DIY Tube Video Community

About DIY TUBE Video Community

About <p> <strong>DIY TUBE Video Community</strong> pays you cryptocurrency for your activities. Get paid to share videos, comment and interact with one another.</p> <p>It all began in the fall of 2017 with an idea to preserve videos in case YouTube broke down or started to close channels. DIY Tube Video site was meant to be a backup of years of work. The founder had about 2,000 videos on other platforms. But why not open it up to other channels as well?</p> <p>So DIY Tube Video Community was born.</p> <p>The idea was to set up a platform with revenue sharing based on 50% of ad revenue shared with content creators. But there was one big problem – you have to have a lot of traffic and many months behind you to be accepted by advertising companies. Plus there is the accounting nightmare of paying people in various countries along with sending out all those tax forms in different languages.</p> <p>DIY Tube Coins and the blockchain were formed to fill that gap. Members of the DIY Tube Video community get paid in DIY Tube Coins for minutes viewed on their videos, comments and thumbs up. These coins are run on our own blockchain.</p> <p>Since the beginning, the DIY Tube Video team itself has grown to include financial backing, a developer, beta tester, blockchain developer, videographers and more. Half the team are original YouTubers themselves so we know what the community needs.</p> <p> <strong>Why choose DIY Tube over the rest?</strong> </p> <p>We offer the following to everyone:</p> <ul> <li> <em>Free</em> to join</li> <li> <em>Free</em> cloud storage for your videos</li> <li> <em>Freedom</em> of speech</li> <li> <em>Freedom</em> from harassment</li> <li>Perks and rewards for all activity</li> <li> <em>Instant</em> membership approval</li> <li> <strong>Instant monetization</strong> </li> </ul> <p>Members are free to join up and share their videos immediately. There is no waiting time and no approval required to become a member of DIY Tube. Its that easy.</p> <p>Your videos are stored for free – always. Members will never have to pay for storage of their videos.</p> <p>Members are allowed to voice their opinions and express themselves as long as they do not impinge on another member’s rights. This summarizes our entire terms and conditions. Members are empowered to help keep the community clean and family friendly.</p> <p>Everyone gets paid for their activities. DIY Tube pays members for video views, comments and thumbs up on both. Start earning right away. Payments in DIYT Coins are given out every 24 hours so if you make a comment today, you get paid tomorrow. Earnings can be used to obtain perks and upgrades such as getting your video or channel on the homepage of DIY Tube.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Payment Schedule</strong> </p> <p>(see note below)</p> <p>100 comments = 1 DIYT</p> <p>100 thumbs up = 1 DIYT</p> <p>1,000 video views = 10 DIYT</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>DIY Tube Coins can be broken up into 8 decimal points. This allows fractional payments based on your community interaction. It also allows flexibility as DIY Tube Coins go up in value.</p> <p>Thumbs up minus thumbs down are used to calculate your payment along with total comments and video views divided by percentage of minutes watched per video.</p> <p>Computer algorithms keep track of your earnings and also prevent spam and fraud.</p> <p>Here are some earnings examples:</p> <p>1,000 video views at 70% of minutes watched = 7 DIYT</p> <p>80 comments = 0.8 DIYT</p> <p>100 thumbs up – 25 thumbs down = 0.75 DIYT</p> <p>Total earnings = 8.55 DIYT Coins</p> <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong> payments will be adjusted as the value of DIY Tube Coins go up or down in order to provide fair and competitive payments to members of the DIY Tube Video Community. Payments will also be adjusted (increased) at times for promotions in order to draw in more traffic.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Use Of DIY Tube Coins</strong> </p> <p>DIY Tube Coins can be saved for their future value, traded or sold on coin exchanges or invested back into the community for perks.</p> <p>Upon initial release of DIY Tube Coins and integration into the video community site on Oct 16, 2019, DIYT is valued at $0.10 per coin. Future ad revenue from DIY Tube Video community will be invested back into the community to further increase earnings of our members.</p> <p>There is a total max supply of only 500 million DIY Tube Coins ever available. This allows enough coins to be used on the community pages but also increases their value due to their limited number. As more DIYT are purchased and saved for their value, the number of coins in circulation will be reduced, further increasing their value. This will also increase community member earnings.</p> <p> <strong>Mining DIY Tube Coins</strong> </p> <p>DIY Tube Coins are also open to POW CPU and GPU miners as well as POS masternode holders. After four years we will switch to POS wallet holders and masternode holders only in order to reduce power consumption. Although our blockchain runs on the nist5 algorithm which is more efficient to begin with.</p> <p>In order to keep enough coins in circulation for the DIY Tube Video community, payments for video interaction will be capped at $10 worth of DIYT per 1,000 video views. That is two times the amount paid out by any other site in this field. At that point, as the coins continue to rise in value, payments will continue in fractions of a coin up to the $10 value cap. This must be set in place in order to retain enough coins for circulation or the DIY Tube Video Community would come to a halt.</p> <p>Individual’s coin values, which they already earned, will continue to rise with the market as well, allowing them to also cash in on the gains.</p> <p>DIYT Coins can also be used to promote a channel or a single video. This allows members to gain more exposure on their channel as well as keep more coins in circulation in the community. Promotions can be run for an hour, a day, a week or a month. Promotions are listed based on the amount of DIYT Coins spent and the length of time selected.</p> <p>Pages for promoted videos and promoted channels are linked to the homepage to allow members to browse through them.</p> <p>Advertisers can purchase DIY Tube Coins and use them as payment for ads run on the DIY Tube Video homepage. Advertisers can also self promote by setting up a video channel, uploading videos and promoting their own videos on the homepage. Opening up DIY Tube Coins to advertisers further increases their value and price on the open market. These gains will be seen by the community members who hold DIY Tube Coins.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Welcome to DIY Tube Video Community</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Get paid for doing what you enjoy!</strong> </p> <p></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Read more about DIY Tube Coins and mining:</p>

On 2020-12-14 22:13:25 UTC, michielbdejong (6) Staff wrote:

Crawled, old length: 4986, new length: 6914

On 2020-12-15 02:20:23 UTC, michielbdejong (6) Staff wrote:

Crawled, old length: 6914, new length: 6914

On 2023-10-21 17:37:00 UTC, xaliba39 (34098) wrote:

The DIY Tube Video Community is a thriving online hub where enthusiasts share their creativity and expertise. From home renovations to crafting, users upload tutorials, tips, and inspiration. One noteworthy channel, specializes in unique home decor projects. It's a place where individuals connect, learn, and empower one another to tackle new projects and explore their passions. With a vast array of DIY content, this community continues to inspire and educate, fostering a sense of unity among DIY enthusiasts worldwide.

On 2023-12-09 16:02:45 UTC, Resarnett (26627) wrote:

Unfortunately, I don't have enough information to write a specific comment for "DIY Tube Video". To write an engaging and relevant comment, I would need some additional details, such as:

  1. The specific video you are watching: What is the video about? What are your thoughts on the content?

  2. Your own experience with DIY projects: Have you tried any of the projects from the video? What were your results?

  3. A question you have for the creator: Is there something you are unclear about? Do you have any suggestions for future projects?

Once I have some more AUUG: What Happened After Shark Tank - SharkTankWiki information, I can write a more personalized and interesting comment.

For example, if you were watching a video about how to build a birdhouse, you could write something like:

&quot;This was a great video! I&#39;m planning on building a birdhouse for my backyard, and I learned a lot from your instructions. I especially liked the tip about using recycled materials. I can&#39;t wait to see the finished product!&quot;