
Terms of Service

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Forged in Norway. <ul> <li>Home</li> <li>Solutions <ul> <li>Business Solutions</li> <li>Personal Email</li> </ul> </li> <li>Features <ul> <li>Email Services <ul> <li>Preview</li> <li>Runbox 7 Project</li> </ul> </li> <li>Domain Hosting</li> </ul> </li> <li>Price Plans <ul> <li>Account Features and Quotas <ul> <li>Main and Sub-Accounts</li> </ul> </li> <li>Additional Privacy Features</li> <li>Payment Methods</li> </ul> </li> <li>Why Runbox <ul> <li>Privacy Protection <ul> <li>Email Privacy Regulations</li> <li>Why Runbox being in Norway is important</li> <li>Transparency Report</li> </ul> </li> <li>Security and Reliability <ul> <li>Secure Transfer of Email</li> <li>Secure Authentication</li> </ul> </li> <li>Sustainable Services <ul> <li>Why We Aim to Act Sustainably</li> <li>Runbox Is Double Carbon Negative</li> </ul> </li> <li>Ethical Consumer Best Buy</li> <li>Expert Support</li> <li>Easy to Move From Other Services</li> <li>Why Pay for Email</li> <li>Testimonials</li> </ul> </li> <li>About Runbox <ul> <li>Company Values</li> <li>The Runbox Team</li> <li>Annual Messages from the Board <ul> <li>Annual Message 2019 from the Board of Directors</li> <li>Annual Message 2020 from the Board of Directors</li> <li>Annual Message 2021 from the Board of Directors</li> <li>Annual Message 2022 from the Board of Directors</li> </ul> </li> <li>Terms of Service</li> <li>Privacy Policy <ul> <li>Third party services</li> </ul> </li> <li>Environmental Policy</li> </ul> </li> <li>Email School <ul> <li>How Email Works</li> <li>What are computer viruses. how to avoid them</li> <li>What is spam, and how to avoid it</li> <li>How to manage your Inbox — and more</li> <li>How to communicate clearly and concisely in email</li> <li>Are You Confused By The Technicalities?</li> <li>Email Netiquette</li> </ul> </li> <li>Support</li> <li>Help</li> <li>Blog</li> <li>Contact</li> </ul> Terms of Service <p> <em>Updated 24.04.2018. Effective 25.05.2018.</em> </p> <p>Runbox Solutions AS (“Runbox Solutions”), a company incorporated and located in Norway, provides users with email and web hosting services pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth below (the “ToS”). By accepting these ToS, you enter into a legally binding agreement with Runbox Solutions (“Agreement”) and agree to respect the ToS and be bound by the Agreement. The ToS applies to any and all accounts you may establish under this Agreement, and requires that you have appropriate authority or that there is consent from the users of those accounts.</p> <p>The Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Norway. You agree that the Norwegian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any and all disputes related to the Agreement. Oslo city court shall be the agreed legal venue.</p> <p>Terms and conditions in addition to the ToS may apply when using or purchasing additional or third-party services, such as web and domain hosting services.</p> 1. Description of Service <p>Runbox Solutions provides email, web, and domain hosting services, and other Internet based services (collectively the “Service”), allowing users to host and manage their email, set up and host web sites, register and manage domain names, and use other, associated services.</p> 2. Changes to ToS <p>2.1. Runbox Solutions may from time to time change the ToS and will make these available to you through the Service at least 30 days before new ToS will become effective, with the exception of unsubstantial corrections. You agree that your continued use of the Service after the date on which the new ToS has become effective is to be regarded as an acceptance of the new ToS.</p> 3. Changes to Service <p>3.1. Runbox Solutions may at any time augment or enhance the Service with new features, with or without prior notice.</p> 4. Term and termination <p>4.1. The Service is provided as a subscription based service. The initial length of the subscription period is chosen during the Trial Period and represents the term of the Agreement (“Term”). You may terminate the Agreement during the Trial Period, as described in Section 5.</p> <p>4.2. In order to maintain access to the Service, the subscription must be renewed before the expiry of the then-current subscription period, in which case the Term shall be extended accordingly. You may terminate the Agreement by not renewing the subscription to the Service. You shall not be entitled to claim any refund or compensation upon the expiry of the Term.</p> <p>4.3. You may terminate the Agreement and claim refund of the subscription fee for the remainder of the then-current subscription period if Runbox Solutions materially breaches its obligations pursuant to this Agreement and fails to remedy such breach within 30 days after you notify Runbox Solutions of such material breach.</p> <p>4.4. Additionally, you may terminate the Agreement if Runbox Solutions materially changes the Service or the ToS according to Section 2 or the Privacy Policy according to Section 8. Your notice of termination in such cases shall be sent to Runbox Solutions within 30 days of the notice of changes of ToS or Privacy Policy. Runbox Solutions may at its sole discretion provide you with a refund or a compensation, depending inter alia on the nature and scope of the changes and the length of your subscription.</p> <p>4.5. Runbox Solutions may terminate the Agreement with 30 days prior notice. Upon such termination, you may be entitled to a refund corresponding to the then-remaining period of the Term. Whether you are entitled to a refund or not will be stated in the termination notice.</p> <p>4.6. Runbox Solutions may terminate the Agreement without prior notice if you breach the provisions of this Agreement. You shall not be entitled to claim any refund or compensation if Runbox Solutions terminates the Agreement as a result of your breach of the terms of the Agreement. Additionally, Runbox Solutions is entitled to claim compensation for any damages as a result of your breach of the provisions of the Agreement, and may without notice terminate any future Agreement you enter into.</p> <p>4.7. Upon termination of the Agreement or upon non-renewal of the subscription your access to the Service will be closed and all stored data will be subject to deletion.</p> <p>4.8 The Agreement is non-transferable. Relatives of a deceased account owner may request termination of Agreement upon presenting official documentation and identification.</p> 5. Trial period, fee, and payment <p>5.1. The first 30 days of Term represent a Trial Period. You may use the core features of the Service during the Trial Period to determine whether it suits your needs. Prior to expiry of the Trial Period, you shall pay for the Service in order to maintain access to your account. If no payment for the Service is received prior to the expiration of the Trial Period, Runbox Solutions may close your access to the Service and the Agreement shall terminate upon such closure of access to your account.</p> <p>5.2. The subscription fee for the Service is provided on the Runbox web site. Runbox Solutions may at any time modify the subscription fees by updating the price plans on the Runbox web site. The modified fees shall apply to you upon your renewal of the subscription to the Service.</p> 6. Registration <p>6.1 When checking the “I have read and accepted the Terms of Service” checkbox during the signup process, you warrant that you are above the age of consent for the processing of personal data (13 years in Norway. 16 years in other EEA countries unless otherwise stated) or have consent or authorization from a holder of parental responsibility, and accept that Runbox Solutions collects certain personal data in order to deliver the Service. Runbox Solutions does not require registration of any data that is sensitive or that require special protection. Your personal data will be processed according to section 8 in the ToS.</p> <p>6.2. You agree to provide Runbox Solutions with complete and accurate registration information as prompted and to update this information as required to keep it current. You agree to remain solely responsible for all such information including your choice of username, should it be considered an infringement on the copyright and/or trademark rights of any company, organization, or individual. Runbox Solutions reserves the right to claim such usernames and usernames that may be perceived to be official Runbox addresses.</p> 7. Subscriber conduct <p>7.1. You are solely responsible for:</p> <ul> <li>the content you transmit through the Service, and you acknowledge that the Service acts as a passive conduit for the transmission of your data;</li> <li>the content you publish on website(s) hosted as part of the Service.</li> </ul> <p>7.2. You warrant that you will not:</p> <ul> <li>send unsolicited email directed to people not personally known to you, including but not limited to junk mail, chain letters, or other unsolicited bulk email, commercial or otherwise (more information);</li> <li>manage mailing lists without stating why the recipient is receiving the email or without offering a clear method by which recipients can unsubscribe from the list (more information);</li> <li>transmit or publish content that is unlawful, harmful, abusive, threatening, defamatory, invasive, vulgar, obscene, or that contains viruses or other similar harmful programming;</li> <li>transmit sensitive data to Runbox Solutions officials or representatives;</li> <li>impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a Runbox Solutions official, representative, or host, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;</li> <li>redistribute, represent, or resell the Service without written consent from Runbox Solutions;</li> <li>engage in attempts of fraud or forgery, including, but not limited to, the use of fraudulent credit cards or other falsified means of payment, forging message headers, or manipulating identifiers in order to alter or disguise the origin of any transmitted content;</li> <li>violate Norwegian law concerning the marketing and selling of pharmaceutical or other products;</li> <li>interfere with or disrupt the Service or servers or networks connected to it. or</li> <li>infringe on any third party’s intellectual property rights or proprietary rights, or rights of publicity or privacy.</li> </ul> <p>7.3. You will obey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of the Service or connected services, and observe and comply with any usage restriction set forth by administrators on this or appurtenant web sites, with regards to content, storage space, traffic, bandwidth, and other conditions.</p> 8. Privacy <p>8.1. You consent to account information, registration data, and certain other information about you being stored and processed pursuant to our Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy is available online at the following address:</p> 9. Limitation of liability <p>9.1 You agree that your use of the Service is at your own risk. Runbox Solutions shall use its best efforts in order to ensure that the Service is responsive, reliable and functional. However, Runbox Solutions does not warrant that the Service will be error-free, available at at any given time or otherwise fulfill any requirements or specifications. Runbox Solutions shall not be responsible for the consequences of delayed or missing email, downtime or inaccessibility of the Service, or loss or corruption of stored data. You agree further that no such event shall make you entitled to claim refund of the subscription fee or terminate the Agreement.</p> <p>9.2. Neither you nor Runbox Solutions shall be be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential loss as a result of breach of provisions of this Agreement, including inter alia lost profit, lost anticipated savings, losses as result of delay or disruption of production or operation, loss of data, or third party claims.</p> <p>9.3. Runbox Solutions’ total accumulated liability to you is further limited to a sum equal to a 1-year subscription at the time your subscription was initiated or last renewed.</p> 10. Proprietary rights <p>10.1. Content, including but not limited to text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, or other material presented to you by Runbox Solutions may be protected by copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights and laws. You may use this material only as expressly authorized by Runbox Solutions, and may not copy, transmit, or create derivative works of such content or information without express written authorization.</p> <p>10.2. Data transmitted to or from your account, or stored in your account, will not be used by Runbox Solutions for any purpose, commercial or otherwise.</p> 11. Communication <p>11.1. All notices from Runbox Solutions to you shall be sent to your Runbox email address and/or to the email address that you provide as an alternative email address.</p> <p>11.2. All communication from you to Runbox Solutions shall be directed to one of the email addresses or contact forms available on the Runbox web site.</p> 12. Transfer of ToS <p>12.1. Runbox Solutions may at any time transfer ToS to another vendor with at least 30 days prior notice. In that case, section 4 paragraph 4 will apply, where applicable.</p> Service Highlights Secure and reliable<br> Privacy protected<br> User-friendly and easy<br> Dedicated support team<br> Affordable and scalable<br> Satisfied existing customers Price example 1 Mini main account<br>plus 5 Micro sub-accounts: Only $74.7 per year, or just $6.2 per month See all price plans <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;Start Free Trial&nbsp;&nbsp. Subscriptions are charged yearly and include an initial 60-day full money back guarantee Home - About Runbox - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy - Help - Support Center Copyright © Runbox Solutions AS

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