
Intellectual Property Policy

Pico Intellectual Property Policy<p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Pico respects the intellectual property rights of others, and we hope everyone using our Service does the same. <br> <br>Anyone who believes that their rights have been infringed on Pico may notify us via email (email address:<strong>picoip@picoxr.com</strong>). But contacting the developer directly may resolve your complaint more quickly and in a way that is more beneficial to you, the developer and Pico. <br> <br>When we receive proper notice as required below, we will work to remove or disable access to App that has been identified as infringement. If we remove or disable access in response to such a notice, we may notify the App developer with a copy of your notice so that he or she can make a counter notification. Please note that Pico is not in a position to adjudicate disputes between third parties, and may not be able to remove the App reported. <br> <br>If the developer receives an infringement notification that the developer believes to be in error or believes that it's authorized to use the content, the developer can reach out to the reporter directly to request a retraction. The developer may also provide us with a counter-notification as requested below via our email <strong>picoip@picoxr.com. </strong> <br> <br>When we receive a counter notification, we may reinstate the App in question or we may ask for more information or reject the counter-notification when necessary. Please note that, where appropriate or authorized by law, we will forward the entire counter notification to the original reporter. We reserve the right to refuse reinstating the app again. <br> <br>To file notification or counter-notification to Pico, please follow the rules below: <br> <br> </p> <ol> <li> <strong>Notification</strong> </li> </ol> <p> <br>1.1 Contact Information<br>Please provide your contact information, including your full name, the name of the rights owner, your contact email address, your physical address. <br> <br>1.2 Allegedly Infringing Content<br>Please provide the URL(s) of the content you wish to report and describe how this allegedly infringes your rights.<br> <br>1.3 Evidence of Rights and Authorization<br> </p> <ul> <li>A report alleging infringement or violation of legal rights must come from the rights owner or someone authorized to report on their behalf. Please provide a certificate, license agreement, link or sample of original works and/or other materials to prove ownership of the rights. </li> <li>If you are authorized to act on behalf of the right owner, please attach a copy of the power of attorney and/or other materials to prove the authorization. Including all of the necessary documents will help us process your request more efficiently. </li> </ul> <p> <br>1.4 Declaration Statement<br>By submitting this notice to us, you state that <br> </p> <ul> <li>You have a good-faith belief that the reported use of the material, in the manner that you have complained of, is not authorised by the intellectual property rights owner, its agent or the law. and </li> <li>that the information contained in this notice is accurate. and </li> <li>You are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the intellectual property rights at issue. </li> </ul> <p> <br> </p> <ol> <li> <strong>Counter Notification</strong> </li> </ol> <p> <br>2.1 Contact Information<br>Please provide your contact information, including your full name, the name of the rights owner, your contact email address, your physical address. <br> <br>2.2 Reported Content At Issue<br>Please identify the location of the content that was reported and describe why you believe your content was reported incorrectly.<br> <br>2.3 Evidence of Rights and Authorization<br> </p> <ul> <li>If you believe you are the owner of the rights, please provide us with the certificate or sample of original works or other supporting materials to prove the ownership of the rights.</li> <li>If you believe you are authorized to use the reported content, please provide us with the license agreement or other supporting materials to prove the authorization of the rights.</li> <li>If you believe your use is permitted by related laws, please provide us with your explanation or other supporting materials.</li> </ul> <p> <br>2.4 Declaration Statement<br>By submitting this counter notice to us, you state that<br> </p> <ul> <li>You have a good faith belief that the content was removed as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the content. </li> <li>that the information contained in this counter notice is accurate.</li> </ul> <p> </p>

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