
Privacy Policy

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This policy explains how we do this and applies to everyone who uses Screencastify or creates a Screencastify account (the “Services”).</p> <p>For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “you” may be a:</p> <ul> <li>“School Representative” (i.e., an adult over the age of 18 who is a teacher or other representative of a school that subscribes to our Services and has administrative rights to provide access to Students (as defined below);</li> <li>“School” (i.e., an individual school, group of schools, entire school district or other local educational agency that subscribes to the Services and has administrative rights to provide access to the Services to individual Students and School Representatives);</li> <li>“Student” (i.e., any user of the Service who was invited to use the Services by a School or School Representative and who uses the Services solely for educational purposes as designated by the School or School Representative). or</li> <li>“User” (i.e., any user of the Services, including a School Representative).</li> </ul> <p>‍</p>What Information Do We Collect?<p>Information we collect from you:</p> <ul> <li>Email address and other Google account profile information, which is collected when you connect your Google account to Screencastify. Note that all information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Chrome Web Store User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.</li> <li>Business contact information from School Representatives.</li> <li>General account profile information, including your broad occupation category (e.g. educator, business user, Student).</li> <li>Information you choose to share with us, for example in an email, website form, support ticket, social media, or survey responses.</li> <li>For Schools that utilize watch page features, we may collect additional usage data from their Students to indicate the amount of interaction with particular videos created by School Representatives depending on the options selected by Schools or School Representatives.</li> <li>Billing and payment information from Schools and other paid Users, which is stored in Chargebee’s PCI-DSS Level 1 compliant database. For more information about Chargebee’s security measures, click here.</li> <li>Information we collect automatically: We and our third party service providers, including analytics providers such as Google Analytics may automatically collect certain information when you visit our site or use our Services. This may include:</li> <li>Some technical information about how you use Screencastify, for example the type of device you are using, your operating system, IP address, and length of session.</li> <li>Basic application usage data, including a timestamped log of videos created and length of videos recorded.</li> <li>Information about what pages you view within our site, how you arrived at our site and some basic information about your computer or device. We do not track the content you record nor any non-Screencastify web traffic. The information we collect from analytics helps us understand what parts of our sites are doing well, and which need changing. Like most websites, we use this information to improve our customer experience. Please see here how Google uses data. You can also opt out if you wish.</li> </ul> <p>We strive to collect the minimum amount of data required to operate Screencastify and provide our services.</p> <p>‍</p>How Do We Use Your Information?<p>We use your information <strong>only</strong> for the following purposes:</p> <ul> <li>providing Screencastify Services and making sure you can use it properly;</li> <li>managing and administering your account;</li> <li>responding to any questions, comments or complaints we receive from you;</li> <li>communicating with you about Screencastify for account-related or promotional purposes;</li> <li>investigating potentially illegal activities on Screencastify;</li> <li>analyzing usage of Screencastify;</li> <li>improving Screencastify;</li> <li>as required to comply with applicable laws;</li> <li>For other purposes with your permission.</li> </ul> <p>We will never use your information for targeted advertising. We do not build a personal profile of you other than for supporting authorized educational or school purposes, or as authorized by you.</p> <p>If you are a School or School Representative we will work with you as far as we are legally able to accommodate your directions regarding our treatment of personal data belonging to your Students and ensuring that you maintain control of such Student information as may be required by applicable law, including FERPA.</p> <p>This includes adhering to a School’s requests after Screencastify is no longer in use by a School or School Representative or after this policy is terminated or expires in relation to transfers of students’ personal data, deleting students’ personal data and making sure that any third parties that work in connection with Screencastify do the same, in each case subject to our legal requirements regarding the use, storage and transfer of such data.</p> <p>‍</p>Who Do We Share Your Information With?<p>We never rent, sell or license your information.</p> <p>We don’t share your information except:</p> <ul> <li>with third party service providers, such as hosting providers or an email service, so that they can provide services to us. In cases where we share student personal data with these third parties, they will be notified and be obligated to comply with the commitments in this policy. We maintain a list of these third party service providers.</li> <li>if we have a legal obligation to disclose the information or it is necessary in order for us to protect our rights (for example, if a court orders us to as part of a lawsuit).</li> <li>We may share de-identified information or aggregate level information about the use of our Services for any purpose, provided that such information will not be capable of re-identification or association with a particular individual.</li> <li>if another company buys or invests in our company, or if we go insolvent, or if we merge with another company, in which case the company that receives your information will protect the information in the same way we do.</li> </ul> <p>‍</p>Student Privacy Notice<p>Screencastify takes the privacy of Students very seriously. This site and the Services are intended for general audiences and are not intended for use by Users under the age of 18, provided however, that Students, including Student under the age of 13, may use the Services for educational purposes at the invitation and direction of their School or School Representative. Other than Students who are using the Services at the direction of their School, we do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 13. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and its rules (collectively, "COPPA") require us to inform parents and legal guardians (“parents”) about our practices for collecting, using, and disclosing personal information from Students under the age of 13. In accordance with COPPA, a School or School Representative may act as the agent of the parent or legal guardian of a Student and provide consent on behalf of the parent for Screencastify’s collection, use and disclosure of the Student’s information so long as such collection, use and disclosure are solely related to the Student’s use of the Services for educational purposes. By enrolling a Student to use the Services, the School provides such consent to us to use, collect and share Student information as needed to provide the Services and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Please contact us at if you believe we have inadvertently collected information from a child under 13 that is not at the direction of their School so that we may delete their information as soon as possible. How we collect, use and share information regarding Students is identified in the applicable sections of the Privacy Policy, however, in some cases, Schools may have the option to further limit the collection of Student data. We do not ever sell, rent or license Student information or use it for purposes other than as needed to provide the Services.</p> <p>Parents of Students have certain rights with respect to their Student’s data, including the right to review, update or delete Student information, as well as prohibit our sharing of Student information with third parties. Parents can exercise these rights by contacting the Student’s School or School Representative. The School or School Representative should submit these requests on the parent’s behalf by emailing Unless such a request is made, we will continue collect, use and share Student information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. A list of third parties with whom we share Student information (as needed to provide the Services) is provided above under “Who do we Share Your Information With?”.</p> <p>Additionally, Screencastify has taken and upholds the Student Privacy Pledge per the terms consistent on</p> <p>‍</p>Security<p>We use security and technology measures consistent with industry standards to try to protect your information and make sure that it is not lost, damaged or accessed by anyone who should not see it. Your data is stored in Google Cloud in the United States. To learn more about Google Cloud’s security measures, please visit Despite our security measures, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your personal information.</p> <p>In the unlikely event of an unauthorized disclosure of your data we will notify you (either directly or through your School or School Representative) in accordance with our legal or contractual requirements.</p> <p>‍</p>Videos Recorded with Screencastify<p>Any video you create with Screencastify belongs to you, subject to your compliance with Screencastify’s Terms of Use. You control where your recordings are stored. When you choose to store your recordings on a third party service, they will be transferred to the respective remote service. Please consult the privacy policy of the applicable third party service provider to see how it handles your files.</p> <p>If you use some features (like video editing) with recordings stored on Google Drive, we may transfer and process these recordings on remote systems as required to deliver or to speed up the respective feature. We delete any recordings from remote systems immediately after they have been processed.</p> <p>For Schools that utilize certain features, including the watch page, Screencastify may host videos created by your authorized users for defined periods of time, but you will still have the ability to redundantly store your videos on other third party services.</p> <p>‍</p>Your Rights<p>You may opt-out of receiving certain email communication with us by clicking the unsubscribe link contained in the email. Please note that if you opt out, we may still send you transactional emails related to your account or account maintenance.</p> <p>You can ask us for a copy of your personal information, which we will send to you as soon as possible (but within 45 days, if possible). We may require you to provide verification of your identity before providing a copy of the information we hold.</p> <p>You can also ask us to correct any information we hold about you that is inaccurate. If you would like us to send you a copy of your information or correct your information, please email us at</p> <p>You can also ask us to delete your account and all the associated personal data held by Screencastify by emailing us at We may not able to remotely delete videos created with Screencastify that are not hosted by Screencastify, as these are fully under the user’s control.</p> <p>If you are a School, you may request to review your students’ information, have it deleted, and refuse further data collection by emailing us at If further data collection is stopped, those individuals may no longer be able to use Screencastify.</p> <p>‍</p>California Residents<p>California law grants additional privacy rights to California residents. In particular, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) requires businesses to disclose, for the past 12 months, (i) the categories of personal information collected, (ii) the sources of the collected personal information, (iii) the purposes for which the collected personal information is used, (iv) the categories of personal information disclosed for a business purpose, and (v) the categories of any personal information sold. Screencastify provides these disclosures in the following table. (Note that Screencastify does not sell any personal information, even under the broad CCPA definition of a “sale.”)</p> <p>‍</p>Personal Information Data Collection<p>California residents also have the rights described below. We will not discriminate against any California resident who exercises these rights.</p> <p> <em>Right to access/know.</em> You may request from us a list of (i) the personal information that we have collected about you, and (ii) the categories of third parties to whom we have disclosed your personal information. You have the right to up to two (2) access requests each twelve (12) months.</p> <p> <em>Right to delete your personal information.</em> You may request, at any time, that we delete your personal information.</p> <p>You may contact us to exercise these rights by sending a request from the email address associated with your Screencastify account or with other information sufficient to locate your account to To ensure the privacy and protection of individuals, we are required to verify your identity or otherwise authenticate your request(s). Please note that, under the CCPA, we are not required to grant a request to access/know or a request to delete with respect to personal information obtained from you in your role as an employee, owner, director, officer or contractor of a company and within the context of Screencastify providing its services to such company.</p> <p>‍</p>Individuals Located in Europe<p>If you are located in the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom (UK), or Switzerland, you have certain additional rights with respect to your personal information under the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (the “GDPR”), and this section applies to you:</p> <p> <em>Legal Basis for Processing</em>. When we process your information we do so in reliance on the following legal bases: (i) to provide you with our services and otherwise perform contractual commitments to you, (ii) when we have a legitimate interest in processing your personal information to operate our business or protect our interests (for example, communicating with you, improving our products or conducting data analytics), (iii) to comply with our legal obligations, and (iv) when we have your consent to do so, provided that you may withdraw such consent at any time.&nbsp;</p> <p> <em>Right to Withdraw Consent</em>. &nbsp. In the event you provide your consent for us to process your personal data, you may withdraw your consent at any time by emailing</p> <p> <em>Marketing.</em>&nbsp. Screencastify does not process personal data for the purpose of marketing without first obtaining your express, opt-in consent or having a legitimate interest for doing so.&nbsp. You have the right to object to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes at any time by contacting us at;</p> <p> <em>Special Category Personal Data.</em>&nbsp. “Special Category Data” is any data that reveals your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious, moral or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, political views, the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of identifying a person, and data concerning health or a person’s sex life and/or sexual orientation. The data Screencastify collects and processes does not qualify as Special Category Data, and Screencastify does not intend to collect any Special Category from you.&nbsp. Please refrain from sending us any Special Category Data.</p> <p> <em>Automated Decision Making</em>.&nbsp. Screencastify does not make any automated decisions on your behalf or about you without first obtaining your express, opt-in consent.&nbsp. In the event we secure your consent to do so, you have the right to object to the processing of personal data via automated decision making at any time by contacting us at</p> <p> <em>Transfer to Third Parties and Countries.</em>&nbsp. Personal data that we collect or receive may be transferred to and/or processed by third parties that are located outside of the EU, EEA, UK, or Switzerland, some of which authorities in those regions may not consider to have an adequate level of protection for personal data. Screencastify will only transfer data subject's personal data to third-parties located outside of the EU, EEA, UK, or Switzerland when it has ensured appropriate safeguards for such personal data through use of the standard contractual clauses or other approved methods. Screencastify offers European Union model clauses (“Model Clauses”) also know as Standard Contractual Clauses to meet the adequacy and security requirements for customers that operate in the EEA, UK or Switzerland and for other international data transfers as relevant. A copy of our standard data processing addendum incorporating the Model Clauses is available here for customers to sign and append to their Screencastify services agreement as necessary.&nbsp;</p> <p> <em>Data Retention</em>. See the section below entitled Retaining and Deleting Information.</p> <p> <em>Data Subject Requests</em>. Subject to certain limitations, you have the right to request access to the personal information we hold about you and to receive your data in a portable format, the right to request that your personal information be corrected or deleted, and the right to object to, or request that we restrict, certain processing. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please email;<br> </p> <p> <em>Questions or Complaints. </em>If you have a concern about our processing of your personal information that we are not able to resolve, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority where you reside. Contact information for your Data Protection Authority can be found using the links below:&nbsp;<br> </p> <p>For individuals in the EEA<br> </p> <p>For individuals in the UK<br> </p> <p>For individuals in Switzerland</p> <p>‍<br> <em>Users under 16 years of age</em>. We do not knowingly collect information from users under 16 years of age unless you are a Student using Screencastify at the direction of your School in which case we are processing your information solely at the direction of your School and for school purposes.</p> <p>‍</p>Retaining and Deleting Information<p>We don’t retain your information for longer than we need to for the purposes listed in this policy. We may delete certain personal and usage data if you haven’t used your account for more than 2 years. We will never delete any videos created with Screencastify.</p> <p>‍</p>Cookies<p>Screencastify uses cookies (small text files placed on your device) and similar technologies to provide the Services, to help collect data, and to better share information about Screencastify with Schools and School Representatives. We may also use cookies or similar technologies to recognize you when you log in with Google to our website or application and to track referral purchases for our affiliate program. You can block cookies through your browser settings, but if you do you might not be able to use Screencastify properly.</p> <p>‍</p>Publishing to YouTube<p>You may optionally connect your YouTube account and channel(s) in order to publish videos directly from Screencastify to YouTube. Screencastify uses YouTube API Services in order to operate this feature. To learn more about how Google manages and protects your information, please see Google's Privacy Policy.</p> <p>In order to provide this feature, we access and store certain user information from YouTube (hereby referred to as "YouTube Data"), including your channel name(s), channel ID, channel thumbnail URL, and uploaded video URL.</p> <p>YouTube Data is stored on the Google Cloud infrastructure. We do not share your YouTube Data with any other third parties, and restrict internal access to this data to key employees who maintain our technical operations.</p> <p>You may disconnect your YouTube channel(s) at any time from the "Publish to YouTube" section of our application. When you do so, we permanently delete all of your YouTube Data. Additionally, you may revoke Screencastify's access to your YouTube Data via your Google security settings page.</p> <p>‍</p>Communication<p>Upon installing our application, all non-student users agree to receive account-related and marketing emails including relevant Screencastify information like new feature releases, product tutorials, customer success stories, and community-related features. You may opt-out of marketing communication at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any email received, or by providing us notice to the contact information listed here.</p> <p>We are not responsible for users who identify themselves incorrectly (e.g. students who declare that they are corporate users), though as noted above we are able to change any user’s incorrect information upon request.</p> <p>‍</p>Changes to This Policy<p>We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any material changes, we will send you a link to our new policy along with a summary of our updated data collection practices via email or through our application. We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy periodically to stay up-to-date about our privacy practices. As long as you use Screencastify, you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy and any updates we make to it.</p> <p>We will notify schools in advance of material changes to this policy.</p> <p>‍</p>Contact Information<p>Should you have any question about this policy, please email us at, call us at (708) 971-0794 or write us at:</p> <p>Screencastify, LLC 222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza Suite 1212 Chicago, IL 60654</p> <p>US customers may also contact the iKeepSafe COPPA Safe Harbor program directly at</p> <strong>COMPANY</strong>ContactCareersBlog<strong>PRODUCTS</strong>RecordEditSubmitSystem Status<strong>RESOURCES</strong>Resource HubUniversityHelp CenterWhat's New ✨Privacy CenterTerms of&nbsp;Use© Screencastify 2022<br>

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