidentiality policies of these third-party advertisers provide further information on the way in which the cookies are used.</p> <p>We ensure that the partner companies agree to process the information collected on our Site exclusively for our requirements and in accordance with our instructions, in compliance with the European regulations. We ensure that they agree to implement appropriate security and protection measures for keeping the data confidential.</p>Management of cookies<p> <em> <strong>Cookies management module and desactivation of cookies</strong> </em>. Upon your first connexion on our website you are given the opportunity of choosing your cookies settings, and changing them whenever you want by clicking here.</p> <p>You may deactivate the cookies at any time by selecting the appropriate parameters on your navigator (the navigator aid heading used indicates the steps to be taken). If you disable cookies, an opt-out cookie will be placed on your computer so that OpenClassrooms can record the information that you have objected to the use of cookies. Similarly, when you accept the use of cookies, a consent cookie is placed on your computer.</p> <p>We draw your attention to the fact that deactivation of the cookies may reduce or hinder access to all or certain functions.</p>Browser settings<p>You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored on your terminal or rejected, either systematically or according to their sender.</p> <p>You can also regularly delete cookies from your terminal via your browser.</p> <p>However, do not forget to set the parameters of all the browsers on your various terminals.</p> <p>For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your choices regarding cookies. For example:</p> <ul> <li>Internet Explorer™ :;;</li> <li>Safari™ :;;</li> <li>Chrome™:;hlrm=en&nbsp;;</li> <li>Firefox™ :;redirectslug=Activer+et+d%C3%A9sactiver+les+cookies&nbsp;;</li> <li>Opera™ :</li> </ul> <p>To find out more about how to configure your browsers, please visit the website of the Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés:</p>Are your data shared with third parties?<p>We provide a legal framework for data transfers through contractual commitments with our sub-contractors to give you a higher level of security.</p> <p>The personal data concerning you collected on our Site are intended for use by OpenClassrooms and may be sent to sub-contractors used by OpenClassrooms to provide its services.</p> <p>OpenClassrooms will not under any circumstances sell or lease your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes.</p> <p>We also work in close collaboration with third-party companies that may have access to your personal data, as follows:</p> <ul> <li>When you make an express request (for example, where you use the authentication methods provided by the social networks allowing you to integrate into your OpenClassrooms profile information from your account on their own platform);</li> <li>When we call upon search engine and analytical solutions suppliers to improve and optimise our Site;</li> <li>When we have the legal obligation to do this or if we consider in good faith that it is necessary (i) to respond to any claim against OpenClassrooms, (ii) to comply with any judicial demand, (iii) to perform any agreement concluded with our members, such as the Terms of Use and the present Privacy Policy, (iv) in the event of an emergency threatening the public health or physical integrity of a person, (v) relating to inquiries and investigations, or (vi) to guarantee the rights, assets and security of OpenClassrooms, its members and generally any third parties;</li> <li>Additionally, OpenClassrooms does not disclose your personal data to third parties except where (1) you (or your account administrator acting in your name) requests or authorises their disclosure. (2) disclosure is required in order to process transactions or provide services that you have requested. (3) OpenClassrooms is forced to do so by a government authority or a regulatory authority, in the event of judicial requisition, a summons to appear before a court or any other similar governmental or judicial requirement, or to establish or defend a legal claim. or (4) the third party is acting as an agent or sub-contractor of OpenClassrooms in the provision of services (for example, where OpenClassrooms uses the services of a telecommunications company).</li> </ul> <p>If OpenClassrooms or all or part of its assets is purchased by a third party, the data in our possession will be transferred to the new owner.</p> <p>We may combine data concerning you and that we receive or send to our commercial partners, including in particular all or part of your personal data and the information collected by cookies. This accumulated information will be used only for the purposes described above.</p> <p>On request, we can give you a list of the countries where we keep your data and those where they are occasionally routed.</p> <p>We transfer and keep your data in the European Union as well as send them outside the European Union to the United States. We have concluded special agreements with the American entities to which we transfer your data and signed the European Commission's standard contractual clauses to provide a framework for ensuring the secure transfer of your data to those service providers. We can call upon the services of the American companies to which we sub-contract your data in order to respond to your requests, supply online payment tools, and to provide us with commercial and advertising services or emailing and SMS messaging services.</p>How are your personal data protected?<p>We take all the measures required to ensure your data are protected. We also ask you to keep your data confidential.</p> <p>OpenClassrooms applies generally recognised technological and organisational measures to ensure that the personal data collected are not lost, misappropriated, consulted, amended or disclosed by unauthorised third parties unless the communication of the data is compulsory under the regulations in force, in particular at the request of a judicial authority, the police, the judicial police, or any other authority authorised by law.</p> <p>The security of personal data also depends on the Users. Users who are members of OpenClassrooms agree to keep their user ID and password confidential. Members also agree not to share their account and to inform OpenClassrooms of any unauthorised use of the account as soon as they become aware.</p>What is the retention period of your personal data?<p>Your data are kept for a limited period to ensure optimum security.</p> <p>The personal data communicated by Users of OpenClassrooms are deleted at the end of a certain period of time and according to the data processed.</p> <p>To allow members to recover their accounts if they forget their password after a prolonged period without connecting to the Site, your email is kept for reasons of security. However, it is possible to delete it by amending the information in their profile in the section “My Account” on the Site.</p> <p>We keep your data only for the period necessary for the purposes described, in accordance with the law, and in particular:</p>PurposeRentetion periodManagement of applications for training requests2 years from the requestManagement of invoicing and analysis of sessions attended by students in the context of invoicing10 years from the end of the current financial yearManagement of student administration and schooling (student file, jury registration file, project validation file)5 years after the User’s leavingManagement of relations between OpenClassrooms and Users with a personal accountDuration of the contractual period 2 years from the date of suspension in the event that the User's account has been suspended or blocked in order to avoid any circumvention of the rules in force on the SiteManagement of project validations, certificates and diplomas50 yearsManagement of requests to exercise rights6 yearsCommercial marketing (promotion of training and courses, personalized messages) and carrying out surveys (in particular motivation and satisfaction surveys)3 years from your last contact with us or unting the withdraw of your consentManagement of Users' consent to the deposit of cookies subject to consent13 months or until the withdraw of your consentManagement of cookies not subject to consent13 monthsManagement of requests for information and complaintsDuration of the contractual relationRealization of statistics and surveys of Users (progress, follow-up, promotion, statistics, motivation and satisfaction surveys)5 years after your last use of our SiteLogging of connections1 yearAre you a minor?<p>We attach great importance to the safety of minors, which is why we do not collect personal data of minors under 15 years of age.</p> <p>As our aim is to make education accessible to everyone, minors may gain access to the Site to browse for information.</p> <p>Our Site does not collect, register or store any information relating to any person under 15 years of age.</p> <p>You must read the present Privacy Policy to guarantee that you understand it.</p> <p>Where you give your consent when you are a minor, the personal data concerning you is collected.</p> <p>You may exercise your right to be forgotten if you no longer wish the data concerning you to be kept in our databases.</p>What happens in the event of the use of the OpenClassrooms services in relation to the social networks?<p>We are not liable for the use of data made by the social networks. You can set parameters for data on their sites.</p> <p>Where you use social networks and the services or applications of OpenClassrooms relating to social networks, this involves the collection and exchange of data between the social networks and OpenClassrooms.</p> <p>We are not liable for the use made of your data by social networks on their own behalf. You have the possibility of fixing parameters and directly controlling access on the social networks and the confidentiality of your data.</p> <p>We provide our students with a Workplace platform provided by Facebook allowing our students to share information on seeking employment. The comments on Workplace are the property of OpenClassrooms, and we have the possibility of amending, deleting or exporting them at any time.</p>What are your rights?<p>In application of the European Regulations in force, we have implemented procedures and mechanisms allowing you to exercise your rights.</p> <p>In accordance with the regulations in force, Users of our Site have the following rights:</p> <ul> <li>The right to access the data that OpenClassrooms holds about them;</li> <li>The right to obtain from OpenClassrooms, the rectification of personal data concerning them that are inaccurate or incomplete;</li> <li>The right to obtain from OpenClassrooms the deletion of personal data concerning them:<ul> <li>when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed;</li> <li>when the User concerned withdraws his consent for the treatments having for legal basis the consent or opposes the treatment.</li> </ul> </li> <li>The right to obtain from OpenClassrooms the limitation of the processing in case of dispute of the accuracy of the personal data. When OpenClassrooms no longer needs the personal data for the purpose of processing but the data are still necessary for the User concerned for the establishment, exercise or defense of his legal rights;</li> <li>The right to the portability of data provided by the Users, when such data are subject to automated processing based on their consent or a contract;</li> <li>The right to object, at any time, for reasons related to the particular situation of the Users, to the processing of personal data whose legal basis for processing is legitimate interest;</li> <li>The right to define specific directives relating to the conservation, deletion and communication of Users' data after their death to the OpenClassrooms services according to the methods defined below. These particular directives concern only the processing implemented by OpenClassrooms and are limited to this scope.</li> </ul> <p>If you wish to exercise your rights, you can send an email to the following address: or send a letter to the following address: OpenClassrooms, Data Protection Officer, 10 quai de la Charente, 75019 Paris, France.</p> <p> </p> <p>Lastly, Users of OpenClassrooms may lodge a complaint with the regulatory authorities and in particular the Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL, French Data Protection Authority) (</p> <p>Your requests will be processed within a month. In the event that we have reasonable doubts concerning your identity, we may request the provision of additional information necessary to confirm your identity.</p>How to contact us - Contact details of the data protection officer<p> If you have any questions or complaints or if you wish to make recommendations or submit comments to OpenClassrooms aimed at improving our Privacy Policy, you can send an email to the following address: or send a letter to the following address: OpenClassrooms, Data Protection Officer, 10 quai de la Charente, 75019 Paris, France.</p>Back to topOpenClassrooms<ul> <li>What we do</li> <li>Learning experience</li> <li>Blog</li> </ul>Opportunities<ul> <li>Work with us</li> <li>Become a mentor</li> <li>Become a career coach</li> </ul>Support<ul> </ul> <ul> <li> </li> <li> </li> </ul>For business<ul> <li>Upskilling, reskilling, and apprenticeships</li> </ul>More<ul> <li>Store</li> <li>Legal information</li> <li>Terms of use</li> <li>Privacy policy</li> <li>Cookies</li> <li>Accessibility</li> </ul>English

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