Samsung Knox

Samsung Knox Product Terms and Conditions

If you're seeing this message, that means <strong>JavaScript has been disabled on your browser</strong>, please <strong>enable JS</strong> to make this app work.Terms and ConditionsSamsung Knox Product Terms and ConditionsPlease carefully read the below terms. By clicking “ACCEPT” or otherwise using any service provided hereunder, you agree to the below terms. If you do not wish to so agree, do not click “ACCEPT”, or use the service. If you are an agent or employee of a legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind such legal entity to these terms by clicking “ACCEPT” or otherwise using the service.1. PURPOSEThis Samsung Knox Product Terms &amp. Conditions (this “T&amp;C” or “Agreement”) set forth terms and conditions between the entity described in the registration form (“You”, “Your” or the “Licensee”) and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (“Samsung”) under which the Licensee uses the Products (as defined below) provided by Samsung to (i) configure Samsung-branded mobile devices owned or controlled by You (“Samsung Devices”). (ii) deploy software owned or licensed by You (“Software”) on Samsung Devices. and (iii) otherwise manage Samsung Devices (collectively, “Purpose”).For the purpose of this T&amp;C, “Products” or “Services” mean Samsung Knox features, services, and applications as listed on Schedule 1, features, services, and applications of each Knox solutions included in the Schedule 1, may be changed upon Samsung’s sole discretion and prior notice to You. “Products” or “Services” also includes accompanying written, electronic and online user manuals and documentation (“Documentation”).2. TERMThese T&amp;C are effective as of the date on which these T&amp;C are electronically signed or accepted by Licensee or otherwise Licensee uses any of the Service provided hereunder (the “Effective Date”). The term of these T&amp;C commences on the Effective Date and continues until terminated earlier by Licensee or Samsung in accordance with Section 13 (“Termination”).3. GRANT OF LICENSESubject to Licensee’s full compliance with the terms of these T&amp;C and Samsung’s issuance of an applicable License Key, Samsung grants Licensee a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-sublicensable and non-transferable license to access and use the Service internally in strict compliance with associated documentations solely for the Purpose.4. LIMITATIONS(a) Depending on the IT policies that You set up and deploy with Knox Products (collectively, “Knox Policy”), and as compared to devices that are not subject to the Knox Policy, the Knox Products may limit and restrict the End Users’ device from (i) accessing and using specific device features, (ii) receiving regular updates and upgrades (including critical security updates and OS upgrades) and/or (iii) downloading and installing certain updates without consent or permission from the End Users which may incur additional data charges (collectively, “Limitations”).(b) You acknowledge such Limitations, and shall make sure to clearly notify End Users of such Limitations and obtain legitimate consent from End Users prior to applying the Knox Product to such End Users’ devices.(c) You shall, upon reasonable request from Samsung, promptly provide and apply all necessary updates and upgrades that are critical to the device performance, safety and security regardless of its Knox Policy.(d) You acknowledge that, as of the Effective Date, the current version of the Knox Product may vary or be limited depending on certain factors, including, without limitation, Samsung device, operating system, or network operator.(e) Samsung may, in its sole discretion, upgrade, update, change, modify, delete, cease any or all features of the Knox Product from time to time, upon reasonable notice to You. You acknowledge that such changed features may not be compatible with certain device models and/or OS / Knox versions. For the further information, check following URL ( You shall properly notify and guide Your End Users that the Knox Product applied device (including any software within the device) may only be modified, updated, or upgraded by You and no one else. In the event the End Users modifies, updates, or upgrades the Knox Product applied device (including any software within the device) by itself, including receiving such updates from Samsung or Samsung Authorized Service Centers upon End Users’ request (“collectively, “Unauthorized Self Update”), Samsung will not be responsible for any damage or loss arising from such Unauthorized Self Updates and will not be performing any support services thereto.(g) Upon malicious rooting or custom ROM detection, device booting may be immediately blocked on Samsung Devices and You may be required to factory reset Samsung Devices to prevent unauthorized access to the data. As a result, You may also be no longer able to access or use the applications and data on Samsung Devices. Thus, You are strongly advised to back up or properly notify and guide Your End Users to back up any important data or information on other storage media before storing and using them on Samsung Devices. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Samsung is not responsible for any data loss or inaccessibility.5. RESTRICTIONSYou acknowledge and agree that:(a) You will comply all applicable laws and regulations, the terms of these T&amp;C, and related documentations as modified by Samsung from time to time and may be made available hereunder;(b) You will only use the Service to configure, deploy Software in and otherwise manage Samsung Devices owned or controlled by You or Your legal entity (if You agreed to this T&amp;C as an authorized employee on behalf of Your legal entity) and used by End Users who, to the extent required under applicable law, expressly give consent to such configuration, deployment and management (“Authorized Devices”). Any use of the Service with respect to any device that is not an Authorized Device, or for general deployment to third parties are expressly prohibited;(c) You will not transfer, publish, display, resell, lease, license or otherwise make available to any third parties any Samsung Devices that You configured, deployed Software in or otherwise managed via the Service (“Activated Devices”) before You remove such Samsung Devices from the Service and factory-reset such Samsung Devices, unless You obtain such third parties’ express acknowledgement and consent to such configuration, deployed Software and/or management, as applicable;(d) You will obtain all necessary consents from any individuals who use the Activated Devices (“End Users”) following Section 4 (Limitations) and comply with all applicable privacy and data collection laws and regulations, to configure such Activated Devices, deploy Software in such Activated Devices and otherwise manage such Activated Devices, via the Service. YOU WILL, (I) CLEARLY COMMUNICATE TO END USERS THAT THE INFORMATION OF THE DEVICE (INCLUDING PERSONAL DATA, PERSONAL INFORMATION, OR THEIR EQUIVALENT UNDER APPLICABLE LAW), INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BATTERY DATA, APP USAGE DATA, APP ERROR DATA, PERIPHERALS DATA, SCANNING DATA, WIFI CONNECTIVITY DATA, AND DEVICE LOCATION DATA, WILL BE COLLECTED BY YOU AND PROVIDED TO SAMSUNG, WHICH MAY BE SAVED ON RELEVANT SERVICES AND/OR SERVER, (II) TO THE EXTENT NECESSARY UNDER APPLICABLE LAW CLEARLY OBTAIN LEGITIMATE CONSENT FROM END USERS FOR SUCH DATA COLLECTION, MODIFICATION, USE OR OTHERWISE PROCESSING, PRIOR TO APPLYING ANY KNOX PRODUCT TO SUCH END USERS’ DEVICE, AND (III) CLEARLY COMMUNICATE AND, TO THE EXTENT NECESSARY UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, OBTAIN CONSENT THAT SUCH DATA MAY BE DELIVERED TO THIRD PARTY AGENTS AND/OR OTHER CLOUD CONSOLES BY THE FORM OF REST APIS. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT SAMSUNG WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL LIABILITIES ARISING FROM AND IN RELATION TO SUCH DATA PROCESSING, INCLUDING DELIVERY AND/OR TRANSFER.Data collected through the Services may, under Samsung’s reasonable judgement, be shared to third party agents, upon request by You. provided that Samsung shall not be responsible for any and all related matters from such delivery of data to any third party. To clarify, any use, access, modification or in any way dealing with such data shall be under sole risk of You and/or third party;(e) Except as expressly permitted under these T&amp;C, You agree not to exploit the Service or License Key in any unauthorized way or for any illegal action, including, without limitation, as a means of stalking, harassment, wiretapping or phone hacking. Licensee shall not copy, redistribute, modify, adapt, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or create derivative works of the Service or License Key or any part thereof, or enable or allow others to do such things;(f) Licensee shall ensure that any Software that Licensee deploys in Samsung Device using the Service, does not contain any virus or other malicious code;(g) Except as expressly permitted under these T&amp;C, Licensee agrees not to exploit the Service in any way whatsoever. All rights not expressly granted in these T&amp;C are reserved by Samsung and no other licenses or rights are granted by Samsung, by implication, estoppels, or otherwise;(h) Limited Samsung Devices purchased from designated device resellers support the Service. Other devices such as second-hand devices and non-Samsung devices may not be eligible for the Service. Licensee must check whether target Samsung Devices and device resellers are eligible for the Service in advance;(i) You may not use the Service if information required to demonstrate Your ownership or control to Samsung Devices that You wish to configure, deploy Software in or otherwise manage via the Service has not been provided by You or by Your device reseller on Your behalf prior to Your use of the Service;(j) Subject to the Licensed Terms for each License Key, Samsung may, at any time without notice, update, modify or suspend the Service. If Samsung provides updates or makes modification to the Service (“Updates”), such Updates will be governed by these T&amp;C unless separate license terms are provided with the Updates, in which case that license terms will govern the Updates. and6. LICENSE KEY.You may purchase a license to use the Products from a Samsung Knox license reseller, where any such use shall be governed by the terms and conditions of these T&amp;C in applicable Products.. Following Your purchase of the license and subject to Your compliance with these T&amp;C, You will be provided a license key for the Service (“License Key”). Licensee shall use the License Key solely for the Purpose, and not for any other purposes. You acknowledge and agree that each License Key may only be used for a limited number of Authorized Devices during a limited period of time, as permitted by such License Key (“Licensed Terms”) and once used on certain Activated Devices, a License Key may be exhausted and non-transferable to other devices following each Product specifications. Licensee shall not share, distribute or otherwise disseminate the License Key to any third party, and shall safeguard the License Key and treat them with the same care given to its own trade secrets.7. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.You represent and warrant that:(a) You are the requisite corporate authority to enter into these T&amp;C and perform Your obligations under this T&amp;C;(b) All information provided by You or Your device reseller on Your behalf in connection with the Service, including, without limitation, device identification number (e.g., IMEI, serial Number) for each Activated Device and information regarding Your IT admin, will be current, accurate and complete. You will promptly notify Samsung of any incorrectness or change to such information. (e.g., If an IT admin leaves the Licensee company, You will promptly notify Samsung thereof and immediately delete such person’s access to the Service);(c) With respect to any Software deployed by You on Samsung Devices via the Service, You have all rights and licenses that are legally necessary to deploy such Software on Samsung Devices, and the Software or Your deployment thereof using the Service will not infringe any intellectual property rights of a third party including without limitation any patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets;(d) the trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on this Knox Product (“Marks”) are the property of Samsung or other third parties. Except as otherwise provided herein, You (or anyone using your account) shall not use these Marks without the prior written consent of Samsung. and(e) You shall fully comply with all international and national laws, rules and regulations that apply to the Software and to your use thereof, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, end-user, end-use and destination restrictions issued by U.S. and other governments, and shall obtain all necessary permits, licenses and consents of governmental authorities necessary for the deployment, distribution, or use of any Software as contemplated under these T&amp;C. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you expressly agree that you shall not, and shall cause your representatives to agree not to, export, directly or indirectly, re-export, divert, or transfer the Software and Documentation or any direct product thereof to any destination, company or person restricted or prohibited by U.S. laws or regulations or laws or regulations of any other applicable jurisdiction. Licensee represents and warrants that (i) Licensee is not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist supporting” country. and (ii) Licensee is not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.8. CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRESS RELEASE8.1 Definition of Confidential Information. "Confidential Information" means any and all technical and non-technical information disclosed by Samsung (“Disclosing Party”) to Licensee (“Receiving Party”) under this Agreement and related to the past, present or future business or technology of the Disclosing Party, including without limitation, information constituting or concerning research, development, processes and methodologies. product architecture, designs and specifications. contents, whether human-readable or machine-readable. product, marketing, sales and business development plans and strategies. competitive analyses. financial analyses and forecasts. cost and pricing data. procurement requirements and vendor information. customers and prospects. licensing and distribution arrangements. and third party information that the Disclosing Party is obligated to maintain in confidence. In addition, Confidential Information shall include the License Key, Documentation, and Samsung SLM, and any other software, hardware and technical information provided by Samsung under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information does not include: (i) information that is generally and legitimately available to the public through no fault or breach by Licensee, (ii) information that Samsung makes generally made available to the public, (iii) information that Licensee independently develops without use of any Confidential Information, and (iv) information that Licensee lawfully obtains from a third party who had the right to transfer or disclose the information to Licensee without limitation.8.2 Obligations. Licensee must protect Confidential Information using a degree of care that is no less than that which Licensee uses to protect Licensee’s own confidential information of the same or similar importance (and in any event, no less than a reasonable degree of care). Licensee may use Confidential Information solely for the purpose of exercising Licensee’s rights and performing Licensee’s obligations under these T&amp;C and shall not use the same except as expressly permitted under this Agreement. Licensee must not use Confidential Information for any other purpose, or for Licensee’s own or any third party’s benefit, without the prior written consent of Samsung. Licensee may disclose Confidential Information to the extent required by law, provided that Licensee takes reasonable steps to notify Samsung of the relevant requirement prior to disclosing the Confidential Information and Licensee takes reasonable steps to obtain protective treatment against disclosure of the Confidential Information. Upon Samsung request or any termination of this Agreement, Receiving Party shall erase or destroy all copies of the Confidential Information.8.3 Publication. Licensee must not issue any press releases or make any other public statements relating to these T&amp;C, its terms and conditions, or Licensee’s relationship with Samsung under these T&amp;C, without the express prior written approval of Samsung.9. SUPPORT SERVICESLicensee may contact Samsung for a technical issue or other inquiry regarding the Service, which shall be addressed in accordance with the service level document available at as updated from time to time by Samsung at its sole discretion. For the avoidance of doubt, Samsung’s obligation to provide the support services under these T&amp;C shall be limited for Product, and Samsung shall have no obligation under these T&amp;C to provide any support services with respect to Samsung Devices or any product, device, software or service other than Product. Samsung Devices may be subject to a warranty service depending on applicable warranty policies as provided with such devices. In addition to the conditions and limitations set forth in the warranty policies, the warranty service for Activated Devices may also be contingent on and limited by configurations or security policies enabled by Your IT admin using Product. For example, if Your IT admin has restricted firmware update on Activated Devices, technical issues that require firmware update, may not be fixed unless and until Your IT admin deactivates such restriction. You acknowledge and agree that: (i) Samsung Authorized Service Centers may alter or reset such configurations or security policies of Activated Devices for the purpose of providing services with respect to such Activated Devices. (ii) upon replacement of an existing Activated Device with a new or refurbished Samsung Device, Samsung Authorized Service Centers or Your device resellers may remove the existing Activated Device from the Product and add such new or refurbished device as an Activated Device (“Device Swap”). and (iii) if Samsung Authorized Service Centers or Your device resellers have not performed the Device Swap, You are required to do so for yourself to manage such new or refurbished device using the Product.If Samsung provides maintenance Services to Licensee on behalf of a Samsung Knox authorized reseller, Samsung’s Support Policy will be applicable. If Licensee has paid an authorized reseller the relevant fees to obtain support and/or maintenance services directly from such authorized reseller, Licensee should contact such authorized reseller for such support and/or maintenance and relevant sections under this EULA and Samsung’s Support Policy shall not apply.You understand that SAMSUNG uses third party vendors and hosting partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology required to run the Service. In the event of a service outage, SAMSUNG will not and cannot be held liable for data loss, but will act promptly to restore Licensee’s system access. You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Service, including your content, may be transferred unencrypted and involve (a) transmissions over various networks. and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices.10. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTYTHE SERVICE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE", WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM SAMSUNG. SAMSUNG EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. FURTHER, SAMSUNG DOES NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT THE SERVICE IS FREE OF ERRORS, BUGS OR INTERRUPTIONS, OR IS RELIABLE, ACCURATE, COMPLETE, OR OTHERWISE VALID. LICENSEE’S USE OF THE SERVICE IS AT ITS OWN DISCRETION AND RISK, AND LICENSEE WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY RESULT FROM ITS ACCESS OR USE OF THE SERVICE. TO CLARIFY, SAMSUNG SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES THAT RESULTS FROM USE OF THE PRODUCTS BY END USERS OR ANY DAMAGES THAT MAY RESULT IN BETWEEN YOU AND END USERS.11. LIMITATION OF LIABILITYTO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, SAMSUNG SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE TO LICENSEE OR ANY THIRD PARTY THROUGH LICENSEE FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE OR SPECIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF DATA, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, ARISING OUT OF OR IN RELATION TO THESE T&amp;C OR LICENSEE’S USE OF THE SERVICE, WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF SAMSUNG HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES AND NOTWITHSTANDING THE FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY REMEDY. LICENSEE’S UNDERSTANDING, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THIS SECTION ARE THE LEGAL BASIS AND CONSIDERATION FOR THE SERVICE PROVIDED UNDER THESE T&amp;C. SAMSUNG’S CUMULATIVE LIABILITY TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS, OR ACTIONS ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED THE FEES PAID BY YOU TO SAMSUNG OR A SAMSUNG LICENSE RESELLER FOR USE OF THE PRODUCT DURING THE TWELVE (12) MONTH PERIOD PRIOR TO THE DATE WHEN A CLAIM FOR DAMAGES IS FIRST MADE, AND IF SUCH DAMAGES RELATE TO PARTICULAR PRODUCT, SUCH LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO FEES PAID FOR THE RELEVANT PRODUCT GIVING RISE TO THE LIABILITY DURING THE TWELVE (12) MONTH PERIOD PRIOR TO THE DATE WHEN A CLAIM FOR DAMAGES IS FIRST MADE, IF ANY, OR $50, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. IN THE CASE OF PRODUCT THAT IS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE, SAMSUNG OR A SAMSUNG LICENSE RESELLER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS, OR ACTIONS ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT.12. INDEMNIFICATION12.1 You acknowledge and agree that Samsung shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or Injury suffered by You and/or End Users arising out of or in connection with the Service or Your use thereof, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless, and upon Samsung’s request, defend, Samsung, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents from any claims, liabilities, losses, damages, demands, actions, expenses and costs, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and courts costs arising out of or in connection with any of the following: (i) Your breach of any covenant, obligation, representation or warranty in these T&amp;C. (ii) End Users’ use of the Activated Devices and/or the Software. and/or (iii) any alleged or actual infringement of any third party’s intellectual property rights arising from the Software or Your deployment of the Software via the Service.12.2 You (and Your legal entity) agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Samsung from and against any and all losses, costs, liabilities or expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising, directly or indirectly, out of or in connection with (i) the willful or negligent acts or omissions of You or End User. (ii) breach of any of Your obligations under this T&amp;C. or (iii) Your use of or combination of Samsung’s marks licensed to it under this T&amp;C in a manner that infringes upon any third party’s intellectual property rights, to the extent that the infringement would not have arisen absent such use or combination by You.13. TERMINATIONThese T&amp;C and all rights granted by Samsung hereunder may be immediately terminated by either party if the other party has breached any terms of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days of a non-breaching party’s notice thereof. The provisions of Sections 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 will survive any termination of this T&amp;C.14. GOVERNING LAW. VENUE.These T&amp;C shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea, without regard to any conflict-of-laws rules. All disputes, controversies or claims between the parties arising out of or in connection with this Agreement (including its existence, validity or termination) shall be finally resolved by arbitration to be held in Seoul, Korea and conducted in English under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. provided, however, that each party may enforce its or its affiliates’ intellectual property rights in any court of competent jurisdiction, including but not limited to equitable relief. The arbitral award shall be final and binding on the parties. Except to the extent entry of judgment and any subsequent enforcement may require disclosure, all matters relating to the arbitration, including the award, shall be held in confidence.15. ENTIRE AGREEMENTThis T&amp;C constitute the entire agreement between You and Samsung and supersede all previous agreements and understandings, whether oral or written, with respect to the subject matter hereof.THIS T&amp;C ARE TIED TO THE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION BY THE ENTITY FROM A PERSON WITH LEGAL AUTHORITY TO BIND THE ENTITY TO THESE T&amp;C. CLICKING “ACCEPT” OR ANY ACT OF USING THE SERVICE PROVIDED UNDER THESE T&amp;C SHALL BE DEEMED AS ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THIS T&amp;C. IF YOU ARE AN AGENT OR EMPLOYEE OF THE ENTITY, YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT YOU HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BIND THE ENTITY TO THESE T&amp;C BY CLICKING “ACCEPT” OR OTHERWISE USING THE SERVICE.16. PROPRIETARY RIGHTSExcept the Open Source in Section 17, the software and Documentation in Services are confidential and proprietary information of SAMSUNG or its licensors. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the foregoing shall remain with SAMSUNG or its licensors. The software and Documentation in Services are protected by the copyright laws of the United States and international copyright treaties. This Agreement does not convey to you an interest in or to the software or the Service, but only grants you a limited right of use, which may be revocable in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.17. OPEN SOURCE SOFTWAREThe software in Services may contain or be provided with open source libraries, components, utilities and other open source software (collectively, “Open Source”), which Open Source may have applicable license terms as identified on a website designated by Samsung or otherwise provided with the applicable Documentation. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, use of the Open Source shall be subject to the applicable Open Source license terms and conditions are as made available at the URL or our service agent of Open Source notice site for each Product. (which terms shall not restrict the license rights granted to Customer hereunder but may contain additional rights).Schedule 1“Products” or “Services” means the following Knox Products, but each product’s availability may differ according to Samsung’s schedule, at its sole discretion.<ul> <li>Knox Configure is a product to (i) configure Samsung Devices (ii) deploy software owned or licensed by You on Samsung Devices. and (iii) otherwise manage Samsung Devices. More information is available at</li> <li>Knox Mobile Enrollment is a product to deploy and manage MDM/EMM applications on Samsung Devices. More information is available at</li> <li>Knox E-FOTA is a product to (i) selectively deploy the target firmware version allowed on Samsung Devices. and (ii) force a firmware and optional policies update across multiple Samsung Devices at a scheduled time. More information is available at</li> <li>Samsung Care+ for Business is a Samsung’s device protection plan to give your organization extended coverage for repairs and unexpected damage to your work devices. More information is available at</li> <li>Knox Asset Intelligence is a product to (i) get the battery data, App usage data, App error data, peripherals data, scanning data, wifi connectivity data and device location data from Samsung Devices (ii) upload the data to the server periodically or continuously. and (iii) provide the analyzed data with dashboard on Knox Intelligence portal. More information is available at</li> <li>Knox Manage is a product to (i) manage supported devices (ii) deploy certain applications and contents file to supported devices (iii) provide collected data information of devices on Knox Manage portal. More information is available at</li> <li>Knox Platform for Enterprise (KPE) is a military-grade mobile solution for IT admins to manage and secure Samsung phones, tablets and watches for business. More information is available at</li> <li>Knox Dual Data-at-Rest Encryption (DualDAR) is a product to protect sensitive work data against accidental misconfiguration, operator error or malicious attacks by using two layers of encryption</li> <li>Knox Suite is a comprehensive suite of Knox enterprise mobility solutions such as Knox Manage and Knox E-FOTA, which is designed to secure, deploy and manage Samsung devices. More information is available at</li> </ul>Annex<br>Important Terms and Conditions<br> <ul> <li>NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING CONTRARY IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS SHALL ADDITIONALY APPLY TO THE PARTIES IN REGARDS TO THE KNOX PRODUCT.</li> <li>DEPENDING ON YOUR POLICY, THIS KNOX PRODUCT (I) LIMIT AND RESTRICT THE END USER’S DEVICE FROM RECEIVING REGULAR UPDATES AND UPGRADES (INCLUDING CRITICAL SECURITY UPDATES AND OS UPGRADES) AND/OR (II) DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL CERTAIN UPDATES WITHOUT CONSENT OR PERMISSION FROM THE END USER CUSTOMER WHICH MAY INCUR ADDITIONAL DATA CHARGES (COLLECTIVELY, “LIMITATIONS”).</li> <li>YOU ACKNOWLEDGES SUCH LIMITATIONS, AND SHALL (I) CLEARLY COMMUNICATE SUCH LIMITATIONS TO EACH END USER AND (II) ENSURE THAT YOU WILL CLEARLY NOTIFY END USERS OF SUCH LIMITATIONS AND OBTAINS LEGITIMATE CONSENT FROM END USERS PRIOR TO APPLYING THIS KNOX PRODUCT TO SUCH END USERS’ DEVICE.</li> <li>SAMSUNG MAY, IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION, UPGRADE, UPDATE, CHANGE, MODIFY, DELETE, CEASE ANY FEATURES OF THE KNOX PRODUCT FROM TIME TO TIME, UPON REASONABLE NOTICE TO YOU. YOU ACKNOWLEDGES THAT SUCH CHANGED FEATURES MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH CERTAIN DEVICE MODELS AND/OR OS/KNOX VERSIONS.</li> <li>YOU SHALL PROPERLY NOTIFIES AND GUIDES YOUR END USERS THAT KNOX PRODUCT APPLIED DEVICE (INCLUDING ANY SOFTWARE WITHIN THE DEVICE) MAY ONLY BE MODIFIED, UPDATED, OR UPGRADED YOUR IT ADMIN AND NO ONE ELSE. SAMSUNG WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS ARISING FROM YOUR OR END USERS USE OTHER THAN EXPRESSLY STATED HRERIN.</li> <li>YOU ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT YOU WILL REFLECT (AND ENSURE CUSTOMERS AND ITS DOWNSTREAM CHANNELS TO REFLECT) THE ABOVE RESTRICTIONS (ALONG WITH OTHER RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN THE AGREEMENT) BACK TO BACK IN YOUR DOWNSTREAM CONTRACTS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IN YOUR END USERS CONTRACTS.</li> </ul>

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