Privacy Policy <p> is owned and operated by Organic Information Services Pvt Ltd. We take online privacy very seriously. This privacy policy is designed to inform our customers/visitors to our site how we collect and use the personal information you elect to provide to us.</p> <p>California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)</p> <p>Under CCPA, Californian residents have the right to declare their preferences on the sale of data for advertising and marketing purposes. If you wish to change your preferences, click this link to launch our preference portal:</p> <p>We use a third-party to provide monetisation technologies for our site. You can review their privacy and cookie policy at <sup>[1]</sup> </p> <p>This Privacy Policy applies to the websites and, which are operated by Organic Information Services Pvt Ltd. (“Organic Information Services”), including the mobile-optimized versions of these websites (collectively, the “Websites”). Except where otherwise noted, statements in this Privacy Policy with respect to the Sites also apply to the Organic Facts Applications (or “Apps”) for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. The Sites and Apps are referred to as the “Organic Facts”. References to “we,” “us” or “our” refer to Organic Information Services. This Privacy Policy describes how we may collect, use and disclose information about users of the Services. The “Services” for purposes of this Privacy Policy means the Websites, the Apps and all information and services provided to you in connection with your use of the Websites and Apps including, without limitation, news, reference content, tools, applications, sponsored programs, advertising, email communications, continuing medical education and discussion boards. We may share information collected under this Privacy Policy among the respective Websites and Apps that we each own or control, but the information collected under this Privacy Policy is always protected under the terms of this Privacy Policy. <sup>[2]</sup> </p> <p>If you are a visitor to our site and you choose to register for our services or provide us with personal information, you authorize us to use such information as set forth in this privacy policy. collects the information necessary to serve you better. When you visit our website, you may provide us with personal information that you consciously choose to disclose to us on an individual basis and information that we collect when you browse websites. You may also provide us with the personal information required for us to provide the services. however, we only request the personal information necessary to establish and provide the necessary services requested from you. We may, however, use the personal information that you provide to us to notify you about the latest updates and important changes to our website, our services or special offers that we consider to be of importance to you on the basis of the information you have submitted. We do not share your information with any third party.</p> <p> <strong>The information we collect:</strong> Apart from the personal information, we also collect anonymous data when you browse our websites. The personal information you may provide is not associated with this anonymized data and hence your browsing patterns on our site are not personally identifiable. The following information is collected and remains with us for analyzing and concluding ways to serve you better.</p> <ul> <li>Characteristics of your client system such as Anonymized IP address, browser type, system language, OS version, time zone, and screen resolution metrics. The IP address is anonymized by storing only the first three octets. (i.e. we only store 1.2.3 instead of <ul> </ul> </li> <li>URLs of the web page which referred you to a web page on our websites.</li> <li>&nbsp;Any mouse movements, mouse clicks, and scroll actions are taken on our websites.</li> </ul> <p> <strong>Use of cookies and/or similar technology:</strong> The websites use tracking software to monitor its visitors to better understand how they use it in a way that is not personally identifiable. You should be aware that we use cookies to store a unique identifier for your client system, which helps our tracking software in aggregating and grouping the data.</p> <p>In case of advertisements placed on our site by third parties, these third parties often deploy persistent cookies and not session cookies, which enable them to understand and send you the right kind of advertisements, which they feel, are of interest to you. However, we do not have access and neither can we control the cookies placed by such third parties on our site. By placing the persistent cookies, the third parties can ascertain and collect information about you and where you have been using your computer to view similar advertisements.</p> <p>Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on your site. Google’s use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and other sites on the Internet. Users may opt-out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy. <sup>[3]</sup> </p> <p>Currently, we are using Google Analytics to analyze the audience of the website and improve our content. No personal information is collected from Google Analytics. For further information on the privacy policy concerning Google Analytics, please visit&nbsp; <sup>[4]</sup> </p> <p>Google may also use such information as described in its privacy policy. To see how Google may use information collected through our use of the Google services on our site, please visit&nbsp; <sup>[5]</sup> </p> <p> <strong>Advertising policy:</strong> We are almost entirely funded through our programmatic digital advertising sales and banner ad sales. Advertisers have no contact with the site’s editorial staff and do not in any way influence the content we publish. We do not accept political advertising, nor do we accept any other form of funding from political parties, political campaigns, or political advocacy groups. We also do not ask for any contributions directly from our readers and from non-partisan organizations to further our mission.</p> <p>Our editorial content is not influenced by our funding sources. Our website hosts sponsored ads and links by Google and Ezoic. We do not control the ads’ content. Our website hosts advertising banners and the advertisement is distinguished by the word ‘Advertisement’ to clearly demarcate the banner ad from editorial content. Clicking on an ad will take the user to an advertiser’s site.</p> <p> <strong>Affiliate Disclosure:</strong> Organic Facts also participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an advertising program crafted to promote the availability of products on and an economic way for sites to earn by linking to</p> <p>We don’t endorse any products. Although products may appear on our site, under no circumstances shall our acceptance of any ad be considered an endorsement of the product(s) and/or service(s) advertised, or for the company that manufactures, distributes, or promotes these product(s) or service(s).</p> <p>To ensure transparency to our customers/visitors to our website, our content pages clearly mention that, “<em>Organic Facts may receive a portion of revenues if you click on the sponsored ads &amp. links by Google, Ezoic, or the Amazon Affiliate program.</em>”</p> <p> <strong>Disclosure of information:</strong> We do not grant access to any personal information that you may provide to us to anyone. We do not use your information to earn any amount of profit by way of selling or leasing the same to any unaffiliated third party. We shall, however, not be liable and responsible for any unauthorized access to our site by hackers who steal information, nonetheless, we take adequate precautions and measures to protect the same. Under certain situations, we may release your personal information if required by law, or if we believe the disclosure is necessary to abide by the law or to protect our web site or users of our services, or to defend our property.</p> <p> <strong>Own access:</strong> You can view and edit any information provided by you to us online by registering on the websites. We consider the information provided to us is vital and as a result, we advise you to log out of your session each and every time you decide to end your session with our site. If you are using a public computer wherein the computer being used by you can also be used by someone else, we strictly advise to first log out and ascertain truly whether your session has truly expired or not.</p> <p> <strong>Changes:</strong> We reserve the absolute right to change, amend, alter, edit, delete or add this privacy statement. In case of multiple sessions logging in by you, you are subject to two different provisions of the privacy policies, then the most recent one shall apply. Accepting the terms and conditions as well this privacy policy automatically binds you to the most recent privacy policy applicable.</p> <p> <strong>Children’s Privacy:&nbsp;</strong>Our service does not address anyone under the age of 18 (“Children”). We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your children have provided us with personal data, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected personal data from children without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers.</p> <p>YOU ARE BOUND BY ALL THE RULES OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND THE PRIVACY POLICY IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER YOU HAVE READ THE SAME OR NOT. ACCESSING THIS SITE DEEMS THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD ALL THE CONTENTS OF THE TERMS OF USE, PRIVACY POLICY, AND THE DISCLAIMER.</p> <p> <strong>Contact Us</strong> </p> <p>If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email:</p> <p>This page was last updated on April 13, 2022.</p> Popular Articles12 Proven Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar<p>Health benefits of apple cider vinegar include its ability to&nbsp;regulate blood sugar levels, boost weight loss,&nbsp;improve skin &amp. gut health, &amp. lower cholesterol levels.Read more!</p>READ MORE12 Proven Health Benefits of Dates<p>Dates are sweet fruits&nbsp;of the date palm tree. 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