Trend Micro

Cookie Notice

1,CookieNotice ,Last updated:October 1, 2019 ,This Cookie Notice explains how Trend Micro Incorporatedandits group companiescollectively “Trend ,Micro”, "we","us", and "ours")use cookies and similar technologies to recognise you when you visit our ,websites at ("Website"). It explains what these technologies are and why we use ,them, as well as your rights to control our use of them.,What are cookies?,Cookiesare alphanumeric identifiers that Trend Micro transfers to your device's hard drive through your ,web browser to enable Trend Micro's systems to recognise your browser. Cookies help websites work or ,work more efficiently and can help provide us with business and marketing information. They also enable ,a website to tailor information presented to you based on your browsing preferences such as language and ,geographical location. ,Cookies set by the website owner (in this case, Trend Micro)are called "first party cookies". Cookies set ,by parties other than the website owner are called "third party cookies". Third party cookies enable third ,party features or functionality to be provided on or through the website (e.g. like advertising, interactive ,content andanalytics). The parties that set these third party cookies can recognise your computer both ,when it visits the website in question and also when it visits certain other websites. ,Why do we use cookies?,Our Website,We use cookies to personalise web pages during your visit to our Websites and to remember you for easy ,navigation and access during return visits. If you register for information about our Products or Services, ,sales contacts and other offers (including but not limited to white papers, webcasts, events and evaluation ,software), we use cookies to provide information about the previous link you used, in order to track your ,visit to our Website. We also aggregate and analyse data about your machine, such as browser type, ,screen resolution and operating systemor (where relevanton our support websites) about any Trend Micro ,Product installed on your machine, such as a Product ID and the days remaining to expiration and your ,license SKU. ,This information is used to determine what content to serve to you when you land on our pages and to ,provide you with offers of Trend Micro Productsor Services that are most relevant to you. ,Behavioural Information,Trend Micro may collect certain information through cookies or similar technologies (seethe "What about ,other trackingtechnologies, like web beacons" section below) on Trend Micro's Website to better ,2,understand customer behavior and improve our Session Management, marketing, analytics, and ,demographics. We use this information to provide more useful information to our customers, to understand ,and analyze trends, to administer the Website, to learn about Website visitor behavior on the Website, to ,understand which Products and Services are of most interest toour customers, to gather demographic ,information about our customer base as a whole and to improve our customers’ experience. ,The Types ofCookies that we use,Some of the cookies used on our Website are required for technical reasons in order for our Website to ,operate, and we refer to these as "essential" or "strictly necessary" cookies. Other cookies also enable us ,to track and target the interests of our Website visitors to enhance their experiences. Third parties also ,serve cookies through our Websitefor advertising, analytics and other purposes.,The specific types of first and third party cookies served through our Websites and the purposes they ,perform are described in the table below:,Types of cookieWho serves these cookiesHow to refuse,Essential cookies:Website,These cookies are strictly necessary to deliver ,strictly necessary to the Websites to you, you ,provide you with cannot refuse them.,Services available ,through our Websites ,and to use some of our ,features, such as ,access to secure ,areas. ,__cfduidis provided by .cludo.comin relation to ,the CloudFlareservice (our search engine). It is ,used by Cloudflare to identify individual clients ,behind a shared IP address, and apply security ,settings on a per-client basis. by changing your browser , cookie settings however, as ,needs to be deployed in order for the onsite described below under the ,search facility to work. heading "How can I control ,clientSrc, sid, sid Client, RRetURL andRSID ,areprovided by community-, in relation to the Global ,Partner Portal service. They expire in session. ,Theyare used respectively: ,•clientSrcto authenticate a user.,•sidto authenticate a user.,•sid_Clientto authenticate a user. ,•RRetURLto redirect user logins.,•RSID to redirect user logins.,renderCtx (expires within session) and force-,stream areprovided by in relation to ,Because these cookies are ,You can block or delete them ,cookies?".,3,the Global Partner Portal service. They are used ,respectively:,•renderCtxto track community context.,•force-stream to redirect server requests for ,sticky sessions.,Performance and Website,functionality ,cookies:These ,cookies are used to "How can I control cookies?",enhance the ,performance and ,functionality of our ,Websites but are non-,essential to their use. ,However, without ,these cookies, certain ,functionality (like ,videos) may become ,unavailable.,BIGipServer#is served on ,resources.trendmicro.comin relation to the BIG-,IP Product Suiteservice. It is used to monitor ,page load speed as part of site performance Alternatively, please click on ,monitoring. the relevant link below for , information:,notice. ,BrowserId, autocomplete, inst, oinfo, webact, ,directMessageInboxVisitTimestampand,feeds are provided by in ,relation to the Global Partner Portal service. ,They are used respectively: ,•BrowserId to collect metrics, such as the ,number of visitors to a community.,•autocompleteto determine whether the ,browser remembers a user's login ID. ,•inst to redirect a user to the correct ,Salesforce server.,•oinfo to track the state of a customer's org.,•webact to collect metrics per page view for ,personalization. ,•directMessageInboxVisitTimestamp to ,determine the last visit to the inbox by Direct ,Message.,•feedsto store a user's feed ,settings selection.,oid, _ga, pctrk, apex_language, id, andpass ,areprovided by community-, in relation to the Global ,To refuse these cookies, ,please follow the instructions ,below under the heading ,•BIG-IP Product Suite: ,,pany/policies/privacy-,notice,• ,https://www.salesforce.c,om/products/platform/pr,oducts/force/?d=701300,00000f27V&internal=true,4,Partner Portal service. They are used ,respectively: ,•oidto redirect a user to the correct ,Salesforce org and assist the user for the ,next login.,•_ga to track community users with a Google ,Analytics tracking ID if a community admin ,choses to do so.,•pctrk to track public page views by guest ,users.,•apex_languageto track user language. ,•id to track user's last login info. ,•passto track user's last login info.,trendMicroVisitorContextIsBusinessis ,provided by It switches,thehomepage to consumer or business. It ,expires after 10 years.,trendMicroVisitorViewedAlertsisprovided by , It provides information ,about viewed alerts.It expires after 10 years.,utag_mainis provided by in ,relation to the Tealium service. It is used for our ,tag management system which helps us deploy ,javascripttags for functionality and also analytics. ,It expires after 1 year. ,JAPAN ONLY ,wa is provided by in relation ,to the WebAntenna service. It is used for,measuring the service of advertising effect ,called web antenna. It is used bytheonline ,sales team.It expires after 20 years.,,_rakulog_First is provided by in ,relation to the DocoDocoJP service. It is used ,for web analysis service using IP address called ,5,DOKO DOKO JP.It is used by Online sales ,team only. ,,iGoDigitalis provided by in ,relation to the salesforce service. Its main ,purpose is to support targeting/advertising.,Analytics and Website,customisation ,cookies:These ,cookies collect "How can I control cookies?",information that is ,used either in ,aggregate form to help ,us understand how our ,Websites are being ,used or how effective ,are marketing ,campaigns are, or to ,help us customize our ,Websites for you.,__utmt#, __utma#, __utmb#,__utmc#,_gat#,,_gid, __utmz#, #__utm.gifareand _gaare ,provided on,by Google in ,relation to the Google Analytics service. They are Alternatively, please click on ,used respectively:the relevant opt-out link or ,•(__utmt#) to control the speed of requests to ,the website’s server;,•(__utma#), by Google Analytics to record the ,number of times a visitor accessed the ,website as well as the dates for the first and ,recent visit;,•(__utmb#) by Google analytics to compute ,the duration a website is visited using the ,exact time that a user accesses a website;,•(__utmc#)to register the timestamp a user ,leaves a website to help calculate the ,duration of time spent on it using Google ,Analytics. ,•(_gat#)to enable Google Analytics to ,regulate the rate of requesting;,•(_gid)to keep an entry of unique ID which is ,then used to come up with statistical data on ,website usage by visitors;,•(__utmz#) to gather location details for the ,website visitors, the clicked link, the search ,term, and the search engine that was used;,•(#__utm.gif) to log the detailsabout the ,visitor’s computer and browser using Google ,Analytics Tracking Code. and,To refuse these cookies, ,please follow the instructions ,below under the heading ,further information link ,below:,•Google Analytics: ,,dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en,•Visual Website ,Optimizer: ,,•Quantcast: ,https://www.quantcast.c,om/opt-out/,• ,,n24-cookie-policy/,•Engagio: ,,m/privacy/,6,•(_ga) to record a particular ID used to come ,up with data about website usage by the user.,,v.gifis provided onwww.trendmicro.comby ,Visual Website Optimizer (A/B Testing)in relation ,to the VWO,service. This cookie is called ,internally by the VWO Analytics platform and ,tracks unique visitors for an account. It also tracks ,the visitor settings timeout events. ,,mcis provided by quantserve.comin relation to ,the Quantcast Measurement Service. It is used ,by quantserve,to record unique numbers that ,identify your browser and interaction history. , ,eventid#and mediametricidare provided by , in relation to the webinar ,platform service. They are used for analytics in ,relation to viewing webinars. ,BIGipServereventprd_apacheand ,BIGipServereventprd_wlare provided by , in relation to the ,webinar platform service. They are used for ,analytics in relationto viewing webinars.,ei_client_idis provided on in ,relation to the engagio.comservice. It is used for ,analytics.,Advertising cookies:Website,These cookies are please follow the instructions ,used to make below under the heading ,advertising messages "How can I control cookies?",more relevant to you. ,They perform functions ,_fbp, tr/ and fr are provided on,by Facebook in relation to Facebookservices. _ ,They are tracking pixelsused to identify visitors ,for personalized advertising.Alternatively, please click on , relevant link below:,To refuse these cookies, ,7,like preventing the ,same ad from ,continuously ,reappearing, ensuring ,that ads are properly ,displayed for ,advertisers, and in ,some cases selecting ,advertisements that ,are based on your ,interests.,BizoID, UserMatchHistory, bcookie, __qca ,and lidcare provided by These ,cookies are associated with a B2B marketing ,platform, formerly known as Bizo, which is now ,owned by LinkedIn, the business networking ,platform. ,•BizoID is used by Linkedin to store unique ,user ID.,•UserMatchHistory, __qcaand lidcare ,connected with LinkedIn's marketing services ,that enable website owners to gain insight ,into types of users on their site based on ,LinkedIn profile data, to improve targeting.,•bcookie is used to optimize the range of ,advertising onLinkedin.,,test_cookie and IDEare provided by , test_cookie is asession cookie ,used to check if the user’s browser supports ,cookies. IDE is used to measure the conversion ,rate of ads presented to the user. ,,ga-audiencesis provided on ,www.trendmicro.comby Google in relationto the ,AdWordsservice. It is used by Google AdWords ,to re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to ,customers based on the visitor's online behaviour ,across websites. ,,_gcl_auis provided on trendmicro.comby ,Google in relation to AdSenseservices. It is used ,by Google AdSense for experimenting with ,advertisement efficiency across websites using ,their services. ,,•Facebook: -,https://www.facebook.c,om/policies/cookies/,•LinkedIn: -,,m/legal/cookie-policy,•Google -Test cookie, ,ga-audiences, gcl_au -,,dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en,•MediaMath: -,http://www.mediamath.c,om/cookie-notice/,•Yahoo: ,,m/xa/en/yahoo/privacy/t,opics/cookies/index.htm,•,,m/corporate-privacy-,policy/.,8,mt_mopis provided by .mathtag.comin relation ,to MediaMath services. MediaMath uses this ,cookie to synchronize the visitor ID with a limited ,number of trusted exchanges and data partners. ,,Pid is provided from , in relation to targeted ,advertising and has duration of 13 months. To opt ,out follow the instructio,ns here: ,,policy/. ,JAPAN ONLY ,_a1_fis provided by in relation to the ,Yahoo! service. It is used for addelivery by the ,online sales team and for consumer marketing.It ,expires after 2 years.,Bis provided by in relation to the ,Yahoo! service. It is used for addelivery by the ,online sales team and for consumer marketing.It ,expires after 2 years.,Social networking Website,cookies:These ,cookies are used to below under the heading ,enable you to share "How can I control cookies?",pages and content that ,you find interesting on ,our Websites through ,third party social ,networking and other ,websites. These ,cookies may also be ,used for advertising ,purposes.,Loc, ouid, bt2, di2, na_id, __atuvc, uvcare ,provided by,•LOC Is a geolocation cookie, which is used to ,help providers determine how users who ,share information with each other are ,geographically.,•Ouid is used by AddThis to enable visitors to ,share content with a range of networking and ,sharing platforms. It is associated with the ,AddThis social sharing widget, which is only ,embedded in their site.,•bt2 is used by the social sharing platform ,AddThis to keep a record of parts of the site ,To refuse these cookies, ,please follow the instructions ,Alternatively, please click on ,the relevant link below:,• -,,m/privacy/opt-Out,•LinkedIn: -,,/legal/cookie-policyand ,,/psettings/guest-,9,that has been visited in order torecommend controls/retargeting-opt-,other parts of the site.out?trk=microsites-,•Di2 allows website visitors to share content ,on website across popular social media ,networks.,•Na_id sets a unique user id to track a user on ,a site.,__atuvc, __atuvsand at-lojson-cache-# are,provided on www.trendmicro.comin relation to ,Addthisservices. __atuvc, __atuvsare used by ,addthis sharing widget to show the share count of ,an article. at-lojson-cache-#,is used by store ,various data of the plugin. ,,bscookieis provided by www.linkedin.comin ,relation to Linkedin Ad Analyticsservices. It is ,used for Sign-in with Linkedinand/or for Linkedin ,follow feature on 3rd party websites. ,,RTis provided by LinkedInin relation to the ,LinkedIn service. It is used for Sign-in with ,LinkedIn. ,,personalization_idis provided by It ,is used on sites that share Twitter content and ,with Twitter share plugin.,,HSID, LOGIN_INFO, PREF, SAPISIDand ,VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEare provided by , in relation to the YouTube (Google) ,service. They are all used for ,targeting/advertising purposes and expire after 2 ,years.,frontend_legal_cookie-,policy,•Twitter: -,,en/rules-and-,policies/twitter-cookies,•YouTube/Google: ,,dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en,and ,,om/privacy?hl=en-,GB&gl=uk,Additional Cookies: ,WebsiteJSESSIONIDis provided by , in relation to the ,webinar platform service. below under the heading ,To refuse these cookies, ,please follow the instructions ,"How can I control cookies?",10,apex__MyG2PortalRegionand WelcomeToG2,are provided by the relevant link below:,Apex_MyG2 is used to set the users location so ,they will return to the same page.,CookieDuration1 and SurveyInterval1are ,provided by ,JAPAN ONLY ,UserName_JAand RememberMe_JAare ,provided by,. ,Alternatively, please click on ,• ,,n24-cookie-policy/,What about other tracking technologies, like web beacons?,Cookies are not the only way to recognise or track visitors to a website. We may also use other, similar ,technologies from time to time, like web beacons (sometimes called "tracking pixels", "single pixels" or ,"clear gifs"). These are tiny graphics files that contain a unique identifier that enable us to recognise when ,someone has visited our Websites.This allows us, for example, tomonitor and analyse the traffic patterns ,of Website visitors from one page within our Websites to another, todeliver or communicate with cookies, ,to understand whether the visitor has come to our Websites from an online advertisement displayed on a ,third-party websiteandto improve Website performance.,The data collected helps us to learn what information is of most interest to our customers and what our ,customers would most like to see. You can opt-out of the Website analysis by disabling JavaScript on your ,computer, but you should be aware that some of the features on our Website will not work when this is ,disabled. ,Do you serve targeted advertising?,Third parties may serve cookies on your computer or mobile device to serve advertising through our ,Website.These companies may use information about your visits to this and other websites in order to ,provide relevant advertisements about Trend Micro Products and Services that are most relevant to you. ,They may also employ technology that is used to measure the effectiveness of advertisements. This can ,be accomplished by them using cookies or web beacons to collect information about your visits to this and ,other websites in order to provide relevant advertisements about goods and services of potential interest ,to you. The information collected through this process does not enable us or them to identify your name, ,contact details or other personally identifying details unless you choose to provide these.,How can I control cookies?,To choose your cookie preferences (whether to accept or reject cookies etc.), click on the appropriate opt-,out links provided in the cookie table above.,11,You can set or amend your web browser controls to accept or refuse cookies. If you choose to reject ,cookies, you may still use our Website though your access to some functionality and areas of our Website ,may be restricted. Rejecting cookies may affect your ability to use of some of our Websites.As the means ,by which you can refuse cookies through your web browser controls vary from browser-to-browser, you ,should visit your browser's help menu for more information.,In addition, most advertising networks offer you a way to opt out of targeted advertising. If you would like ,to find out more information, please visit,or , ,How often will you update this Cookie Notice?,We may update this Cookie Notice from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to the cookies ,we use or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons. Please therefore re-visit this Cookie Notice ,regularly to stay informed about our useof cookies and related technologies. ,The date at the top of this Cookie Notice indicates when it was last updated. ,Where can I get further information?,•If you are based outside the EEA,if you have any questions about our use of cookies or other ,technologies, please contact us using the details below:,Trend Micro Privacy Program,Trend Micro Incorporated,c/o Legal Department,225 East John Carpenter Freeway,Suite 1500,Irving ,TX 75062,USA,E-Mail:,•If you are basedinside the EEA, you can contact Trend Micro's Data Protection Officerusing the ,details below: ,GDPR DPO:,Trend Micro (EMEA) Limited ,Lianne Harcup ,Median House ,IDA Business &amp. Technology Park ,Model Farm Road,Cork,Ireland ,Telephone: +44 203 54 93 304,E-Mail:

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