
Cookie Policy

<br> Cookie Policy <br> Psiphon believes in all Internet users' rights to privacy. All information collected by Psiphon Inc. is not personally identifiable as it relates to users. <br> For additonal information about how Psiphon respects your privacy, please see our Privacy Policy <br> This page contains information on what cookies are, the cookies used by the Psiphon’s website, how to switch cookies off in your browser, how to specifically switch off advertising cookies, and some suggested reading on the subject. What are cookies? Cookies are small text files that are stored by the browser on your computer or mobile phone. They allow websites to store things like user preferences. You can think of cookies as providing a ‘memory’ for the website, so that it can recognise you when you come back and respond appropriately. may contain links to other websites of interest. We have no control over the content or data collection policies of these websites. We cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting these sites. <br> How does the Psiphon website use cookies? Our Websites and Service use cookies and other similar technologies (collectively in this Policy, "cookies"), in order to provide a better service to you and to generally improve our Website and Service. The types of cookies we use are: Site performance cookies, Anonymous Google Analytics cookies, Third party YouTube cookies. Site performance cookies: Site performance cookies are necessary to help our Website and Service to work as intended. You may disable any of these functional cookies as described below. but if you do, various functions of the Website or Service may be unavailable to you or may not work as intended. The "__cfduid" cookie is set by the CloudFlare service to identify trusted web traffic. It does not correspond to any user id in the web application, nor does the cookie store any personally identifiable information. This cookies remains for 1 year unless deleted. Learn more here <br> Anonymous Google Analytics cookies: Every time someone visits our website, software provided by Google generates an “anonymous analytics cookie”. These cookies can tell Google whether or not you have visited the site before. Your browser will tell Google if you have these cookies and, if you don’t, Google generates new ones. This allows Google to track how many individual users we have, and how often they visit the site. This type of cookie persists only for the duration of the session. <br> We cannot use the information generated from these cookies to identify individuals. We use them to gather statistics, for example, the number of visits to a page. <br> Learn more about Google Analytics' Privacy Policy here and to opt out, visit here <br> How do I turn cookies off? It is usually possible to stop your browser accepting cookies, or to stop it accepting cookies from a particular website. <br> All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. You can usually find these settings in the Options or Preferences menu of your browser, or you can use the Help option in your browser for more details. <br> The following links provide detailed instructions for deleting cookies for each browser: <br> Google Chrome <br> Safari <br> Mozilla Firefox <br> Internet Explorer <br> <br> Helpful links If you would like to find out more about cookies and their use on the Internet, you may find the following links helpful. <br> All About Cookies Cookie Consent by SilkTide - What are Cookies? <br> <br> The IAB has provided the following website to give information specifically about privacy as it relates to advertising in the EU. If you would like to contact us about cookies please email us at <br> <b></b> uses cookies to help better understand how our users heard about us.<br> <u>Find out more here</u>. OK Psiphon. <br> <br> Company About us <br> Open Source <br> Blog <br> Policies Privacy Policy <br> Cookie Policy <br> Facebook Bot <br> License <br> Help FAQ <br> User Guide <br> Psiphon Guide <br> PsiCash <br> <br> Follow us here: <br> &nbsp. <br> <br> © 2021 Psiphon Inc.

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