
Code Privacy

Code Privacy<p>Serenade is a freely available, open-source service. You can help improve Serenade by opting in to anonymously sharing: (1) audio data and (2) code data. This data has a huge impact on making Serenade more accurate and more powerful!</p> <p>Serenade does not collect your name, email, or other contact information. Instead, when Serenade is installed, a unique, random string will be generated and used as an identifier if you opt into sharing data with Serenade. If you reinstall Serenade or install Serenade on another device, a new random string will be generated.</p> <p>When using Serenade with a cloud endpoint, your audio data and the file you are currently editing are sent to Serenade servers, which allows Serenade's speech-to-code engine to give you the most accurate response for your code (e.g., by taking into account the code styling conventions in your file). Your audio and code data is never stored or persisted to disk unless you've opted into sharing it, and you can change your settings at any time from the Serenade application. All data is used exclusively to improve Serenade's speech-to-code engine.</p> <p>When using Serenade locally, all processing happens on-device, so no audio or code data leaves your device unless you've opted in to sharing it. To run Serenade locally, simply open the Serenade settings menu and select Server &gt. Local.</p>Audio Data<p>You can opt into sharing your audio data with Serenade in order to improve Serenade's speech engine. If you choose to share your audio data, then the audio from your voice commands will be stored and used to improve Serenade's machine learning models.</p>Code Data<p>You can opt into sharing your code data with Serenade in order to improve Serenade's natural language to code engine. If you choose to share your code data, then the file you are currently editing, filename, and editor name will be stored along with the response that was generated from our speech-to-code engine.</p>

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