
Cookie Policy

3Commas logo, link to main page<ul> <li>Features<ul> <li>FeaturesSmart tools for traders with no limits</li> <li>Smart TradeTerminal with enhanced automation</li> <li>TradingViewOver 100 deal start signals</li> <li>Crypto-SignalsProfessional trading strategies</li> <li>DCA BotPurchase at opportune moments</li> <li>GRID BotTrade in sideways markets</li> <li>Options BotBuy Call and Put Options</li> <li>HODL BotBuild your long hold portfolio</li> <li>Exchanges17+ major exchanges</li> <li>Trading terminalProfit from quick scalps</li> <li>EnterpriseOrchestrate thousands of accounts</li> <li>System statusServices availability and more</li> </ul> </li> <li>Plans<ul> </ul> </li> <li>Price Charts<ul> <li>Crypto PricesPrices Live Charts</li> <li>ConverterCurrency converter</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Bitcoin</li> <li>Ethereum</li> <li>XRP</li> <li>Terra</li> <li>Dogecoin</li> <li>Smooth love</li> <li>Shiba inu</li> <li>Polkadot</li> <li>Luna</li> <li>Cardano</li> <li>Vechain</li> <li>Solana</li> </ul> </li> <li>Trading Bots<ul> <li>DCA BotPurchase at opportune moments</li> <li>GRID BotTrade in sideways markets</li> <li>Options BotBuy Call and Put Options</li> <li>HODL BotBuild your long hold portfolio</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Binance Bot</li> <li>OKX Bot</li> <li>Deribit Bot</li> <li>Bittrex Bot</li> <li>KuCoin Bot</li> <li>Kraken Bot</li> <li>Bitstamp Bot</li> <li>Huobi Bot</li> <li>Ripple Bot</li> <li>Bitfinex Bot</li> <li>Ethereum Bot</li> <li>Bitmex Bot</li> <li>Crypto.com Bot</li> <li>Coinbase Bot</li> <li>Bybit Bot</li> <li>Dogecoin bot</li> </ul> </li> <li>Developers<ul> <li>3Commas AppsPublish your app on our marketplace</li> <li>Apps ChatCollaborate with other developers</li> <li>API GitBuild unique functionality on top of 3Commas</li> <li>API ChatShare your technical knowledge</li> </ul> </li> <li>Company<ul> <li>About 3CommasLearn more about us and our story</li> <li>CareersWe are hiring! Apply now</li> <li>Knowledge baseGet answers to any question</li> <li>PartnershipTeam up with 3Commas</li> <li>SecurityWorld class security and protection</li> <li>BlogLearn all about crypto</li> </ul>Stay in touch<ul> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> </li> </ul> </li> <li>Academy<ul> <li> </li> </ul> </li> </ul>Sign InTry It Freeen<ul> <li>Russian</li> <li>French</li> <li>Portuguese</li> <li>Chinese</li> <li>Spanish</li> <li>Korean</li> <li>Czech</li> <li>Turkish</li> <li>Deutsch</li> </ul>Cookie Policy<p> <strong>This Cookie Policy is effective as of February 16, 2022.</strong> </p> <p>This policy specifically explains how we deploy and administer cookies on our website https://3commas.io&nbsp. (the "Site"), as well as the options you have to control them. For further information on how we process your personal data, see our Privacy Policy.</p> <p> </p> <p> <strong>What are cookies?</strong> </p> <p>Cookies are small pieces of data stored in text files that are stored on your computer or other devices when websites are loaded in a browser. They are widely used to remember you and your preferences, either for a single visit (“session cookie”) or for multiple repeat visits (“persistent cookie”). They ensure a consistent and efficient experience for visitors and perform essential functions such as allowing users to register and remain logged in. Cookies may be set by the site that you are visiting (“first party cookies”) or by third parties, such as those who serve content or provide advertising or analytics services on the website (“third party cookies”).</p> <p> </p> <p> <strong>The types of cookies we use</strong> </p> <p> </p> <p> <strong>Required cookies</strong> </p> <p>These are necessary cookies, without which the Site won’t work properly or be able to provide certain features and functionalities. Some of these may be manually disabled in your browser but can affect the functionality of the Site.</p> <p> </p>Cookie nameHostnamePurposeExpiry<p>1c</p> <p>3commas.io</p> <p>Stores user selected language</p> <p>Session</p> <p>visitor_id</p> <p>3commas.io</p> <p>User ID is used to match users from the landing page and within the project</p> <p>7305 days</p> <p>px-browser</p> <p>3commas.io</p> <p>User browser data</p> <p>30 days</p> <p>agreement</p> <p>3commas.io</p> <p>Shows status - whether user Agreement approved or not while registering</p> <p>365 days</p> <p>PANEL_STATE</p> <p>3commas.io</p> <p>Shows status - whether sidebar opened or closed</p> <p>31 days</p> <p>HIDDEN_BALANCES</p> <p>3commas.io</p> <p>Shows status - whether users balances opened or hidden</p> <p>31 days</p> <p>CHAT_OPEN</p> <p>3commas.io</p> <p>Shows status - whether Intercom chat opened or closed</p> <p>31 days</p> <p> <strong>Preference cookies</strong> </p> <p>Preference cookies are used to recognize repeat visitors to the Site. We use these cookies to record your browsing history, the pages you have visited, and your settings and preferences each time you visit the Site.</p>NameHostnamePurposeExpiry<p>_ym_uid</p> <p>.3commas.io</p> <p>Used for identifying site users by Yandex.Metrica.</p> <p>365 days</p> <p>_ym_d</p> <p>.3commas.io</p> <p>This cookie saves the date of the user's first site session by Yandex.Metrica.</p> <p>365 days</p> <p>_ym_isad</p> <p>.3commas.io</p> <p>Determines whether a user has ad blockers by Yandex.Metrica.</p> <p>20 hours</p> <p>VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE</p> <p>.youtube.com</p> <p>A cookie that the YouTube sets that measures your bandwidth to determine whether you get the new player interface or the old.</p> <p>180 days</p> <p>CONSENT</p> <p>.youtube.com</p> <p>Used by Google to store user consent preferences</p> <p>6026 days, 15 hours</p> <p> <strong>Analytical cookies</strong> </p> <p>Analytical cookies monitor how users reached the Site, and how they interact with and move around once on the Site. These cookies let us know what features on the Site are working the best and what features on the Site can be improved.</p>NameHostnamePurposeExpiry<p>gtmauth</p> <p>3commas.io</p> <p>Initializing the google tag manager</p> <p>Session</p> <p>gtmformid</p> <p>3commas.io</p> <p>Initializing the google tag manager</p> <p>Session</p> <p>_ga</p> <p>.3commas.io</p> <p>Contains a unique identifier used by Google Analytics to determine that two distinct hits belong to the same user across browsing sessions.</p> <p>730 days</p> <p>_ga</p> <p>.tradingview.com</p> <p>Contains a unique identifier used by Google Analytics to determine that two distinct hits belong to the same user across browsing sessions.</p> <p>730 days</p> <p>_gid</p> <p>.3commas.io</p> <p>Contains a unique identifier used by Google Analytics to determine that two distinct hits belong to the same user across browsing sessions.</p> <p>1 day</p> <p>_gid</p> <p>.tradingview.com</p> <p>Contains a unique identifier used by Google Analytics to determine that two distinct hits belong to the same user across browsing sessions.</p> <p>1 day</p> <p>_gat_UA-106216314-1</p> <p>.3commas.io</p> <p>Used by Google Analytics to throttle the number of requests received by users</p> <p>1 hour</p> <p>_gat</p> <p>.3commas.io</p> <p>Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate (limit the collection of data on high traffic sites)</p> <p>1 hour</p> <p>yandexuid</p> <p>.3commas.io</p> <p>Registers data on visitors' website-behavior. This is used for internal analysis and website optimization.</p> <p>365 days</p> <p>yuidss</p> <p>.yandex.ru</p> <p>Collects information on visitor behavior on multiple websites. This information is used on the website, in order to optimize the relevance of the advertisement.</p> <p>365 days</p> <p>yabs-sid</p> <p>.yandex.ru</p> <p>Registers data on visitors' website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website optimization.</p> <p>Session</p> <p>i</p> <p>mc.yandex.ru</p> <p>Used for identifying site users.</p> <p>3650 days</p> <p>ymex</p> <p>.yandex.ru</p> <p>Registers data on visitors' website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website optimization.</p> <p>365 days</p> <p>_ym_visorc</p> <p>.yandex.ru</p> <p>Allows Session Replay to function correctly</p> <p>1 hour</p> <p>YSC</p> <p>.3commas.io</p> <p>This cookie is set by the YouTube video service on pages with YouTube embedded videos to track views.</p> <p>Session</p> <p>_koko_analytics_pages_viewed</p> <p>youtube.com</p> <p>Worldpress analytics cookie</p> <p>6 hours</p> <p>_gat_gtag_UA_29998092_1</p> <p>3commas.io</p> <p>Google Analytics cookie to throttle the request rate.</p> <p>1 hour</p> <p>amplitude_id_e417d01</p> <p>727c9c7595d73037cdc</p> <p>a2b3433commas.io</p> <p>.tradingview.com</p> <p>These cookies are set by Amplitude analytics, which helps to better understand how our website is used.</p> <p>3650 days</p> <p> <strong>Marketing cookies</strong> </p> <p>Marketing cookies are placed on your computer by advertisers and ad servers in order to display advertisements that are most likely to be of interest to you. These cookies allow advertisers and ad servers to gather information about your visits to the Site and other websites, alternate the ads sent to a specific computer, and track how often an ad has been viewed and by whom.</p>NameHostnameExpiry<p>__adroll</p> <p>d.adroll.com</p> <p>These cookies enable us to identify your device when you move between different digital properties so that we can serve targeted advertising to you</p> <p>395 days</p> <p>__adroll_shared</p> <p>.adroll.com</p> <p>395 days</p> <p>_fbp</p> <p>.3commas.io</p> <p>Facebook Pixel is advertising first-party cookies. Used by Facebook to track visits across websites to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.</p> <p>90 days</p> <p>IDE</p> <p>.doubleclick.net</p> <p>Used by Google's DoubleClick to serve targeted advertisements that are relevant to users across the web. Targeted advertisements may be displayed to users based on previous visits to a website. These cookies measure the conversion rate of ads presented to the user.</p> <p>390 days</p> <p> <strong>Controlling cookies</strong> </p> <p>Where you have consented to our use of cookies through the consent banner, apart from necessary cookies, you agree to our use of cookies as per this policy. You may at any time change or withdraw your cookie consent by clicking a shield icon on our website, which opens the cookie consent banner.</p> <p>Most browsers provide ways to control cookie behavior, such as the time they are stored – either through built-in functionality or by utilizing third-party plugins.&nbsp;</p> <p>If you would prefer to opt-out of cookies, you should be aware that you might lose some features and functionality of the website. Cookies, including those which have already been set, can be deleted from your device. You can also change the preferences in your web browser to control cookies. Some internet browsers have a „Do Not Track“ or „DNT“ setting - this sends a signal to websites asking them not to track your browsing.</p> <p> </p> <p>For more information on how to control cookies, check your browser or device’s settings for how you can control or reject cookies, or visit the following links:</p> <p>Firefox</p> <p>Chrome</p> <p>Safari</p> <p>Microsoft Edge</p> <p>Internet Explorer</p> <p> </p> <p> <strong>Contact us</strong> </p> <p>We may update this notice from time to time. If we make significant changes, we will let you know, but we ask you to check this notice regularly to ensure you are aware of the most updated version. If you have any questions about our use of cookies, you can find the most relevant contact details in our privacy notice.</p> <p>This Cookie Notice was last updated on February 16, 2022.</p>Platform<ul> <li>Features</li> <li>DCA Bot</li> <li>Smart Trade</li> <li>GRID Bot</li> <li>Options Bot</li> <li>HODL Bot</li> <li>TradingView</li> <li>Trading Terminal</li> <li>Crypto-Signals</li> <li>Exchanges</li> <li>System Status</li> <li>Wallet</li> </ul>Trading Bots<ul> <li>Binance</li> <li>Bittrex</li> <li>Bitstamp</li> <li>Bitfinex</li> <li>Bitmex</li> <li>Coinbase</li> <li>OKX</li> <li>KuCoin</li> <li>Huobi</li> <li>Bybit</li> <li>Deribit</li> <li>Kraken</li> <li>Ripple</li> <li>Ethereum</li> <li>Crypto.com</li> <li>Dogecoin</li> </ul>For Developers<ul> <li>3Commas Apps</li> <li>Apps Chat</li> <li>API Git</li> <li>API Chat</li> </ul>Legal Information<ul> <li>Terms of Use</li> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>Complaint Procedure</li> <li>Cookie Policy</li> <li>Refund Policy</li> <li>Partnership Agreement</li> <li>Terms of Referral</li> <li>Bug Bounty</li> <li>API Terms of Use for Developers</li> <li>Wallet Terms of Use</li> <li>Wallet Privacy Policy</li> <li>Terms of Use for Marketplace signallers</li> </ul>Company<ul> <li>About us</li> <li>Careers</li> <li>Partnership</li> <li>3Commas &amp. Binance</li> <li>Blog</li> <li>Knowledge Base</li> <li>FAQ</li> <li>Reviews</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Plans</li> <li>For Enterprises</li> <li>Business Partners</li> <li>Price Charts</li> <li>Sitemap</li> <li>Security</li> </ul>Get our weekly digest!SubscribeTry again© 2022TelegramFacebookTwitterDiscordYoutubeVisaMasterCardBitcoinLogoPayPalAppStoreGooglePlay <p> </p>

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