
Terms of Service

<br> Terms of Service <br> The parties agree as follows: CONTENT PROVIDED TO Customer Company will provide to Customer search results ("Content") generated by Company's proprietary search engine. Content includes all pages generated by Company's search engine upon standard processing of a query and all pages previously archived by Company's search engine which may be displayed to an end user. Company is not responsible for the data and information contained in the Content. Customer will not cache, copy, compile or otherwise store the Content for redistribution, and will not permit End Users to cache, copy, compile or otherwise store the Content for redistribution. For purposes of this Agreement, an "End User" is a user identifiable by a unique IP address or by a unique registration ID with Customer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the customer may distribute search results to its affiliates. However, all queries received from said affiliates must be forwarded to Gigablast. Company will not provide Customer with more than 10 results per Search. To receive more than 10 results for a Search, multiple Searches will be required or Customer will pay the additional amounts as described below. Customer may rebrand, rerank or add information to the search results as it sees fit. PRICING Company may change any and all prices at anytime without notice. All deposits are non-refundable. CONTENT OWNERSHIP AND LICENSE. QUERIES Company will retain all right, title and interest in and to the Content worldwide (including, but not limited to, ownership of all copyrights and other intellectual property rights therein). Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Company hereby grants to Customer a non- exclusive, worldwide license to transmit the Content derived from each search to a single End User in accordance with this Agreement. The parties will jointly own all queries entered by End Users and will be able to use such queries without accounting to the other. Each party will own any compilations of queries it creates, and will not be required to share such compilations with the other. TRADEMARK OWNERSHIP AND LICENSE Company will retain all right, title and interest in and to its trademarks, service marks and trade names worldwide, including any goodwill associated therewith, subject to the limited license granted to Customer hereunder. Any use of any such trademarks by Customer shall inure to the benefit of Company and Customer shall take no action that is inconsistent with Company's ownership thereof. Company hereby grants to Customer a non-exclusive, limited license to use its trademarks, service marks or trade names only as specifically described in this Agreement. All such use shall be in accordance with Company's reasonable policies regarding advertising and trademark usage as established from time to time. As the parties may agree in writing. or To the extent permitted by applicable law. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY THE LIABILITY OF COMPANY FOR DAMAGES OR ALLEGED DAMAGES HEREUNDER, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, IS LIMITED TO, AND WILL NOT EXCEED $0.00. DISPUTE RESOLUTION In the event that disputes between the parties arising from or concerning in any manner the subject matter of this Agreement, other than disputes arising from or concerning trademarks, service marks or trade names and/or confidentiality, cannot be resolved through good faith negotiation within 30 days after notice of dispute is provided to the other party, the parties will refer the dispute(s) to the American Arbitration Association for resolution through binding arbitration by a single arbitrator pursuant to the American Arbitration Association's rules applicable to commercial disputes. The arbitration will be held in the United States District Court of New Mexico GENERAL Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Mexico. No Agency. The parties are independent contractors and will have no power or authority to assume or create any obligation or responsibility on behalf of each other. This Agreement will not be construed to create or imply any partnership, agency or joint venture. Severability. In the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement are held to be unenforceable by a court or arbitrator, the remaining portions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. Entire Agreement. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding any prior agreements and communications (both written and oral) regarding such subject matter. This Agreement may only be modified, or any rights under it waived, by a written document executed by both parties. [last update: Apr 4 2019] Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved.

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